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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest kayzpal

I believe that Jae is the shortest.

In inches:

Jae - 5'10

Su - 5'11

Chun - 5'11

Ho - 6'

Changmin - 6'1

Their height is okay.

I don't think Jae is the shortest. I think it's just his posture.

And looking at their appearances now, I believe they have grown taller now.

I don't think they still have the same height as when they were still in hug days.

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Guest miss_h

ohs yehs, my friend linked to allkpop saying something about jessica (snsd) and joongie dating? /hmm what do yo guys think??

Well, I just smile reading the entry. At least JJ hope for having a scandal with a girl is fulfill now :lol:

This is just stupid. Can't boy and girl be friend with each other???

I´m just posting more Tvxq´s♥ Pics ok???

Off course it's OK.. I love it when people shower this thread with a pic-spam... And I hate it when it gone just because people start to hotlinking them :)

About DBSK Height, I believe in recent Radio interview in Korea (where JS talk to his old school girl friend) that he is 178. So their height will be:

Junsu: 178




Changmin: 186

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm positive that Junsu is 178 because they tease him for that (the girl says he is short :lol:)

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Endorsing BSX





090319 Bay FM「radio surprise」


All members of THSK had came!

Their 4th album 『The Secret Code』 is set to be release on the March 25th

and they had all came together with surprises!

They had now overcome language barriers between Japan and Korean now…

And not only they had caused craze in Japan and Korea, they had created craze in China, Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia. It’s almost the whole Asia.

What made it even better was that they managed to be the first foreign group to be performing in NHK Kouhaku creating a fame in reality and their name.

I’ve heard of their health theme of the day.

Always be careful to stay healthy and doing daily exercise

This made me laughed and talked a lot to them.

I’m starting to like THSK and their 2009 nation arena tour

「東方神起 4th LIVE TOUR 2009 ~The Secret Code~」 begins on May 5th

And it would be held in the Kanto region on the May 9 and 10 at Saitama Super Arena.

For more information, please check their official site

From radiostaff : 14:30

source: http://blog.bayfm.jp/surprise/

Translation: mel@oneTVXQ

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

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Guest sheilapiglet

[AUD] 090313 Pikakin Radio Show - Tohoshinki cut [1/3]

[AUD] 090313 Pikakin Radio Show - Tohoshinki cut [2/3]

[AUD] 090313 Pikakin Radio Show - Tohoshinki cut [3/3]

[TRANS+AUDIO] 090317 Pikakin Radio “King Kong” Who has a beauty and angel voice?

DJMAN: right now, we are playing TVXQ’s song, and now we present to you, coming inside the recording room is…

Junsu: long time no see.

DJWOMAN: long time no see.

Jae: long time no see.

DJMAN: all the members are now entering the room.

DJWOMAN: erm, excuse me Mr. Shimono (djman), where is my seat?

DJMAN: ha, yes?

Everyone: haha! XD

Junsu: what? Here is your seat?

DJWOMAN: you can just seat on my knees.

Junsu: no

DJWOMAN: well, it won’t make any differences. Let’s welcome TVXQ!!

TVXQ: hello everyone! we are TVXQ!

DJWOMAN: welcome.

Jae: sorry becasue we are late.

DJWOMAN: its ok. don't worry.

Jae: yes it's ok.


Yunho: it's ok. no worries.

DJWOMAN: now, 5 people are already gathered here.

DJMAN: yes.

DJWOMAN: so, first, we should play the goldun lot of pikakin.

TVXQ: oh.

Jae: do that again?

DJWOMAN: so, who will draw the lot?

Junsu: let yoochun do it.

Jae: yeah, since yoochun is good and very lucky.

Changmin: he is a lucky man.

Junsu: yes. lucky man!

Yoochun: do i really have to do it?

DJWOMAN: so it will be yoochun? then let's start drawing the lot.

Jae: one, two..

DJMAN: what are you writing?

Yoochun: TVXQ...

Junsu: what is it?

DJMAN: looks like he is writing a lot of word yet.

Junsu: haha! congratulation! come... on?

Jae: what is it?

Junsu; laiban?

DJWOMAN: congratulations! it's Laiban!

Jae: congratulations! Laiban!!

DJWOMAN: the meaning of "laiban" is "come to osaka"

TVXQ: ah.

Jae: thanks changmin!

DJWOMAN:changmin please follow me, "come to osaka"

Changmin: "come to osaka"

everyone: hahaha!!

Yunho: what's that?

DJMAN: what is that tone?!

