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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest LeaYuri

hey people,

just a random thought after seeing the mirotic dance mv.

how would you rank the dongbang boys in terms of how well they dance? (i know most would put yunnie as 1st, but what about the rest?)

just for fun! =)

My rank

1)XiahJunsu ------------ 10/10

2)Yunho ----------- 10/10

3)Jaejoong ------------ 9.5/10

4)Minnie ----------- 9.0/10

5?Yoochun ------------ 8.9/10

That's my view based on overall dance performance I've ever seen.Seriously,they can be a professional dancer! B)

Lol,Jaejoong forgot the lyric of SbU in Kobe is freakin cute!!!!I was bursted out laughing so hardly :lol:

@laurassjj87 Ur baby is hella cute!!but yeah~stop dreamin :lol: Thanks for the link!

@SukiRose I think Yunjae baby is cuter :P

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Guest shuureigirl

Soulmate Baby 1 routanjaejoongyoochun02.jpg

Soulmate Baby 2 *he takes more after daddy Yoochun :P *


Soulfighter Baby


Before I knew it, I spent 45 minutes at this site. :lol:

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Guest shineecockroach

hey people,

just a random thought after seeing the mirotic dance mv.

how would you rank the dongbang boys in terms of how well they dance? (i know most would put yunnie as 1st, but what about the rest?)

just for fun! =)

I based this on how I would give points to a professional dancer ^^;

1. Junsu-- 9.6/10 He is AMAZINGLY good on choreographed steps, his body is instantly in tune with the music and he seems so passionate when dancing, you can see it on his facial expressions. He usually kills the choreography and puts some adlibs (like this thing he does with his finger and tongue on Hey, girl!) here and there for added fangirl fatalities. xD He's verrry manly and charismatic and full of energy when dancing.

2. Yunho--9.3/10 Super-great freestyle and he knows lots about dance genres. Sometimes he exudes ultra-manliness when dancing, but most of the time he has this sexy/effeminate grace (I don't think it's bad!) like a shaolin martial artist or a male ballerina :D He's like a spaghetti pasta when he dances, however weird a comparison that is xD

3. Changmin 8.6/10 Imo, Changmin is highly underrated as a dancer :( The thing with Minnie is that he's very good with the steps and he's very energetic, but I think since he dances the steps by the book and he has unusually long limbs it comes off as kind of too sharp and dare I say it, mechanical? (it's not mechanical at all but I can't seem to find the right words right now so forgive me xD) But like I said I think Minnie could be as good as Yunho if he lets go more and puts more spin on his moves.

4. Jaejoong 7.5/10 Jae, unlike Minnie puts a lot of ad lib and/or unnecessary moves sometimes and I think he's too conscious of his surrounding that he seems to drift off somewhere else than just dancing and being in tune with the music like the first three above. I think he's really good though, almost as good as their Japanese back-up dancers (who are amazingly good, btw).

5. Micky 6/10 I don't wanna be harsh on Micky and I understand that the first two on my list are exceptionally good dancers, but Micky doesn't put a lot of energy in his moves. I guess it has something to do with his health. He's better than most people, don't get me wrong, but when all five of them dance you can instantly tell the difference between him and the top 3 above. ^^; He needs to work on his stamina if he can (I heard he stays up late and eats little) because from what I've seen on the Purple Line rehearsal they filmed last year, if he just puts more energy into his dancing he could be as good as the rest of them DBSK boys! :D Micky, hwaiting! <3

EDIT: Singing skills, hmmm?

1. Junsu 9.8/10 (Shining voice) I came from a country where people sing ALL the time, and I mean all. the. friggin'. time. so I'm a pretty experienced listener (not singer lol) of very talented live singers from amateur to professionals and celebrities and I have to say that Junsu is right up there with the greatest live performers in the world. He borders on absolute pitch and rarely goes off-tune and on those rare occasions he's obviously sick or exhausted. His voice is so obviously trained through the years that when I first heard it I thought he might have had a background on opera or something lol. Only thing I can point out is that I hope he can moderate his vibrato a little, depending on the song ^^

