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Asian Issues And Racism

Guest heygingersnap

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Guest Azn_princess

OMG those richard simmons me off too.

They would ask how to say a word or something in Viet, and I would tell them

and then they would be like Ching chong ching ching shing. and they would ask me if i can translate that.

¬¬ and when i tell them no, they say it again and laugh. ¬¬"

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Guest smile-jw

Very annoying and ignorant. I live in a district with like 70% hispanics with barely any asians...

last week.


girl in my class: "I only know konichiwa, and thats it."

D: wow.

Once I had a sub who was asian, and everyone was making fun of her when she was writing things on the board.

It was so stupid, I really just wanted to sock them in the face.

And its expecially annoying when they go "ONE DOLLAR" in that stupid accent. u_u

I was talking to my friend one day about Kaba Modern, and I said "This just proves america that asians CAN dance", and this hispanic guy started cracking up. -_- Whats so funny, man?

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Guest YamaSushi7

Yea, its the most annoying thing I usually hear from non-asian people.

Actually, my friend who is Chinese says it a lot to make fun of other people who say that.

Kinda..flipped, haha xD But I think its funny when she says it~

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Guest chinese tears <3

I don't think all Asians outside of Asia struggle. I think it really depends on where in the world you live. Like I'm from the Bay Area [san Jose] where the Asian population is so large it's almost a majority so we don't feel the need to struggle and prove ourselves. I think the only struggle some Asians here have faced is breaking out of the stereotype that all Asians are smart and earn good grades, because it's not true and some people feel pressured by it. People in areas with very little Asians probably feel a struggle though.

Lol, I don't think the topic starter meant this to be anything about pity or whatnot; it's just a neutral discussion about it where people can say how they feel if they do experience it, rant about it, whatever. All of us minorities whether Black, Asian, or Mexican have felt some sort of struggle at one point at another which can't really be rated with a degree of pity. If you don't care for the topic, don't post in the topic right?

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Guest skyhigh302

Hearing the whole ching chong deal gets annoying after hearing it a million times.

I used to laugh about it but now I don't even laugh anymore because i've heard it so many times that it isn't funny.

But since people don't understand that it is old, I usually reply with a comment back.

For example:

guy-ching chong chow..did I say it right?

me-your mom

OH!!! And the number one remark I hate is when people say "why do all asians look alike?"

So now I reply with this, "well to us asians, all you white people look alike so shut up"

And that does the trick. They will never bring it up again =]

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Guest JetGirl

urgh, i hate it when they do that, surprisingly this really stupid guy called my chinese freind a GOOK. and we were like..thats derogatory,not for us but for koreans, richard simmons.

seriously, i just turn round and say: 'HONESTLY, WTF IS CHING CHANG CHONG-THATS NOT EVEN A LANGUAGE.'

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Guest mikamoui
It happens quite often stuff like..

"Open your eyes, richard simmons!" remarks like that or.. I heard stuff like,

"Hey, can you cook me a £1 special!?!!"

all that stuff is so weirdd.. Usually I'd just give them that stare :fury:

and they'll back away.

ergh, I hate stuff like that ¬¬!!

i know one way you can solve the eye part XD i got it from nigahiga though

if they say open your eyes richard simmons then you should say:


lawl but i need a good comeback with the "do you eat dog?" one ;~;

i go to a school with mostly black kids and if they ever do the "ching chong chong" thing to me i'll just do that clicking noise to them -_-

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Guest superyunji

Pisses me off too. :/

I got pretty upset in the second grade when someone called me Mulan (I'm Korean).

And there's nothing wrong with Mulan <3, but it just bothered me because the kid didn't know me

and it seems a lot of people around me are like that too. Uhhh, frustration. ><

And yeah, other Asian stereotypes, like Asians eating cats/dogs bother me too.

I wouldn't do it myself, but I don't believe it's any different from people eating pigs and cows. There's a lot of people that consider them pets just as much as cats and dogs..

Rrrghh. People can be such xenophobes.

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i know one way you can solve the eye part XD i got it from nigahiga though

if they say open your eyes richard simmons then you should say:


lawl but i need a good comeback with the "do you eat dog?" one ;~;

I'd say if they say open your eyes you should open your eyes WIDE with your fingers and say "yup i could see =]"

For the dog...hmm...I'd probably say I don't eat dog but there's probably others that do but I don't. It'd make for a good conversation haha.

