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Guest soju

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Guest Shrimp Crackers FTW! ^.-

Haha you all seem to PvP quite a bit :D

Here's mine ~


I stopped pvping really after I left my teams because they decided that they had a set combination of people that they would play, and so others in the team pretty much = useless ?

Not sure but they liked that combo so... I guess I had no place in the group.

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Guest Shrimp Crackers FTW! ^.-

tyvm drunken :)

i find it very funny being called shrimp crackers lols :lol:

At least you know the status of your guild, I stopped raiding for so long I'm not even sure where we're at, I think we have a few bosses in SSC on farm and we're working on downing vashj now....

yup its confirmed, we're working on downing vashj! :lol:

I think the only boss we downed from TK was voidreaver too :huh: but I heard he was a joke. ;\

Oh my I used too many faces ><

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Guest t.fang'

you can do the same and use it to your advantage.

those two pillars in the circle of blood? if two hunters get on there, it's pretty much game over. i've ran into plenty of hunters who use the pillars to their advantage and have blasted me in the face.

hunters don't need a buff. seriously.

since when have people taken two hunters into the arena? :)

anyways, they would either dance around the pillar on the bottom, los you using the pillar on top of the ramp, or hide behind the pillar that holds up the bridge.

don't know if hiding in the pit gives line of sight or not.

or you could just jump on the pillar with one of them, putting them in melee range

ice barrier -> fake cast and waste their silencing shot if mm -> poly the hunter on the other side -> frost nova -> laugh at hunter's melee dmg as you kill him with ice lance, coc, fb. -> repoly the other hunter if needed and then proceed to do the same with the other hunter

use your trinket / ib / coldsnap when needed

you could 1v2 hunters easily. :P

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Well, after only playing when I can cuz of midshift this week, and I must say I'm loving this game. I've played with Binh (MrBooBoo42), and he saved my richard simmons by helping out with a quest today. My first character is a female Blood Elf Rogue, cuz I can't play as male characters for some reason. :lol: I can't access the site from work, btu I'm playing on the Auchimounde (spelling) Realm and you can fnid me on there as Sati.

And I realize how addictive this game is, it made me forget yesterday was my dad's B-Day... >_< So I have to make up a lie on why i didn't call. LOL DAMNIT!!! 2 days into WOW and it's already affecting my life.... Damn that crack!

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Guest Take Five

^you'll probably see yourself neglecting all your console games too. it's probably cuz of WoW that i'm not even done with twilight princess yet. and i LOVE zelda.

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^you'll probably see yourself neglecting all your console games too. it's probably cuz of WoW that i'm not even done with twilight princess yet. and i LOVE zelda.

Well I doubt I'll neglect my 360 when Blue Dragon comes out, thats when WOW gets neglected. :lol: But yeah, I almost forgot to eat lunch today. I was like ack, need to eat. >_< At least I'll get more TV and movie watching done. Since I play WOW on my laptop, I always have the TV on. :wacko:

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Well, after only playing when I can cuz of midshift this week, and I must say I'm loving this game. I've played with Binh (MrBooBoo42), and he saved my richard simmons by helping out with a quest today. My first character is a female Blood Elf Rogue, cuz I can't play as male characters for some reason. :lol: I can't access the site from work, btu I'm playing on the Auchimounde (spelling) Realm and you can fnid me on there as Sati.

And I realize how addictive this game is, it made me forget yesterday was my dad's B-Day... >_< So I have to make up a lie on why i didn't call. LOL DAMNIT!!! 2 days into WOW and it's already affecting my life.... Damn that crack!

yo mike? you're playing at Auchi-what? It's either Auchindoun or Archimonde, lol. I have a character at Auchindoun, and I recently renewed as well. I'm playing at Tichondrius, alliance-side, at the moment.

here's my lv. 60 war that i retired after blizzard wiped the pvp grind system. it sucks because i got exalted statuses for all factions in the same week, and they wiped the system after about two weeks. pretty much caused me to quit at that time.