2. Changmin 9 /10 (Crystal voice) Again Minnie is usually underrated in this category T.T If we're talking individual skills I think Minnie is clearly fit to be a solo singer. He's been trained to sing the higher notes because he's one of the rare vocalists who can reach those notes and still keep the volume. The others' voices thin out on very high notes (which is usually the case for most singers) but Minnie's stays the same so when they do acapella for example, you can clearly hear him more than he should be heard xD I hope he holds his mic like Junsu does when singing high notes (Junsu holds his mic away and does this side singing so it doesn't sound as sharp to the ears.) and practice controlling his voice more although these past few years he has been improving so much ^^

3. Jaejoong 9/10 (Angel voice) Jaejoong is gifted with a naturally beautiful voice quality. I think his voice is soothing and relaxing and he can cover various genres which is an indispensable skill. Only thing is that he finds it difficult to switch from high to low/ low to high and he drags his notes when he's switching. His vocals are improving with each new song, though and I'm pretty sure he'll be as good as Junsu technique-wise in the future :D

4. Yunho 7.5/10 (Lifting voice) I called his voice lifting because in acapellas his bass lifts the other boys' voices up and makes them ring beautifully in our ears. I think his bass voice (on recorded songs) is top-notch. I had a friend back home who is incidentally a professional bass singer for a record company comment on Yunho's voice when I asked him to youtube the HaHaHa commercial and Whatever They Say acapella and he said that Yunho's bass is "crazy good" ^^Y

5. Micky 7.5/10 (Silky voice) I love Micky's voice when he talks :o It's soooo sexy and sensual. I think when it comes to recorded songs, Micky's voice easily becomes my 2nd or 3rd favorite depending on the song but during live his health is again, the issue I think T.T He runs out of breath easily which breaks his voice and he turns to using his throat voice which is not good for his vocals when overused T.T But really, when he's in tip-top shape, he sings soooo good. :D

This is my opinion and mine alone so please feel free to disagree but no bashing please? D:


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Guest SukiRose

Haha, soulmate baby number 2 is just too cute! I just wanna cuddle him. I'm terrible for saying this, but soulmate baby number 1 reminds me of Bunny Swan. :PPPP

Let me run a Hosu baby real quick. . .

edit: HoSu baby. Haha, I still think Yunjae and Soulmate 2 win. <3


Last one. Promise. 2U just seem to have the best baby-making genes, so. . . :P


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lols at you guys all making these babys.

jaemins looks mean rofls!

look at the GOLD for the tokyo dome tickets.

They have to save the color gold for last dont they?

HEHE Gold for victory!

*sigh* this is the time when i wished i didnt live on the other side of the world.

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Guest KY5354

[News] Tohoshinki Selection for Piano – Stand by U

Eeeek :crazy: SM/Avex are really milking me with all these products!!!

Ranking the boys' dancing

1 - Su

2 - Leadersshi

3 - Minnie

4 - Jae

5 - Chun

Su's dancing wows me more than YunHo's. Of course Leadersshi is amazing too but I just prefer Su's moves.


:huh: Some of those babies are freaky! Haha



5. Jaejoong - Exactly like Changmin. He doesn't like dancing and well if he try to dance it becomes funny. coughXMANcough. However there are rare moments that I think he's really good.

Sorry to cut your post. But I had to agree.

Actually the Purple Line rehearsal video was the first DBSK video I watched and I had NO CLUE who was who in the video, but my eyes were drawn to the guy with the black hoodie - Jae - and I thought 'this guy can really dance'. I showed it my friend (totally clueless about KPop) and asked him who he thought was the best dancer and he also pointed at Jae.

I think it really depends on the type of dance. Jae is actually pretty good when it comes to choreographed moves but his freestyle is just FAIL. :P

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Guest ketchup?

Hmm.. dancing skills..

1) Junsu

2) Yunho

3) Changmin

4) Jaejoong

5) Yoochun

Junsu [to me] is more flowy than Yunho. I like the whole pop lock thing better than I like fancy arm/hand coordination that Yunho tends to do. Junsu just looks like he's not trying at all while Yunho has like this 'fierce' look on his face. Changmin is just super tall so it makes him look awkward at times. Jaejoong just looks awkward period. As hot as he is, I think he's too self-conscious and stiff. Yoochun is just stiff. So really the only person who 'wows' me dancing-wise is Junsu.

Regardless, I still care more about their singing. :rolleyes:

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Guest alexkziel

how would you rank the dongbang boys in terms of how well they dance?

