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Illegal Downloading Of Music, Movies, Etc.


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yes it is wrong... but i do this... and my elder siblings too.. well the don't have any worries in illegal downloading...

well as i am...

1. a total music (well kpop & jpop) lover..

2. a senior middle school student

3. not in a job or anything that let me have my own money

4. expenses in this country is SUPER HIGH

how can i not download songs?

and trying new artists always amuse me.. but i think it's wasteful if i buy a cd that i don't like all the songs in it... i'd rather save for my future expense..

so i really think downloading music is alright.. as there are billions of talented singers/groups.. you wouldn't possibly afford to buy EVERY SINGLE ONE of them..

as for movies.. you've been hearing stories of it.. and there are many reviews of it that says it's a really good one.. and it says if you need to watch it once in a lifetime... but.. none is aired or sold at the country we live in... what would you do? die of the curiosity? the other choice we have? yes.. by downloading..

I do say it's wrong.. but it's necessary :)

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Guest lonely_rain...

You can download illegally first and see if you like that singer/group

Then if you really like them..then you should BUY THEIR CDS to SUPPORT THEM!! <3

I downloaded SeeYa's albums and I was like...OK im definitely gonna buy their next album no matter what!!!!!!!!

cuz im in CRAZY LOVE WITH SEEYA <333333333

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Guest iyagi

I know it's not good. But I do it anyways :T

I'm sorry, but you know if I HAD the money to buy all my favorite artists' CDs, I totally WOULD.

But I'm a poor high school student with no job, so I can't.

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i dont think it is that bad

because before when i was younger, there was no way for me to get any asian music (there werent any places that i lived near that sold it and i couldnt buy online) so i would just download. but now sometimes i buy album cause of the goodies they have in it LOOL. but most of the time i download cause i dont really feel like waiting for it and having to pay like $20 for something i can get free.

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I download music. Tbh, I don't care if it's wrong or not.

If I were to pay for all the music I've downloaded - I'd basically be bankrupt.

But I like music - sooo... I just download.

same here and with the new invention of Ipods and MP3 players, CDs are going to die out just like cassettes did. The only CD players my family owns are the ones in their cars...and half the time they listen to the radio or burn their own music.

Aside from word of mouth, the internet and illegal downloads is a good way to get your self out there and spotted. I think that's how Wong Fu became so big...and because of them I discovered David Choi, Far East Movement, Magnetic North, Thomas Aparment and other musicians.

Although I did download Lady Gaga's Disco Heaven... I am considering whether if i should buy it or not.

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i feel absoultly no guilt ...does that make me a bad person NO

I CANT AFFORD THE CD'S!!!!! plain and simple.

they still make money from movies ringtones tv radio etc.....

god forbid if the money was cut from 4 million to 2.( not saying this is the amount for everyone)

i'm not trying to be insensitive here im just saying you want me to listent o the music

well i cant afford 15 to 20 a pop for CD and most likely only listen to 2 songs on it.

nobody said they dont deserve to make a live but come on when they lower the price on cd's to 5 dollars maybe i will purchase it.

i just cant afford it. this is a reccession i could barely afford school dues....and ur complaining about songwriters not getting their money. i wish i had a nice job like that instead the rest of use are working at the walmarts of the world. i just think there are better things to complain about than ppl downloading music and royalties. last time i cheaked it wasnt illegal downloading that make the economy crash....

well it depends on your morals....

to me, if you knowingly hurt someone's livelihood, that's just plain wrong....

As I mentioned before, I understand why some people wouldn't want to buy the whole CD when you only want one or two songs on it.

The people who have heard my music here on soompi in the performers section know I'm a fairly good songwriter. I've made a grand total of $700 dollars in royalties and that was only last year.... It took me 10 years to get to that point. I've spent some $8,000 over the years on buying equipment to record music, and spent hundreds more paying singers/musicians to play on my tracks. I think songwriters should be able to get some compensation. As I mentioned before, many songwriters don't perform live and some are terrible singers but great songwriters. Only a very tiny percentage of songwriters make huge amounts of money. Most are struggling like me.

Have you thought about how you would feel if you were a songwriter?

