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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Why did mom and dad have to keep this a secret for such a long time?


Ugh..I was old enough to take it..but now it's been so friggin long I have to think about everything that happened in the past..

If I knew he was layed off I would have spent my money wiser..I would have begun saving for college..

I have to admit..I'm worried..am I going to have enough money to go to a college of my choice?

I understand now why my parents want me to stay home for college..less money spent..


I can't even think straight now...


I feel like crying.

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sighs* first dead resident that ive been with... ='( it was so hard.

even harder when everyone kept asking if i was okay..

im glad he passed away so soon tho.. didnt want him to suffer anymore.

rip mr bernie <3

you'll always be in my heart

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Just shut up. You act you ever do anything. All you do is play game all day & you say I don't do anything. Just shut up! I'm tired of it. You're a low-life. You don't even know what you're going to do in the future. You're lazy and dumb. I don't care if I'm sounding harsh because it's true. We try to tell you to do something and you get mad. You're so stupid. Call me lazy when I do more stuff than you. At least I have a brain and I know how to do things around the house. I know I don't know everything, but I know more than you. So just shut up. You're so annoying. Find something else better to do. You're all talk & you can't do anything. Don't even say anything about me when I know I'm doing everything better than you. At least I have plan of my futre. At least I'm doing something better than sitting around the house all day and playing stupid games. I hate it! JUST SHUT UP & GET A LIFE!!! :angry:

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Guest MangoStar

Dude, shut your mouth. You have no right trying to critisize me and my decisions when it comes to how I live my life.

No, I don't respect you. I don't even like you. I never will. Stop trying to act like my father when you can't even take

care of the many children you have. You're a low life. You've made nothing of yourself and yet you try to put me down.

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Guest Regina Rae

Well, I didn't get ANY sleep last night for some reason (actually, not getting any sleep is normal for me) so of course today I feel like crap.

But guess what? My suffering doesn't end there. Oh no. My aunt is coming to visit today, and OF COURSE she's staying in my room.

So tonight it's the couch for me D:

Another night of no sleep.. <_<

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Guest sunny_dance

god! why didn't i bring this up sooner?!?!

stupid me! why am i so hesistant?

i hate it. sayonara to my first choices!

ugh! why didn't they adjust it before, stupid people who can't do their job!

can't they just write a check, so i can get it payed already!

geez, why does everything have to be so last minute?

i guess i just love torturing myself!

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Guest dudeilovefood


i REALLY thought you could be my ebst friend.

but now it's like you jsut want to be popular, i'm just glad that now..

you're moving.

mayeb things were better this way? just maybe?

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Guest infinite*

My tonsils hurt. Such a boring day. Nothing happened. I have no Idea where you are. I miss you. No one can cheer me up these days. I miss my friends. I hate school. Schools approaching. Trials in a few months away. I haven't studied. I haven't touched a book since two weeks ago. I have to return my books from the library. I haven't read any of them. It's not my fault they aren't that interesting. I feel disgusting. My neck hurts I don't know why. My bed isn't made. My tonsils hurt, my tonsils hurt, my tonsils hurt.

I just want my best friend back. Can't you see I'm suffering. We were inseparable or so I thought.

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Guest MangoStar

I feel like ripping my hair straight from my scalp whenever you all are around. Not a day passes when you're hear that I have to hear

what a selfish, moronic and bad child I am. However, whenever they do something of equal caliber or more, you idiots say absolutely

nothing to them! As if they do no wrong!! I'd wish you all would realize that I don't live my life to please you, so newsflash, get over


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Guest WYtherapist

Today totally sucked..again, l didn't go out either today.

& after reading those terrifying "current events" just made my day even worse.

Now..l just feel depressed..

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Guest lizelle

what the heck, YOU'RE ANNOYING.

what? you're tired? sooo? what does that have to do

with you saying rude shizz about my mom?

are you stupid? i honestly want to slap you in the face.

you'd be so surprise to hear what people have to say about you.


psh, you don't do shizz. i bet when you come home from work..

you call your boyfriend and talk to him all night.

you are such a liar. you're lucky we're related because if we weren't

i'd attack the eff out of you.

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