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Asian Issues And Racism

Guest heygingersnap

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Guest bigfatPANDA

What does Ching Chong Chow mean anyway?

there is no meaning in any asian language for that. :l

it's just what people THINK we say. and they think it's pretty darn funny too. >[

well, when people say that to you, reply with like "yeah, i know your mom is a rainbow" or some stupid crap like that.

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Guest DarknessFalls

im malay plus this and that, and i consider myself asian. from southeast asia, means im asian yes?

which is interesting because Filipino history comes from the Malay, yet Filipino-Americans say they are Pacific Islanders and not Asian.

and Yes, Malay is considered Asian.

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Guest yamaki_LOVE


That pisses me off

I'm not chinese or viet

I'm cambodian

And they would be like

" Ching chow ma ka hao "

I be like wtf? And its hekka

Messed up since they're like

Looking down on us and think

They can torture us or make fun of us ><

Pisses the mini cooper out of me.

And I'll hear them say

" Open your eyes "

"Could you see me?"

Cause my eyes are tiny when I smile it dissappears :P

But anyway I let it slide

But now HERE where white people live

I'm not racist

But they freaken make fun of asian people

And they say stuff to us. Cause

There's not a lot of population

Of asians where I live. :/

And one day I'm just gonna blow up in their faces.

I'll tackle them. <_<

Show them what I'm mdae up :D

And omg. I get that too

" They go asian eats animals?

Dog?s ewww . Animal killer "

F.cken racist. Next time I'll say

Them : asians eat dogs?

Me : hell no. But I think your mom is one.

^ yeah I know lame comeback <_<


When they say something I'll say something back.

Rawr. Pisses me!

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Guest Miss Vivienne

I remember when I was little and I lived a white majority community...

and then Mulan came out. Then my name was practically Mulan since I was the almost only asian in the whole town. o_o

Other than my family and this korean family who were far older than us (I was like 5 or something, their children were like in college, highschool.) =_=

Then I lived in an asian community so like somebody said in another topic, you insult asians, you're basically commiting suicide. Well, now that I live in a hispanic community, I've had a few people come up to me to say Ching Chong Ching, but they were purposely being stupid so yeah... If they really yelled it or was mocking me, I would flip out. D:

I think the asian struggle/wave is coming back in however. Min and G-soul, America's Best Dance Crew, etc.

Everytime I see an asian on some show, I do realize that everyone gets tense and scared as if they're afraid they're going to say something wrong, and then they're going to get bashed by every asian in the US.

I think we really don't do anything unless you mess with us first. That's why we're so lowkey, imo. o_o

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Guest kOoHII

i'm so glad you made this post! here are some of my two cents:

you're a minority but you don't get recognition for being a minority (aka affirmative action doesn't apply to you)

it's okay to make fun of asians on TV but it's not okay to make fun of blacks and/or latinos (i.e. Eddie Murphy's Norbit)

it's okay to sterotype asians in the media by calling them kungfu masters, "asian chick" (in MI:3), etc. but they don't really have a name

we have to celebrate martin luther king jr. day and cezar chavez day..and black and latino heritage month but we've forgotten about asian american month and other asian american heroes

history books merely glance over the racism and racist laws imposed on early asian immigrants but we spend months and months learning about slavery and the jim crow laws

it's never okay to call blacks and latinos racist names but it's sometimes okay for black and latinos to call you names (sometimes) because society understands "their struggles" throughout history

to be really honest (**it's just my biased opinion...you don't have to agree with it)...i think blacks and latinos have nothing to complain about when it comes to racism and "color" struggles compared to asians. yes all "people of color" go through some sort of racism but at least they have affirmative action...at least it's not politically correct to call them rascist names...at least they have people representing them in the media. asians have to work extra hard to earn recognition because they don't get any special treatment whether it means getting into the top schools or in the media because they're not given any "special treatment".

i don't see it as an "asian" struggle because everyone has struggles. by emphasizing that it's an asian struggle....i'm doing nothing to help society become color blind.

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ya know what? I'm glad you posted this.

it seems that you really do like asian people. ><;


it's simply not right. All asains around have been put into the china town sh.t

=_____= annoying much?

Every year since what 5th grade? They force us to learn about racism for about two months. Which include jim crow laws, Martin luther king, and the civil rights movement. Blacks had their moment to shine! Yay, congrats to them.

