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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest yoonjae
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Guest laurana1

Ahh, it's over already? o_O

Here I was thinking I wouldn't get to bed for hours...

Thank you everyone for translating so quickly and keeping us up to date!

Thank you SO MUCH! <3 <3 <3

Well, I suppose that's the best we could hope for...

Of course they aren't breaking up! It's always nice to hear them reassure us, though. =)

I guess it's pretty much your standard initial hearing...

I hope there is more news soon about what was said, though.

Anyone know what the court decided/when the next hearing will be? (Haha, I'm so impatient! Sorry!)

I need more info!!! xD

EDIT: Ok, September 12th! Ahh, I can't wait that long...

Actually I can, I just don't want to.

And Hollywood???

Really, SM? REALLY??? =/

I love the boys to death, and I live in the U.S., but Hollywood ruins stuff! Actually, America ruins stuff...

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of good, but for them to be big here would be EXTREMELY difficult.

I agree that the attitudes of a lot of people in the U.S. are not good for this because:

1. People hear the word "boyband" and think Backstreet Boys or Nsync, which are (generally) considered to be talentless and completely uncool...

2. I CANNOT even say how many people would dismiss them as "gay" because of their culture... Ugh... (Even if they were, I wouldn't care, I'm just saying).

3. Sex sells. Songs like Hug and Forever Love are like suicide here because they're "too sweet/innocent" (as if that's a bad thing, I love those songs).

4. Most Americans can't be bothered to listen to songs that aren't in English. It's the sad truth...

5. A lot of people are automatically prejudiced against other cultures and races. They just ignore stuff that isn't "American".

6. I don't even want to THINK about how people would react upon seeing Balloons or Tri-Angle. (Two of my favorites, btw)

I hope I didn't offend anyone... I know a lot of people aren't like that, but the entertainment industry certainly is. And I just know a lot of people like that... Anyway, I just don't think it'd work.

I want them to stay in Korea and Japan and I will move there as soon as I graduate.

If they come to the U.S., I have to stay here. xD

And then all of my plans will be ruined...

Seriously though, if they come to Hollywood EVER, I'm gonna be there!

Halfway across the country, I don't care...

I'd move to freakin Cali!!!

Maybe they need an English teacher??? I'll do it!!!

Seriously though, they should stay in Asia...


If they were to come here, I would want them to come as themselves and not change at all.

Keep singing in Korean and Japanese! <3

And WOW, Cassies amaze me!

That ad was so cool...

And those were a TON of signatures. o_O

Best. Fandom. EVER.



Now back to silently stalking this thread...

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Guest iDance24

wait...so is everything fixed already? i mean

sm said they already fixed the contracts

and stuff. ._. i'm very confused~ @_@ gah!

hopefully jaechunsu all feel better! :] hopefully

they will relax now that the hearing is over ^^

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Guest Senorita_

[TRANS] 090821 3 Members Of TVXQ, "We Don't Want To Disband Even If We Move Agencies"

[TRANS] 090821 TVXQ vs SME "We Want This Lawsuit To Finish Quickly"

Thank Manda for the trans. It's good to hear that the hearing went well. And I'm glad to hear that both sides still want DBSK to be together =) (at least this assures us that they won't be breaking up). I just hope that this lawsuit would be settled down soon and that both parties have some sort of agreement.

[TRANS] 090821 Lee Min-Woo Mentions TVXQ In An Interview

Yay for Minwoo. He's a great hyung to the boys and it's nice to hear him speak up about them. And his words of support to the boys' just touches my heart :)

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Guest bukishine

i made a blinkie and a few banners ^^ everyone's welcome to use with credit please.


I'll take these.. Thank you^^

As for the hearing today.. hope we will be able to hear good result in the end

All we can do now is to think positive and pray that everything will be okay..

Boy pop factory: Yoochun is slowly transforming into jae's twin lol. JaeChun ftw!

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Guest Honey_KizZ

090821 SME Complains About The Preservation Of Evidence Request

SM Entertainment filed an appeal regarding the preservation of evidence request the three members of TVXQ filed recently.

SME's side filed for their appeal at the first hearing that began on the 21st at 10:20am.

SME's side stated, "Some of the receipts and other documentation used to calculate TVXQ's income are the company's secret information. Therefore, it could be fatal to SME if these forms of documentation were revealed to the media."

The Courts explained a 'In Camera' system that they use which will invalidate SME's claims. The 'In Camera' system is a system in which only a few select people are able to see the important files or the business' secrets in an enclosed area.

This appeal makes people question how accurately the Courts will be able to calculate the actual income of TVXQ.

Source: [asiae+DNBN]

Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net

Shared by: tohosomnia.net

sm is ticking me off.... :angry:

what is there to hide??

all dbsk wants is to see the documents of how much they earned...

what's wrong w/ that?

