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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest V.Wonderful_Mike

i found a very cute fanart ^^

*quoted image*

cr: ckusi0801@naver

Yes! Love this fanart


Ha ha, i lve this fanmade. It's about Wonder Girls's new album 2011

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Guest qoxie


Source: http://udn.com/NEWS/...8/6285728.shtml

Elva Hsiao chosen as spokesperson for Taipei Metro's Street Dance Competition

United Daily News / reporter Yuan Shipei / latest report]

2011-04-20 06:56pm

The 7th Taipei Metro Asian Street Dance Competition is expanding its scope this year. In addition to [canvassing] online recommendations & then approaching Elva Hsiao to be its spokesperson, it has also invited popular Kpop groups 2PM & WONDERGIRLS to be its promotional ambassadors as well.

Elva Hsiao is currently recording in America but has readily agreed to collaborate. WG of 'Nobody' fame & 'Beastly Idols' 2PM are unable to come to Taiwan due to work. Still, 2PM will record English- & Korean-language CFs PVs while they prepare for their July comeback. WG will contribute a Chinese-language clip from America. Their agency JYPE is also sending representatives to Taiwan for the competition, & has not ruled out recruiting any outstanding talents.

There's another longer article. Translating.... tbc

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Guest qoxie


Source: http://twinasia.com/...wthread&tid=529

[Artiste news] Elva Hsiao chosen as 2011 Taipei Metro Asian Street Dance Competition spokesperson

WONDERGIRLS, 2PM also approached to become promotional ambassadors.

Co-organized by Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation, Cathay United Bank, POP Radio & others, the 'Taipei Metro Asian Street Dance Competition' is entering its 7th year this year. Not only has it drawn participants from the likes of Singapore, Malaysia, Korea & Xiamen, the choice of official spokesperson also became a focal point. To find a fresh influential singer across Asia to be its spokesperson, it had sought online recommendations on Facebook & Sina Weibo. Eventually, it managed to solicit 'Stylish Queen' Elva Hsiao as its spokesperson. Thanks to JYP Entertainment, it was able to secure WG & 2PM as this year's promotional ambassadors as well.

[skipped Elva Hsiao portion.]

The 'Taipei Metro Asian Street Dance Competition' is expanding its scope this year. Co-organizers like Taiwan's POP Radio, ASIA FM & BEST Radio; Singapore's YES 933 Radio, Malaysia's ASTRO, Korea's JYP Entertainment, Xiamen's Travel Broadcasting Channel, Sina Taiwan, Sina Weibo & others are helping to publicize the event. Last year's promotional ambassadors, in sharing their own hip-hop experiences, had helped inspire dance enthusiasts to showcase their skills onstage. Thanks to JYP Entertainment, WG of worldwide 'Nobody' fame & 2PM of 'Beastly Idols' fame in Asia have agreed to become this year's promotional ambassadors. Both idol groups won't be able to come to Taiwan due to work. But WG has recently recorded a Chinese-language PV for the event, while 2PM is doing it in English & Korean. They will add an international flair to this year's edition. JYP Entertainment also said that they are honored to collaborate on such a high-profile event in Taiwan. They will send representatives to the competition & have not ruled out recruiting any outstanding talents to succeed WG & 2PM.

This year's '2011 Taipei Metro Asian Street Dance Competition' has a whopping NT$500,000 (USD 17,245) in total prize money. The competition shall again be held during the summer vacation, with registration commencing on May 19. To encourage more hip-hop enthusiasts to sign up, especially since many beginners begin self-learning through dance MVs, a new "MV Creative Dance Competition" will also be held this year. Registration will begin soon until May 6. Check Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation www.trtc.com.tw or Sina Taiwan www.sina.com.tw for further details.

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Guest jcsmark

WG’s staff mentioned that an album release party will be held with fans when the new English album drops. I have a feeling that they will do the same thing as what they did last year, meaning it will be broadcasted live for fans around the world to enjoy. For the 2DT album, the launch party was held during the evening of Friday May 15 in LA, so fans on the other side of the world could also watch it live on the Saturday morning.