And regarding your other point, how about actors, you don't think they should make money too?? If they lose money because of illegal downloads, I think that's just as bad.... Most actors/actresses struggle for years and pay their dues before they make good money....


i guess I should've said "one's morals" or "someone's morals" instead of "your morals", less agitating i guess

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It's not like the internet is something new. Artists/Songwriters should demand more money from the companies if they're really bent out of shape about it; put a clause in the contract to get reparations or bonus for popular songs because of internet piracy. God knows these record labels and entertainment companies make plenty of money off of them, i think they can afford to pay artists/songwriters more money to help offset the piracy. Because realistically, whether people think it's morally wrong or not, it exists and will exist for good. Deal with it. *plays world's smallest violin*

I would gladly trade my broke sorry butt for one of these "poor, helpless victims of internet piracy" Celebs, because i'm sure they're living off of Ramyun and frozen food like me. :P These celebs make tons of money, they're RICH. Why are they whining about a few less thousand dollars in their paycheck? I'm really sorry you can't buy your 5th Bentley this time. And for those wouldbe-songwriters/singers...i doubt that people even know your stuff, much less massive amounts of people downloading your work. I don't buy that internet piracy is hurting the livlihoods of these celebs.

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Why don't we worry about evening the REAL world playing field instead of worrying about the fat checks of Entertainment companies, and celebs. Taxation and weighted laws aimed to make small businesses harder, and large corporations richer has been in favor of Hollywood and Corps the past 6 years. They got fat on OUR tax dollars, so spare me the moaning and growing. Thank GOD for Obama!

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So yes, movies are being pirated, but it's not as extreme as what's happening in the music industry.

yes, it's not as extreme, the size of the files also make a huge difference, an mp3 is like 3 or 4 MB, whereas a movie is hundreds/thousands of times bigger, like what 4 or 5 GB, if you want a hi-def movie, it's like 25 GB or more, it takes a heck of a lot longer to download and a lot of space on your hard drive....althought in the future with technology it will become less of a factor

but morally, they're both wrong to get illegally, they're both copyrighted, intellectual property....

and really, I can not see how piracy will not decrease quality in the long run....

especially movies, when they spend like 100 million on a movie, you'll see less and less big budget movies if they can't make their money back

so people who download illegally will hurt themselves in the long run....

after all, you get what you pay for, or don't pay for.....

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Guest ninyaah

it's wrong, but i do it. we ALL do it. why? because not

all of us can afford to buy the albums. k-pop/j-pop albums aren't really

available here--you have to buy them online for an expensive

price. i own several original albums, and most of the time, i end up

liking a song or two from the album.. i just feel that it's not worth it to

pay for something that i wouldn't listen to. but i would totally buy

an album if i like ALL the tracks and singles.

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Guest lol^_^

well it depends on your morals....

to me, if you knowingly hurt someone's livelihood, that's just plain wrong....

As I mentioned before, I understand why some people wouldn't want to buy the whole CD when you only want one or two songs on it.

The people who have heard my music here on soompi in the performers section know I'm a fairly good songwriter. I've made a grand total of $700 dollars in royalties and that was only last year.... It took me 10 years to get to that point. I've spent some $8,000 over the years on buying equipment to record music, and spent hundreds more paying singers/musicians to play on my tracks. I think songwriters should be able to get some compensation. As I mentioned before, many songwriters don't perform live and some are terrible singers but great songwriters. Only a very tiny percentage of songwriters make huge amounts of money. Most are struggling like me.

Have you thought about how you would feel if you were a songwriter?