Jae: (keeps on reading a letter) changmin, this has been already past but still i will say, "happy birthday"

DJMAN: happy birthday!

Changmin: thanks.

DJWOMAN: everyone, thanks again for coming to pikakin. so, we are done with our draw lot.

Jae: yes!

DJWOMAN: are you alright?

Jae: yes we are alright.

DJWOMAN: don't you have any allergy or bad cold?

Jae: well, junsu have a little itchy nose.

DJMAN: oh, is that true? is your nose that itchy?

Junsu: yep.

DJWOMAN: junsu, is it an allergy?

Junsu: yep.

DJWOMAN: well, here i got a tissue paper.

Junsu: don't worry about it.

DJMAN: miss wakamiya, will the audience want to hear TVXQ's voices?


DJMAN: yes, it may be agood chance.

DJWOMAN: well, who would go first?

Junsu: i will. Long time no see. this is TVXQ member Junsu

DJWOMAN: long time no see.

DJMAN: please give your comments.

Junsu: please give us comments.

DJWOMAN: don't worry.. (talking about junsu's allergy)

Junsu: yes. i won't.

Yoochun: i'm yoochun please do support us.

DJWOMAN: yes, he is yoochun who is standing next to me.

DJMAN: please do support him.

Yoochun: yes.

Jae: i'm jae joong please do support me.

DJWOMAN: please do give your support.

Changmin: hey guys! please do support us.

DJWOMA: changmin, do you still remember?

Changmin: yes of course.

DJWOMAN: thanks.

Changmin: it is clear.

Jae: before that... you have a little... to changmin... you are little...

DJWOMAN: what?

Jae: you treat changmin very different.

DJMAN: yes, she's treating her diferent.

Jae: yes different from others.

DJWOMAN: nothing special, just doing it like a favor.

Jae: we don't belive.

DJWOMAN: no, i like you all.

Jae: haha!

DJWOMAN: i like everyone.

Junsu: what kang kang? (hehe.)

DJMAN: miss wakamiya... yunho is waiting...

DJWOMAN: ah~ yes!

Yunho: i always wait...

DJMAN: please do give your message...

DJWOMAN: the next one is the leader of TVXQ, yunho

Yunho: yes.

DJMAN: i just said that.

DJWOMAN: no you didn't.

DJMAN: let him introduce himself.

DJWOMAN: haha, sorry.

Yunho: i'm yunho, please do supports us.

DJMAN: please do support them!

DJWOMAN: thanks. Next, we will give you a brief introduction of the group. If i have some mistakes, please point them out and tell me.

TVXQ: ok.

DJWOMAN: TVXQ, including YUnho ( the leader), Junsu, Yoochun, Changmin and Jae joong debuted last Febuary 2004 with their debut song in Korea.

In 2005, they invaded Japan w/ their debut song . In 2007, they sent us a message saying, "we really love the food,

next time, would you like to play with us?". Changmin, who can speak like a japanese girl haven't showed us that talent.

During summer at that time, we visited them in their shooting in KObe of . At that time, we had a mistake with Junsu's name but then,

it was still succesful because of Jae joong. Durong the planning of the Pikakin programme, Yunho and Jae were invited in the discussion.

From march to may 2008, TVXQ T Live tour 2008 were performed from 17 diferent places where 150,000 persons went to see it. The first credibility prize was gotten by

by this 3 songs. They reflashed the history records of the foreigners. Last december, they got the best

work of SBS GOLDEN DIAK, at the same time, they appeared in red and white w/ hope and a song meeting. They became great actores in asia.

TVXQ, not only to act at their homeland (korea) but also in japan, taiwan, china, and malaysia. Everyday, TVXQ go back and fort by plane. What are they really are? Today, 5 members are gathered here on the scene.

TVXQ: haha, thanks.

DJMAN: how was it? did she make anymistake?

Jae: no she didn't.

Junsu: she's great.

Yoochun: no mistake.

DJMAN: really? no mistake?

DJWOMAN: junsu, is it true? what are you talking about?

Junsu: words of praises.

DJWOMAN: oh~ thanks.

Jae: have a little favor to changmin.

DJWOMAN: haha, i am not like that. jae, i said to him, please give me a good and kind help.

Jae: perhaps, you called my name in a wrong way.

Everyone: ahehehe..

DJMAN: do you feel disappointed?

Jae: yes.

