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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Rubie, you are doing fine with the translation. Just one more point to add on:

When the shooting in Hungary which will ends by end Jun, BH will be going to Hollywood to continue with his promo for G.I Joe. in July. Then back to Korea and Japan to continue with his promo

p.s. just wanted to know if others have the same login problem as mine? soompi keeps asking me to login each time i visit although I have bookmarked the page :(

Thanks ylin for the precious point, truly appreciate it. Will BH be spending his birthday in Korea first (assuming IRIS finishes smoothly in Hungary) or will he have to be in LA all the way till August? Even if the media news isn't confirmed and could change any time.. there's always this feeling of "left out' when his birthday.s are concerned.

Anyway.. I believe the soompi Admin is upgrading the system of the website. There's a recent notice that members should not forget their password.. the prompt is probably to make everyone actively check their account. I have to log in every time after shutting down the pc.

A belated translation, thanks to Japanese angels who helped to translate. :P:lol:


Thanks so much for the full translation, Ching *well done, terima kasih!* and Arigato gozaimas to the lovely Japanese angels. :blush:

Really appreciate the sharing, something we really couldn't have known just by watching the clip. This is just my personal thought (so please no snowballs).. it's rather weird taking BH's unexpected question about marriage to Josh. Maybe I'm thinking too much as always.. but the latter part of his response is nothing but typical "men talk/joke" between him, JH and TK.. could be damage control, only he knows. Don't mind me.. it's just that when the interview have been tampered.. meaning when the actual reply (we heard) doesn't coincide with the translation of "Me, too".. it's probably better not to take everything as it is.

Yupyup.. rubie is just being looney png.. so, this is where blurpanda bows defeated.

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Guest ellabel

^^That was a funny clip of BH and JH guesting in Smap. BH laughed heartily. Brooklyn/Jean promised to d/l the show... she's a fan of TK and Smap. Speaking of Jean, she will be in Japan to watch Katun and DBSK concert. Some other friends will join her.... not me tho.. :tears: . i decided to save my vacation time and money for Korea early next year. I told her to watch ICWTR if she has time.

Thanks ylin and rubie for the clips.

Reading some reviews of ICWTR, i think it wud take a special kind of understanding and artistic leeway to really appreciate it. Judging from the reviews, it wud take a lot of courage and heart-wrenching guts to be able to watch it. Hmmmm...... will wait and see. Anyway, there's still G.I. Joe. This one I'm pretty sure will be on our big screens.

So, the IRIS cast will be in Hungary. Exciting!!!

Hope BH can still find time to celebrate his bday with his loved ones.

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What a twist.. BH wasn't included in the latest Movieweek's Most Beautiful Celebrities as he had been the past 2 years in a row which is a bit downer.

But this article makes up for everything. Hope someone can really fine-tune the gist, please. Even a few lines of important info would be well & highly appreciated. Merci!

Source: contents.innolife.net

Lee, selection of magazines in Japan, "Asia's best attractive man."


2009/06/10(Wed) 09:29



イ・ビョンホンは日本の月刊誌「CREA」によって「彼氏にしたいハリウッドとアジアの男性俳優NO.1」の中で、アジアの俳優NO.1として選定された。ハリウッド俳優NO.1には映画『ヘアースプレー』や『ハイスクールミュージカル3』に出演したザック・エフロンが選ばれた。イ・ビョンホンは木村 拓哉、ソ・ジソブ、トニー・レオン(梁朝偉)、金城武、台湾のF4、飛輪海(フェイルンハイ)など、約40人のそうそうたるアジア最高のスターを押しのけ、彼氏にしたい最高の魅力男として選定された。


イ・ビョンホンは映画『アイ・カム・ウィズ・ザ・レイン』『G.I.ジョー』『良い奴、悪い奴、変な奴』が6月初から8月末までの3カ月の間に3本がたて続けに公開され、2009年の夏の日本の劇場街占領に乗り出す。イ・ビョンホンはすでに先月27日、ジョシュ・ハートネット、木村 拓哉などと、六本木ヒルズで行われた『アイ・カム・ウィズ・ザ・レイン』のワールドプレミアレッドカーペットイベントに揃って出席し、4千人あまりの日本のファンを熱狂させた。



Lee, selection of magazines in Japan, "Asia's best man attractive."

2009/06/10 (Wed) 09:29

The best Korean SUTAI Byung Hun Asia, was chosen as the most attractive man approved Japan Asia.

Lee is a monthly magazine in Japan "CREA" by "men in Asia and Hollywood actor boyfriend to NO.1" in the actor has been selected as Asia NO.1. NO.1 actors in Hollywood and the movie Hairspray High School Musical 3, she chose Zach Ephron. Takuya Kimura Lee, Seo JISOBU, Tony Leon (梁朝Wei),金城Wu, Taiwan's F4, Fahrenheit (Fahrenheit), beating the 40 Stars of Asia's best SOUSOUTARU, boyfriend was selected as the best man to appeal.