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Guest meimei__KOUSEKI

i think the fans' intention is just so the public won't be too twisted by SM's media play, with all the profit ratio and whatnots (which is bulls*** IMO <_< )

the three members had been quiet while the other side had been releasing like 238924547 statements so this is actually pretty thoughtful of the fans...

dbsk signed the contracts is true but a wacko contract is a wacko contract.

i personally think this newspaper "propaganda" serves SM right

Newspaper Ad: Cassiopeia is definitely not going to watch SM do the media play.

The newspaper ad may mean nothing to others but this matters a lot to TVXQ and the fans. What cassiopeia is doing right now is supporting TVXQ and boycotting SM goods. If the case gets worse, I am curious as to what Cassiopeia's next step is but I'm certain of one thing and that is it is bigger than these newspaper ads.

And your elune (tvxqslave) right? I thought you were an official cassiopeia.

Why are you not with us in this? :huh:

It is right that the boys stay quiet during this time. You know how lawyers representing their clients say "i can't give any comment about the matter" to reporters? It's not because they want to, but that's what the court is expecting them to do. The contract is wacko yes...so why did TVXQ sign it in the first place? I'm not saying they are dumb for doing that...but part of this is their mistake too. I'm not gonna sugarcoat them just because i love with all my heart and say this is all SME's fault.

and what does me being an official Cassiopeia got to do with supporting every move that Cassiopeia does? Do i lose my right to have my own opinion apart from the group's general opinion? I am WITH you on supporting the boys, but to an extent.

Poeple brand SME's media play as unfair, and some other things...so Cassiopeia doing the same makes it right? Hmm...

I think you are forgetting about public opinion.

Cassie is letting know, both to the court and SM, that people is watching.

Why people don't understand about the contract?

Do you really think that in the contract was written that they would have to....

sleep 4 hours a day for years?

enjoy only one week a year to rest and do "insignificant" things like visit their families, girlfriends, friends.?

work even when they were sick or hurt?

travel around countries x times a week, a day?!

break sales records to make money?

and above all, work really hard to make money for other people, the sm owner, trainees, younger groups, shareholders etc?

I bet that the 13+2 years wouldn't habe been a problem if their work conditions were a little better.

You can't say that the boys are lying or exaggerating, if you are a fan you would have to know it, we were always worried, watching their crazy schedules, wanting them more healthy, not so skinny, speculating if our money was reaching them.

And Is not like SM is even denying it, they are making excuses!

Whatever, the hearing is over, I really hope SM change, maybe the money will do the talk, they will be in recession again if they break up DBSK.

You also forgot that public opinion does not stand in the court of law.

It's not in Cassie's position to let the court and SME know that they're under the glare of the people. They're aware of that already...why else will they stay silent? And yes, i am a fan.

Anyways, the court has already said that the use of the media to attack should be refrained. I hope both SME and Cassiopeia will follow that.


I'm glad the court chose the In Camera (Latin, meaning "in private") hearing

SME does have things to hide, like every corporation in this world have trade secrets.

also... hopefully they chose the people carefully.

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Guest ``miamihero

090821 SME Complains About The Preservation Of Evidence Request

actually I do think it's inappropriate to disclose their financial statement to the media. hmm.

Well, fans and others might be curious, but idk, i just think it should be known to them and the three members. and that's enough. I hope both parties can come to agreement and make everyone happy. :)

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Guest ana_ari_007

Wow, so much has happened in such a short period. Get ready ladies and gents - this is going to be an up-hill battle for our guys. It's not going to be easy at all.

Regarding some of the things in the articles - yeah SME is in over their heads. The fact they are appealing against the things the guys are doing and mentioning things like secrets make them look so shady! I`m sure there is mutual affection from some staff members and the guys. But yeah - I`m staying mum on this until more news is revealed.

The fact that the hearing lasted 1hr and 20 mins, show how extremely busy everyone is. The other thing is - the guys and the agency have already tried numerous times to reach a mutual agreement. So - y`all keep the faith here. It`s not going to be easy going through this no matter how long or short this will be.

As for the guys debuting in the States. If they started in Canada as a musical group - like say Il Divo or at least like Boys 2 Men or something - something with classic music they could be placed in that way. Also they would have to be definitely marketed differently here than anywhere else. In addition - the markets right now musically are so different. I mean they could be like PCD but they would definitely have to brand themselves differently in NA than Asia. It`s a whole different ball game here and so far the guys don`t want to come to NA. They do but only for simple performances.

In addition - they`d do better in Canada than in the States. As prejudiced talent agencies, etc. are in America - at least in Canada they get a fairer chance to show their stuff. It`s also a more multi-culturally diverse country. Either way - it`s a no-brainer. North American markets are so bloody tough because the people here can be complacent jerks. Wow I just sounded so harsh but that`s the reality when it comes to the music industry here. It would be easier for the guys to get into the acting-modeling arena before getting into music. The turnover will be easier and if people know they act or model before singing - when the guys do make music - it will be a pleasant and popular choice for everyone. Also for musicians here - playing instruments is a plus. If the guys could form a band-band - that would benefit them. Most of them play instruments anyway, so that wìll not be too difficult.

