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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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Maybe khs is just busy with her drama. Chingu, i know this forum is free to express your feeling. But please can we just make this ship still sailing with happiness sucha as share some of vitaminsuns. I believe if they are meant to be they will be together again :( :( :(

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Guest Carmel1

"After four years, if you'll come back as a really amazing man, then I'll think about it again. You're the one one who'll regret letting me go."  Geum Jandi

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Lee Min Ho + Goo Hye Sun= Love :X <3 Just watched BOF....totally in love with this couple..... :D The way they look at each other...the way they tease each other....smile at each other is so so so so cute ^_^ I have never liked a couple this much.... I love MINSUN :'D They are a match made in heaven! Lee Min Ho and Goo Hye Sun written in the stars ^^ I'm tottally digging them to be a real couple :P I don't care if they re dating in real or not...they will always be my forever favourite couple ! MinSunMAGIC <3 :'D ;) Forever MinSun :')

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Im filled with so much joy, seeing so many sisters still keeping their faith and lifting each other through those difficult days It is insanely INSPIRING!!! Lets just wish Minho & Hyesun the best of our love and let us support their endeavors as much as we can. MinSun gave me those wonderful experiences as a fan a shipper a stalker a die hard and having to endure those sleepless nights spazzing, chatting with Minsun sisters all over Earth! :)) I was actively posting here and on GHS thread too!  I guess as time passes by I was contented enough to support them quietly but keeping and always happy seeing Minsun family grow. I was so happy that our ship is sailing smoothly and boy! there were storms! ;) storms that was not strong enough to let me jump off our ship!! LIFE is unpredictable! nobody knows the future ayt? I would welcome the day where I could totally say that MINSUN HAS ENDED and this was not that moment.till then.......

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 greeting for lee min ho  .. greeting for ku hye sun so ..
 I love ku hye sun more  .. Probably because I'm a girl .. The girl always with the girl   

OMG !!
  excuse .. I did not mean insult ..
I just want support of ku hye sun ^^
thank you for all 

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Guest Carmel1

@pink fairy:
" I was so happy that our ship is sailing smoothly and boy! there were storms!  storms that was not strong enough to let me jump off our ship!! LIFE is unpredictable! nobody knows the future ayt? I would welcome the day where I could totally say that MINSUN HAS ENDED and this was not that moment.till then......."
Our couple is experiencing their time of storm and this is the time that they need our love more, unconditional love-- Let me share these verses from 1 Corithians 13:4-13

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

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It's been a long time since I last posted on this forum. I was just silently lurking over the posts here for quite sometime. Just like all MinSunners, I too was a quite shocked and much more hurt over the news. So to keep my spirit from falling apart, I have to remain in my deep silence. I just worry at times when I read posts in twitter and FB of some minsunners who say nasty things to those who seemed to have lost faith to our couple and are still mending their bruised hearts over this what I can call ANOTHER HIT DOWN BELOW. Some are thinking that ONLY THEY have the right to be called MinSunners. Let us just remember that no one has the copyright to this because we can be MinSunners in our own little ways even if we don't belong to a group. It is just so good to know that this group does not do that to the members here and I am really very much relieved of all my doubts and reservations towards our couple. Thanks to all the shippers here who have always been supportive of MinSun and all the members here. Just like the way we used to say "Keep the MinSun Faith buning."

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Guest Gul95

It's not even like I'm that upset over the fact that the possibility of minsun being real is 100% impossible now. I'm just disappointed in leeminho, not because he's dating suzy but because I generally believe he chose fame over kuhyesun just like she states. It's definitely leeminho she was talking about because there was pictures of them which magically disappeared the following day and there are lots of evidence for us to think they were together. What made me watch kdramas was leeminho. I watched every single drama he starred in and now thinking about what kuhyesun said about him it made me realise that he has changed for the worse and tbh I'm not surprised. He does earn millions and he would have many reasons for his choice to disguise his relationships. I don't know if you lot have watched the episode of happy together with the blood stars, but a girl who also was in leeminho's movie said how he was so warm during the shooting but during the recent event where all actors and actresses turned up, he completely ignored her being there. This isn't the leeminho we knew years ago. This is the leeminho that has come about due to popularity. If this is the person he ought to be, then good for kuhyesun for choosing the hard route of letting him go.

