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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest Rainie_Days

You are such a hypocrite - it's almost laughable.

You call me and text me almost everyday about your life and your boyfriend and your ex-boyfriend...as a friend, I'm willing to listen but I want you to understand too that I have a life as well! What's ironic is that you said your boyfriend phones you everyday and that you find THAT annoying...well I guess you're feeling what I'm feeling?

That is actually just the minor issue.

My problem is really how you handle situations. Supposedly, you were on a break with your ex, then somehow you are with who you're with now and within 3 days, you slept with him?! (Rachel and Ross moment in Friends...but worse). I'm not surprised your ex got mad and slapped you. I probably would've too if I was him!

Girl, you don't even know who you love anymore. -_- How do you expect someone to love you?

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Guest lizelle

Nooooo! I have school tomorrow. My sophomore year sucks butt, seriously. I'm failing right now and i'm leaving before the first semester ends which means i have to raise my freaking grades within 12 days. Omg, i hate school so much. My teachers suck at teaching especially Ms. G she's so unorganized! & Mrs. J is nice an all, but i don't want her as my math teacher because well..she's not very good at teaching & i can never focus in that class.

I'm such a procrastinator! I barely did any of my homework over the break! Waaaaah~ i feel like crying. I wish they didn't switch schools, d.mn btches!

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Guest tpotter10
<_< Why does the new year, have to start, out **ity i had to buy a new router for my wireless internet. tht sucked. i missed my best friends son's wedding recepttion, saturday night, what a way to start the year. :blink:
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Guest atlanteay

ahh i think i found my favorite thread.

pleaaase stop playing around with me. I hate it when people touch me and you're so nice so i don't want to say it so bluntly. But seriously, stop touching me and stop hitting on me. And stop sitting in my seat in the mornings!! Catch me in a bad mood and i'll kick you out of it. Oh and you're too short so it'll never happen therefore..LEAVE ME ALONE!

Seriously, stop telling me about your relationship problems or social events. I can care LESS about what he did for you yesterday or who went over to your house. Don't try to show off how you can be better than me. I don't care about which car your parents are gonna buy you because guess what? I have a license and you don't so it doesn't matter what you're getting when you CAN'T even use it.

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Ah, back again am I?

Why bother shouting at me if I'm not going to do it? Words are like guns in a war; they hurt. And yet, you keep throwing them uselessly around me..


How nice..

I suppose I shall now lock myself in my room.

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Guest siu.siu03

Life has never been as painful in the past, as I feel it now. I am so angry with myself, why? I should have been more selfish and thought about myself first before putting "others" as a priority. I have done so much, yet "others" make it feel like I haven't accomplished anything at all.

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

you are absolute jiral. Can you stop trying to force me to go to places I don't want to go to? Why do you want me to go with you that much anyway? I didn't mind talking with you on nye but tomorrow, you won't even be in the right state to talk so why should I even john teshing bother with you?


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Guest Yunho<3

I don't feel so well.

1 or 2 hours of sleep and now i have to finish this big drawing.

I hate school.School can kiss my azz.

I want my winter break back!

5 more moths from today and i'll be out of school.

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Guest -yourstruly

Crap. I shouldn't have procrastinated. Now I'll have to stay up the whole night T_T

And also fml. If you tell us that it's due right after Christmas break, then COLLECT the friggin sheet! Don't make people lose sleep and work on it for 15 hours straight then tell us that it's actually due later. I could have been using that time to do my other projects which I now have to stay up the whole night to finish. Screw you T_T

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Guest chopper!

ughh, my stupid stomach is ruining my life!! what's wrong with you stomach! can't even go through 4 classes, always having to leave early, pissing teachers off when i have to go to the bathroom all the time >(

geez, stomach, i thought you were acidic so i have you breakfast. but nooo, breakfast makes things worse, huh! digestive prob? grrr you stomach! i have no clue anymore and you're ruining my daily life! T^T

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