I`m done now. Must finish what I have to do. AKTF!

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Ah, I consider the first hearing to be a success.

But, why Hollywood all of a sudden? I am kinda confused.

i made a blinkie and a few banners ^^ everyone's welcome to use with credit please.



Ah, thank you, I'll take this

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Guest boraah

1. People hear the word "boyband" and think Backstreet Boys or Nsync, which are (generally) considered to be talentless and completely uncool...

I'm sorry, but I have to say something. Bands like NSYNC and Backstreet Boys were still very successful in America.

They're idol bands, so they have a different demographic. That demograhic are teenagers. This is why most people think it's "uncool" to like idol bands... because it's assosiatetes with teenagers and the the Disney Channel.

And you know some teenagers want to be treated like "adults". So they want to like stuff not that is "childish".

It's not in anyway different in Korea, or on Soompi.com. People probably think it's different because it's a different culture, but Korean idol bands are mostly liked by teenagers. I'm going out of topic so I'll stop here.

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Guest ohhlalakelly

Anyone posted this?

(fancam) 090820 Yoochun@boy pop factory - Been so long

Cant wait to here full song... I like their rap and vocal here.~~~.

I freakin' love this. I love how Yoochun was smiling throughout the whole song. I loved how he was jamming along to the music, it was really sexy. I love his rapping! He should do this more in DBSK songs, haha. Yes! Jae is rapping again. I can't wait until this is broadcasted. It's going to be awesome. :)

It's probably fatal to SME because it will make them look so bad (since the boys got practically none of it). Ugh. They are just making up more excuses. Total BS.

About the debuting in Hollywood thing. I'm sure it's just a one side story. I know the boys have stated they don't have any plans on doing that. I'd just prefer it if they were to hold concerts here.

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Guest miss_h

OMG, so crazy! What is he talking about? Won't split up? He said that they wouldn't split up but what was he talking about "changing management companies"? So crazy! I can not stand it anymore. Want to be killed, huh?

it's just an encounter for what the early news said (the one that stated DBSK will be disband if they are leaving SME and possibility for new member). SME make it sound that the only way for DBSK to be able to perform is if they are all under the same label, and in a way, JaeChunSu have to follow SME rules if they want to stay with DBSK. Their lawyer statement clear this problem, with or without SM, DBSK can still be perform together if the members decided to do so.

090821 SME Complains About The Preservation Of Evidence Request

SM Entertainment filed an appeal regarding the preservation of evidence request the three members of TVXQ filed recently.

SME's side filed for their appeal at the first hearing that began on the 21st at 10:20am.

SME's side stated, "Some of the receipts and other documentation used to calculate TVXQ's income are the company's secret information. Therefore, it could be fatal to SME if these forms of documentation were revealed to the media."

The Courts explained a 'In Camera' system that they use which will invalidate SME's claims. The 'In Camera' system is a system in which only a few select people are able to see the important files or the business' secrets in an enclosed area.

This appeal makes people question how accurately the Courts will be able to calculate the actual income of TVXQ.

Source: [asiae+DNBN]

Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net

Shared by: tohosomnia.net

I agree, some document must be hide from public and media since it's a company secret, but the court has been stated that the only one who have access to this documents are the people in charge. So no reason for it.

SME have to present all the document, sooner or later.



sorry, I have read several request about what happening with DBSK in this thread. This is a good summary by soompi news for you who want to know.

DBSK: First Court Hearing on Aug 21

written by SlashRain from soompi

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Guest ka_vie

[TRANS] 090821 Courts Urge For A 'Mutual Agreement' For The TVXQ Dispute

The Courts said, "As long as this lawsuit has been filed, please refrain from talking about or attack the other side through the media."

maybe it's also referring to all ads made by cassiopeia, so i think it's better to just wait for the result...that's my opinion...

090821 SME Complains About The Preservation Of Evidence Request

SM Entertainment filed an appeal regarding the preservation of evidence request the three members of TVXQ filed recently.

SME's side filed for their appeal at the first hearing that began on the 21st at 10:20am.

SME's side stated, "Some of the receipts and other documentation used to calculate TVXQ's income are the company's secret information. Therefore, it could be fatal to SME if these forms of documentation were revealed to the media."

if SME is a company has gone public, actually it's not that hard to reveal their income....don't u think ?

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Guest akiocyn

Wow thanks for the vids and pics. I'm waiting for a full version of Boy Pop Factory from Jaechun lol.

And the BEGIN is really really nice!!!

Well, so far I'm pretty sure that Cassiopeia will ask for opinions from lawyer before they do something (such as posting ADs) and even boycott campaign. I remember I read a reply from a lawyer's assistant to Korean Cassie about it. =)

Aah please remember this:

Always Keep The Faith with TVXQ and Cassiopeia. Believe them ^^

Have a nice day!

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