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Guest Zen18

I think his not a flirt that's why. .unlike with kho hye sun during and after Bof their movements was really different it seems that they were truly inlove with each other. You will never saw lmh acted that way with his female co-star.

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Guest Ayushiish


You're clearly a Minoz or minzy shipper going by your older post. I am tired of people coming into this thread and accusing us of being delusional. I may not have been here long but to those who have, it's rude of you to attack them like that. They aren't harming anybody, just shipping 2 people they loved and holding hope. I hardly think it hurts your precious Minho. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, they have several other threads with Minho and his female co stars, one of them officially confirmed to have

Split but the thread continues. Why not attack them and only Minsunners? That's cause u know in your heart that these guys are honest and minsun was once very real. Whether they still are or not and if this whole fiasco is the same as in the past, untrue or created or what not we'll see. Peace.

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ayushiish_stv said: null
You're clearly a Minoz or minzy shipper going by your older post. I am tired of people coming into this thread and accusing us of being delusional. I may not have been here long but to those who have, it's rude of you to attack them like that. They aren't harming anybody, just shipping 2 people they loved and holding hope. I hardly think it hurts your precious Minho. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, they have several other threads with Minho and his female co stars, one of them officially confirmed to have
Split but the thread continues. Why not attack them and only Minsunners? That's cause u know in your heart that these guys are honest and minsun was once very real. Whether they still are or not and if this whole fiasco is the same as in the past, untrue or created or what not we'll see. Peace.

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Ok listen ppl, MY FIRST POST was very tame, if you read it it was merely a quote from a post in THIS THREAD...Why is everyone so aggressive? I did not attack you just asked you to take MinHo's words into consideration..Had the mod not deleted my post you'll see what I mean...((Not sure how my previous post was in any violation of any soompi rules since it was very tame and nothing more than a quote!!)) Anyway...All I ask of any of you, is whether you want to support MinHo or not, just don't be resentful since he didn't live up to "your" expectations!!
I was simply checking the first few pages of this thread to see how you guys can ship the couple as i haven't watched BOF, out of curiosity only...When I came across that interview and thought to quote it. Also, the very first page asks posters to ship the characters and not the REAL ppl, so I thought to point out that the shipping purpose of the thread has been compromised. That is all...Carry on! Peace to you all and I hope you find your happiness in things that don't cause other ppl hurt! 

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melezecret said: @Danie_A, Hahahahaha You said to a man who always get high rating drama, king of cf, always get "nice face girl", had a lot of money, even now the relationship is approved by netizen in they belove country who crazy about the look and you said HE IS POOR GUY????? just because of us???? Come on wake up girl, we are just same delusional (you delusion how he so hurt because our words) and so i ask, you sure he read this forum, your forum, or shipper forum? we just act delusion he know about us

after i see other article about idol "it girl", whose doesn't want to date actor??? as i know actor and actrees in korea have high reputation and different level from idol. So in other side actor just need to choose and pointed out who girl he want to close and date especially if the actor is so famous, the "it girl" whose pointed out by the actor and just need to agree. I see nothing special about Minzy relationship, is just physical attraction. how many time they know each other until had relationship, i think just one month and the girl say yes, and the girl so easy to invite by LMH to spending night  in the same hotel (we can't judge what they doing in that hotel but see this is new fallin in love couple imposible they not to have touchy touchy in there).

AND WOW actor really have power over the girl he wants, just simple. I'm minsun shipper yes i'm delusional but we not sleep from reality. we just blather in here between the same favorite couple shipper. You are minoz, minzy but we are minsun talking about minsun in minsun shipper paradise

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Guest kstar1234

well.... after all i realized that all of us were hurting soo bad at this point, especially for our princess... but this is not the end of the world...I'd never though that LMH is the best in this world and not crazy for him... Let him be......I just recognized him becuz. of our princess.. there are better one, kind hearted, high profile with good reputation gentlemen were out there.......
 Don't think me wrong..... I am telling this becuz. even LMH wants to make Uturn, back to our princess.. I am not sure our princess will accept him and give him one more chance??? She is also high profile celebrity ...., smart and sharp woman.. 

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No need to fight. Please respect this thread.
Facts of Life, we cant deny whether we like it or not.
Minsuners are part of the team to support the making of LMH today.

Throw back Boys Over Flowers days, OTP couple.

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