If so, my guess is that the album will drop on a Friday just like last year, or even the weekend to get the max number of fans to tune into the launch party. lol this is just a random speculation I have :P and YES the countdown begins, can't wait! :)

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Guest valentino_rossi46

Sun Mi is addicted to Linkin Park XD

내 who to follow 목록에 왜 내가 있는거야~ ㅋㅋㅋ 웃기

trans: Why am i on my who to follow list~ kkk funny (prob. referring to @WGmimi)

휴~ 뭐하시나 다들..”

Trans: whew~ what are you guys doing?..

'Linkin park- in the end' I do like rock music hahahaha

mimimimi0502: @JoYS_92 그것도 좋죠 하”

Trans: I like it(numb by linkin park) too ha

'linkin park- faint' this song is... kinda noisy..but good. 'numb' is a good song too.

아 in the end 가사 너무좋다.. 근데 무슨말인지 이해안되는것도 있다요.. ㅇㅁㅇ?

Trans: ah i really like the lyrics in, in the end.. but i don't understand what it's trying to say.. ㅇㅁㅇ?

credit: @Sunmijjang twitter

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Don't know if already shared, this video is my current favorite 2DT remix:

Wonder Girls feat. T-Blue - Tears on the floor


Cr.: djhuygens@youtube

The euro-style dance (I'm lacking a better genre defining term) at 0:47 - 2:00 blends so good with 2DT -- impressive. Kudos to this French remixer.

He also made this video for WonderGirlsFrance, which might seem easy but is connecting the songs very smoothly.

WONDER GIRLS ~Celebration~ Mix


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Guest kimkleirheechul143

honestly i like WG being compared to UK.. coz whenever i hear UK, I always associate it with ROYALS..and true WG is indeed the QUEEN of KPOP.. Yeah US is a more powerful country in terms of politics and economics..However, it is UK that shaped what the world is today. Synonymously, WG shaped KPOP into how it is today.. UK may not be recognized as an imperial power, or that it is a thing of the past.. BUT it is treated with utmost respect..

honestly i like WG being compared to UK.. coz whenever i hear UK, I always associate it with ROYALS..and true WG is indeed the QUEEN of KPOP.. Yeah US is a more powerful country in terms of politics and economics..However, it is UK that shaped what the world is today. Synonymously, WG shaped KPOP into how it is today.. UK may not be recognized as an imperial power, or that it is a thing of the past.. BUT it is treated with utmost respect..

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Guest r1988

I was wondering if the girls will do like american artist first release a digital single then release the full album one or two month later?!!

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Guest bammie92

wow! i love the shanghai concert photos! why i never seen their costumes before? the girls are looking so good! the costumes are much better than thailand's concert. urghhh! i can't wait for their upcoming concert!!

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Guest wonderr23

Yeeun is one of the many entertainers(Esther, Star, KilGun, Kang Gyunseong, Jinju, and Gagman Song junggeun) who seeks the guidance of Pastor Son Jongwon. His Christian community (MEJ, Mission of Entertainer in Jesus) especially focuses on healing and guiding entertainers/artists.

크리스천 연예인 공동체 이끌며 전도집회 여는 손종원 목사… 한류처럼 ‘神風’일 것

[2011.04.21 17:58]

광야교회 손종원(56) 목사는 전도에 생명을 건 목회자다. 1991년 12월 직접 기타를 치며 광야교회를 청년목회 현장으로 만들고 2000년 9월부터 크리스천 연예인공동체인 ‘미제이(MEJ, Mission of Entertainer in Jesus))’를 이끌어 온 것도 이 때문이다. 현재 미제이에는 가수 에스더, 별, 길건, 강균성(노을), 진주, 원더걸스 예은과 개그맨 송중근 등이 참여하고 있다. 손 목사가 ‘끼’가 많은 만큼 상처 또한 적잖은 연예인들을 다독거리며 그동안 국내는 물론 대만, 미국 하와이와 LA 등지에서 전도 집회를 해온 것은 어느 순간, 어떤 상황에도 복음을 전해야 한다는 믿음에서다.

