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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest qoxie

Latest fandom concoction highlighted by the Korean press: soccer lineups featuring girlgroup members.

2 WG members were chosen to play for opposing sides.

Sohee is a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid (4-2-3-1 formation), while Sunye is an attacking midfielder for Barcelona (4-3-3).


Source: http://bntnews.hanky...3&mode=sub_view

The other idol selections are mentioned in these 2 paragraph excerpts:

레알마드리드 측에는 실제 레알의 주요 포메이션인 4-2-3-1을 기본으로 원톱에 산다라박, 공격형 미드필더에 에프엑스 설리, 카라 강지영, 아이유가 포진해 있으며 수비형 미드필더로 원더걸스의 소희와 소녀시대 서현이 이름을 올렸다. 또한 4백에는 티아라 은정, 레인보우의 고우리-김재경, 카라의 한승연이, 마지막으로 골키퍼에는 소녀시대의 유리가 등장했다.

이에 맞서는 FC바르셀로나 측에는 역시 실제 바르샤의 주요 포메이션인 제로톱형태의 4-3-3 구조로 공격진에 소녀시대 윤아, 카라 구하라, 미쓰에이의 수지가 있었다. 미드필더에는 소녀시대의 태연, 원더걸스의 선예, 에프엑스의 크리스탈이 4백에는 애프터스쿨의 나나와 주연, 에프엑스의 빅토리아, 포미닛의 현아가 수비진을 맡았다. 골키퍼는 제시카가 올랐다.

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Guest qoxie

First JYP Nation in Japan 2011 concert banner ad is out.

I doubt they will promote the other artistes individually. 2PM has been heavily advertised as the headliner so far.

Hopefully the whole ensemble can get together for another themed photoshoot, though.

(Remove the "l" at the end of the image's URL for the full pic size.)


Source (Lotte Duty Free): http://kr.lottedfs.com/event/shopping/view.jsp?seq=2213

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Guest valentino_rossi46

Lim changed her FB profile photo :)

I can see some blonde hair on the left, Yenny? Maybe this is her new photo cuz she is on weekend vacation with Yenny and their friend right :)


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Guest qoxie


Yup. In bikinis too. lol

Photos are already circulated in Chinese fan forums.

Wait till the Korean press gets hold of these....:rolleyes:



Cr. Helms + 果汁泰然 @ Baidu

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Hey, Rossi -- Do you think the Yoobin Facebook is authentic? Too many insider people are friending it.

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Guest valentino_rossi46


I think it's real :)

WOW i hope Ye Eun will post her photo in bikini keke, she asked on Yenny day entry that should she wore bikini which SoBin bought to her and upload it lol

She changed her FB profile photo too :), so beautiful, glad that they have precious vacation in US, something they hardly get in Korea <3


new Real Wonder Girls clip after 1 month waiting :)

Behind the Scenes with the Wonder Girls at the Kiehl's 160th Year Anniversary Event!

Sun Ye looked quite bright here, not so tired as in the previous photos of this event :), Ye Eun was so stunning <3

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Guest *bluebutterfly*

Yay~ A new Real Wonder Girls video. :D

I was just wondering earlier on today when the next one will be, maybe they read my comments haha... xD

All the girls look really beautiful. Lim looked really pretty during her talk with the camera. ^^

I love the Sunlim and Yoolim moments. They were cute, especially when Sunye touched Lim's chin.

Yeeun on a motorcycle? That make me laugh a little. lol xD

There's a Real Wonder Girls account at fantastic. I think the account was made today as their posts are "1 hour ago" "2 hours ago"

Anyway everyone can go ahead and add that account as a friend. :)

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Guest shinhdeplol

New twitpic by Lim ^^





The Wonder Girls thanks their fans for donating to Japan


The "best WG International fan forum", WGSpectacle, is standing out from the Wonderfuls crowd for a good cause.On June 13th, the Wonder Girls Official Twitter account acknowledged their warm hearted fans contribution to the people of Japan. Check out the girls tweet below:

Wonder Girls' Retweet: "WGspectacle just donated $400 dollars to Red Cross Japan for earthquake relief for @followWG. Thanks to the WDFs who made this possible!"

In March, Japan was hit by a strong and devastating earthquake as well as many horrific aftershocks that have affected the country. Kpop artists have bonded to together over the past few months to aid the thousands that are in dire need. It is amazing to see that even fans are doing what they can to help on behalf of their favorite celebrities.

What do you think of WGSpectacle's honorable contribution?

Credits: @followWG and @WGSpectacle

Shared by: singer @ SOOMPI

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Guest r1988

Behind-the-scenes with the Wonder Girls at Kiehl’s 160th anniversary party


On May 18, the Wonder Girls attended the 160th year anniversary party for Kiehl, a cosmetic retail brand renowned for its high-end beauty care products. The invite-only philanthropy event took place near the company’s flagship store in Manhattan, New York, attracting Kiehl’s newest Global Ambassador Pharrell Williams, Susan Sarandon, Kevin Jonas, Leigh Lezark, Korean actor Lee Sun Gyun and more.

Today, as part of its ‘Real Wonder Girls’ series on Youtube, JYP Entertainment released behind the scenes footage following the five ladies to the event, from the red carpet right into the party itself. Dolled up in floral dresses fit for the summer, the gorgeous quintet looks sharper than ever.

