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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest PB&Banana

Just a quick comment for the MR Removed issue, there are quite a few videos of BMB and they each sound different. Manipulation is easy so take them with a grain of salt.

I like these girls and I didn't think they would create an album like Wonder World. I I wouldn't say I had low expectations more like indifference especially when BMB came out (also a complete deviation from 2DT which I thought was a promotion to please not anything great). I had reservations until I listened to every song with an open mind and realized Wonder World is a great album. The only song I truly disliked was Act Cool, Lim has talent but that song is way too contrived for me. Also BMB is a fun, festive song but not as strong as the other what 11 songs in the album. It's a filler and shouldn't have been a promotional single because BMB doesn't showcase a great album. In fact I think it can deter some listeners.

(Another negative point is that Yoobin still doesn't have any singing lines. She has a unique voice and if JYP actually gives her chance maybe she can be an actual singer. The thought isn't impossible but there are no opportunities for Yoobin. She is stuck with the sexy rapper role and nothing else. Which is sad because she can be so develop more if given the chance.)

I definitely think the girls like performing G.NO better than BMB, and really who wouldn't? G.NO is a better song and actually showcases the group equally. I am hoping for them to perform Stop and Me, In. Those songs will really let these girls shine, if they can pull off G.NO they can pull of whatever they have in the album.

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I've just finished watching Wonder Girls on YoungStreet and it's made me realise how much I have missed their Korean promotions. We can definitely see a huge improvement in Sohee and Lim's relationship, compared to the 2DT promotions last year. Sohee was guiding Lim throughout the broadcast, for example when Lim was trying to find the camera in the room lol. I'm not sure what they were writing/drawing but they were writing/drawing something at the beginning of the broadcast, and they were laughing with each other. Sohee is definitely more confident on broadcasts now. She used to talk so quietly and hestiant a lot but now she can talk much more confidently. 

They were asked about which hoobaes they think are 'good/interesting,' and sohee quickly answered 'Teen Top.' I'm not too sure why but Boom quickly mentioned Infinite. He asked Sohee whether she disliked Infinite. I have no idea why because they did not even Infinite at all beforehand, but it's nice for me because I'm an Infinite fan too; Yubin said that Infinite's dances are really cool. She also said she likes Hyorin and that she sings really well. 

Our Leader Min being a great leader as she always is always looked at other members' when Boom asked them question, so that the others also had a chance to talk. 

I also hope the girls can perform one of the other songs on the album on Sketchbook. Maybe Girls Girls? 

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Guest hrmmmhum

(Another negative point is that Yoobin still doesn't have any singing lines. She has a unique voice and if JYP actually gives her chance maybe she can be an actual singer. The thought isn't impossible but there are no opportunities for Yoobin. She is stuck with the sexy rapper role and nothing else. Which is sad because she can be so develop more if given the chance.)

Actually, she did sing in a couple of songs. You must have missed it or not have recognized her voice. I can't name them right now, though, because I'm about to go out -- can someone else list them?

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Guest moon0226

I really hate it when people say things like "... I'm just stating the truth.." or "... is the fact..." when in actual fact they are stating their own personal opinion. If it were the truth, it would be the opinion of everyone instead of just one person. I don't mean to be pointing at you directly but just everyone who uses this phrase. It makes it seems like one person is speaking for everybody which isn't the case as I understand from your post.

Anyways, not many think they've improved but considering this as their first INITIAL comeback stage, I think it is a bit early to be a critic. I think they did wonderfully, given their jitters and also, why the heck did KBS give them such a small stage?!! "G.N.O" is a dance song, so of course there will be a lot of dancing! Sheesh.... SMH.

I totally agree with you. They just gave this kind of opinion right after girls' first comeback stage. I don't think they are real Wonderfuls. After watching the video from Young Street, I feel their vocal are totally improved, especially Sohee.

They wave to much even when they are singing. It is really hard to control breath when you wave so much. I feel the stage later will be better because they will do some change. I totally look forward.

I hope they will attend the shows at the end of the year. Their performances are amazing. Hope they can collaborate with other male groups. Wonder Girls are the best. Queens are back!

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Guest albi-albi-albi

Wonder Girls- Be my baby MR



You guys this one is much better MR. You can hear all their voices unlike the other one.

I think sohee has improved so much and so glad that she got so many lines. Lim looked bit nervous which is completely normal. The girl did really good. And of course the other three girls sound good as always. ^^

I cant wait for the black outfit. Its so sexy. GNO was sexy. So happy that they are back.

