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Jang Dong Gun 장동건


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I felt so guilty didn't have time last week to sneak and post something in this thread.

But so glad that the birthday party was a success one.

Thank's for the pic and update :)

Oh..I just read one article fr JustJangdonggun blog, and i think I would bring it here, because it's so good.

I'm sorry if already posted before.

This article talk about the screen quota, 2 years ago, when JDG planned to do one man protest aginst the screen quota...

but suddenly became a chaos due to do many of his fans notice it and crowd him.

Source: http://blog.paran.com/skyview999/8123055

Translated by YoonEe for Just Jang Dong Gun at www.jang-donggun.com


I met Hallyu star Jang Dong-gun

by Skyview

2006-02-06 21:30

Master Baek Nam-joon who passed away several days ago, told unknown young artists to beg the ‘helper of life’ for ‘luck’. It may sound a bit harsh, but I think ‘to be lucky’ is just one of those sayings.

Where indeed ‘luck seven skills three’ (Note: there’s a saying that ‘success is due to 70% luck and 30% skill’) is originated? Why wouldn’t those people say ‘luck nine skill one’? If I have been living long enough, I will tell people about the mysterious ‘power’ of luck that controls life. It seemed that I was rather ‘lucky’ today. In an unexpected situation and place, I saw ‘the world of JDG’. I had sent my card for a brief interview request. This was practically ‘big news’ for ‘JDG die-hard fans’. It might become a serious report, I want to share my opinion with the people who couldn’t witness the ‘big commotion’ that happened in Gwanghamun this afternoon. It was a grand ‘happening’ in the heart of Gwanghwamun

On the first day of spring (4th February) Ahn Sung-ki started the ‘Movie People One-Man Demonstration’, followed by Park Joong-hoon yesterday. The news that JDG would be in front of Kyobo Life building in Gwanghwamun today from 1 pm spread on the internet yesterday, the reaction of netizens was extraordinary. Comments such as ‘I will go, no question about it’, ‘he is the person I must see’, ‘the day I’ve been waiting for’, etc were postings on the internet.

I am not a big fan of JDG but was pretty interested in the news. Because when I was writing my report about Ahn Sung-ki’s protest on my blog, I had a thought -- “if JDG were to stage the protest, how it would be like”. I also had a doubt -- “the popularity of JDG as the most handsome star of this era has reached the peak now, would it be possible for him to accomplish his ‘one-man protest’?” my personal answer would be ‘absolutely impossible’. Ahn Sung-ki or Park Joong-hoon could finish their one-man demonstration in a ‘peaceful atmosphere’, but I was sure it would not be the same for JDG. Anyway, I arrived at the location at about 12 o’clock. At that time, it was still peaceful and quiet like in ‘the eye of the typhoon'.

At about 12.40 pm, I went back to the spot, this time ‘the event’ has heated. The surging crowd of about a thousand people seemed hard to be controlled. Mainly made up of young women or young girls, there were also ajumma, ajeoshi, male and female workers in uniform. They were communicating to each other that ‘he’ hadn’t come. There were also over eager people who had climbed up a big zelkova tree in front of Kyobo life building.

About 5 minutes to 1 pm, JDG came out from Kyobo Life building. There were young men who looked like bodyguards clearing the way and also Ahn Sung-ki, whom I interviewed a couple of days before was following him. I was standing over a flowerbed on the side of the door they were coming out. The guards came down and desperately shouted, but many people who were there didn’t listen. I too didn't care about my reputation; I was standing on a 30cm high boundary stone of the flowerbed. I could barely see JDG who was wearing hooded beige quilted windbreaker from behind. Now on this blog, I couldn’t tell about his ‘effect’ there, but honestly, it was magnificent. He made the young girls/fans shriek and scream.

All the time, I could hear shriek-like screaming. There were not only one or two young girls who were jumping up and down. In the situation, there was a young girl who was ‘live broadcasting’ the event to her mother through cellular phone. “Mom? It’s me. JDG is really jjang (the best). I’ve never seen such a handsome oppa in my life, really gorgeous, wow!” JDG could not stand still, pushed by the surging crowd. He barely managed to stand on the boundary stone of the flowerbed. Anyway my heart started to beat faster; it seemed that an accident would happen. Why I couldn’t see the policemen on guard. I stepped backward and down from the boundary stone and entered the building .At that time JDG’s party was also pushed out from the place, passing the flowerbed and entering the building. This time I managed to see JDG’s expression. He looked a bit scared when he made his way through the flowerbed. The expression reminded me of a certain scene in ‘Taegukgi’. Suddenly, I was also getting scared. Please, don’t let an accident happen. Later the news reported that 2000 people were gathered at that time.