Source: TVXQ baidu

Trans by: ✖JAEDETTE✖@onetvxq

Shared By: DBSKnights

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Guest xo_beaa

i dun believe the jaejoong+jessica thing. allkpop's written stories about the two of them before. and sometimes the stories sound believable, even!

but the point is....i dont believe it.

if it were true, then they must've been dating since 2007 (the pictures allkpop used to prove the scandal was of old jaejoong pictures from 2007...he doesnt even wear the suspected "couple ring" anymore i dun think) ...and if they were, then jessica must have been mad effing pissed as hell when the recent jaejoong+Han Hyo Joo scandal came out.

i definitely stopped breathing when i read it on allkpop. haha.

but if jaejoong is dating anyone from snsd..id rather it be yoona :)

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Guest xiheartricex

Here's Part2!..Part1 has already been shared in the previous pages=):

090316 Chummy Train Radio Station Interview Part II (TVXQ/DBSK/Tohoshinki/東方神起/동방신기)

Thanks for the translations! I loved when they used to do oyagi gags, not b/c of the jokes themselves cause I never really understood them, but b/c of their reactions. They always looked shy/embarrassed afterwards! Speaking of not understanding jokes, can someone explain the soya sauce joke jaejoong's been doing recently?


Trying to think of a way to ask this w/o accidentally insulting someone or sounding creepy <sweats bullets>: I've noticed Junsu doesn't really show physical affection to the members, at least not as often as they do to him (it's usually them putting their arms around junsu or patting him or giving him a hug), although I know all the members love each other. Can anyone share pics where Junsu is the one showing physical affection?

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Guest deNain

Tohomobile ~ After NHK Gayo Concert



Can Anyone Tell me where are these Gifs from?

1 - T Tour Concert. Fancam ver I believe

2- As mentioned before, HIJ Vol 2 NG Part

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Guest debora_park

[sCANS] HOMME Vol.6 (Murasaki-Hashidoi Version)


2hcklfs_th.jpg 29lg0lc_th.jpg 10ib9km_th.jpg fup5yu_th.jpg 2zspjzs_th.jpg

2nlxzzn_th.jpg 51ols2_th.jpg 1rsx2o_th.jpg 2uyk3e8_th.jpg 2u9u4nt_th.jpg

a5c6ea_th.jpg v8en3c_th.jpg 2zqexhy_th.jpg 1zyj9dt_th.jpg

5vw2g5_th.jpg 2ldao0n_th.jpg 5lqhav_th.jpg

aayudl_th.jpg iw5irq_th.jpg 21jdlog_th.jpg

Credits: Murasaki-Hashidoi +2uAngels

[PICS] Tohomobile TVXQ with Kamayatsu -NHK Song Concert


Credits: Baidu + TVXQFever


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Guest danielaming

Jessica and Jaejoong Dating for Real?


pikakin radio"king kong who has a beauty and angel voice? :P:rolleyes:

DJMAN: right now, we are playing TVXQ’s song, and now we present to you, coming inside the recording room is…

Junsu: long time no see.

DJWOMAN: long time no see.

Jae: long time no see.

DJMAN: all the members are now entering the room.

DJWOMAN: erm, excuse me Mr. Shimono (djman), where is my seat?

DJMAN: ha, yes?

Everyone: haha! XD

Junsu: what? Here is your seat?

DJWOMAN: you can just seat on my knees.

Junsu: no

DJWOMAN: well, it won’t make any differences. Let’s welcome TVXQ!!

TVXQ: hello everyone! we are TVXQ!

DJWOMAN: welcome.

Jae: sorry becasue we are late.

DJWOMAN: its ok. don't worry.

Jae: yes it's ok.


Yunho: it's ok. no worries.

DJWOMAN: now, 5 people are already gathered here.

DJMAN: yes.

DJWOMAN: so, first, we should play the goldun lot of pikakin.

TVXQ: oh.

Jae: do that again?

DJWOMAN: so, who will draw the lot?

Junsu: let yoochun do it.

Jae: yeah, since yoochun is good and very lucky.

Changmin: he is a lucky man.

Junsu: yes. lucky man!

Yoochun: do i really have to do it?

DJWOMAN: so it will be yoochun? then let's start drawing the lot.

Jae: one, two..

DJMAN: what are you writing?

Yoochun: TVXQ...

Junsu: what is it?

DJMAN: looks like he is writing a lot of word yet.

Junsu: haha! congratulation! come... on?

Jae: what is it?

Junsu; laiban?

DJWOMAN: congratulations! it's Laiban!

Jae: congratulations! Laiban!!

DJWOMAN: the meaning of "laiban" is "come to osaka"

TVXQ: ah.

Jae: thanks changmin!

DJWOMAN:changmin please follow me, "come to osaka"

Changmin: "come to osaka"

everyone: hahaha!!

