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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest jen0apple

omg.. secret code is really going to be #1 on oricon chart!..LOLS its already sold out and everything..LOLs =] i realy cant wait for it to come out!! i really want the songs!!!! LOLS =] anyone have "we are"?..

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Where was this show from?? Anyone know?

GAHHHHHHHHHH, Icant wait until it comes out~ Thanks for all the links above!~~~

+ Max's UFO replies!! ;)

LOL< funny how Micky loves Naruto! LOL :P :P

It's from the KBS musical back in 2006.

Here's the link to watch it.


And that Junsu pic is like pure @#$@%%.

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Guest WendiiE

Tohoshinki to perform on NHK's Utacon/Song Concert

The boys will be performing live on Utacon TODAY. They will be at NHK Studio Park, their main broadcasting studio, in Harajuku.

Where: NHK Studio Park in Harajuku, Shibuya, Tokyo

When: TODAY The doors open for audience at 6:30pm but its a guess to when the artists will arrive.

The filming starts at 8:00pm and ends at 9:00pm

This will be aired on NHK live at 8:00 (JST).

source: tvxqfever

credit: mcgrjc6@LJ

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Guest Natsumi_sshi

[NEWS] 031409 Taegoon's interview about Jaejoong (TVXQ/DBSK/Tohoshinki

In the MV, Jaejoong hyung stole Shin Hye from me (sighs), Jaejoong’s handsomeness is to blame! (laughs). I think that making a girlfriend be a normal friend is a very hard thing to do, I would never be the first to say that I don’t like her or anything like that, but if someone that handsome steals my girlfriend, it seems like I wouldn’t be able to say anything (laughs)!

LOL. I don't know why but I cracked up after reading this. LMAO, like seriously, I like the Call Me MV and all,

but does Taegoon honestly think he has a chance of beating Jaejoong and taking his girlfriend away? HAHA

Jaejoong's hotness is to blame. It's cause his irresistible and can't do anything about it. :P Love how these two

guys are funny and close.




And a lot, lot more I'm sure xDD


OMG. I actually think that Junsu is cuter than those kittens. NO wait, he is! Awww, he is

the most adorable thing ever. Case closed :D

@ them performing Bolero First, things first, I have to get it off my chest. WHAT IS WITH CHUN'S HAIR?

Honestly :phew: , it's like this little piggy tail thing-a-ma-bob. I don't know if he's trying to relive his Rising Sun

days shaggy/mulletstyle or anything, but those days have passed boy, let it be lol.

Well other than that, and them sounding tired (again) I think the performance was magic. I think whenever they

perform Bolero is magic. That song's power and emotion never falters. And I love the little music box thingy they

used to promote Subaru in Hong Kong. It's really hot :D I can't wait to watch it and get the OST. It's going to

be great.

Thanks to all those who shared the performance caps too xDD

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Guest toki114

~170309 NHK Ut@con - Talk + Performance~

~ Soulmate performance blew me away....

OMG!!! I cant stop watching this per again and again. They did tooo great job. everyone's voice is so strong and full of emotions as well. But i really hope yoochun to be rocovery from his cold soon cos it's now 3 weeks but i read from mickyfan that yesterday he still down with that severe cold. He fell to reach high note at USJ white day event first time but second time he did reach it but not that well. Yesterday was unexpectedly good he sure did his best. Pray for him to be healthy. its not good to be sick for too long time. dont wanna another attack too :o

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Guest puterift<3

yoochun ponytail is soooooo cute >.<

ive been missing that ! weeeeeet ;;

changmin's ufo replies

HAHAH sick changmin !! he's become much more nicer to the fans.

lol xD

rofl* lucky thai fans.

GREET AND MEET??!! ohmygod thats just too much !


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Guest intan

^toki114, our Yochunnie is sick? but he did amazingly well at NHK..aish..he always fell sick compared to other members..hope the members can take care of him..

Just because I love YooChun's dork post at the last pic, here the bigger ver


Omo!Chun's sexy pose.*dies*

lol..yoochun-ah, your cuteness is overshadowing your sexiness..haha..you have to work harder to look sexy with that cute face you have..but of course, that cute face can make up everything in the end..haha..love him..^^

NHK Song Concert 09.03.17

This one is a better version of the NHK Song Concert...