Lets see,

1. Yunho. He can be manly, girly, sexy, powerful, graceful, naughty ;)

He gives the extra feeeling to every move as a true dancer does.

2. Junsu. He doesn't have a lot of moves as Yunho, he always does this popping thing with his chest and the kicking legs, but he knows how to move his hips. :P

3. Jaejoong. People says he is bad, I don't think so. He is a natural, his moves can be very sensual.

4. Changmin. He is very exact, does the moves right, but he lacks the feeling that I find in Jaejoong.

5. Yoochun. This boy... does his own thing. :D

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Guest mcl0521

1. Yunho - Full of confidence and really into the dance.

2. Junsu - Unlike Yunho, Junsu tries to do more variety in dancing. I swear Yunho always seem to do the noodle dance.

3. Micky - He doesn't like dancing and we know it. However, when he has to dance it always turn sexy.

4. Changmin - Mediocre like Jaejoong. Not the best but not bad at all. I guess like Micky, he prefer singing. I guess his height make it awkward.

5. Jaejoong - Exactly like Changmin. He doesn't like dancing and well if he try to dance it becomes funny. coughXMANcough. However there are rare moments that I think he's really good.

They are all good dancers and Yunho and Junsu are really the best. Micky for me is the sexiest when he dance. Well, it turns sexy, I don't know why. Changmin and Jaejoong they can dance but if you compare them to Junsu and Yunho you can say that they are awkward. LOL, heck they are still better dancers than me.

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Guest laurassjj87

Laura, that baby is actually the cutest thing I've ever seen. I think I'm going to have to force Yoochun to marry you. I doubt you have a problem with that. :P

I REALLY don´t have any problem with you forcing Yoochun to marry me... :D :D Please, go ahead!!! lol

The Yoosu baby is so cute <3 And yunjae too xD

To make less spam:

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Guest kinkie_lass

Best Dancer

  1. Yunho
  2. Junsu
  3. Changmin
  4. Yoochun/Jaejoong

Yunho's dance commands attention, sometimes good sometimes it's *sigh* - case in point 9095 pole dancing -facepalm-

but you can't help but to focus on him when he's doing his thing. he can do some b-boy moves y'all so that itself is pretty impressive.

Junsu is more flowy and graceful but his moves are pretty generic and not as adventurous as a whole i guess so he's second.

changmin is tall thus he looks kind of awkward but he's pretty good.

yoochun and jaejoong didn't give me the impression as a dancer but they're both exceptional singers.

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Guest co0o0ol

hey people,

just a random thought after seeing the mirotic dance mv.

how would you rank the dongbang boys in terms of how well they dance? (i know most would put yunnie as 1st, but what about the rest?)

just for fun! =)

for me

1_ Yunho : his dancing skills is amazing , i can't explain how awesome he is when he dance, the best dancer in SM

yunho born to dance :D

2_ junsu: he dance very well ^^ i just love his dancing

3_ changmin : i love this guy ;)

4_ yoochun + jaejoong: i think when they dance they only use 15% of their energy , that doesn't mean they suck no , but it's not their thing

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Guest catgirl5000

^ how would I rank the dongbang boys in terms of how well they dance? hmmm

1st Yunho - From the beginning was the best dancer of them all, cringey sometimes but theat make me llove him more

2nd Junsu - His body just moves in more ways one -licks lips- especially those hips

3rd Changmin - I think he prefers the singing more than the dancing but you can really see he puts his whole effort in

4. Jaejoong - He seems awkward at times and again i think he prefers the singing.

5. Yoochun - I think it just feels like its another chore for him and he just does it because he has too. Although at times he doesn look like he is enjoying it and putting his all in!


For the past 8 weeks(I think) i've been doing my final first year project and I decided from the start that I wanted to do TVXQ, no surprise there ^^

I just though I might share my final images.

Oh and if anyones interested they are for sale, in a group or individually! Anyone interested?


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Guest lawis_pocket

Dance Rank:

1. Junsu!!! Without a doubt. Most say Yunho is the best but to me, is more about the feeling, and to me Junsu's moves are more natural and it's pure sexiness.

2. Yunho: He's def. a great dancer, but to me his more of the tecnichal type. Like he learns and can do it perfectly in terms of tecnic

3. Jaejoong: I know he's kind of funny at times but I like his weirdness. Sometimes he seems really free, and for some reasons, he looks like it would be nice to dance with him at a club XD (not that it wouldn't be with any other member, but he always does sexy facial expression, biting, tounge, etc) but yeah, there are time where he's too selfconcious.

