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Talking On The Phone Is . . .


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Guest JunsuLove

I like talking on the phone :] Usually I just say whatever is on my mind..

So there's usually some conversation going, lol xD

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Guest HighSkies

I like talking to people on the phone if I don't know them very well, but if I do know the person well I'd rather speak to them in person.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest 1xplicitbabyy

I LOVE talking on the phone, especially when its for hours and hours.

It's the connection that I receive - I think thats how bonds are formed and how close you can get between that person.

My opinion is that, with today's advanced technologies, its more difficult to communicate with someone - yes, MSN/AIM is much easier and texting is just SO in right now, but you're hiding between a computer/phone. Where is the emotion between the words? That tone of voice that you hear at the other end; excitement, joy, sadness, etc. Where is that when you're on MSN or when you're texting? Emoticons such as ' : D, :), :(, O_O ' does not do justice, at all.

The phone isn't as great as face-to-face conversations with people but it's the next best thing when you can't see them.

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Guest april.berry

it depends who am i talking to.

but generally, i love talking to the phone for a long time. especially if i'm talking to my friend, nikki. we would talk for hours even we meet everyday at school.

our topic would be from the gossips at school, to food, to parties, to the latest trends and so on... :D

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Guest LotusWing

I like to talk on the phone with my boyfriend only. hehe

I don't like to talk on the phone with friends because if they live close to me or if they live in Denmark, then I prefer to visit them or arrange a day to meet and talk at the cafes etc.

Whenever my boyfriend and I are not on msn/skype, then I like to call and talk to him. MSN, Skype and phone calls really helps our relationship (LDR), and hearing his voice really save my day.

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Guest bitter SOOweet

i'm more of a text-er. i'm not too fond of instant messaging (just 'cause i feel like it takes up so much time). i love texting tho haha.

as for talking on the phone, it really depends on who it is.

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Guest vodnika

I prefer text or msn.. dunno why- I find it more difficult to talk face to face, plus whenever I try and call someone I always end up dialing their number wrong @@

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Guest cannotfindserver

i only use the phone if i have to inform my friend about something especially if she doesn't have a cel. yes there are people in this modern world who still doesn't have a mobile phone. so telephone really helps a lot but i only use it mostly for that purpose. i prefer talking on ym.

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Guest crizehhrulescity

Aha, I totally agree. For some reason I hate talking on the phone but I love talking irl. :sweatingbullets: When I'm on the phone my voice always squeaks and I feel uncomfortable not looking at the person/ people I'm talking to. :3

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Guest Joo.Se.Fii.N.

It depends on who I'm talking to.

But usually when I talk on the phone too much, my head starts hurting. Dx

So I prefer texting and IMing.

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Guest brian032

I'm not a big fan of talking on the phone or on the internet in general. Face-to-face interaction is more stimulating, so I prefer that a lot more than being bombarded with technology 24/7. Besides, everytime I'm on the phone, for some unknown reason, my persona switches to that of a pompous twit.

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Guest xoxo Linna

i use to talk on the phone ALOT.

andthen my phone bill started killing my parents so i got rid of the habit

now i o_o use msn and aim :D

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i cant live without talking on the phone.. as far as i can remember i've been on the phone every night since grade 6 && i grad from high school last yr. so you can imagine the phone bill sincee

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Guest miss.catherine

there's only a few people i can talk to on the phone for a long while... my mom and younger brother, one of my girl cousins, and 3 of my friends. everyone else, i only talk to on the phone for no longer than a couple of seconds or minutes.

my friends/family and i barely communicate online.. except random emails or IM, but not so often. i used to be obsessed with AIM, but now i'm barely on it.

i prefer face-to-face interaction. :)

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Guest cosmicolor.

yay and nay.............yay cuz you can actually hear that persons voice and talk to them.....

nay 'cus im nt gud at talkin in phones......it jus turns awkward, i make it ya noee.......

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Guest yoroihiro

haha i really like to talk with phone a lot...

better than texting or msning cause i think you could hear (from his/her voice)

the true feelings / mood of the person that you talked to on the same time

texting and msning sometimes is better...if the people you want to talk to are farrrr

away and beyond the reach of your phone bills :rolleyes:

but sometimes i really hate my friends who text me for discussing something important

and waste like 10+ sms which in the end turns into nothing...

"why don't you just call me?"

it's a yay for telephone and face to face for close friends and new people are the best

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