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Guest soju

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Guest t.fang'

you might want to start on a pvp server because they can transfer to other pvp servers or pve servers whereas pve servers can only transfer to other pve servers.

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hm.. are there any 'good' servers to play on or are all fairly equal? i dont want to join a crappy server

and im gonna need a lot of help when i start in a few days -_- are there also any good guides out there especially on character build?

tichondrius and illidan are two of the most balanced servers right now, and their pvp is off the hook. i started to play on tichondrius (alliance-side) and i encounter world pvp on a daily basis, which is pretty rare nowadays.

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tichondrius and illidan are two of the most balanced servers right now, and their pvp is off the hook. i started to play on tichondrius (alliance-side) and i encounter world pvp on a daily basis, which is pretty rare nowadays.

sry for noob questions.. but..

pvp is player vs player? as in guys on good side fighting against guys on bad side right? and is the definition of pvp limited to 1v1 or can it be group vs group? what is world pvp and what does pve (i think player vs everyone) mean? gah so noob.. -_-

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Guest A.Wesker
sry for noob questions.. but..

pvp is player vs player? as in guys on good side fighting against guys on bad side right? and is the definition of pvp limited to 1v1 or can it be group vs group? what is world pvp and what does pve (i think player vs everyone) mean? gah so noob.. -_-

PVP is correct, player vs player - horde vs alliance (its not limited to 1v1 unless u decide to duel them) you can join battlegrounds; where two teams battle against eachother for an objective - world pvp is just meeting the opposing side you encounter in the world. PVE is player vs Environment where your guild or group fight bosses and mobs in instances.. for exa,ple

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PVP is correct, player vs player - horde vs alliance (its not limited to 1v1 unless u decide to duel them) you can join battlegrounds; where two teams battle against eachother for an objective - world pvp is just meeting the opposing side you encounter in the world. PVE is player vs Environment where your guild or group fight bosses and mobs in instances.. for exa,ple

ah thanks for the explaination. and from what i understand in t.fang's post above.. a server can only be pvp OR pve and cant be both? and so.. if u are on a pvp server, it allows you to fight against players but you wont be able to fight bosses in a group?

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Guest A.Wesker
ah thanks for the explaination. and from what i understand in t.fang's post above.. a server can only be pvp OR pve and cant be both? and so.. if u are on a pvp server, it allows you to fight against players but you wont be able to fight bosses in a group?

PVP server allows u to attack the other side (horde or alliance) at any instance your in the world whereas in a PVE server you can only ask the other side to a duel and if she / he accepts your offer then the duel is on; in the world

i think thats the only difference - but yeh u can still do bosses and everythin like in the pve one .... - i think also in the PVE one people need to chat like character in LOTR with all that gibberish talk :P to add to the experience of the game :P kinda gay

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PVP server allows u to attack the other side (horde or alliance) at any instance your in the world whereas in a PVE server you can only ask the other side to a duel and if she / he accepts your offer then the duel is on; in the world

i think thats the only difference - but yeh u can still do bosses and everythin like in the pve one .... - i think also in the PVE one people need to chat like character in LOTR with all that gibberish talk :P to add to the experience of the game :P kinda gay

oh ok :P then i shall join a pvp server. i probably will have some race/class Q's that i will bring up later :ph34r:

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personally can't see a reason why people wouldn't play a pvp server.

broke 1900 rating in 3v3s, 1800 rating in 2v2s, and 1700 rating in 5v5s!

my noob sword is going to be replaced real soon. =)

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Guest A.Wesker
oh ok :P then i shall join a pvp server. i probably will have some race/class Q's that i will bring up later :ph34r:

:) happy to answer any just outta curiousity what side/class/race are you choosin ?

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:) happy to answer any just outta curiousity what side/class/race are you choosin ?

im not completely sure right now, maybe u can give me suggestions. for race im looking at undead and blood elf and class im looking at priest and rogue (also interested in druid but cant use undead or blood elf for druids.. and i was interested in archers but i heard they arent that strong?) but yeah, im not sure about the race/class combo, a little help? :lol:

[edit] i was also reading the wow website and came across this

Killing one of the powerful NPCs considered leaders of their race nets a high amount of honor. These racial leaders are all on a two hour spawn timer, and the bonus for their defeat is divided between participating solo characters, groups, and raids based on contribution. The racial leaders are:


Cairne Bloodhoof

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner

Lor'themar Theron

Highlord Bolvar Fordragon

King Magni Bronzebeard

Archdruid Fandral Staghelm

Prophet Velen

are those bosses? or are these racial leaders different from bosses of the game? and can u fight the leader while a group is fighting it at the same time?