Credits: no1akiyama @yt

Shared by: tvxqfever.blogspot.com

Beautiful performance!..Yoochun high notes are amazing!..lol..he inserted some "rockish" element in Bolero song..keke..I love Junsu's voice here too..he really constantly sounds good in all performances..Yoochun's ponytail is cute but I prefer if he just do the normal ponytail like when they're promoting "Doush!te" compared to tying the hair into a bun like that..lol..but I get the feeling of a real Japanese entertainer from Chun cause I have a perception that Japanese people are into extraordinary style and all..and Chun experimenting all kind of hairstyles and fashions just suits the JPOP feelings the most..^^

I feel like Kouhaku really opened up a lot of opportunities for them to be more accepted in JPOP industries..back then they usually appear in shows like TNC, channel-A and such but now they come out in all sort of programs..like this one..most of the artist there look like senior artist and DBSK are the only young generation performing..I think a wider range of people will know and recognize DBSK then..also not forgot to mention they've appear in other popular shows with SMAP and the one with Boa..(forgot the name)..and they'll also appear in magazine which are dominated by Japanese artists..they're are just doing great in Japan at the moment..I'm not complaining that they're in Japan right now..^^

sharing old vid:-

DBSK fortune telling ~[eng subs]

lol..Yoochun really couldn't stop cracking up..haha..so cute..the ending is so funny..keke..^^

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Guest sheilapiglet

Hotness Overload - Sorry Sorry (Yoonho Version)

holy mother of pearl...one of the hottest YH fanvids ever!...*drools all over keyboard*

hmm...seems as tho the members are getting sick one by one again as usual....they always say how if one of them goes down, the rest go down with him...lol...aiya...I'm pretty sure YH is sick too cuz he couldn't reach a couple of notes recently that he usually wouldn't have a problem with....hope that they get better soon and take care of their health...tho I have a feeling it's going to be tough since their scheduel is crazy hectic=(

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Guest loveprincemax

[TRANS] Sick ChangMin's UFO Replies 090316-17

Ah I think you made a mistake..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋIt's not sick Changmin...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ;;it's chic Changmin^^;;;;;;;;;

Just yesterday, I was on some korean Changmin cafe...where I saw the explanation to 시크촹~[chic-chwang]...

It has 2 meanings:

1) chic- means gentle,elegant,unique,cool..(독특한)

2) cynical-ㅋㅋㅋmeans sneering about...;;(빈정대는)

my english is not so good;; i can't explain well;; i hope you understand!^^

ㅎㅎsince I don't have anything new to share..;;let's enjoy this beautiful little boy~~~^_^ you know who is it?^^




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Guest goyun

hi everyone, haven't been here in a while

too lazy to backtrack

don't know if this has been shared but according to dnbn, TOHOSHINKI IS NOMINATED FOR 2009 VMAJ FOR BEST GROUP VIDEO FOR MIROTIC :w00t:

i hope they win! THSK Fighting!! exile is nominated too.

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Guest fobbiyo

hi everyone, haven't been here in a while

too lazy to backtrack

don't know if this has been shared but according to dnbn, TOHOSHINKI IS NOMINATED FOR 2009 VMAJ FOR BEST GROUP VIDEO FOR MIROTIC :w00t:

i hope they win! THSK Fighting!! exile is nominated too.

heyy! <3 Missed you :)

Oh wow! Really? That's really good news! I wonder if they're going to win because EXILE is a pretty hard group to beat :mellow: I hope everything goes well~

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Guest Senorita_

[TRANS] Sick ChangMin's UFO Replies 090316-17

Chic Changmin ^^ Ok, I seem to like Changmin's sweet replies like this haha, but I think it's kind of weird seeing him replying nice - something must be wrong with him :rolleyes: lol.

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Whoa, I was gone for like 8 hours and I have so much backtracking to do XD

Thank you for the link! This is the first thing I watched/listened to this morning!

This was a really really good performance!

They got everything right!

They did great! I miss Bolero! I'm going to be watching this over and over again^^

& Yoochun's Hair! It's in a ponytail! I can't wait to see his new haircut!

*1 遊助 「ひまわり」 7,692

*2 KAT-TUN 「RESCUE」 7,093

*3 嵐、矢野健太 starring Satoshi Ohno 「Believe/曇りのち、快晴」 3,889


*5 GReeeeN 「刹那」

*6 氷川きよし 「浪曲一代」

*7 秋元順子 「愛のままで…」

*8 東方神起 「Survivor -090325 4th Album "The Secret Code" Pre-Release Single-」

*9 Berryz工房 「抱きしめて 抱きしめて」

10 ROCK'A'TRENCH 「My Sunshine」

credit: dnbn

they're no. 8 today?


I am soo Happy! Their ranking is going up! It's 8th Now! I checked and its true! ^^

I hope it keeps going up the ranks!

Hwaiting THSK!

Changmin! I love his UFO Replies!

Aww, he's soo sweet in these replies! "Let's win this together! ^^"

And wow, he replied to alot of the messages! I can't wait to see more!

Thank you Elune!

