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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest mochilove

Chemistry + Analytic Geometry + Physics= my day couldn't get any better. >_<

seriously, these subjects have drained my brain power. <_<

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Guest Becko

so fricken annoyed!! thats why i dont like lettin people borrow my fricken money!! you do a good thing and only bad things happen. i swear the good people are always the one who gets screwed over. tired of always bein so damn nice!

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Guest mikk

my cousin is the biggest bubble gum in the world. appreciate what you john teshing have, okay? you're gonna lose it sooner or later so enjoy it now you john teshing inconsiderate pinkberry.

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Guest soulremix.

Stupid brother. He really needs to grow up. He's turning 17 in two months and he still acts like a bratty 8 year old -___-

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Guest ♥cheri♥

quarantined in china. why the hell does this freaking have to happen to me?!?! @_@ out of all planes, someone had to get a fever on MINE. wtfwtfwtfalskdjfalksjdgbflakjfgb. now i'm stuck in a room till further notice. i have enough energy right now to run a billion miles. a marathon. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

the first thing i wanna do is fly home, go to the beach, and SCREAM. stupid friggen swine flu!!!!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG

in a room, getting my temp taken EVERY DAY, freaky goggles/labcoat/gloves/mask lady's face pisses me OFF.

everyone's patience is running low.....sister's getting snappy, mom keeps yelling....and me? ranting. trust me. NEVER lock yourself up in a room for DAYS. if i didn't steal someone else's wireless internet out of desperation, i would've died of boredom a loonnnngggg time ago. FML

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I've had enough of these complaints, theres no more energy in me to argue back. To be honest, there really is no point in arguing back, coz you'll never listen.

and ARGH. WHY OH WHY has my school not broken up yet!?!? THIS IS SO annoying, there really is NO POINT in going to school, its just adding unnecessary stress.

I just want to be on holiday now and get away from EVERYTHING. T_T

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Guest Jay z

john tesh my parents.

They pulled the same mini cooper just like they did with Japan.

They get me hyped up, all ecstatic that I'd be finally leaving this mini cooper hole called Orange Park, just to disappoint me in the end.

Screw my life.

I'll be spending the next year in a crowded house, with my bean pie parents, my jobless sister, and her three kids.

But of course, I'm just a selfish pinkberry according to my family.

Whatever, john tesh you for making my life miserable.

You gotta love drug overdoses to fill that empty space in your heart.

Don't be surprised if you find me hanging from my ceiling one day.

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Guest Starberriee

OMG OMG OMG OMG I HATE MOON. (It is this girl's name)

Basically, I got a high math mark so my parents didn't force me to go to math school over the summer. The catch was I had to do something "worth while". In my parents eyes it is making money. After going through jobs, they said I was too young. (14) SOOO, instead my dad decides I should help this girl he hired at his shop. Instead of her doing OT, I do all the crap she couldn't do at work.

What is even better about this deal!? I get to do all the chores, while I'm at it. My mom keeps telling my dad that an allowance is only going to spoil me, so that with me working on this paperwork I can pay off "rent" for living in their house. My mother also deeply believes that I am not "working", since my desk is in front of the computer. She assumes I am "playing" all the time. She hasn't seen the pile I have completed. When I proudly showed my dad how fast I worked, she said Moon did it. I am not my "break" right now, soon I will have to continue with the graphing and charts. (Breaks is when I sneak on the computer...cause I don't want to deal with anymore numbers)

I get off days! I should be happy right?! NO I AM NOT, on my days off my mom is FORCING me to volunteer at a culture center. What do I do there you may ask? I take out the garbage, filing paper, mop the floors, clean the windows. MORE CHORES. From the beginning of the school year (Sept) til now they haven't given me credit for even 1 HOUR of my volunteering. They tell me someone else is responsible for giving it to me. HECK NO. My mom doesn't even care whether or not they are giving me hours, she keeps saying, "They will just work more." I don't see the reasoning.

What COMPLETELY blew me off the top tonight is that Moon, the girl I'm doing the work for. Isn't going to do the Shipping Logs and sales!!! I am already doing the Receiving Log and Sales as well as the Chequeing and payments. HOW THE HECK DO I DO ALL THAT?!

There goes my summer. Lock inside my house with my idiotic brother, shopaholic mom and a dad that seems powerless against my mother. I am penniless, have most of my summer plans ruined and I have no way around this. They threaten to stop my cellphone plan and internet server.

I am so pissed, I want to go live somewhere else. Far away. Far far far far away. Or blow off some steam. :fury:

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Guest meow_

life sucks balls for me right now.

i cried myself to sleep

...no one understands how i feel

my 'parents' are so so selfish

i feel so alone

i want to run away

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Guest doremii*

stop phoning me bubble gum. If I'm not picking up my phone, it's pretty damn obvious that I don't wanna talk to you. So stop john teshing calling me.

and why the john tesh is it raining so much.. in JULY? arghh

ok.. one more month and then I get the house all to myself.

one more month..

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Guest tranceeee

eff you! you WONT SHUT THE john tesh UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

always asking what're you gonna do for yr 12 and always thinking that i dont understand mini coopert because my chinese sucks. always thinking that i'm incompetent in my own freakin' language! you KNOW you're pissing me off but you still john teshing do it! YOU ACT LIKE A KID AND YOU'RE MY OWN john teshING DAD!!!!! so SHUT.THE.john tesh.UP!

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