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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest Kenoa

This is just my idea.

If Seolreim staff are great marketers, the next one should be Junsu with orange juice. so who's next? ;)


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Guest dbsgdec

Seolreim CF Micky looks soooooo delicious! And the members behind him is xD

Eeteuk (super junior) piano playing & talks on Xiah JS

he said him and junsu had bet about who's composing better song, and then the song that lee teuk played is made by junsu. So one day he played that song in the show and after junsu saw him playing on the show he called lee teuk and said "hey, that's my song!"

credit: thgus714@yt

090510 Junsu at SAITMA 2nd Day Fanaccount

Junsu @Saitama 2nd day. He could walk around! Yeah!! (*^0^*)//

At saitama on the 2nd day, Junsu was able to walk much better than the 1st day.

Junsu told the audiences that now, it is no problem for him to walk around. ^^

He could stand whole time and was able to move his upper body well. He was with the members much more than the first day @ Saitama. He kept on smiling despite of his condition. Even if he could not dance, his song performances were amazing as usual without any mistakes. His voice was as Strong as ever even if he was still unable to dance that day. Fans could clearly see his God given incredible natural talent in singing as he could sing amazing well to the point to give audiences goose bumps.

When other members were singing and dancing "Nobody Knows", He was trying to dance a little bit with small steps. But then right after that performance, when they were doing MC, JJ said to him in the way like mother would talk to her loving son, "I know you want to dance, but you have to be patient until you are fully well to avoid having the worse condition". Junsu did not know how to talk back to JJ and looked at him the way little boy would look as his mom which made fans to giggle because Junsu looked so cute. ^^

Yuchon also told Junsu to take it easy on the first day in his very caring and loving way. Yuno kept his eyes on Junsu so that he will not over work his leg.

Also on the first day at Saitama, when Junsu said that his leg is better than in the morning because of the fans cheers for him, Max had commented in his calm way, "you say you wanto to dance and you are OK but then I bet as soon as we go home, you will start to complain that your leg hurts. So don't dance yet, ok?!".

All the fans at Saitama had laughed at Max's comment because the way Max had said was filled with his care for Junsu and that the fans were glad to notice Junsu is getting much better to the point that the members can even joke about it. ^^

JJ and Yuchon kept on walking toward Junsu to give him their warm & loving care.

All members continued to care for Junsu as it was observed at Kobe which made fans love TVXQ even more.

Junsu was joking around again at the second day of Saitama. As he started to share some of his jokes, other members said "don't you have any new ones?" and Junsu had his famous "how should I reply to this" kinda face which is soooooo cute and everyone loved it! After his well-known sigh time, he then shared his new joke "JyunJyuwa~~~~!!", which he learned from a Japanese comedian @ 007 TVshow, and the whole audiences laughed out loud. ^^

Mr. Sekine was there on the second day at the concert sitting at the seat with other fans, TVXQ spotted him and he was on shown on the wide screen, then he made his famous funny face which made everyone happy including TVXQ. I am so thankful to Mr. Sekine to be there two days to support TVXQ to cheer them up.

I have some pictures from Saitama provided by the music company personal which is shared through free website, please send me your e-mail address to my memo box. As I live in the USA, please be patient if it gets to you a day later. Thanks!

Since I wish to share this news with you asap, I have not proof read well. Sorry!

let us continue to pray for Junsu's complete recovery!

Hua.. He really should listen to the members more often~!! Junsu babe, please take it easy~!!!

I love the one i bolded. I can totally imagine that xD

Jaejoong mothering and Changmin's teasing ^^

Thank you for the fanaccount ^^


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Guest +Lolliepop !+

Bigeaststation 111: I have no idea why Jae's answer about how he does like mini-skirts bothers me so much >.<. Maybe because I don't really show my legs ? I don't know, but he didn't he say in the interview that he doesn't really look at other girls in skirts, but he knows that his members do ? Ehh.

CF: Yoochun looks so cute ! And Jae with that... thing :huh:. I've forgotten what it's called... but, he looks so cute with it ! All of them look awesome ! I love them in white <3.