Anyway, I went inside the building and I have been standing by the elevator for a while. Just then JDG came towards me. At that moment I asked him loudly, "excuse me, what do you think of (the situation) just now?" Why on earth did I ask him what his 'thought' of the situation, even I myself think it was too much? JDG who appeared taller, gazed at me and with shy expression answered, "Well, we were not ready just now. I'm sorry". He looked young and very good-natured. This time, young men who looked like bodyguards surrounded him and escorted him to ride the escalator to the 2nd floor. I followed him because I was pushed by the fans that were entering the building. Honestly, people who weren't there would have no idea about the situation.

The guards then took control of the escalator to the 2nd floor. The fans were staring at the 2nd floor like 'a dog looking up to the roof to chase after a rooster'. People who had climbed up to the 2nd floor before the escalator control, were making noises because they couldn't enter the restaurant. The guards shouted to warn them not to lean against the railing. I tried to think clearly, I wouldn't make it if I’ve stood together with the 'general fans' like that. It was good that 'the power of age' could be used at times like this. I racked my brain; I asked a guard, "Is Mr. Ahn Sung-ki already at this floor too?" Since I looked like an ‘authorized person’, without saying anything the guard let me in.

We walked up to the door of ‘Lovely’ restaurant that I had visited before; the guard politely led the way for me, as if I was an ‘authorized person’. Finally, I entered their hiding place. Because I was wearing the same badge, Ahn Sung-ki looked at me rightly. I asked him “Do you remember me? I had an interview with you two days ago”. The courteous gentleman smiled widely and answered, “Oh yes”. When I asked for his business card, he said, “I don’t have it, please ask my manager”.

Directly opposite me, JDG who was wearing arabesque patterned beige colored sweater was slightly leaning forward. I could see the ‘handsome actor’ closer than when in front of elevator a moment ago. Looking at his bright smiling face, I instantaneously recalled the high praise words of Chinese director Chen Kaige who visited Korea sometime ago. “JDG’s eyes are like those of a 3 years old child; very pure. He is an actor who comes out once in 500 years”. At that brief moment, Kang Shin-jae’s novel ‘The young zelkova tree’ also popped up in my head. It was a novel from a very long time ago, but because of its touching lines, I would always remember the novel. The story is about a beloved older brother and it started with the line “He always smells like soap”. The ‘smell of soap’ image rightly came up when I was looking at JDG.

He was born in 1972 which means he is now a 35 years old bachelor, but when we look at this popular star, he looked like a post graduate student in mid 20s, which explains why females, from young girls cheered wildly for him.

He looked at me when I requested for his business card and with a shy smile he said, “I don’t have business card, (please ask) my manager… “

Everyone was right! There is ‘aura’ on JDG’s face. Maybe it would not be easy to comprehend, but I was surprised, though JDG is an actor at his ‘prime time’ I didn’t sense ‘sexual allure’ but I could see the ‘childlike’ unstained pureness that was coming out from inside. It is probably caused by his ‘acting’ or I hadn’t really known the real JDG’s natural looks. Anyhow in these days where ‘sex appeal’ prevails and ‘sexy’ trend dominates, his boyish looks momentarily surprised me. Therefore he and ‘the young zelkova’s refreshing soap scent’ were most likely to overlap. The epithet of ‘the most handsome man of our time’ is tagged after JDG, but there are also some people who would disagree’.

I’ve certainly heard quite a lot about this ‘fine actor’, but today being face to face with him and having a good look of him, I realized that ‘handsome actor’ was not a groundless title. Rather than simply handsome, he looked like the ‘charming and kindhearted prince’ in ‘manhwa romance’. Director Chen Kaige said that his eyes were beyond words, pure and deep. It may sound like an excessive compliment, but somehow, the impression I got was just like that. If he had made a request, I felt that it would be impossible to refuse. Anyway, he was an actor that made us harbor various fantasies momentarily.

I said to JDG, “the incident made me very worried”. He replied with a truly regretful look on his face, “I’m sorry. It was not well prepared”. I was looking at his face all the while. I thought his expression was ‘warm/kind but also cool’. Now I’d say, I felt happy that I had met this ‘extremely handsome actor’.

Anyhow, the ‘one man protest’ had failed and now they are about to have a ‘special strategy meeting’. But it’s ludicrous that people who didn’t know had come and were rampaging. In the ‘turmoil’, some cameraman said ‘hold on please’ and asked me to move aside. It would be more difficult to stay there. I came in to get help on information with email from manager.

Ahn Sung-ki’s manager, when asked why they could not predict the situation, answered, “We expected a big crowd, but not to this extent”. I would say they did not realize ‘the power of top star JDG’. Anyway, JDG’s one-man protest against screen quota cut had to be ended.

