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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest ohhlalakelly

omfg. those links are too tempting! I can't watch it. I want to, but I can't. Mine should be coming tomorrow or the day after. I have to wait! ughh i'm becoming too impatient though.

As for the Allkpop article, IDGAF. We know they're no breaking up.

QUESTION: For those who have already received their aadbsk3. Is the full Mirotic showcase on it?

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Guest skip2myliu33

To take everyone's mind off AKP's..... story <_<

Here are clips from AADBSK3 with eng subs!Yay! :lol: .......... :ph34r: (:

ZOMG I LOVE YOU FOREVER. thanks so much.

as for the allkpop thing...yeah, i'm guilty too of being drawn in, wide eyed, with that misleading title of theirs, but seriously? that's just bad journalism. they had a similar notification on their twitter. honestly, as much as johnnydorama claims to be a huge dbsk fan, there's really no excuse for bad journalistic ethics like that. i mean, granted, it's a gossip site, but if your name is that reputable, we expect you to live up to it.

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Guest tohoblaq

I NEVER believed any of the allkpop's articles because they're just utter rubbish. I hope nobody will believe them.

Also, thanks for posting up the links to watch AADBSK3 with English subtitles! I know I shouldn't, but I really don't know when will I be getting my copy since I can't purchase online. I tried to hold back, but I just can't! I'm so tempted to watch it. But whatever it is, I promise myself that I'll buy it.

Always keep the faith!!! :lol:

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Guest jadedgrl021

My apartment mate checks AllKpop religiously and after reading about the DBSK article on there she ran to me telling me DBSK were going to break up. I strongly do not believe this will happen. I know that allkpop is a gossip site, it's just so convenient since it talks about anything and everything in the k-pop scene. Let's all hope the court case goes well and we end up with a stronger DBSK than before.

Always keep the faith.

I'm doing my best to resist watching clips of AADBSK3 until I receive my copy at the end of August >.<

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Guest meimei__KOUSEKI

the entire article that allkpop sourced was full of opinions and speculations.

the facts it did say though, were repeats of what we all know now.

also can anyone lead me to where the AATVXQ3 Jaechun Couple Talks are?

i don't mind if it's not the subbed one. Thank you ^^

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Guest tohoblaq

also can anyone lead me to where the AATVXQ3 Jaechun Couple Talks are?

i don't mind if it's not the subbed one. Thank you ^^

Here you go. :)

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Guest laurana1

Other artists' quotes about DBSK:

Aww, everything is so sweet!

I always feel so proud of our boys... they aren't just pretty faces and hot bodies, they have talent and passion and work SO HARD. Plus, they are always so humble and kind...

I feel like they are role models to look up to. I learn from them...

So I think they deserve every single kind word ever said about them. <3

It makes me upset that my family and friends don't understand why I like them.

People automatically think "boyband" and assume they have no real talent. -.-

They see that they have good looks and catchy songs and they can't even begin to see past that.

My mother was actually like "forgive me if I don't enjoy watching teenagers prance around like you do" and my sister won't even listen to them because it's not english. GAAHHH!!!

It just irks me that people can be so prejudiced like this... even in MUSIC, for crying out loud! It seriously seems like a lot of people prefer groups where the guys aren't good-looking because "they have talent, not just looks"... I mean, WTF? They can have both!!!

I'm sorry for my random outburst, it just sucks because I love them so much and I don't know anyone in my daily life who likes them, too.

Is anybody else in the same situation? I'm hoping they'll eventually fall for the boys (who could not love them???) but until then... *sigh*

I'm so grateful for you guys! *huggles* =)

Micky's flip-flop...

Lol that's so cute! That's happened to me a lot, because I pretty much wear flip-flops all year round, even in the snow! But I'd totally be annoyed, they seriously need to back off... and after he fell, they all pushed in closer! Who does that?? Poor Micky... and it does look like his hand got stepped on... =(

Jaejoong's hand...

I'm glad you all say it's nothing serious, because my immediate reaction was "OMG WTH HAPPENED TO JAEJOONG'S HAND??!?!?!?!" lol... I get a little carried away, especially knowing how badly SM has been treating them all these years. So hopefully it's nothing.

Yoochun's cyworld...

Yay, he updated! Very mysterious... I like it! (Yoochun bias alert) =P

Baby Xiahkys...

Oh, SO CUTE!!! <3~~

They really do look like white foxes, especially that first pic.

Oooh, a Wasurenaide pv? Yay!~~~

I'm so excited to see it! But I'm sad that Yunho caught a cold from it... T_T

Now I'm gonna think of that when I watch the pv, lol. xD

Freakin Allkpop...

That article was RIDICULOUS. Straight up.

