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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Yesasia is accepting preorders now.

2 packages available: CD + poster in tube (USD 21.99) or just the CD (USD 13.99).

This is the Korea release (Leon Entertainment). No update yet on whether Universal Music is distributing it for the rest of Asia.



CD + poster: http://www.yesasia.c...-0-en/info.html

CD only: http://www.yesasia.c...-0-en/info.html

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SNSD reason that take them forever to comeback was because of their delayed. They push back their official released date. From what I know from being a k-pop fans. Most of the artists have always released teaser photo/video two or one week before their comeback stage. Which is what the girls is doing and they I believe have been doing since their debut. So I don't see why it bad, I do agreed that I wish Jype put out more news on the girls for us. I mean something like letting us know how they will promoted this time. Will they be on variety show, more photoshoot, or Cf deal. Something like that and I think that the only things they lacking on. Jype never really hype up which producers they are working with. They usually just tell it within the fandom. So yeah

@Yoyo yeah the girls are back for US and I'm sure this album are for all the fans who have waited sooooooooooo long for them. :)

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OMG I'm not lucky haha I didn't expect the teaser pics for today!!! Just when I went to sleep, the teasers were released TT____TT I woke up & went to school, so many hours, and then I'm back and I see all Wonderfuls spazzing and I'm so late haha!!! Well I'm very happy there's a schedule now, I know when the next teasers are, I'll make sure to be there when it's released LOL!!!

I can't even explain how happy I was when I saw the teaser pics! I screamed LOL! I cried, I can't believe, we waited so long for this comeback!!! I think it's the first time I react like this for a WG comeback haha! In 2007/2008 they had many comebacks so I was spazzing but just normal, for 2DT I was also spazzing but I don't know why, this time I'm just sooo excited, I can't think of anything else than "WG WG WG" all day haha!

I think all the girls look amazing... If I had to choose my fav pics, it's Sohee and Yubin, but honestly, I love ALL pics!

Sohee: She looks amazing OMG every pic of Sohee is so beautiful, she has a special aura that is so unique in the whole KPOP world... I really like her pose and her face looks perfect~ Even though I'm curious to see Sohee with a new hairstyle (someday) like a short hairstyle *-*, I'm still happy to see that she keep her original hairstyle, it's always the same, but she looks so perfect in it, and even with the most simple hairstyle, she still gets noticed so it's OK =D

Yubin: HOT HOT!!! She looks so hot, her pose *-* and her hair, so long and pretty, wow!!! I'm not surprised Taecyeon & Seulong are praising her haha that pic is perfection! I like that we can see her whole body on the pic, because she looks amazing haha~

Sunye: Sunye my angel~ Her pose is so good, I really like it... Her face is so beautiful, I love the make-up! I feel happy because I was afraid they would give her a weird make-up like 2DT promotions (her eye make-up during 2DT) but here the make-up is so good, she looks amazing! and for the hair, I know many Wonderfuls dislike it and I respect all opinions, but remember, Wonderfuls & Lights,  WG will have different hairstyles for every performance (obviously) I'm pretty sure the stylist will give pretty hair to Sunye! I'm happy the make-up is good, for this, there's no problem, and for the hair, I know she's not gonna have this hairstyle for the whole MV (?) or for all perfs! Anyway, even though many people dislike it, I think Sunye looks so good, I'm so surprised she even looks good with this kind of hairstyle! wow! <333

Yeeun: I love Yeeun's pic, she looks so...chic (wait, isn't that Sohee's role? LOL! they can share it =P). She's so beautiful, I'm loving her haircolor & she looks so confident (her expression) I couldn't expect less from our queen Yenny!

Hyerim: Wow! Hyerim is so beautiful... I love her hat, I think it makes her special compared to the others haha they all have a little thing that makes them special/unique and for Hyerim it's the beautiful hat ^-^ She looks really good and more mature! Our "little apple" is growing up so fast! If I wasn't a Wonderful, I don't think I could make the difference between the maknaes and the unnies haha our Wonder Girls are all Wonder Women now! =D

Conclusion: They all look stunning and it's not me being biased LOL.

I also really like their outfits, I agree with what everyone said about this =)

They look so sexy and mature in black, and I love the velvet & lace outfits, it's so beautiful and classy!