I don't know if this has been mentioned:

Tae Yeon call Yoo Bin after the MV was out, while Yoona text Sun Ye, and Lim call Shindong after saw his me2day update

cr.cr wonderfacts

I smell WonderGeneration :wub: :wub:

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Guest moon0226

Just a quick comment for the MR Removed issue, there are quite a few videos of BMB and they each sound different. Manipulation is easy so take them with a grain of salt.

I like these girls and I didn't think they would create an album like Wonder World. I I wouldn't say I had low expectations more like indifference especially when BMB came out (also a complete deviation from 2DT which I thought was a promotion to please not anything great). I had reservations until I listened to every song with an open mind and realized Wonder World is a great album. The only song I truly disliked was Act Cool, Lim has talent but that song is way too contrived for me. Also BMB is a fun, festive song but not as strong as the other what 11 songs in the album. It's a filler and shouldn't have been a promotional single because BMB doesn't showcase a great album. In fact I think it can deter some listeners.

(Another negative point is that Yoobin still doesn't have any singing lines. She has a unique voice and if JYP actually gives her chance maybe she can be an actual singer. The thought isn't impossible but there are no opportunities for Yoobin. She is stuck with the sexy rapper role and nothing else. Which is sad because she can be so develop more if given the chance.)

I definitely think the girls like performing G.NO better than BMB, and really who wouldn't? G.NO is a better song and actually showcases the group equally. I am hoping for them to perform Stop and Me, In. Those songs will really let these girls shine, if they can pull off G.NO they can pull of whatever they have in the album.

SuperB is probably one of the songs Yubin sings. Actually, I like her voice. A little low and pretty charming.

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Wonder Girls- Be my baby MR



You guys this one is much better MR. You can hear all their voices unlike the other one.

I think sohee has improved so much and so glad that she got so many lines. Lim looked bit nervous which is completely normal. The girl did really good. And of course the other three girls sound good as always. ^^

I cant wait for the black outfit. Its so sexy. GNO was sexy. So happy that they are back.

I don't know if this has been mentioned:

cr.cr wonderfacts

I smell WonderGeneration :wub: :wub:

Awwww that's cute. I love wondergeneration!!!! Hopefully we get to see some interaction in the next few days!!!!

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Actually, she did sing in a couple of songs. You must have missed it or not have recognized her voice. I can't name them right now, though, because I'm about to go out -- can someone else list them?

Yubin also sang in Girls Girls in the beginning, and Dear. Boy as well.


udfhdiughuewhgoghio GUYSSSSSSS. God, I am so late on everything but I DID see the comeback stage a lot earlier! I just wasn't able to come back and spazz with you guys about how amazing the girls were! I absolutely loved the girls Be My Baby performance despite the mic problems and Lim's nervousness, but I found it cute. I think Lim became extremely nervous because of the loud chanting of the kwfs<3 Honestly, I read every single post and I think you guys all feel the same way as I do when you hear their extremely loud chants! GOD I LOVE THEM <3 I had a little chuckle in the beginning because the chant was too long and it went over Sohees lines but it was adorable regardless. Of course like everyone else, GNO was an amazing performance despite the stupid small stage and ... the wig. I felt so bad for Sunye when that girl gave all her energy on stage and then her wig just shifted off a bit or maybe the wig I don't know, got misplaced and moved, it was weird. I hope Sunye had a better outfit for the pre-recording of GNO for Music Core<3 I absolutely adored her vocals at the end when she sang with the bounce auto tune and didn't lipsync it. Ah, Yubin, what can I say... I think her extensions made her look even sexier than she already is, I literally died whenever her parts came on because she sang it perfectly and gave off the sexy vibe.

Youngstreet, oh god, it was the cutest thing ever during the Be My Baby performance when Lim was dancing next to Sohee and Sohee was singing while looking at Lim! Hahas, I love the new maknae love, and it really looks like they got a lot more closer. Sunye and Yeeun's duet was just beautiful.... I lovelovelovelove it. I kept re-watching it too hehe, it was flawless. I'm seriously loving Sunye's new hair. I missed her eebabo days because her hair was so so so pretty and everything just flowed and I'm so glad they're giving her back that style. Honestly, I'm really looking forward to other radio shows, if I'm not mistaken, radio shows are where they sing most of their album songs<3 I hope we see a Stop! Dear. Boy, or SuperB performance<33333

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Guest PB&Banana

Actually, she did sing in a couple of songs. You must have missed it or not have recognized her voice. I can't name them right now, though, because I'm about to go out -- can someone else list them?