Fans were still standing at their position in front of the escalator when I was got outside. There were various groups of people; groups of primary school students, junior high schoolgirls, female college students and even aunties. When I asked some people why they liked JDG, most of them gave me an expression that said ‘why you have to ask the obvious’, some answered that “He is the most handsome man”. Some people said, “I like him just because he is JDG”. A group of schoolgirls skipped classes to go there early. After about 1 to 2 hours, there were still many people in front of Kyobo building. Two aunties in their 40s looked very disappointed, “JDG has left”. Sounds of regret were coming from all directions.

When I got home and switched on the TV, ‘JDG party’ had moved to the front of the General Assembly in Yuedo. On the TV screen, JDG who carried out his protest from 2.30 pm to 5 pm together with the news reporters was shouting the slogan:

“Please be friend to screen quota, we will fly the Korean flag in the world”

To people who happened to be at the National Assembly in Yeudo Capitol that afternoon, I wished them “good luck” ^^.

JDG, please continue to do your best, fly the Korean flag in the world!!!


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Guest TY_KSW

Marchy darlink.. dun be worry about that "guilty" dear

All of us are busy.. just a matter who is busier to who.. hehehhe! :rolleyes:

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Source: http://krfilm.net/f/t-15255-1-1-163jang-dong-gun-sap-ket-hon

Etrans: pooh9x@KST_CICHLID

Please give us proper credits if you copy it to the other sites. Thank you!

Recently, in Korea, there is a widely spreading information that Hallyu star Jang Dong Gun is getting married. Many fans and even the acquaintance of Jang Dong Gun have called to his management company Star M to confirm this information.

On March 14, a staff of Star M company said: "Although while filming a new advertisement, Jang Dong Gun has said that if he met a suitable woman, he would get marry immediately. In fact, nothing like that happens. Recently, whenever Jang Dong Gun see his nephew, he always thinks about marriage. He usually talks with his friends about it, but there is not like Jang Dong Gun will married in the near future.”

One of Jang Dong Gun’s best friends said: "Recently, when we are confidencial with each other, Jang Dong Gun has talked seriously about mariage, but he doesn’t have a girlfriend yet; so this matter seems quite far-away".

In addition, last month, there was a website published a news that Jang Gong Gun was getting married. Moreover, the candidate was a Japanese woman. That article also said that they had seen two of them had a date in Pusan. However, after confirming, it has shown that it was just a normal staff.

*** If he gets married to Chae Rim when she was still single I won’t mind but I never heard the two of them being link with each other even once – hehehe. :D

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Guest TY_KSW

Source: http://krfilm.net/f/t-15255-1-1-163jang-dong-gun-sap-ket-hon

Etrans: pooh9x@KST_CICHLID

Please give us proper credits if you copy it to the other sites. Thank you!

Recently, in Korea, there is a widely spreading information that Hallyu star Jang Dong Gun is getting married. Many fans and even the acquaintance of Jang Dong Gun have called to his management company Star M to confirm this information.

Thanks Will

ayah.. my hubby is never in peace for those rumor

He even has no time to sleep much less for marriage!

If he were, i would inform you all that m not a single anymore... :lol:

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Thanks Will

ayah.. my hubby is never in peace for those rumor

He even has no time to sleep much less for marriage!

If he were, i would inform you all that m not a single anymore... :lol:

OMG - TY, I forgot again that he's already married to you, huh? But I heard that he filed a divorce because you cheated on him - hahaha? :D

Kidding aside, TY - you'll reach that point in your life that you have to accept that he's getting married - 3 -4 years from now? :)

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Guest TY_KSW

Kidding aside, TY - you'll reach that point in your life that you have to accept that he's getting married - 3 -4 years from now? :)

yes Will, m right here waiting for him.... till the end of my life!

m I sweet n faithful? :phew:

pshshhs.. luckily my real bf is not here! :lol:

Mona.. Dont forget to send your invation card.. Wow...U r not only his PA but will become his future wife... :P

hahha.. i m multi-talent dear!

as long as there involved Mr Jang Dong Gun! ahhaha :w00t:

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Guest TY_KSW

Behind the scene pictures from POSCO CF - March 6, 2008




Notes by JustJangdongGun: He was reading a book to her and interacting with her during Posco CF break. He will definitely be a great father. Look at how loving he was looking at the little girl. And how fond and trusting that little girl was looking at DG. The autograph was for her also. That smiley face he added along is so cute.

Credit to http://justjdg.blogspot.com/

original source: http://cafe.naver.com/sujungcode

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Guest ruffluv109



oh boy...that's like the sweeeeeeeetest pix evorrrr!!!!and he was reading story to the lil gal!!!!!!oppa, how sweet can you be????

i'm going to have sweet dreamz tonite.... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

thanx mona!!!

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recently, i've falllllen in loooove with this man.

i did not know that he weren't very active in the acting stuff

and learned that he actually sang a few songs..

i love his GIORDANO stuff, he makes that stuff the SEXIEST things on earth!