4. Changmin: Sadly I rarely pay attention to his dancing (when it comes to dance my eyes are mostly glued to Junsu, ironically,jae is my fave XD) But of the few time I see him while dancing, specially rising sun. I really like it!! Actually his height isn't bad when it comes to dancing. (Yunho!) but he def prefers singing.

5. He's all about singing and writing, isnt' he. All the emotion he puts while singing leaves him without energy for dancing XD But I like his freestyle!!

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Guest haruno_xiah

Haha, soulmate baby number 2 is just too cute! I just wanna cuddle him. I'm terrible for saying this, but soulmate baby number 1 reminds me of Bunny Swan. :PPPP

Let me run a Hosu baby real quick. . .

edit: HoSu baby. Haha, I still think Yunjae and Soulmate 2 win. <3


Last one. Promise. 2U just seem to have the best baby-making genes, so. . . :P


auchh ~~ seems its like really fun to be played xD

where u've played these site ???

could u give me the linkie ?? <33 :D

i wanna trying to make all babies from TOHO couple one by one XD

thankss before <3

Ahhh ~~

about the dancing skills :

my result:


2. Junsu

3. Jaejoong

4. Changmin

5. Yoochun

well may i have another question ??

how about their singing skill ?? ;D

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Guest laurassjj87

where u've played these site ???

could u give me the linkie ?? <33 :D

well may i have another question ??

how about their singing skill ?? ;D

About their singing skills... I´m sorry but I can´t do it... It´s very very difficult for me to do this rank... T_T

I could only rank them like this:

1. Junsu / Jaejoong

2. Yoochun /Changmin

3. Yunho


But I love all their singing skills.. It´s just that all 5 of them are great singers! So it´s very difficult for me...

The link for that baby-maker... http://www.vw.com/vwhype/babymaker/en/us/

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Guest mcl0521

well may i have another question ??

how about their singing skill ?? ;D

i can say all 5 because it depends on the song they are singing but if i really have to choose.

1. Junsu - I believe the most unique and powerful. When I first listen to DBSK, I always look forward to his voice.

2. Jaejoong - He can sing any songs he wants to. I think his voice fits very well to other songs and of course his high notes are unbelievable too like Junsu.

3. Changmin - Enough said. Powerful and high notes are incredibly amazing.

4. Yoochun/Yunho - I love the fact that they can rap and also sing high notes at the same time. I guess their voices always surprise me whenever they lead a song or hit a high note because I'm used to low notes.

LOL, everyone knows everyone in DBSK can sing. You may just be in denial if you say no.

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Guest dbsgdec

Dancing skill

1. Junsu (9/10)

2. Yunho (9/10)

3. Yoochun (7/10)

4. Jaejoong (5/10)

5. Changmin (5/10)

Junsu and Yunho both are really good dancer. I think to judge whether one is better than the other is not fair because both use different style. While i feel junsu is more free style and his movements is more fluid and powerful, Yunho use his specfic style thats manly and powerful yet sometimes a bit feminine.

I'm suprised when people rated Yoochun lowly. I think Yoochun cannot be compared to Hosu of course, but he's definitely better than Jaemin. Yoochun style is so flirtatious. Not as good as hosu, but yet not awkward at all.

I think Jaejoong and Changmin's dances are full of awkwards. Changmin basically because he's tall.

Have anyone seen XMAN where they all danced solo? Jaemin's dance is sooo xDD funny. lmao. Jae's bird dance kills me.

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Guest cute pikachuu!

Dancing skill rank

1. Yunho/Junsu

2. Changmin

3. Yoochun

4. Jaejoong

Singing rank

1. Junsu

2. Jaejoong

3. Yoochun

4. Changmin

5. Yunho

Except for Junsu, the rest is the total opposite in the two categories.

For dancing, I dont know which to choose, yunho or Junsu. Both are obviously the better dancer than the rest. So both number 1. The rest i put based on what i observed in their concert and solo dances before.

For singing, i think its an easy answer. Its obvious of the ranking. Although i think it'd be hard for some to choose between Junsu and Jaejoong because they both are great singers with different voice.

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