손 목사는 한국교회의 미래가 목회자의 직접 전도에 달려 있다는 ‘담임목사 전도왕론’을 강조한다. 그는 “교회가 설교, 상담, 심방, 성경공부와 다양한 프로그램 등을 통해 성장을 도모하지만 목회자가 전도하지 않으면 ‘수평 교인’(기존 신자의 교회 간 이동)’이 있을지언정 진정한 부흥은 요원해진다”며 성도가 아닌 목회자가 전도왕이 돼야 한다고 했다.

“한국교회 안에 전도는 목회자가 아닌 평신도의 몫이라는 풍토가 있어요. ‘예수 천당’을 부르짖는 노방전도가 무례한 행위라고 질타를 당하면서 이런 현상이 더 고착화된 것 같습니다. 조심스러운 말이지만 노방전도를 폄하하는 분들 중 상당수가 실제로 전도에 열심이지 않아요.”

그는 “한 사람이라도 더 구원받게 하려는 전도자의 마음을 비난하기 앞서 먼저 이해해야 한다”면서 교회 내 전도에 대한 두려움이 있다고 안타까워했다. 손 목사는 “노방전도를 하면 의외로 많은 사람들이 복음에 열려져 있는 걸 알게 된다”며 “황금어장인 거리를 포기하면 안 된다”고 했다.

손 목사의 전도 열정은 미제이, 광야교회 청년들과 함께 수년간 국내에서 청소년 전도집회인 ‘크레이지 원데이’를, 미국에서 ‘LA 익스플로션’을 해온 데서 잘 드러난다. ‘크레이지 원데이’를 진행하면서 적잖은 빚을 지기도 했다. 연예인들은 자원하는 마음으로 공연한다 해도 최고의 무대를 만들기 위해선 각종 장비를 빌려야 하는 등 부수 경비가 필요했기 때문이다. 손 목사는 7월말 또는 8월초에 신촌에서 미제이 전도집회인 ‘서울 익스플로션’을 계획하고 있다. 올해로 3년째인 ‘LA 익스플로션’은 크리스천 연예인들이 공연을 한 뒤 청년 학생들과 함께 노방전도를 펼치는 해외 전지훈련이다. 올해는 6월에 미국 또감사선교교회 등의 협력으로 진행될 예정이다.

그는 “공공장소에서 하나님께 영광을 돌린다고 했던 연예인들이 잇단 구설수에 휘말려 비난을 받기도 하지만 연예인들이 고백했던 그 순간만큼은 진심이었음을 헤아려줘야 한다”고 했다. 연예인들을 있는 그대로 받아줄 수 있는 한없이 넓은 마음이 필요하다고 했다. 손 목사는 “(그들이 처한) 사정을 잘 모르고 일반 잣대로 판단하는 건 절대 금물”이라며 “신앙이 있느냐 없느냐의 문제가 아니라 그들에게 진정한 멘토가 없는 게 모든 문제의 핵심”이라고 했다.

“크리스천 연예인으로 사는 게 얼마나 힘든지 목회자나 일반 성도들은 상상도 못할 겁니다. 연예인들은 일반인과 전혀 다른 문화에 노출돼 있어요. 때문에 교회의 권위주의적 태도로는 그들의 마음을 움직일 수 없어요. 같은 연령대라 해도 교회 내 청년들과는 구분됩니다.”

그는 따라서 극심한 경쟁 속에 있는 크리스천 연예인들의 눌려 있는 끼를 살려주고 그들만의 재능을 펼칠 수 있도록 도와야 한다고 했다. 그런 점에서 크리스천 연예인들을 위한 전문 기획사의 설립이 시급하다고 했다. “연예인들이 재능 기부를 더 많이 하고 싶어도 일반 기획사에 소속돼 있어 한계가 있어요. 한류(韓流)는 신풍(神風), 즉 하나님의 바람입니다. 연예인들을 국내외 전도대열에 합류시켜야 합니다. 하나님의 ‘하’자를 전혀 사용하지 않더라도 복음을 전할 수 있는 게 연예인이기 때문입니다.”

