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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest blackwhiteblue



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Why can't people grow up? Who goes and rudely replies to someone who hasn't even said anything offensive? Like, SERIOUSLY?

Who on Earth are you to use such horrible and highly unnecessary language to talk to me? Did I say something to offend you? NO.

Just richard simmons off and watch your mouth, you immature little piece of donkey crap. One of these days, I promise you, you will be told.

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Guest lemoncake0910

Complainers/whiners/excuse-makers are no fun to be with and ruin the fun of things.

why? cuz these things pissed me off:

- Asking "girl friend" whether she is interested in a certain travel package and we can go on a short vacation together. She says 'yes'. Later she calls back and makes excuses why it's not a good idea and says "what if one of us gets sick during the trip".. etcetcetc... and then ruins the fun to discourage the rest of us (who are interested) in going on the trip (although we still want to go without her.

- We changed the trip destination. Didn't bother informing the 'excuse-maker' about it, cuz we figured she wouldn't want to go anyways. A month later after we booked our plan tickets and it was the month of the trip, she finds out that we were gonna go on a trip and was upset with us that we didn't invite/tell her.

[Hello?? you sounded like you didn't wanna go on the trip with us, and were discouraging us from going on any trips, so that we can't plan anything fun (or have to cancel plans) unless you decide to join us. And this is not the first time you've done something like this to spoil our plans for something fun.]

So she decides to go too, but booked a last minute ticket... and we had to change hotel reservations for rooms and such.

- During the trip, there was lots of walking and visiting tourist attractions. She keeps complaining about the walking and says she tired and would rather stay in the hotel than go anywhere.


danggit, these people suck the "funness" out of anything and drive me nuts!!!

Can't stand these people. yeesh.

I'm for sure not going to invite these people for fun stuff or random shopping days with me any longer.

And she doesn't seem like a 'friend' either.

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Freaking sister called me a bee I am not the one who ran away just because of a guy. I really am sad to have sister like you. Go to hell.

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zomffffffg, she is so spoilt!

if that phone isn't Iphone, i will freaking throw it away! danggit, stop being sucha brat!

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Guest child2child

what is going on? Am I really as dumb as I think I am? or do I just lack motivation...

I really don't understand...

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Guest blackwhiteblue

im going to pretend u're not cool right now because it's our ten months and i at least want to see you. thanks for not letting me to go the bbq because now i'm completely broke. again. and i feel sick. and i have to bus to ur area anyways which is stupid. and i hate that i don't get to have fun like you do because my fun is complete innocent crap and you know i'm different >=(

bad day. i've burned half to death. and i want a drink. and u have it. and u wont let me have it. and i never get it.

and i want to party. again.

and i feel grumpy because i dont get to see you. so POO YOU. FART FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry:

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Guest innocia

I cannot believe that question really came out. Damn I looked through the solution and marked it but I kept forgetting to ask someone about it. That cost me 10 marks :tears: I'm so mad at myself.

I really should have started studying way earlier. I'm pretty sure I'll get 4Us

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