Latino's are slowly making a rise, taking over alot of places.

Asians aren't really recognized for anything. Most of them fall into the really smart category, && we get stereotyped into the whole math wiz thing. If we try be ourselves, and start talking slang or something, suddenly we're wannabe's. If we dress a sudden way, suddenly we're trying to be something we aren't. Because we all have natural light skin and dark hair doesn't mean we are all chinese. To add on to that, we dont even speak the same language, or even come close to it. ARGH - it's so annoying.

Society was distinguished the struggles between different racist. Even the native americans are recognized for something.

They should really remake the history books. =______=

-- lisa

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I'm just glad that we live in a diverse world.

Let's see...when my street was a really active playground (:lol:) several years ago, we had 10 filipino families, 4 white families, 2 black families and all the kids were pretty much cool with each other.

Hell, my old group of friends used to consist of 2 filipino, 2 white, 1 filipino/white so we were pretty split right down the middle :lol:. It was really our weekly waterfights that brought the kids of the street together :).

But really...over where I live it's a pretty much diverse atmosphere.

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People always make these threads as if it's a competetion or what race struggled more

or who deserves more pity.


No offense to the OP

But instead of making these pointless threads about " Why X race gets treated so badly"

yall should be making threads about how people can get along

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I got the utmost respect for ya'l


You guys a kinda making a break in the media

little blips in the media

no what i mean?

as my fam said

"its time to break down that door"


for the history books


they need to remake em

they only thing you hear bout azns

is they built the railroads

thats it

and in 7th grade history is was a little better

we learned bout the dynasties in china

and we learned about japan and such

but that was for like less den a month



how am i saying which race is deserves more pity

no one else had a problem wit mah topic

if you don't like it

you can escort your self out


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Normally, if I were to get a racial remark torwards me I'll just respond back with a racial remark towards them but in a jokingly manner.

Easy example of a friend of mine who's black.

Him: ey foo, help me out! you're asian, you're smart!

Me: you're black and your stupid

him: exactly! now help me out!

Me: aight, what do you want :lol:.

Hah. Another time I remember I was eating outside on the benches at my college with my friend and then a group of black people came up (more than likely because we were sitting at their hangout spot) but they stood off a few steps until we were done but one of them whispered "you like fried lice?" (probably to get us to leave) but I looked directly up to my friend and I wanted to bust up so loudly knowing that she gets reaaally irritated and annoyed by those remarks to the point where she wants to throw a fit when she hears one but oh well ahah.

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Guest CitrusFlower

i notice how you have alot of different holiday celebrated in my school and the only one we have is the chinese new year, and thats only chinese how bout all those other asian?thai, japanese, korean,vietnamese, cambodian, indian etc. the little chin town thing. they assume i live in china town because i'm asian <_< i'm known to speak "Ching chong" <----- grow up.

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I got the utmost respect for ya'l


You guys a kinda making a break in the media

little blips in the media

no what i mean?

as my fam said

"its time to break down that door"



how am i saying which race is deserves more pity

no one else had a problem wit mah topic

if you don't like it

you can escort your self out


Like I said I wasnt trying to offend you

but why do people have to keep making topics "Why does X race get treated to badly and X race doesnt?" people make it seem like it's some kind of race to see who gets treated worse or something.

I wasnt trying to disrespect you OP.

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Guest CitrusFlower

i'm sure most asian get those. i have people in school saying how asian eat fried rice and egg roles thinking i didnt hear it and i have this girl making fun of how chinese people dance and she doesnt even know im half chinese. the ching chong thing happen to alot of people even me but they dont intend for me to hear it and i got"konichiwa" once

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Well thats not what this topic is about


(as in which race should be pitied more)

if that was true

the topic name wood be

"black struggle"

like I said

everyone knows about the black/latino struggle


what i dont do

is the ching chong stuff

or those pots and pans sounding names

just retarded

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Guest chinese tears <3

I've never gotten it... I'm from a city with a very large Chinese population so we're not exactly a minority. Everyone just keeps to their own kind really. When people are made fun of, it's because they're really stupid not because of their ethnicity. I just think it's hilarious when us Asians go to places with very little Asian populations and the non-Asians stare at us like they've never seen an Asian before. -_- It pisses me off sometimes.

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