And regarding your other point, how about actors, you don't think they should make money too?? If they lose money because of illegal downloads, I think that's just as bad.... Most actors/actresses struggle for years and pay their dues before they make good money....

u know what u are just trying to shove ur thinking down ppl throats !

u can kiss my richard simmons...ok

my morals are just fine

my mom lost her job my child support will go way in just 4 months!

i dont have a job! i concern about how im going to pay for college and your complaining about songwriters and teir money!

i cant believe you

i is not my problem that u can make enough money

you might be young to remeber but when CD's frist came out the said it would be 15 - 20 because its new technology now its 10-12 years later and its still that price they said after a yr or 2 the would lower the price to 5 dollars did they? no

and im not going to buy a cd so i can listen to one song!

george bush knowingly hurt the lively hood of millions of americans but are you complaining about that? no

i dont care about u when i busy trying to fix my life trying to stay in my house trying to pay my bills!

how dare you criticize my morals! think about your own

you maybe be struggling but get a job

like the rest of us!

despite what u say here ppl are still going to download the music they want

instead of telling ppl that they should pay you for ur song why do you tell the ppl in charge to lower the price of cds and downloading

and i listen to alot of kpop and im not go to pay 40 to ship a cd

and ur actors bit.....

thery still make money becuz ppl still buy dvds and movies

and u dont know anything about movies

actors dont get royalties they get one flat salary

they still get payed even if the movie flops k?

its not my fault that you ppl chose a profession where money is not guaranteed

it maybe wrong but i dont feel guilty at all......

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Guest Karinojjang~*

It's wrong...because all of songs are made by the brains of the song writers/singer and etc.

I know we should pay respect to them by buying their songs.

but sometimes, it's hard to find the album and takes time to shipping it...so

why not download first? and then buy it afterwards?

I'm sure that if their songs are REALLY NICE...and I LOVE THEM

I'd like to buy it no matter i have downloaded it or not..so ;)...

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bottom line everyone downloads. it can be movies, to music etc..morally yes it is wrong but who saids they didn't or never downloaded?

i've never downloaded myself actually but i let other people download it for me. am i still guitly of downloading? yes, and no.

and so when it comes down to it, no one is actually innocent in this matter. technology has gone so far now that downloading is just the new

thing nowadays.

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Guest dolcedor.

yes, it's not as extreme, the size of the files also make a huge difference, an mp3 is like 3 or 4 MB, whereas a movie is hundreds/thousands of times bigger, like what 4 or 5 GB, if you want a hi-def movie, it's like 25 GB or more, it takes a heck of a lot longer to download and a lot of space on your hard drive....althought in the future with technology it will become less of a factor

but morally, they're both wrong to get illegally, they're both copyrighted, intellectual property....

and really, I can not see how piracy will not decrease quality in the long run....

especially movies, when they spend like 100 million on a movie, you'll see less and less big budget movies if they can't make their money back

so people who download illegally will hurt themselves in the long run....

after all, you get what you pay for, or don't pay for.....

That's really not much of an issue. Some of the best movies are indie films or smaller budget movies... perhaps with smaller budgets, directors can focus more on developing the plot and the characters rather than putting too much effort and money into obtaining the best special effects and action sequences, thereby sacrificing more important aspects of movie-making. :phew: The more money spent on a movie DOES NOT mean the better the quality. :rolleyes:

Besides, do studios REALLY need to make back $200+ million per movie? I'm surprised you as a consumer would support something like that.

Also if a studio finances a movie and it winds up costing them 100 million dollars, and the movie flops, I'd say it's because a.) the movie sucks; or b.) the movie wasn't marketed properly, which can only be blamed on the studio responsible for distributing it. If the film industry was really in such a dire state, I would think that studios would know better than to spend more money than they expect to make (ie. don't spend 400 million on a movie when current box office sales rarely reach 400 million). It's called adapting to the changing industry, and it's simply common sense.

And like I said, illegal downloading of movies isn't as big an issue as illegal downloading of music. Hell, in 2008, The Dark Knight made over a billion in box office sales. Meaning it is second to ONLY Titanic, which was released over 10 years ago in 1997. On the other hand, I doubt CD sales would be able to do the same.

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Guest dolcedor.

It's not like the internet is something new. Artists/Songwriters should demand more money from the companies if they're really bent out of shape about it; put a clause in the contract to get reparations or bonus for popular songs because of internet piracy. God knows these record labels and entertainment companies make plenty of money off of them, i think they can afford to pay artists/songwriters more money to help offset the piracy. Because realistically, whether people think it's morally wrong or not, it exists and will exist for good. Deal with it. *plays world's smallest violin*

I would gladly trade my broke sorry butt for one of these "poor, helpless victims of internet piracy" Celebs, because i'm sure they're living off of Ramyun and frozen food like me. :P These celebs make tons of money, they're RICH. Why are they whining about a few less thousand dollars in their paycheck? I'm really sorry you can't buy your 5th Bentley this time. And for those wouldbe-songwriters/singers...i doubt that people even know your stuff, much less massive amounts of people downloading your work. I don't buy that internet piracy is hurting the livlihoods of these celebs.