세상 속에 있으면서도 세상과 구별되는 탁월한 실력을 갖춘 크리스천 연예인들을 양성하면 방송문화와 오락 프로그램도 변화시켜 나갈 수 있다는 것이다. “교회 프로그램이나 행사만을 위해 연예인을 활용하는 것을 경계해야 합니다. 교회는 그들이 주동적으로 움직이도록 돕기만 하면 됩니다.” 손 목사는 한 연예인이 2년이 지나서야 자신에게 전화번호를 가르쳐달라고 했던 예를 들어 “연예인의 마음을 여는 것은 인내 그 자체”라면서 “금방이라도 뭐가 될 것 같이 생각하는 것은 오산”이라고 했다.

함태경 기자 zhuanjia@kmib.co.kr

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Guest valentino_rossi46

dorky SoHee <3<3, I think she really love Beyonce. If not she didnt sing along and act like that lol

SunMi is stress because she gain weight ?

Trans: unnie these-days people that see me tells me to stop growing fatter / "@mimimimi0502: @JANEyjK 언니 요즘 나보는 사람마다 살그만찌래.....ㅠㅠ......."

eh..2 months ago you was still a goddess..whether you get fat or not / "@JANEyjK: @mimimimi0502 에....두달전까지만해도 넌 여신이였는데...니가쪄봤자야........."

Trans: (that person) saw me from behind but didn't recognize me.. / "@mimimimi0502: @JANEyjK 뒤에서 봤는데 나인줄 몰랐다고 그러시더라.."

Trans: Do humans photosynthesize or not? / "@Ramii_logt: @mimimimi0502 인간이 광합성을 하게 안하게?"

Trans: They do!! / "@mimimimi0502: @Ramii_logt 한다!!!"

Trans: please recommend me one character that suits me...!! / "@mimimimi0502: 저한테 어울리는 캐릭터 하나만 추천해주세요...!!"

Trans: since last year, I've been listening to rock music..but that song was released when i was an elementary student / "@mimimimi0502: @Moonworker 작년부터 락이 들리더라구요.. 근데 저노래 나 초등학생때 나온노래..

Trans: time passes by fast~ pass by faster ~ / "@mimimimi0502: 시간잘도간다~ 더빨리가라 확확~"

credit http://twitter.com/SunmiJjang

Personally, I think Sun Mi has toned body (look at her arms, legs) amongs the girls, she and Yu Bin has toned body. She even has heavy bones too, because when she's 50kg she look still slim. Around Now MV filming, she's 47 kg and yeh, she was still look thinner than other girls (but she still curvy)

On the other hand, Ye Eun naturally has flabby muscle, that's why she look bigger than others. I dont think she's heavier than Lim or Yu Bin who has firm muscle

I will spazz this article to her twitter lol http://www.allkpop.com/2010/10/hwangbo-takes-pride-in-her-52-kg-body. Hwangbo is 52 kg but she has tone body, so she's curvy, sexier than much much idols who just 40-45 but didnt has any curve at all

Yesterday, i read 1 article about CHI-CHI, they said even they gain 100g, their CEO wont allow them to eat, and they always hungry, now because they debut, they let them eat cuz they need energy to sing

Seriously, stupid agencies, why they use so stupid diet, it makes they look skinny, didnt have any curve and easily sick. Have many kind of diet (such as low carb, almost JYPE males artist use this i think), they still can eat, eat much than others people, but they wont gain weight but build their muscle a lot. If female idols also did that, they will much curvier, sexier

Btw, i mentioned it because our girls always go out and eating lol, especially Lim, she and Jane always go out and eat a lot. Im so happy for our girls. They can eat what they want (yes, they still need control their diet but not like stupid diet, hungry until loose 100g, then definitely our girls cant live in US for such long time cuz no energy). Other idols when seeing WG's twitter must be envy, cuz always take photo with food, and try a lot of other countries cusine

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