And I already know it's just gossip and whatever, but all of the comments below it upset me, because they all believe it!

And of course they believe it, I don't blame them, but I DO blame Allkpop for spreading those rumors and sucking people in.

I mean, here on soompi everything is pretty good, we all have our wits about us and back the boys and know that the idea of a break up is a dumb rumor.

But seeing "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" "They're breaking up???" "No! No! No!" etc. just makes me really disheartened...

Just yesterday I was viewing a DBSK video on youtube and someone was telling everyone that the hearing happened a while ago and they already signed a new contract and everything was happy!

If only everyone came to soompi every day... T_T

The upcoming hearing:

Ahhhhhh, I'm so nervous!!! (Even though I know I shouldn't be)

I'm sure the boys have a rock-solid case, and I have great faith in them- really, I do.

But I still can't help but be a tiny bit nervous. >.<

On the bright side, there may be photos of them wearing sexy suits to court!

Yaaaay for Sexy Court Suits!!!~~~

And I'm glad that it's almost here, because I'm dying for more news about what's going on... All of this waiting is killing me! Phew!

All of these photos and links are awesome, thanks guys!

I can't keep up with them... xD

I've kind of given up on watching all of the AADBSK3 vids, I'm so lost right now.

So I figure I'll just wait for my copy which I haven't even ordered yet, can't afford and am officially boycotting. Lol...

But hopefully my Stand By U single will come in soon!!!


I really can't wait, I'm going to squeal so loudly when it arrives! =)

Speaking of which, congrats to everyone for jumping up to the 20th spot! That's amazing!!!

If anyone bought one and doesn't want it, feel free to give it to me! Because I'm bound to drop mine on the ground about .5 seconds after I get it, I'm sooooo accident prone... And then I'll cry... I seriously need about five copies of everything DBSK-related... Lmao xD

Ok, sorry my post was so long, I haven't posted in a while...

Kudos to anyone who read the whole thing, you get a cookie! :D


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Guest teeniebliss

When was ALLKPOP supposed to be a legitimate news source anyways? Ppl have mentioned time and again that they like to twist up the facts, if any, and make rumors bigger than it seems just to get to readers attention. So that site should not be taken as seriously, regardless of whatever connections ppl say that site may/or not have (remember someone mentioned how they were promoting BoA and Se7en on their American debut due to company connections or watever...) It's nothing more than any other sites to give a spin on gossip stories and get us all riled up with their sarcastic tones. It can be rather funny reading some of their articles just on what's up in the Korean Entertainment but in any relation to DBSK right now, I'd rather not. It'll still richard simmons me off as well.

Anyways, loved the quotes about dbsk from other entertainers. SHows that they do have the love and respect from others point of view in the industry as well.

All the AADbsk spoilers!! I'm having a hard time refraining from watching since I'm still waiting on mines><

But thank you to all for the lovely screen caps. I know I'm going to enjoy it just by looking at those gifs/caps ^^

Also, didn't get to congratulate on the Stand By U project. You guys did an awesome job getting those numbers up! I already bought mines so I couldn't join it. Hopefully there's something else that I can participate in soon for support =)

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More uploads (:

the part that you all have been waiting for!----well most of you anyway; the car race (:

[AADBSK 3 - Eng Sub] TVXQ Car Race to Hotel

[AADBSK 3 - Eng Sub] TVXQ Junsu's Bags

credit: withTVXQ & CesKJJ (uploader)

Thank you for posting the links here ^^ ~ i uploaded but actually haven't watched the vids myself :lol: it took a loooong time to download (from withTVXQ), upload and cut-up those vids into pieces T_T so i hope people won't reupload my cut vids into their own Youtube channel and do the cuts themselves -sorry, it just took a lot of effort to do so... I can't wait to receive my copy ^^

so as not to spam: (gif credit: alwaysJJ)

i love this image of jaejoong - casual, sporty and young ^^:





@ allkpop :rolleyes:

can i request a picture the recent one of jaejoong and yoochun? for their new single? thanks

here you go!


i can't wait to see their perf in the odaiba boy pop factory today (jpn time) ~ hoping for fancams ^^

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Guest jedi_baby


I just got my copy of AATVXQ!3 today and I've watched the first few disks... does anyone understand the "Airport Xiah" thing? They mentioned it a few times in I think the Saipan disk.

I was a little disappointed, cuz I thought we'd see more of their dogs =[ But they were so cute talking about them. HEEHEE. Junsoo's dog was so restless.

I can't wait for the Wasurenaide PV. I wonder what the theme is gonna be like...