Anyway, I'm also very very happy that this thread is so active!!!

I saw the pics later than other Wonderfuls, but actually I saw it some hours ago, but I didn't post because I had to read 10 PAGES here LOL! Sooo many posts wow!!! I think that during WG's promotions, we will reach the thread #3!!! Keep posting Wonderfuls (no spam of course) and please join WG SOOMPI FANCLUB!!! I really want a subforum for our girls!

Sorry for the long rant, I'm just too happy!

For the Twitter trending, I think #ReadyForWonderGirls is a really good idea! Simple, easy to remember + no grammar error (and no debate about the grammar, this is getting complicated LOL!). I vote for this one =)

WONDERGIRLS!!! I'm waiting!!!

Our 5 GIRLS are the BEST!!!

(of course I support 6WONDERS forever, our Sunmi is not with them for this comeback, but she's still there right? <3)

GO WG!!! =D

Edit - I'm glad that we have more updates now from qoxie (here) & from coolsmurf Blog (

wondergirls.wordpress.com). I love this. I hope many Wonderfuls will support coolsmurf Blog and comment there! Remember how coolsmurf used to update us about WG in 2007 & 2008? He did a lot for WG so I want to give my full support to the return of his Blog!!! =D

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Guest bammie92

About the tweeting, I prefer #ReadyForWonderGirls . It's simple and direct to the point and you don't have problem with the grammar too ^^


so cute! do this to all the haters! :P

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Guest tnamphel

Few pages ago..someone mentioned that an purchase from YesAsia is included in the korean charts for cd sales....how accurate is it? I am planning to order my album from Yesasia since its in english and it is easier for me to buy.

NVM...the sales are included in Hanteo and Gaon music charts. So Wonderfuls go order your cd...i hope the preorder goes over 100K

YesAsia.com is an official sales data provider to the music sales charts reported by Hanteo Information System. The fulfilled sale quantities of all Korea Version music CDs are reported to Hanteo on a daily basis. These sales data are confidential, and will not be available to the public. Please visit Hanteo's official website (Korean only) to find out more about Hanteo chart rankings.

Korean music products at YesAsia.com are sourced from distributors in Korea, and are reflected on the Gaon music chart owned by the Korea Music Content Industry Association. Please visit Gaon's official website (Korean only) to find out more about Gaon chart rankings.

Crd: Yes Asia

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Guest thanhnam

Kinda confused about this...does anyone know if this upcoming album has anything to do with the US debut album some of us pre-ordered 2 years ago?

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Guest tnamphel

Kinda confused about this...does anyone know if this upcoming album has anything to do with the US debut album some of us pre-ordered 2 years ago?

The one we ordered 2 years a go is for the upcoming English Album that they are releasing next year...so go ahead and order the korean album cuz this is a different album.

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Guest Scarletsecrets

I still can't sop spazzing over the pictures.

:) They look so great! I'm still a bit concerned for Sunye's hair though. Some people are saying that her hair may be let loose for the rest of the MV and performances. I agree with the latter, but if you notice the trend in JYPE artist's videos, there are only ever two wardrobe changes in dance-based MVs (e.g. 2PM's I'll Be Back) or three wardrobe changes if there is a storyline(e.g. Miss A's Goodbye Baby). We already know that Sunye's hair is in another updo when the girls were wearing the outfits with the colourful poofs. Furthermore, JYP did say that it will be a dance-based MV this time around for the WG. The chances of her hair being let down are slim, but I'm hoping that as JYP's favourite girl group, WG will have more clothes and hairstyles compared to the others.

The article about teaser pics on allkpop has reached over 8K comments. I'm curious. Is the lack of WF there because news about WG on the site is slow or because allkpop is biased towards SME artists? Either way, I'm hoping that allkpop will give our girls a huge spread on the main page as they did for  SNSD. I know for a fact that the other fandoms were criticising allkpop because of it.

Has this been shared before? (Sorry, but I've no idea how to do screencaps, etc.) It's old news, though.

Girls' Generation musuhi Wonder Girls?