Sistorz - undead warrior

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yo mike? you're playing at Auchi-what? It's either Auchindoun or Archimonde, lol. I have a character at Auchindoun, and I recently renewed as well. I'm playing at Tichondrius, alliance-side, at the moment.

here's my lv. 60 war that i retired after blizzard wiped the pvp grind system. it sucks because i got exalted statuses for all factions in the same week, and they wiped the system after about two weeks. pretty much caused me to quit at that time.

Sistorz - undead warrior

Haha yeah, it's Auchindoun. Don't blame me, I'm new and haven't memorized it all yet. LOL Yeah my character's name is Sati. I would've checked the server, but I posted while at work, and they have WOW's website blocked. LOL My character is only at level 13, as I've only played about 12 hours so far. I wish I could look at the armory pages of you guys at work. I'll have to wait until I get home...

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This thread seemed to have gotten pretty popular :P

Anyway, I play on Rivendare horde side. My guild cleared Kara and Gruul, and are attempting SSC and Mag. But since we lack some classes and some others are undergeared, we're kinda in a slump. <_<

Anyway, here's my characters:

My Main (Rogue)


Alt One (Warlock)


Alt Two (Mage)


Twink (Rogue)


I joined about a year ago, and this what happens. I also have another 60 warlock on Demon Soul but since most of my friends rerolled I had to abandon it and temporaraly abandon my rogue, until I transferred him earlier this month. :D

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Guest Drunkken

my hunter is getting boring, raiding is just a hastle, wasting 6 hrs of my life but i still do it anyways...ARGH WHY?!

but im getting my tauren warrior to 70, hes 50 right now on Nathrezim.

pm me if ur horde and on nathrezim.

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Hmmmm.... I wonder if a lot of girls play this game? =O!!

My best friend and I are like THE only females that play amongst a guild with 983475983745843 males


Anyways... I was wondering if anyone's ever traded accounts with someone? O_o

You know what the chances of being scammed are? >_>

I know like....3 or 4 of my friends scam and they keep telling me that if I get scammed, they'd hunt down the person for me -___-'' but ugh... still worried =X



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Guest darkboy

right now i have a level 31 blood elf paladin, i used to have a level 28 human warlock but i got bored of it. actually the only reason i created him was to get a felguard but i found out u have to be like level 50 something lol.

oh, our guild is Gods of war on illidan, my char's name is Heartgrave pm me if you guys wanna play together lol.

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Hmmmm.... I wonder if a lot of girls play this game? =O!!

My best friend and I are like THE only females that play amongst a guild with 983475983745843 males


Anyways... I was wondering if anyone's ever traded accounts with someone? O_o

You know what the chances of being scammed are? >_>

I know like....3 or 4 of my friends scam and they keep telling me that if I get scammed, they'd hunt down the person for me -___-'' but ugh... still worried =X



i know alot of females that plays the game and i wouldnt trade accounts....very bad idea

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Anyways... I was wondering if anyone's ever traded accounts with someone? O_o

You know what the chances of being scammed are? >_>

I know like....3 or 4 of my friends scam and they keep telling me that if I get scammed, they'd hunt down the person for me -___-'' but ugh... still worried =X



I really wouldn't trade accounts with someone. There's a high chance the account you're going to recieve is gonna be a trial account. Its so much of a hassle it isn't worth it. And I really think there isn't anything your friends can do about it if you get scammed. And I also think trading accounts is a bannable offense if Blizzard finds out.

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Ya I know it's technically "not allowed" sigh* o_O

I know of a few accounts that have been recalled while my friends played on it and it's so stupid =S

I guess I won't since I have been playing with this account for a while >_< I'm really attached to it lol

Thanks ^^



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hm.. are there any 'good' servers to play on or are all fairly equal? i dont want to join a crappy server

and im gonna need a lot of help when i start in a few days -_- are there also any good guides out there especially on character build?

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