To wrap up the video, Yubin greeted, “It’s been a long time. We are having a great time here in New York and are living well! There are times like tehse when we dress up and attend events. We are also studying English very hard! I hope to meet our fans in Korea soon!”

In related news, the Wonder Girls were recently featured on the National Geographic, as well as the magazines Teen Vogue, V and NYLON. For more on the ladies, make sure to visit their official site at wondergirlsworld.com!

Source: Youtube


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Guest jcsmark

So much cute moments in the new Real Wonder Girls video. I especially liked the part where Sunye touches Lim's cheeks chin and when Yubin leans on Lim's shoulder for a picture but Sohee didn't seem to impressed lol :)

This is my 200th post here!

I'd like to share some unseen HQ pictures of WG from MTV World Stage last year in Malaysia!












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Guest qoxie

The Korean press is finally giving the UNICEF Korea project some attention.

WG is mentioned in both reports. JYPE is also quoted (media statement) in the latter article.

유니세프 “생일에 지구 어린이 도우세요”

[2011.06.14 16:30]

[쿠키 문화] 유니세프 한국위원회는 자신의 생일에 선물을 받는 대신 전 세계 어린이를 후원할 수 있는 ‘생일 기부 캠페인’을 시작했다.

14일 유니세프에 따르면 참여 희망자는 기부 사이트(www.birthday.or.kr)에 본인의 생일을 등록하고 원하는 생일 선물을 선택하고 나서 축하받고 싶은 지인에게 메시지를 보내면 된다.

메시지를 받은 지인들이 사이트에서 생일 등록자를 위해 선물을 구매하면 이를 유니세프 본부 물류센터가 후원 대상 어린이에게 전달한다.

이번 캠페인에는 영화배우 안성기, 아나운서 손범수, 배우 이보영 등 유니세프 홍보대사를 비롯해 손호영, 유승호, 2PM, 김범, 원더걸스, 미스에이 등 유명 연예인 여러 명이 참여 의사를 밝혔다. 국민일보 쿠키뉴스팀

Source: http://news.kukinews.com/article/view.asp?page=1&gCode=cul&arcid=0005057962&cp=nv

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안성기-김범 "생일엔 기부하세요"

유니세프 '생일기부 캠페인' 홍보 나서

입력 : 2011.06.14, 화 16:14


[김양수기자] 안성기, 김범 등 유명배우들이 '생일기부 캠페인'의 홍보대사를 자처했다.

유니세프한국위원회는 지난 13일부터 생일을 기념해 전세계 어린이를 후원하는 '생일기부 캠페인'을 시작했다.

'생일기부 캠페인'은 본인의 생일에 가족이나 친지들로부터 모기장, 구충제, 영양실조치료식, 홍역예방백신 등 지구촌 어린이들을 돕는 구호물품을 선물로 받아 이를 지구촌 어린이들에게 전달하는 캠페인이다.

이런 좋은 취지에 연예인들도 힘을 모았다. 유니세프 홍보대사인 배우 안성기, 이보영, 아나운서 손범수를 비롯해 손호영, 유승호, 2PM, 김범, 원더걸스, 미스에이, 산이, 주, 성유리, 유진, 김규리, 송중기, 박민영, 이청하, 이광수, 존 박, 독도홍보대사 서경덕 교수 등 많은 유명인들이 생일기부 홍보영상 촬영에 동참했다.

JYP 엔터테인먼트 측은 "한류를 통해 우리 문화가 전세계에서 사랑받고 있는 데, 이번 생일기부 캠페인을 통해서 행동하는 기부라는 문화를 국내외 팬들과 나눌 수 있어서 매우 뜻깊다"고 소감을 전했다.

오는 7월7일 생일을 앞두고 있는 김범은 "이번 캠페인을 통해서 생일 축하도 받고 팬들과 함께 지구촌 아이들도 도울 수 있을 것 같아 기대된다"고 밝혔다.

참여를 원하는 사람은 생일기부 사이트(www.birthday.or.kr)에 본인의 생일을 등록하고, 받고 싶은 생일 선물을 선택한 후 축하받고 싶은 지인들에게 메시지를 발송하면 된다. 지인들이 사이트에서 생일 등록자를 위해 구호품을 구매하면 유니세프 본부의 물류 센터가 해당물품을 도움이 필요한 지구촌 어린이들에게 직접 전달한다.

Source: http://joynews.inews24.com/php/news_view.php?g_menu=700100&g_serial=581638&rrf=nv

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Guest onedaymaniac

Wonder Girls' Sunye, SNSD Yoona and Taeyeon, KARA Goo Hara, 2NE1 CL and Sandara, f(x) Victoria and Sulli, T-ara Jiyeon chosen as girl idols that have surprised uncle fans.


source:elle korea

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Guest qoxie

The UNICEF event's website has also updated: http://www.birthday.or.kr/

The flash homepage now features celebrities dancing (but no WG).

But Sohee is heavily featured inside since her birthday is coming up.

Her video message is also officially reloaded into Youtube.

If it is going to be themed like this, the other WG members should get highlighted too when their turn comes.

(Except Yeeun, whose birthday was last month.)




English subpage.


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