2 kumpulan wanita berpengaruh Korea saling bersaing menjuarai hati peminat di Amerika Syarikat

BIBIT persaingan antara Wonder Girls dan kumpulan yang sedang mencuba nasib untuk mencipta pengaruh di Amerika Syarikat (AS), Girls' Generation semakin ketara menjelang siri promosi album terbaru mereka yang dijadualkan bermula bulan depan. Sebelum ini, Wonder Girls dan Girls’ Generation atau juga dikenali dengan akronim, SNSD di luar Korea sering beralah daripada bersaing secara depan.

Persaingan antara dua kumpulan itu meraih perhatian media yang teruja mencongak grup mana bakal menyerlah turut dibumbui pelbagai kenyataan provokasi yang meresahkan peminat. Perselisihan tercetus apabila penerbit AS, Teddy Riley yang mengagumi bakat SNSD mengeluarkan kenyataan berbaur kecaman menyebabkan penggemar Wonder Girls tersinggung.

Riley yang terbabit dalam promosi album terbaru SNSD, The Boys di AS menerusi iTunes menulis pada laman Twitter ,dia yakin potensi kumpulan itu untuk menyerlah lebih cerah berbanding Wonder Girls.

“Usah terlalu bimbang kerana SNSD akan lebih diterima berbanding Wonder Girls,” komen Riley yang menyebabkan peminat segelintir peminat kumpulan yang popular dengan lagu Nobody itu berang.

Riley membangkitkan lagi kemarahan peminat apabila memanjangkan satu komen yang menyatakan Wonder Girls gagal di AS dan tiada siapa mempedulikan kehadiran mereka. Tindakan Riley itu diselar peminat yang memohonnya supaya lebih matang dan profesional dalam memberikan kenyataan supaya tidak menjatuhkan orang lain.

Desakan peminat memaksa Riley mengalah dan memohon maaf kepada Wonder Girls dan Park Jin-Young kerana mencetuskan kontroversi tanpa sengaja.

“Saya silap dan memohon maaf tetapi ini adalah satu persaingan. Mari mulakan permainan ini,” kata Riley yang seterusnya menyekat peminat daripada mengikuti akaun peribadinya.

Riley menambah, manusia sering menjatuhkan sesama sendiri apabila membabitkan perkara negatif tetapi melupakan orang itu apabila mereka memohon maaf dan mengakui kesilapan.

“Mereka akan mencari alasan untuk menghukum dan mengkritik tetapi tidak memaafkan. Itu salah dan saya tidak mahu mempedulikannya lagi. Saya memohon maaf kepada Wonder Girls tetapi jangan ganggu saya lagi atau saya akan membuang anda daripada terus menulis ke akaun peribadi saya,” katanya memberi amaran kepada peminat.

Riley juga menjelaskan, edaran album The Boys yang sepatutnya dipasarkan 5 Oktober lalu ditangguh kerana mereka mahu memastikan perjalanan produksi itu lancar dan SNSD bersedia memulakan cabaran besar di AS.

“Ada rencana besar sedang menanti dan kami akan pastikan SNSD meraih kejayaan nanti,” katanya sambil berharap pengurusan SM Entertainment tidak terlalu gusar kerana mereka berusaha keras memastikan nama SNSD tetap gah di sana.

“Lagu mereka sedang mendapat perhatian dan ia antara sebab mengapa kami menganjakkan tarikh edaran album itu. Kita mendapat tenaga produksi terbaik untuk album ini, begitu juga penyanyi undangan. Usah terlalu negatif kerana mereka akan berjaya. Serahkan saja kepada Tuhan,” katanya.

Credit: Berita Harian Malaysia.


Girls' Generation is rivaling the Wonder Girls? Two of Korea's most influential girl groups are going into an all-out battle to capture the hearts of the American public.

The competition between the Wonder Girls and the group who is trying to build influence in the USA, Girls' Generation, is getting increasingly obvious as the series of album promotions for the latter is beginning next month. Before this, Wonder Girls and Girls' Generation who also goes by the acronym of SNSD outside Korea, have always been friendly competitors, though they have yet to engage in a one-on-one match.