But seriously, though, the easiest way to cope with a stereotype (or anything) is to joke about it yourself. In the end, if you keep doing it the person will find nothing to make fun of you with because you're making fun of it too.

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Guest jello24

So I screamed back at him in Vietnamese. In the end, he just turned away, with his face completely red, while his friends laughed.

really? he just walked away red...? that guy is weak. man if he was half the bully as some asians are, he woulda tried to imitate you and it woulda been YOU who walked away red.

you're lucky. count your graces actually, cause his buddies are gonna unload a bigger world of racist comments on you, just for screaming and giving them ammo to work with.

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I guess I'm lucky because I've never had to face any of those stupid ignorant people. But probably because I live and goto school in an Asian dominated neighborhood. Actually, my high school IS dominated by Asians. (Mostly chinese people) So no one messes with us! :D

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yes, agreed. totally pathetic and it's simply racism. and really annoying. AND DUMB.

my friends usually come to me, and my mom sometimes come in and says something to me on vietnamese. and when she leaves, they usually laugh and say "haha, ching chong jiong klong?" and they usually makes fun of my parents name to.

it really annoys me, but i usually only yell at them when they bother someone else.

like a month ago, somebody said to a guy in my class "ching chong, chineseman! hahaha" (it rhymes on norwegian) and i yelled totally at him. he went all red and walked away.

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Guest expressway.

yea. growin` up with the 'ching chong' thing was really annoying. but now, people's gotten over it though from time to time, there's the idiot who goes 'OOH -- chinese! waka aki baba yoo' or whatever but its really easy to brush off.

i mean, im not the one making a fool out of myself, jumping around,squinting my eyes, and scratching myself like a gahtdamn monkey right? ;D

& for the 'all asians are smart' stereotype, it mostly refer to girls, where i live anyway. all the boys are dumb as rocks except for like a handful. .. and some people have gotten past the idea im 'smart' too xDD haha.

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Guest skyhigh302

Every culture carries racism towards another culture.

Unfortunately it's something we can't change and have to deal with for the rest of our lives.

Being full korean, I get so much crap from native koreans for being so americanized.

I remember when I went to Korea one summer, some airport guard yelled at me to speak in korean and not english o.O

My brother gave him the middle finger and we walked away pissed off.

Not only that, most people think i'm mixed so they starting speaking trash about me.

A month ago, we went to this school that had a lot of koreans for a basketball tournament.

I was with my friends and these korean girls started talking trash about me and my friends and I mean rude richard simmons.

So I turned around and asked them what part of Korea they're from.

Their reaction was hilarious..they were like "are you korean?" O.O <--that's how their eyes looked

And I was like "yeah bi*tch, i'm full korean."

Once I told my teammates (who had no idea what was going on since they aren't korean) what happened..our whole team stared them down.

Yeah it's pretty interesting but it hasn't happened to me too often. But trust me, it isn't just koreans. I was in West Virginia a year ago and people there couldn't understand how a person can be mixed LOL. No offense to the people there but yeah..we live in a crazy world.

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I hate it when people do that. I remember some guy walked up to me and was like "What does ching chow something mean?"

and I'm like I DON'T KNOW, DOES IT LOOK LIKE I KNOW?! :angry: and he just walked away, LOL.

And I remember one time somebody was like:

Person: Konichiwa

Me: That's Japanese.

Person: Oh really? I thought it was Chinese...

Me: <_<

Gahhh people are sooo annoying when they do that, I swear it's not even funny.

Oh and this dude in my class keeps asking me, "Do you like bok choy?"

I just ignore him.

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Guest simplicity90

yep. i find the older generations of asians to be more racist. for example my mom, she's not like full out racist but she makes these comments like " be careful or some black/mexican guy is gonna kidnap you" that just irkes me. and my dad would call me and ask me where i was and i would say with friends and he'll ask what ethnicity are they and i'll answer him and then he would go on saying go make more vietnamese friends (cause we're mostly viet). arghh that makes me wanna say "shut up dad!" but i can't cause of the whole respect thing. but i think that my family has adapted to the states and they won't go to the point of kicking out someone of our house based on their race. they've learnerd to be more open minded.

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Guest sea.jk

omg, those people richard simmons me off so much <_<

ignorant.... grr....

it depends on my mood, what i do though. like ignoring them, cursing back at them, flicking them off etc.

i only got physical one time, with this idiot when i was already having a bad day.. haha.. i have a feeling he might not be able to make babies anymore ^^

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