Okay let me reword since I over exaggerated. Through out the 13(?) songs she has what 7 mini raps, SuperB and G.NO. I think she sings in Dear Baby and another one I'm not too sure since I don't have the songs with me, this is from the top of my head. My point was yoobin should sing more instead of 3 repeating verses in one or two ballads. Let her experiment since it's been how long since her debut?

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Wonder Girls with Boom at YoungStreet today. 


I wanted to find the original, because I thought it would be bigger in size, because weibo's photos are sometimes resized, but I couldn't find the original so I posted what I found. Now that the original has been posted, I can remove this one. :)

Sohee has her eyes closed here again, same as the twitpic Yubin tweeted with the cake. A new habit? 

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Guest TheArchangel

Okay let me reword since I over exaggerated. Through out the 13(?) songs she has what 7 mini raps, SuperB and G.NO. I think she sings in Dear Baby and another one I'm not too sure since I don't have the songs with me, this is from the top of my head. My point was yoobin should sing more instead of 3 repeating verses in one or two ballads. Let her experiment since it's been how long since her debut?

I actually agree. Yoobin's low voice is unique. I think She and Lim should share the singing and rapping lines. Lim is more confident in rapping as was seen in gno.

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Guest wonderful ♡

I really dislike it when fans put watermarks on pictures which don't belong to them :/


"11월 11일. 붐의 영스트리트엔, 숨막히게 매력적인 <원더걸스>가 강림하셨습니다! 꺄훌(o^^)o 본방사수 못하신 분들은 다시듣기로 누려주시구요- 원더걸스의 원더미모는, 조만간 영스홈피 사진관에서 공개됩니당!"

Boom tweeted this :)

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Guest i.said.goodbye

^ the scarf he's wearing... is that the gift that wonder girls got him because I noticed he wasn't wearing that scarf at the beginning!

our girls look so beautiful and it's so obvious that they are comfortable with him... :)

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Guest Sunmijjangs0h0t

TO be honest , when i saw the live version I KNEW SOHEE and LIM did not sing it all live . I heard 2 voices in the background , so i didn't put too much hope that they sang perfectly as some wonderfuls praised . I know i might upset some fans with my comments , i'm really sorry . Its just , i really don't know what else to reply to people when they say ' WG can't sing live' or 'why did sohee have so much lines?' and i know SOME wonderfuls feel the same .

Though i am very very happy that they returned , and you can see how nervous they were. I don't blame Sohee or Lim because of their live singing, i'm sure they are not satisfied themselves. AND I KNOW how hardworking the girls are , and i really hope they next performance will be heaps better <3

I actually really love BMB than GNO , it makes the crowd all excited , and WG seem to be really enjoying it themselves.

Again i'm really sorry if my words were harsh , i just wanted to let out my disappointment. Trust me , i love the girls . I have been a wonderful and waited just like all of you.


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^ Maybe you'll like the Be My Baby that the girls performed at Youngstreet more.

^ the scarf he's wearing... is that the gift that wonder girls got him because I noticed he wasn't wearing that scarf at the beginning!

our girls look so beautiful and it's so obvious that they are comfortable with him... :)

Lol, actually, Boom had the scarf hanging on his chair and wore it when he went to take the photo.

Aw, the picture from Youngstreet was so cute. I find it adorable whenever Sohee closes her eyes to take a picture :3 LOL at wonderfulinspirit! I actually ended up searching the same thing to watch those videos, ah hes so adorable, I swear... He never misses Sohee's parts. He's truly the most loyal fan ever. Thanks for sharing!

V No problem at all, I was curious too, but I assumed it was something he could eat hahas.

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Guest eidolon

Their performances have been on repeat for me, especially G.N.O. I can't help but feel extremely proud of Yeeun. She really is gonna go far in the industry. I hope she will be able to create more dance tracks. I love her ballads but G.N.O. is just amazing. I don't know if it's just me but while watching the G.N.O. performance I couldn't help but notice how proud Yeeun looks. She's practically beaming! Poor Sunye was sweating gallons under that wig. Those outfits looks like it could probably work for Me,In too.

