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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest alligatortears

got into my first car accident today..

nothing too bad.

my car is fine,

but there is a long scratch on the other lady's bumper.

they say it can probably just be buffed out,

and don't even need to make it complicated


but i still feel crappy.

and worst yet,

i had my fiance's little brother in the car with me.

i feel so guilty and embarrassed.

i know almost everyone gets into a small accident,

but gah...


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Guest MangoStar

In the beginning, I actually thought that I was the problem, but the more this entire bollix unravels, the more I realize that these people just don't have all their screws set in their minds. I don't even know why he's defending her, because she's talked mini cooper on his girlfriend too. Maybe he just doesn't want to upset wacked out mom? Meh, I don't even know anymore. All I know is that I'm not the crazy one.

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Guest adorkableheo

Why? Why am I such a pushover? My mom is going to kill me.

WHy did I have to sneak it out? My first time breaking the rules,

i never break the rule. I can't believe this. T_____T

No one wants me. I just know. stop pretending that you do.

why ... i hate this life i'm living.

no one understands me. no one... if i can find one day that can

understand me.you guys are all mean people.

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Guest firstlove127

stop the rain already. God....its been raining all day. i want to go hangout too. STOP THE RAIn. it really pissing me off. GDI. and why is it that you said you'll take me out to eat and not. ARG!. PLEASE STOP THE RAIN, I only have a few more day and im gone. why it is keep raining.

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Guest `dang sun mei

None of this stupid crap would have happen if you two didn't come with me to this trip. Seriously, I wanted to go by myself and have a nice chill vacation to california. I'd get a break if you two and you'd get a break from me. Going through all that whatever it was this morning with our luggage. I had no problems with my stuff. NOTHING wrong. But then you overpack this time always telling me that I pack way too much and whatever, well karma is out to get you. I really wished I didn't have to go on this trip with you, mom or my little sister.

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I hate my family.Why do I even bother calling them family?I given up on them so many time.I'm tired of all this crap,I've stopped caring.This morning I woke up,and the phone rung.So I picked it up.It was my dad.He needed to talk to my mom or their unsuccessful business.It was something about printing an invoice for a customer.She happend to be mowing the lawn.I stood outside on the phone yelling at her to get on the phone for 5 minutes.She didn't respond.I hung up since he wasn't even paying attention to the phone call anyways.Five more minutes later she lectures me at how I'm lazy and useless for 10 minutes straight.I hate when she lectures me.She always complaining about how I try to act different and antisocial.It's not acting.Has it ever occurred to you that I'm just weird or that I don't like talking to people?I hate my 'family',end of post.

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I am so tired of my grandma. she always makes a big scene whenever we are about to have guests over and I AM SICK OF IT. I swear, she keeps rambling about how we don't let her rest at all and we're trying to kill her. Yeah right. more like trying to kill us with her screaming and annoying rants. And I keep yelling at her and saying , STOP TALKING! AND LET ME WORK !  and she's like.. you want to kill me huh? and i'm like WHAT THE F ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? she is seriously pissing me off and i hope she doesn't start anything tonight cause I swear. I am gonna scream at her if she does in front of all the guest. TT___TT 

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Guest Wendyyy






Okay, end vent. Thanks. 

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Guest Inevitable

The internet seems slow around this time, IDK why I post updates around this time either


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Guest starlightt*

Urgh, I cancelled all my plans today because of a family outing, but we're not even going today. Instead I have to again, cancel my plans for tomorrow. Sitting at home during the summer .. greaaatt .

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Guest chopper!

OMG, father acting up on me again! stupid idiot. i hate him and want him to die.

he has never been in my childhood memories and he yells at me as if he knows me. pff. he drinks and smokes all day long becus he says he wants to die faster! r u kidding me? in front of your own children you say this? not to forget choking my mother in front of me, throwing a piano chair at me, mother, and brother when we were young, and how about the time you stole your own son's money! wow. thats pretty low.

honestly, i want you to die faster too! when's cancer coming up? you are ruining this family just by being here! you used up all our money and now mother is working so hard to earn it back. do you even have a job? i tell everyone you don't becus mother constantly complains to me about how you just don't have one.

you smell like dog poop becus of all that smoking and i bet you didn't even know i was allergic to the smoke! yeah, i get headaches! but whenever i tell you you're bugging me, you brush it off and say that you don't even want to hear it. WOW. just WOW. THATS WHY YOUR OWN SON RAN AWAY FROM HOME! BECUS YOU BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF HIM INSTEAD OF ASKING WHAT WAS WRONG WITH HIM!

now you gave up huh? gave up on your son, your life. yeah, i wonder too, why you don't die faster. you've been drinking and smoking since your 20s and your 50 years old man. just why aren't you gone yet?

i don't need you, i have myself to worry about. i have no time to worry about you. so stop complaining about your problems to me. its annoying.

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what the hell!!!!!!!

my high school is charging me freakin' a $600 requirement fee for my books!!!! WHAT THE HECK!! THIS IS HIGH SCHOOL! :tears:

this school is just SUCKING the money out of my family!

everything that's happened and happening is such a freaking nightmare...

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Guest 5bchm

I can't believe what type of fool you are. You are a distrustful and dishonest lying S.O.B. I can't believe i trusted you. You go and put that dog girl on your facebook. That was the last straw for me. I don't want to have any contact with a lying fool like you anymore. You ruined my summer last year causing me to feel sad. Now look what you have done. I told you repeatedly in that thick headed, big head of yours that this girl was trouble. Then then next thing you do, you decide to add this girl secretly on your facebook and hang out with her and take a picture of her damn f dirty hair from her cut. You could not even take a few photos of your dogs swimming for me. Yet you take a picture of her dirty disgusting hair and post it on your facebook. Go head. She is like your ex, that's the kind of girl you like. Ones who step on you so that you can complain about it. I know you don't love me then because you choose to remain friends with her despite me telling you all this. Your friends don't trust this lying attention seeking dog girl. I gave you a choice to either be friends with her or break up with me. You keep saying me. Its all a lie. I can clearly see it. You want to be friends with this girl because she says all the nice things to you to feed your ego. Well there you have it. I have broken up with you already. You can go be friends with her all you want and yes, even be her new lover. I have wasted all my time talking to you telling you this girl was trouble. Yet you don't listen to me. You love to listen to her. You are a big fool. I am pissed off at you. Hopefully after you read my long msn msgs you will delete all my photos off your damn facebook. Because I don't want this crafty lying girl to know anything about me. I already told you that. But you are a damn dishonest and distrustful person to go ahead and do that. I don't want you to msg me, call nor do I ever want to see you anymore. I am mad at the fact that your secret activities have forced me to become a snoop that I had to check your facebook to see what you were up to. F that, I mad that you caused me to become such a lowlife. When we go back to school don't bother to look at me at home or talk to me. If I have to, I'll coup myself in my room while you walk around so I don't have to look at you. It will make me sick! I am absolutely disgusted at you right now. You could not do something so simple for me. You easily made your choice. I hate you! End of this rambling rant about some f idiot who I now hate.

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