The rivalry between the two groups gave the media a field day, as they were constantly pitting the groups against each other and predicting which girl group would come out on top, much to the chagrin of fans of both parties. Conflict erupted when American producer, Teddy Riley, who is a fan of SNSD's talent, wrote a tweet that insulted the Wonder Girls and left their fandom, Wonderfuls, offended.

Riley, who is involved in the promotion of SNSD's US album through iTunes, tweeted that he was exceptionally confident that SNSD has a better opportunity to shine stateside.

That now infamous tweet infuriated some of the fans of the group that shot to fame with "Nobody."

Riley then added fuel to the fire when he commented that the Wonder Girls had failed in the USA and that no one cares about them. His actions were then reprimanded by numerous fans who urged him to be more mature and professional as to not offend or degrade others.

The fans' protests and urging resulted in Riley apologising to the Wonder Girls and Park Jinyoung(JYP) for accidentally sparking a controversy. He apologised and added that the game has begun, after blocking fans from following his private Twitter account.

Riley also added that humans always bring each other down when involving negativity, but forget about the person once they have apologised and admitted their wrongdoings.

He said that people keep trying to punish and criticise [him]. He also mentioned that doing so was wrong and that he would cease to bother about it. Riley warned people that he had already apologised to the Wonder Girls and to not bother him any more or not he would be forced to block them from his Twitter account.

(The non-WG related facts have been omitted.)

Malay-English translator: scarletsecrets.


There is more to the article, and I shall continue translating the other parts later. :)



Edit: I can't seem to align the text to the left. Sorry.


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Guest chami1430286566

I just checked Allkpop and it's a pleasant surprise that our girls topic there is the most popular to discuss! It's already 9064 and growing! WonderFuls are really awake when it comes to internet. :) To be honest I don't feel like going to Allkpop everyday. I mean. many haters are there if the news is related to America. But seeing other fanclubs are also appreciating Wonder Girls hard work, it's making me...cry? Well, just teary eye ;)

Just want to share my thought...

When Teddy Riley messes up with our girls, I'm affected by it but just a short time. I mean, if snsd has him our girls have Claude Kelly, Nick Jonas, Stevie Wonder and etc. Why are we going to be sad? We should know that there's a karma coming to his way and being a mannerful, i didn't say something bad about him. I'm just disappointed of what he did. *bow*



It's kinda disappointing that we're not going to see a teaser this weekend. But it's nice that next week we're going to be flood of their wonderful teaser. I want WG to win an award in a music show or in a awarding show like GDA but this comeback, I don't care of the competition. Win or loose its alright to me. As long as WG is back on their homeland, I'm going to focus more about them than the stupid competition that results of fanwars.

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Guest WonderfulSohee

Yes I like #ReadyForWonderGirls the best!

Wonderfuls if you have a twitter account please help us spread this so other Wonderfuls will know what to trend when Wonder Girls release their mv

On SUN's hair:

Yes even though it may not be the best hair (I was expecting sexy seductive hair). 

But SUN still looks stunning gorgeous. SUN can rocks any style

Plus this is just the first teaser.

The second teaser will be out this Sunday night for me

And I'm expecting something even HOTTER

Just like Yubin tweeted, "this is just the beginning"

So don't give your hope up Wonderfuls.

Let's stay hyped and wait for our queens.

Omo! 900+ readers! The Wonder Effect #ReadyForWonderGirls


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Guest chami1430286566

#ReadyForWonderGirls is better. We're not going to have any confusion about the is or are thing. laugh.gif Now we just need to spread this on Twitter. Let's spread and spread!

I'm hoping that this will be a part of trending topic.

BUT!! Wonderfuls, make sure that you're only going to put one "#ReadyForWonderGirls" in just one tweet. Its not going to increase the trend.. I think it would be lessen than to increase. I don't know but before I research about tips how to trend easily. blush.gif

I topped a page. Whoo. First time eh? biggrin.gif

Their selca~~


cr: WeLoveWG @twitter

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Guest itslike

OMG they look so fierce!

I actually LOVE Sunye's hair style, she is totally rocking it! I have seen various American celebrities sporting that faux hawk hair style (Rihanna, Keyshia Cole). Also Binnie looks hot, Sohee looks smoking, Yennie is sexy and Lim so classy!

I will pre order by album soon too, can't wait for upcoming teasers!