Regarding haters, it's whatever. I believe Rihanna said it best 'people gonna talk whether you doing bad or good'. I'll definitely drink to that. =P Wonder Girls are definitely doing good and they deserve every ounce of success they get.

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Guest evilishus

Does anybody know what time Music Core airs and the set list for its episode tonight?

Anyway,I was browsing through tumblr and saw a post that was kind of like a Q&A and this was the question:

"I hear a rumor that korean wonderfuls are helping international fans get accounts on melon and other music sites to boost digital sales since you need a korean ssn to get one. do you know anything about this or the likely hood of it being true?"

I'm pretty positive this person derived that "rumor" from this thread since,in a discussion of signing up for the fan cafe,Korean ssn's were mentioned (by me).Social security numbers are a serious matter,to whoever is foolish enough to suggest such a thing.K-wonderfuls are certainly not "helping" us get accounts on music sites by providing us with ssn's.Get your john teshing facts straight.Don't go accusing people of something that has not been happening at all,anywhere.We,international woderfuls, can find our own way of helping out the girls without breaking the law.It's so ridiculous that this was even suggested.And if the person,or the people, who are reading this thread and are thinking of spreading this "rumor" around or perhaps creating this "rumor" as you go: STOP.

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Guest hrmmmhum

By the way, the H&M Versace collection isn't being released until 11/19 :P

So I'm seeing WG's outfits in GNO as a hot topic around the web and among American WFs

Sohee said that she likes shopping at department stores in the U.S., like H&M, so I guess this does mean that she outlined the concept/outfits

I think I liked SunYe's wig but she dances so much that her wig and hair get messy :) Her wig just can't handle her moves!

I think she's a bit conservative and that affects her outfit. But I actually like that :)

And I see how you would expect a short dress to fit the club style, but if I imagine her with that outfit and her long hair for BMBB, I think it would look cute and pretty. I think it's just because her wig is so short that the emphasis goes towards the dress/shirt and makes it seem too long and unfitted.

I wonder if Sohee even likes going to clubs

LOL I didn't even think of that

I definetly read tweets saying they will perform Me, In. The performances are pre-recorded, it is likely that they decided to go with GNO and BMB instead. Could be that they recorded Me, In performance ahead of time since they will be promoting that in two weeks. (Remember how they pre-recorded like 8 2DT performances in one day? This might mean they won't be in Korea for all of their promotional period) Or they just felt like their GNO performance was better?

It's already been confirmed that they WILL be promoting Me, In in the future, two weeks times. As I said, they "performed" it now, - "perform" as in pre-record -, because they probably won't be in Korea for the whole month or so. It's been done before by other groups so this would be nothing strange. And yes, I just read that they will only broadcast GNO and BMB performances.

People tweeted that they would perform Me, In is because we were misinformed. We were told that WG would perform BMBB, Dear, Boy & Me, In, but we later found out that it was actually BMBB & GNO.

A WF who attended the recording posted earlier and I don't think he indicated that they performed Me, In.

With 2DT, WG said that they would promote for 2 weeks so they were in Korea until that mark and then aired the prerecorded performances. So I think with BMBB, WG will be in Korea for the whole month since they said they would promote for at least a month, and if they want to air prerecorded performances after that month they can

Changed again? Got a feeling JYP changed the choice of song from Me-in to GNO. According to a translated comment made by yenny on youngstreet, she said JYP told her to fix it(to GNO) when she mentioned that Me-in seemed to be more popular to the public than GNO. I somehow don't have high hopes that Me-in will be promoted as 2nd title track... Do broadcast stations allowed artists to promote more than one title track? Especially when the girls only staying for 1month?

That was JYP telling YeEun to change some of the English lyrics in GNO to Korean because there was too much English. But she forgot, and so after the release, they saw that Me, In was more popular than GNO and thought that may be why

But they didn't change anything because of Me, In's popularity

Yup, they can do follow-up promotions with a second title track from the album. I don't think promotion time has been an issue because it never seems to have been one

Let her experiment since it's been how long since her debut?

Oh, I see what you mean.


Again, I think people put too much faith in MRs. There's other ones where it sounds like they're not even singing -- but their voices could just been extracted because it was a low-quality program. That actually happens often

This one sounds like a high-quality MR:

I think it's the best one, but maybe there's snippets of backtrack that weren't removed

Each one has many flaws so we can't really trust them, yet people act as if MR Removed videos are the ultimate judges of vocal ability =\

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