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Guest sheilapiglet

How about we just agree not to post allkpop articles here?....what's the point of posting it here and then saying: "oh, by the way, i think it's rubbish"...then what's the point right?...like everyone has already said, it's better not to believe in the gossip and speculations, but rather believe in the guys...isn't there a rule on Soompi that says we can't post rumours?...well allkpop is not a legit site so isn't it breaking the rules by posting stuff like that here?.....like seriously.

stuff to share:

東方神起   ~~Together~~

I can't understand korean, but I still found this really funny just by watching their expressions and remembering subbed versions of these clips=P

[081002] DBSK @ chocolate [engsub] 1/8

this is old, but for those that want to rewatch this with subs, enjoy=)..other parts can be found in the uploader's video list.

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^ Good idea.

Just don't post them here anymore ^o^

Some of those articles aren't even factual..just full of opinions and well, a few facts that we ALREADY know tossed into the mix.

It's a waste to read, really~

Anyways..Really wishing I had ordered AADBSK3 right now T___T

Thanks to you all who are sharing links with us~

And for those of you who have your own copy...I hope you're enjoying it!

manda <3

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Guest miss_h

Remember guys, the hearing will be taken place tomorrow, SM surely know there are a lot of Internation DBSK Fans, and they know allkpop. They promote BoA through allkpop, so this site have a connection to SM.

But again, this is a very flinch site, I remember they used to bash Se7en and all out for BoA US adventure but suddenly there's no news about BoA and they only promoted Se7en. Same with WG.

From what I read, it's posted by one of the owner or co-founder, it mean they have an internal link for that news. It just another way of public play by SM (like j.adore says).

If you want to follow the case in more objective perspective, go to k-bites. She write/direct translate the news and if she feel the need to, she will add her own personal opinion at the end. And also sharingyoochun@wordpress.


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Guest jasminhd

hey.. good news...

those who havent order their AADBSK season 3 dvd.. i just happen to browse thru yesasia.. n i saw its back in stock...

AADBSK Season 3 without poster

I wonder how long it will take for it to run out of stock this time. =P So much for the boycott, huh?

I'm hoping my AADBSK Season 3 comes tomorrow or else its going to get harder to resist clicking on the links. =D

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Guest chinita_girl_26

thanks for posting the pics of jae...

this is the first time, i see him wearing short... not bad, he has grown some muscle ...! =)

it's a good atmosphere though just to cover up the rumor of the disbanding...ghrrrrr ALLKPOP!

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Guest ana_ari_007


Aja! Let's do this...the thing is - like I stated in the LJ Support TVXQ Community. We need graphics, permission to use graphics and something that will catch the eyes of people. This we can do while figuring out the costs and other important admin stuff. Sometimes when it comes to print media, the cost of something depends on the colors used, size of image, etc. That's what I know about that....also, we need to hook up with a few Cassie correspondents who can help us with translations and just working things out. Go bilinguals! :) AKTF!

It would be awesome to have "always keep the faith" as the slogan or sub header to the billboard. It would definitely bring smiles on the guys' faces (esp. Yoochun and Jaejoong). Their fans are supporting them just by those four words. AROUND the world!


The source of this particular article is newsen.com which after I looked it up looks like the Korean version of Entertainment Tonight, US! or those other borderline paparazzi magazines/websites. Not sure if they're a reliable source in Korea but from what I can see in Korean media - they always twist the truth. ALWAYS. It's annoying. Besides we don't have to wait long.


If I'm not incorrect - AUGUST 21, 2009 will happen tomorrow sometime for our boys in Korea. That will be when the truth will finally come out. Right now, we don't have anything until that time. We just need to be patient for a few more hours and keep believing the best. From what I can see, despite SME's goof ups - they're trying to keep this case as low-profile as possible. Highlighting the good things such as AADBSK3 (I'm still boycotting until after tomorrow - that's my choice y'all) and the dramas the boys are filming.


Jaejoong is 1 out of 5 of the sweetest guys. Seriously. Those are the funnest pictures! :)

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Guest chinita_girl_26

hey.. good news...

those who havent order their AADBSK season 3 dvd.. i just happen to browse thru yesasia.. n i saw its back in stock...

AADBSK Season 3 without poster

I have a question, is this available here in the Philippines? coz I think we are in region 2...

but it's not says here region2.. only region 1 & 3...

Also, if I will convert the price into our currency,, how will I do it..? Anyway, our currency is in peso (philippines) Do I just convert the dollar price times our convertion rate,,,? I'm so confuse... can anyone help me out here...

thanks in advance...! ^^

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Request - Can someone please upload pictures of Yoochun with Headphones on?

Thank you very much ^^

:o Wasurenaide PV?!?! Ooo i can't wait for it!

I wonder why its being released after promotions..

I hope everything goes well for the lawsuit.

I NEVER wanna see the word "TVXQ" & "disband" used in the same sentence. EVER!

Hwaiting TVXQ!!

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