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Why don't we worry about evening the REAL world playing field instead of worrying about the fat checks of Entertainment companies, and celebs. Taxation and weighted laws aimed to make small businesses harder, and large corporations richer has been in favor of Hollywood and Corps the past 6 years. They got fat on OUR tax dollars, so spare me the moaning and growing. Thank GOD for Obama!

Agreed 100%.

Yeah, there are artists like Britney Spears and Rihanna who rely heavily on a team of hit songwriters and producers, while being barely involved in the songwriting process themselves. However, despite that, I wouldn't be surprised if they and their record labels made more money than all of their songwriters and producers put together, which is ironic since the songwriters and producers are responsible for much of the artist's and label's success. So I would think that an equally concerning issue is an imbalance in the distribution of profits, which we as consumers have absolutely nothing to do with. Why is there little to no attention directed towards the greed of record labels? Instead it is all the consumer's fault that songwriters are not adequately compensated.

And I can definitely agree with the bold.

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Guest lol^_^

It's not like the internet is something new. Artists/Songwriters should demand more money from the companies if they're really bent out of shape about it; put a clause in the contract to get reparations or bonus for popular songs because of internet piracy. God knows these record labels and entertainment companies make plenty of money off of them, i think they can afford to pay artists/songwriters more money to help offset the piracy. Because realistically, whether people think it's morally wrong or not, it exists and will exist for good. Deal with it. *plays world's smallest violin*

I would gladly trade my broke sorry butt for one of these "poor, helpless victims of internet piracy" Celebs, because i'm sure they're living off of Ramyun and frozen food like me. :P These celebs make tons of money, they're RICH. Why are they whining about a few less thousand dollars in their paycheck? I'm really sorry you can't buy your 5th Bentley this time. And for those wouldbe-songwriters/singers...i doubt that people even know your stuff, much less massive amounts of people downloading your work. I don't buy that internet piracy is hurting the livlihoods of these celebs.

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Why don't we worry about evening the REAL world playing field instead of worrying about the fat checks of Entertainment companies, and celebs. Taxation and weighted laws aimed to make small businesses harder, and large corporations richer has been in favor of Hollywood and Corps the past 6 years. They got fat on OUR tax dollars, so spare me the moaning and growing. Thank GOD for Obama!

i alos 100% agree with you

i dont even know this persons music.....so why would i buy ur cd

i dont think its ruining anyone

they should demand more money or ask to have the price of cd's lowered

is downloading wrong? maybe

but i can careless about ppl like miley and rihanna

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Guest emma007

It is called illegal downloading...so anything with the words illegal in it makes me think that it is prolly not something anyone should be doing. I don't download illegally anymore. I mostly listen to Contemporary Christian music, and that would make me such a hypocrite. I can’t afford to purchase every CD I want, but life goes on.

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Guest lemoncake0910

I guess if you are a huge fan of a certain artist or group (as in... you keep up with the latest songs from their albums that they release from year to year, or just really LOVE the artist/group), I'd say... show your love/support to them by buying their CD albums (or singles).

For example, for most Japanese music artists/groups' release a new single/album, the popularity of their new single/album is rated on the 'Oricon Chart', according to the number of album/single purchases.

I also think that buying albums/singles is worth it because you get to receive a booklet of lyrics and sometimes a mini-photo book of the artist/group and maybe also some other goodies that come along with it.... (like.. POSTERS ... good stuff!.. lols XD )

where as in downloading, you don't get these kinds of things.. (of course).

I also know that for some music stores/online shops lets you listen to sample tracks before you decide to purchase the CD.

Remember, your favorite artists/groups will only continue to produce great music as long as fans continue to buy their works.


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