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Can i like spazz here?

lols this was so cute.

The four in the back are so dorky with their little instruments.

And chunnie, oh that smile of his is so addictive!

It just makes me want to grab him and give him a big smooch!

And the homin moment + the little stumble from jaeboo<3

I hope the other versions come out sooon, if there is =D


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Guest Walnuts

they are so cute from Bigeast Event 3 DVD

credit Pramper@forevermin.com

q7yun.gif g0min.gif

40mic.gif 63jae.gif

and S-line power hope he gets well soon


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Guest portiaisabel

it's Official i have a big bodyache...

Yeah what kind of subbing team has 5 members only (technically it might be lower than 5 or more....)

And so Double release for everyone

current projects 2: Music japan special + 3rd Bigeast Fanclub event

Channel-A Soccer battle playlist

[ENG SUB/DL Link] 090510 Yunho & Jaejoong Bonita TV Aichi English Subbed


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Guest paloma_jaejoong

[DVD] 3rd Bigeast Fanclub Event - YunJae moments (holding hands!)

Yunjae + Yoosumin Ear Blowing @ 3rd Bigeast Fanmeeting


I am a crazy yunjae (among many others) who died need to talk or see these videos, since I saw the photo ran q ago i think you just saw ... OW!

Type, blowing yoonho continues even after that is over, so the possessive of it by jj hahahhaha, after the video of hand given them a real couple waaaaa *O*

are very perfect together, made for each other! :o

090513 Seolreim CF -Micky Version

AH! I always thought micky beautiful, but in CF it to the extreme of wonderful, drooling liters!

Gif is a killer too! B)

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Guest lolly88

Is there anyone know where this pic 's, and other members 's pics ?


ITS obvious that its either Photo Shop OR fan drawn

sorry to disappoint

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Guest azn_denny
Guest afterglow.

lol the cf was cute. the best part was the others calling out yoochun's name in the end. i hope the other members have their own version too.

tea for two sounds okay. not realling liking it yet.

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Guest sheilapiglet

3rd Bigeast Fanmeet - backstage - junsu kawaii~

aww...the way Junsu is shaking his head back and forth is so adorable!=)

[Fancam] "Sky+Somebody to Love" Yunho @ Saitama 090509

090512 MNet Japan "I Love TVXQ" Part 1

090512 MNet Japan "I Love TVXQ" Part 2

090512 MNet Japan "I Love TVXQ" Part 3

090512 MNet Japan "I Love TVXQ" Part 4

I guess the last part is still being processed.

I almost forgot about this!...they'll show a new episode about the guys every week for several months right?...looking forward to it!..now the japanese fans will know more about them and their life in korea vs their life in Japan and all over asia..how everything started and how much they've accomplished till now=)

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The CF is sooo freakin cute!

So since it said Yoochun Version, Does that mean there will be other versions too?!

OH~ I really hope so!

It was soo cute! I wanna pinch his cute cheeks! :D

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Guest aizah

Lovely mickytohos has subbed the adorable CF

[Eng Sub] SeolLeIm!!! DBSK 설레임 CF~ (The Cutest Commercial!)

^_^ Enjoy!

you can download this HERE

Thanks to mickytohos' translation!..

[HD/FANCAM] 081115 MKMF 2008 - YunJae moments!

[HD/FANCAM] 081003 KBS Music Bank - Jaejoong

^still processing


[CF] 3rd Asia Live Tour Mirotic 2009 in Beijing (promotion ad)

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Guest yeezer

Ok I need to see some Junsu pics in these pages so here goes.

Hope it works cuz its my first time sharing something on this thread

although I've been a silent reader for a while. :)











Here's for all fans of Junsu. Love his passion for singing.

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Guest LuckyLinda

GEE, i got sooo excited i forgot to say something!! ^_~ WOW~~~thanks for sharing Sis Yeezer, those r totally awesome pix of our Xiah, I love Micky too, not to mention Hero, Max and Uknow!! ^_~ THANK U!! ^_~

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