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Guest lolly88

8th was yesterday

today one is

18/03/09 Oricon Chart

the ranks tend to go down,as new singles are relased evey wednesday

*1 安室奈美恵 26,983

*2 游助 *8,673

*3 真野恵里菜 *8,075

*4 侍戦队シンケンジャー



*7 ノースリーブス

*8 飞轮海


10 エレファントカシマシ

11 岚/矢野健太 starring Satoshi Ohno

12 腐男塾

13 Greeeen

14 秋元顺子

15 100s

16 ミドリ

17 横山だいすけ,三谷たくみ


19 东方神起

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Guest meimei__KOUSEKI

hi everyone, haven't been here in a while

too lazy to backtrack

don't know if this has been shared but according to dnbn, TOHOSHINKI IS NOMINATED FOR 2009 VMAJ FOR BEST GROUP VIDEO FOR MIROTIC :w00t:

i hope they win! THSK Fighting!! exile is nominated too.

oh yay, they're nominated! i hope they win :D

i really love the Mirotic MV ♥

(who doesn't? really... all those skiiiinnn O__O)

Utacon: that was one awesome perf!

chun's hair is ♥♥♥...

and of course, their voices are great!

and schedule

3/18(수)17:00~19:00 FM피 「WESTWAVE」

3/20(금)20:00~20:30 HFM 「Live to Live」

3/27(금)심01:25 ~ 심01:40   HiroshimaTV 「꼭대기」

4/1(수)21:50~23:50 RCC Radio 「비밀의 음 원」

4/3(금)15:54~16:52 RCC TV 「Evening·?!」

4/17(금) RCC TV Shin Program 「아」

4/18(토)22:00?22:55 RCC 라디오 「더·Yokohama 유지쇼」

and np, Mina :D lolz ^^;

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Guest +Lolliepop !+


Check this out, guys.


It was at a YunJae auction and a Bigeast won it for 9500Yen.

What's so special about this picture other than the signatures, is the heart on Jaejoong's arm and the 'shy mark' on Yunho's face =^__^= SO CUTE !

credit: Mr.Yj+sharingyoochun + DBSKnights + DBSKSleepingNights

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Guest Senorita_

don't know if this has been shared but according to dnbn, TOHOSHINKI IS NOMINATED FOR 2009 VMAJ FOR BEST GROUP VIDEO FOR MIROTIC :w00t:

Welcome back ^^

Oh, I hope they get to perform/attend VMAJ. I hope they win too =) Best wishes to the boys.

8th was yesterday

today one is

18/03/09 Oricon Chart

the ranks tend to go down,as new singles are relased evey wednesday

19 东方神起

Ah well, at least the boys came 3rd on the weekly charts and that's only what matters ^_^

Their album comes out next week, so I hope they'll get No.1 on the charts.

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This has been shared by goyun. Just additional info.:D

[News] Tohoshinki is Nominated in MTV Video Music Awards Japan 09

Band / duo or more best music video.

Band who has music video matching the image and music best. The best artist in power of music video.

The nominees are:

Artist: EXILE

Title: Ti Amo (Chapter 2)

Director: Inoue Tetsuo

Artist: Franz Ferdinand

Title: Ulysses

Director: Thirty Two

Artist: The Killers

Title: Human

Director: Danny Drysdale

Artist: Shonan No Kaje

Title: 恋時雨 (Love Drizzling)

Director: Yusuke 宅野


Artist: Tohoshinki


Director: Cho Soo Hyun

source: dnbn

trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

MTV awards will take place on May 30 at 18H at Saitama Super Arena.U can check their site HERE


In Korea they will attend:

[NEWS] 2009 Sparkling Concert in Seoul Spring

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports, Korea National Tourism Organization, and Korea Tourism Association Central Committee in corporation with Telecom will present 2009 Sparkling Concert in Seoul Spring on April 11th and 12th at 6 pm, held in Olympic Gymnastics Stadium.

The purpose of the event this year is to aim progress in “Korea Grand Sale”, as such promoting and attracting foreign tourists to come to South Korea. This is one of South Korea government’s way to overcome Asia economic crisis in the country and also to show Korean culture to all over Asia and Telecom will be actively supporting this event.


In 2009 the first wave support to this government’s event comes from Big Bang, Dong Bang Shin Ki, FT Island, SG Wannabe, Shin Hye Sung, SHINee, Lee Min Woo, Lee Ji Hoon, and a lot more Hallyu stars will join in.

This concert is a great opportunity for Korean pop stars to meet their fans.

(T/N: I dont really get this part so I will just translate it roughly) The seats in this concert will be arranged in such way so that all the audiences will experience benefit as if they’re in VIP seats. The stage will be built to produce an exciting stage as the audiences and the stars will become one.

Tickets are sold to domestic market exclusively by G-market, details of this concert will also be announced through G-Market, as said by Telecom representative.

source: 119@breaknews.com

trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

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