Yunho: what's that?

DJMAN: what is that tone?!

Jae: (keeps on reading a letter) changmin, this has been already past but still i will say, "happy birthday"

DJMAN: happy birthday!

Changmin: thanks.

DJWOMAN: everyone, thanks again for coming to pikakin. so, we are done with our draw lot.

Jae: yes!

DJWOMAN: are you alright?

Jae: yes we are alright.

DJWOMAN: don't you have any allergy or bad cold?

Jae: well, junsu have a little itchy nose.

DJMAN: oh, is that true? is your nose that itchy?

Junsu: yep.

DJWOMAN: junsu, is it an allergy?

Junsu: yep.

DJWOMAN: well, here i got a tissue paper.

Junsu: don't worry about it.

DJMAN: miss wakamiya, will the audience want to hear TVXQ's voices?


DJMAN: yes, it may be agood chance.

DJWOMAN: well, who would go first?

Junsu: i will. Long time no see. this is TVXQ member Junsu

DJWOMAN: long time no see.

DJMAN: please give your comments.

Junsu: please give us comments.

DJWOMAN: don't worry.. (talking about junsu's allergy)

Junsu: yes. i won't.

Yoochun: i'm yoochun please do support us.

DJWOMAN: yes, he is yoochun who is standing next to me.

DJMAN: please do support him.

Yoochun: yes.

Jae: i'm jae joong please do support me.

DJWOMAN: please do give your support.

Changmin: hey guys! please do support us.

DJWOMA: changmin, do you still remember?

Changmin: yes of course.

DJWOMAN: thanks.

Changmin: it is clear.

Jae: before that... you have a little... to changmin... you are little...

DJWOMAN: what?

Jae: you treat changmin very different.

DJMAN: yes, she's treating her diferent.

Jae: yes different from others.

DJWOMAN: nothing special, just doing it like a favor.

Jae: we don't belive.

DJWOMAN: no, i like you all.

Jae: haha!

DJWOMAN: i like everyone.

Junsu: what kang kang? (hehe.)

DJMAN: miss wakamiya... yunho is waiting...

DJWOMAN: ah~ yes!

Yunho: i always wait...

DJMAN: please do give your message...

DJWOMAN: the next one is the leader of TVXQ, yunho

Yunho: yes.

DJMAN: i just said that.

DJWOMAN: no you didn't.

DJMAN: let him introduce himself.

DJWOMAN: haha, sorry.

Yunho: i'm yunho, please do supports us.

DJMAN: please do support them!

DJWOMAN: thanks. Next, we will give you a brief introduction of the group. If i have some mistakes, please point them out and tell me.

TVXQ: ok.

DJWOMAN: TVXQ, including YUnho ( the leader), Junsu, Yoochun, Changmin and Jae joong debuted last Febuary 2004 with their debut song in Korea.

In 2005, they invaded Japan w/ their debut song . In 2007, they sent us a message saying, "we really love the food,

next time, would you like to play with us?". Changmin, who can speak like a japanese girl haven't showed us that talent.

During summer at that time, we visited them in their shooting in KObe of . At that time, we had a mistake with Junsu's name but then,

it was still succesful because of Jae joong. Durong the planning of the Pikakin programme, Yunho and Jae were invited in the discussion.

From march to may 2008, TVXQ T Live tour 2008 were performed from 17 diferent places where 150,000 persons went to see it. The first credibility prize was gotten by

by this 3 songs. They reflashed the history records of the foreigners. Last december, they got the best

work of SBS GOLDEN DIAK, at the same time, they appeared in red and white w/ hope and a song meeting. They became great actores in asia.

TVXQ, not only to act at their homeland (korea) but also in japan, taiwan, china, and malaysia. Everyday, TVXQ go back and fort by plane. What are they really are? Today, 5 members are gathered here on the scene.

TVXQ: haha, thanks.

DJMAN: how was it? did she make anymistake?

Jae: no she didn't.

Junsu: she's great.

Yoochun: no mistake.

DJMAN: really? no mistake?

DJWOMAN: junsu, is it true? what are you talking about?

Junsu: words of praises.

DJWOMAN: oh~ thanks.

Jae: have a little favor to changmin.

DJWOMAN: haha, i am not like that. jae, i said to him, please give me a good and kind help.

Jae: perhaps, you called my name in a wrong way.

Everyone: ahehehe..

DJMAN: do you feel disappointed?

Jae: yes.