He's an activist, that's very sexy to me (because i am an activist too!!)

he's really one of a kind, i looooove him a ton

(but, read somewhere that he has been claimed already from someone in this thread.. darn.)

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ahhh..that's so lovely...

reading the written, the girl name is Soo Jung.., she's very cute..*Oppa..just make one adorable child like soojung..:)

wow.., it's hard to read JDG hand writting..

He said just "Be happy beautiful Soo Jung bla..bla..."

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yes Will, m right here waiting for him.... till the end of my life!

m I sweet n faithful? :phew:

pshshhs.. luckily my real bf is not here! :lol:

Hi TY - i know you will do that - & how loyal you are to him but naughty sometimes to other namjas - get me? Lucky he's not here? That's what you think TY - because right from here, I'm going to the other side - hahaha. If I could only talk to him, I would tell everything that you've been doing & saying here - hehehe. :D

Thanks for sharing the BTS of his Posco CF & the autograph signature he wrote to the little girl. Seeing those photos with the little kid, wondering how is he as a father?

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Guest TY_KSW

recently, i've falllllen in loooove with this man.

i did not know that he weren't very active in the acting stuff

and learned that he actually sang a few songs..

i love his GIORDANO stuff, he makes that stuff the SEXIEST things on earth!

He's an activist, that's very sexy to me (because i am an activist too!!)

Welcome to JangDongGun sweet home.. Baoi! :rolleyes:

(but, read somewhere that he has been claimed already from someone in this thread.. darn.)

what do you meant? :unsure::phew:

ahhh..that's so lovely...

reading the written, the girl name is Soo Jung.., she's very cute..*Oppa..just make one adorable child like soojung.. :)

with whom dear ? :lol:

wow.., it's hard to read JDG hand writting..

He said just "Be happy beautiful Soo Jung bla..bla..."

excellent dear.. your Korean is much better than most of us lah!

Hi TY - i know you will do that - & how loyal you are to him but naughty sometimes to other namjas - get me? Lucky he's not here? That's what you think TY - because right from here, I'm going to the other side - hahaha. If I could only talk to him, I would tell everything that you've been doing & saying here - hehehe. :D

Pshshhs! Dun be so loud dear! :rolleyes:

Thanks for sharing the BTS of his Posco CF & the autograph signature he wrote to the little girl. Seeing those photos with the little kid, wondering how is he as a father?

promise you, i'll tell you later when we have child! :lol:

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Captures: New Chung Jung Won CF - March 2008

Large pictures

Oooh love the pics..so dreamy..so DG..thanks and hey babes..

So the rumors of him getting hitched (with a Japanese babe????) got me all jiggly..but i wish he will find the right woman..he should hurry too and make tons of beautiful kids... ;) of coz he makes the PERFECT n SWEETEST daddy..

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Guest TY_KSW

Oooh love the pics..so dreamy..so DG..thanks and hey babes..

So the rumors of him getting hitched (with a Japanese babe????) got me all jiggly..but i wish he will find the right woman..he should hurry too and make tons of beautiful kids... ;) of coz he makes the PERFECT n SWEETEST daddy..

its a rumor dear.. StarM has rejected the news on his wedding or dating with a Japanese.

The one who went with him to Japan in Feb is his PA .. there are some PA too!

tsk tsk.. It's time for him to get marriage, a sweet lady who truly love him, not for his fame or appearance! :sweatingbullets:


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Yeah thanks Mona..good to be back with old frens too..hey! we're doing 500 pages already!! AWESOME!

Keep on coming folks!.. :) Cannot wait for the sexy Warrior!

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Oooh love the pics..so dreamy..so DG..thanks and hey babes..

So the rumors of him getting hitched (with a Japanese babe????) got me all jiggly..but i wish he will find the right woman..he should hurry too and make tons of beautiful kids... of coz he makes the PERFECT n SWEETEST daddy..

Ahh..Halow..Inez Sweety..:)

Welcome back..^^

That Japanese babe should line behind all his ladies here to marry him..

Maybe all people in Korea already want him to get married, that's why there is a rumour about it..

His friend (with same age) already married and even had children. Kim Seung Woo had another baby not long ago.

JDG must envy him..kekkkk

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Ahh..Halow..Inez Sweety.. :)

Welcome back..^^

That Japanese babe should line behind all his ladies here to marry him..

Maybe all people in Korea already want him to get married, that's why there is a rumour about it..

His friend (with same age) already married and even had children. Kim Seung Woo had another baby not long ago.

JDG must envy him..kekkkk

Hugz.....! thanks Wien..can always smile a little here..(have not been so lately..)

Yeah..i remember DG was with Kim Seung Woo waiting anxiously in the other room when KSW had his first child!..He has the fatherly urge already!! constantly talk about babies..awwww...

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