EDIT: I made some graphics that WONDERFULS ♥ are free to use:




WG fighting!! :)

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Guest freakloverxx

wonderfuls chillax..in time like this, arent we suppose to be the most happy and excited fandom in the world??

a lot of guests are reading this thread, guess they are a lot of people besides wonderfuls who anticipating and cant wait for the girls' comeback but yet not ready to join our Wonderful family.anyway,, 2 days seems forever..i cant focus on anything including my assignments.oh my girls <333


EDIT : Leader tweeted.. I wonder what she meant by these...hmmm



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Guest WGShiJie-YEI

wonderfuls chillax..in time like this, arent we suppose to be the most happy and excited fandom in the world??

a lot of guests are reading this thread, guess they are a lot of people besides wonderfuls who anticipating and cant wait for the girls' comeback but yet not ready to join our Wonderful family.anyway,, 2 days seems forever..i can focus on anything including my assignments.oh my girls <333

*quoted image*

haha yes 2 days really seeeeem like forever these days. Wonder Girls FIGHTING !!!!!

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Guest hrmmmhum

I like #ReadyForWonderGirls :)

I also agree that we should do the countdown along with that tag! Like #D-10, #D-9, #D-8, etc.

It would help build support as well as inform and remind WFs and supporters what to tweet every day from now until the comeback!!!

Start tweeting the major Twitter accounts like the following (these are ones I have and that I think are/can be active):




















Without their support, many WFs will be left in the dark and we'll lack much of the support we need.


I think WG have very lucky dates ^^ Like 11/7/11 -- it's symmetric (LOL. This also looks nice on posters) and 7 is the lucky number

11/11/11 is also so cool! hahahah

Although some WFs wanted 11/11/11 as the album release date, I like it as the date for the first performance because it's the day WG truly return to the stage. It also means multiple lucky dates (like 11/7/11 for the album release prior to the first performance)

M!Countdown does usually not have the best quality stages. They really try to cater to WG, though.

So does KBS, but I don't think JYPE is the company they are most biased towards, or at least not from what I've seen from KBSWorld, which brings me to my next point:

Having the first comeback stage on Music Bank makes it more accessible to WFs worldwide through KBSWorld

This includes the U.S., Mexico (not sure about other latin american countries), all over Asia, the Middle East (Saudi Arabia and Egypt, I think??), maybe Canada, London, and maybe other parts of Europe but I'm not sure.


If you actually look at the spammers, (someone mentioned that it's only 5-6 people) I've been seeing them change constantly since yesterday. I'm not justifying it, but it's not just a couple of WFs. Personally, in0 the past hours, I've seen at least 15 people who I have seen comment consistently

I know the comments on allkpop are difficult to analyze because the spam is so prevalent, but if you look at the views the article has gotten, it's over 90,000 :]


Also, while some are concerned for the international and American appeal, SunYe's hair is for the Korean comeback.

Plus, a hairstyle that stands out is really nice.

About the appeal, the 2DT MV had newcomers continually calling SunYe the Korean Katy Perry.

Comparisons like that (despite the level of accuracy) are good because the familiarity and popularity of artists like Katy Perry put WG in a better light than the racial stereotypes often emphasized in the U.S.

Like this comment:

I actually LOVE Sunye's hair style, she is totally rocking it! I have seen various American celebrities sporting that faux hawk hair style (Rihanna, Keyshia Cole).

And someone also compared it to Rihanna's hair earlier. Things like that make WG easier to relate to.


I know some WFs are more passive about polls and some like to support WG extensively through them, so if you do like to participate in polls, here's a couple:


-Vote for Sohee and SunYe (You can vote for multiple candidates but only once each)


-Scroll down and vote for Wonderfuls (You can vote for multiple candidates multiple times)


Jane (JANEyjK@Twitter) tweeted:

"Fly so high"

SunYe tweeted, too!!!

WGsun Sun Min

Yes, I am ready to be offered.

51 minutes ago

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Guest nambo07

i just finished preordering our girls new album! Gonna try my best this time to support the girls' comeback, i bought 2 2DT albums last time lol :)

AND the concept photos are stunning, can't wait until the next bactch on monday!

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