Source: TVXQ baidu

Trans by: ✖JAEDETTE✖@onetvxq

Shared By: DBSKnights+ TVXQFever

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Guest +Lolliepop !+

Jessica and Jaejoong Dating for Real?

I do not in any way at all, believe that this one is true.

Dating all the way from his hug days until now ? Five years ?

I highly doubt that.


Moving on:

Endorsing BSX: They look freakin' hot ! ^_____^

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Guest MikiMika


I was told that allkpop is not a very credible source, though, if it is true then, I wish them luck, I just wonder how they can manage when JJ's mostly in Japan than Korea and Jessica... well, they'll hardly see each other, I don't think long distance relationship lasts.

Edit : Does that mean Jessica has nice hands and strong calfs? :ph34r:

Question & Request

How long is the song Taxi? Since I saw a preview for around 3:50, is that not the full song yet? Anyway does anyone have the romanization lyrics for it? I'm not sure if someone had already posted it but I've havent backtracked, have you ladies/men seen how much pages there are? :blink: lol

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Guest vonness

actually i was really shocked about this since the "evidences" are really convincing. however, what allkpop provides is gossips (that's like what they name their site?) and not a fact plus it's under rumors.... NAH, we should just trust our joongie. he will confess to it, that's like what they promise us right? unless it's coming straight from joongie's mouth i won't believe a heck of it.


unless it's from joongie's mouth, we should just stay calm^^

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Guest Sayuri JaeJoong

Hello Jae´s Girls♥

Talking about JaeJoong♥ dating with Jessica...

And in Asia it is common artists use clothes and

Acessories from major brands famous ...

Another day in the Soompi Thread left a note talking about it ...

Boys in other bands such as Suju, Super Junior

...And Our So Beloved TVXQ ♥!

They all have the same brand used clothes

without saying that the same model.

I think these rumors in fact, are unfounded!

JaeJoong♥ Uses to years some accessories

such as rings of Cartier with Yunho ♥

I Prefer to believe that YunJae♥ is real ^ ^

Let´s see I posted it in My Blog







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haha i prefer not to believe such rumor.. either Jae with Jessica or even Jae with any boys..

(i wish for BoaJae though~ HOHO)

where actually, i wish to see Jae with some girls together..dating... that's normal.. and i cherish for him :)

as for now, we know that Jae is busy with his work, as well as all the other boys~

Boys to wear same accessories and clothes are very common..same goes to with girls~ boys and girls wearing same accessories..not a big deal :)

all i could think that SM artists share accessories~ clothes, well of course not boys with girls hahahaha :D

i'll believe if Jae says all by himself with whom he's dating..even though we're not going to hear that very very soon~

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Guest cassiopeia_26

The Oricon Mag was SO GOOD!!!!!!

Loved the pic with Junsu wearing slippers!=)

Btw I wanna ask about Jae's 'Shouyo Koto' gag thingy?

what does the gag really mean?

About Jae+Jessica thingy.. honestly i don't think it's true. I mean, allkpop is not a credible souce and there are TONS of rumour stuff in there..Plus some of the pics were taken so many years ago! Are you sure they're still together? I'm certain that they're just close friends only..

come on!it's just A ring!yeeesh.

And the part about Jessica has beautiful fingers and strong calves IS SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!XD

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Guest YukariiChangmin

Hello Jae´s Girls♥

Talking about JaeJoong♥ dating with Jessica...

And in Asia it is common artists use clothes and

Acessories from major brands famous ...

JaeJoong♥ Uses to years some accessories

such as rings of Cartier with Yunho ♥

I Prefer to believe that YunJae♥ is real ^ ^

Let´s see I posted it in My Blog







Sorry to cut your Post sis ... :sweatingbullets:

I agree with You sis Coz I think the same way .

And I Noticed That JJ♥ use this ring during years ... and Yunho too .

I Think Jessica is really adorable :wub: ( I prefer her with Changmin LOL) , but she and JJ♥ ?

I don´t think so :huh: ... for me It´s a rumour :P .

My prince Shim Changmin in Oricon Style♥


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Guest ang3l soul

Hmm..watever the rumours are..i dnt really believe those...even if they knwingly are sharing the same ring..its not necessary for it to be considered as them dating..it can a sing of frndship? or jst a conincidence...mayb one of them saw the ring on other and bought the same one...and as Sayuri JaeJoong said they all work in the same company n use almost the same brands...so i think its normal...

There are queit alot of SMtown rumours regarding same rings (kangin & Taeyon)

But lol..Anywayz...

I am actually really liking the Ring..i so wanna Hav one like that...its desing n the ring itself is really nice :lol:

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