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if your looking for rogues than i would pick undead since they have a high chance of resisting fear, sheep and charm

priest...i dont think it really matter much

druids well only the cows can be druids

and hunters (not rangers lol) i wanna say trolls or orcs

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Guest A.Wesker
im not completely sure right now, maybe u can give me suggestions. for race im looking at undead and blood elf and class im looking at priest and rogue (also interested in druid but cant use undead or blood elf for druids.. and i was interested in archers but i heard they arent that strong?) but yeah, im not sure about the race/class combo, a little help? :lol:

[edit] i was also reading the wow website and came across this

Killing one of the powerful NPCs considered leaders of their race nets a high amount of honor. These racial leaders are all on a two hour spawn timer, and the bonus for their defeat is divided between participating solo characters, groups, and raids based on contribution. The racial leaders are:


Cairne Bloodhoof

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner

Lor'themar Theron

Highlord Bolvar Fordragon

King Magni Bronzebeard

Archdruid Fandral Staghelm

Prophet Velen

are those bosses? or are these racial leaders different from bosses of the game? and can u fight the leader while a group is fighting it at the same time?

hunters are very nice to level up since its so easy and effortless :) since your pet can hold aggro and you just hit like 1,2 buttons.. priest are ok to level depending if you can run many instances as holy :) with a solid group, if u cant you might have to specialise in shadow form not holy (healin) druids are nice ...hmmm kinda average to level hehe doesn't really matter much for race - well on the leveling side; orcs have + axe skill and this bloodrage thingy where it increase attack power or spell power by 130 or sumthin so its ok for being a hunter as an orc or priest / lock. undead have this special ability to dispel fear and charms effects (fear is when someone cast you runnin in fear and charm is when a warlock uses its pet to charm you rendering you in a immobolized state. they have other little traits like breathing underwater for a little longer, oh druids (taurens) have 5% xtra life and +5 herbilism skill and i think warstomp (stomps ground - stunning anyone close by 2 seconds)

those are bosses in the game for everyone, for example thrall is in the horde town (orgrimmar) and is there for everyone on the alliance side to defeat (might need like 40 guys).. but gettin to him u must walk past like hundreds of horde - other bosses may be in instances where when u enter allows just the people who entered to defeat the boss (5 ppl per instance) some instances though are 10 ppl or higher :) buit only when ur at a higher level. so to answer your question - yes u can fight say thrall if even if your not in the group but you wont get the honor points since you need to be in the group, where as in the instance you need to be in the group to enter the instance with that group

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Guest SweetTea

A bunch of guys like playing Warcraft. I'd like to play,

because I am also a gamer, but I'm scared of getting

hooked. There was a guy who dropped out on his Senior

year of high school to play Warcraft. @_@

Any screenshots? C:

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Guest SweetTea

My friend's older brother. Some guys lessened their game time after hearing that. P:

I've never actually seen how people play the game. Maybe I shall search on google. O:

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since when have people taken two hunters into the arena? :)

anyways, they would either dance around the pillar on the bottom, los you using the pillar on top of the ramp, or hide behind the pillar that holds up the bridge.

don't know if hiding in the pit gives line of sight or not.

or you could just jump on the pillar with one of them, putting them in melee range

ice barrier -> fake cast and waste their silencing shot if mm -> poly the hunter on the other side -> frost nova -> laugh at hunter's melee dmg as you kill him with ice lance, coc, fb. -> repoly the other hunter if needed and then proceed to do the same with the other hunter

use your trinket / ib / coldsnap when needed

you could 1v2 hunters easily. :P

a good hunter would have traps/flares set up on the pillar as soon as he gets there, so your scenario is seriously unrealistic. besides, if two hunters can't pew pew me to death, they're either really undergeared or they suck.

but i have taken on 2 hunters before, but it can easily go in favor of the hunters.

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Guest Tatsuyin

not gonna lie wow is pretty addictive well atleast til 70 imo. After that it's pretty much you can relax and things don't take as much time unless you go hardcore raiding. I'm currently playing a hunter and warrior both are fun. Although hunters have a realllly bad rep on my server (Korgath) just cause most of them just spam arcane >>.

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im not completely sure right now, maybe u can give me suggestions. for race im looking at undead and blood elf and class im looking at priest and rogue (also interested in druid but cant use undead or blood elf for druids.. and i was interested in archers but i heard they arent that strong?) but yeah, im not sure about the race/class combo, a little help? :lol:

you can't lose with undead or tauren any-class. i think the worst class+race combos would be troll priest and orc warlock, but it doesn't make the huge of a difference.

if you're playing for the first time, you should either make a rogue or hunter. they're easy classes to level. priests and druids are imo the hardest classes to play correctly. another class you should consider are shamans. they can do it all, easy to play, and they're powerful at doing everything so well.

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i think the worst class+race combos would be troll priest and orc warlock, but it doesn't make the huge of a difference.

so not true. =P although I agree about troll priest.

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^seriously, what's not to like about a passive resistance to stuns?

easiest class to raise by far is the hunter, due to having a pet.

mages and warlocks aren't too hard to raise either. both deal an ridiculous amount of damage, there will be down-time after mobs though.

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