"CREA" Lee on "The Korean Wave 4 has become the most enthusiasm in the Emperor." This magazine is also a lot of cool parts to the casting of Lee was introduced to Japan, but a poker face that he thought many people, the last film's good guy, bad guy, funny After that, he is shown at the Cannes Film Festival attended by mentioning the matter to the standing ovation with tears of many people, inside a warm, honest and his smile behind a cool and charismatic did.

Lee's film, I Come With The Rain, GI Joe, the good guy, bad guy, a funny guy, but at the end of August from the first three months to three published books TATE続KE The 2009 launch of the Japanese occupation of the summer theaters. July 27, 2007 in Lee, Josh Hartnett, and Takuya Kimura, Roppongi Hills in the Rain With the cam, I attended all of the WARUDOPUREMIAREDDOKAPETTOIBENTO, 1000 the enthusiasm of some fans in Japan.


* "Japan famous writer" Ooishi Shidu, "I'd love to work with Mr. Lee" (interview)

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A belated translation, thanks to Japanese angels who helped to translate. :P:lol:

LBH and KiMura/木村



Mr.LBH is really something.

Wouldn't all the women like to touch him? 

LBHi: ありがとうございます。


Thank you very much.

Even if it's judged from the man’s point of view, in private,

Mr. Kimura is an attractive person.



Kimura: Thank you very much.

How do you memorize the script? 



※ I memorize emotions for each scene, rather than memorizing the script.

Then, the script comes naturally.

from LBH to Josh.


Do you plan to get married?

Josh.:ないよ 今のところは

※ Nope, not for a while.

LBH: なぜ? Why?


I have not met the right girl yet.

LBH: 僕もそうだよ Me,too.



※ Unlike you, we are still single.

So, we were talking about many women, not just one, at the scene.


※During the program the three of them were asked this question, "What is the cross you're carrying?

LBH: 年齢を重ねるごとに{男=man/male}の責任感は、だんだん重たくなっていく。

※As we age, men's responsibilities become bigger and bigger.


※I say men bear responsibilities for everything...

Hi Hyc, thanks for sharing here the translation of this video clip. Weee.........at least now I could understand what they were talking about after watching the clip. I like LBH smiles here. :D:lol:

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hip Korea on Discovery II

Even Hipper panda1-1.gif

Back in February, I mentioned the HIP KOREA documentary on Discovery Channel, a program about the singer Rain and modern Korean culture in which I was involved.


Well, now it is time for episode 2 of HIP KOREA -- SEOUL SAVVY, featuring the actor Lee Byung-hun. In many ways, HIP KOREA 2 is the prequel to the Rain episode, as this episode goes back and examines the changes Korea went through during the 1990s and into the 21st century. Rain is about where Korea is now, but Lee Byung-hun looks at how Korea got here.

It turns out that Lee Byung-hun is a pretty good conduit for that story -- he first made it big in 1992/3, around the time Korea got its first civilian president. He made JSA in 2000, at the same time as the North-South Summit between the Koreas. He starred in a couple of huge TV dramas that helped spark the boom of Korean TV dramas around Asia (aka Hallyu). And he starred in a couple of really big movies (A BITTERSWEET LIFE and THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE WEIRD) that showcased how far Korean movies and society have come along.

(pun intended! ^^) Mark your calendars, hunnies! :w00t:

HIP KOREA -- SEOUL SAVVY makes its debut on NHK in Japan on June 13 at 12:55am (technically June 14), in a two-hour, back-to-back showing with HIP KOREA -- SEOUL VIBES (the Rain episode). It then encores on NHK BS (satellite) on June 19 at 8pm and June 20 at 4:30pm.

It airs in Discovery at the following times in the following locations:

Korea - Thursday, June 18 at 8pm. Encores on June 20 at 2pm, June 21 at 1am in the morning and June 23 at 12am midnight.

Singapore/HK/Malaysia - Thursday, June 18 at 7pm. Encores on June 20 at 1pm and 12am midnight and June 23 at 11pm.

Taiwan - Sunday, August 16 at 10pm. (Rain's episode will be bundled and aired at 11pm.) Encores on August 23 at 3am and 3pm.


I am quite excited to finally have this going on the air -- it was a lot of work and took nearly a year to make. Actually, considering how Lee Byung-hun is a fairly substantial chapter in my book, POP GOES KOREA, you could say I have been working on this episode for years. So I hope you have the time to check it out.

Posted by Mark Russell at 9:49 AM via koreapopwars.com

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This is a shorter & better clip, and precisely BH-related from SxS last Monday.

Fiinally saw what Shingo-mama was doing to BH, he was making smooching gestures at Byunghun-ssi

trying to make him laugh and lose focus in the armwrestling match. :lol: No can do! :P

Thanks to the highlight at PlanetBH0712

2009.6.8 アイ・カム・ウィズ・ザ・レイン by reiko712

Watch youtube2.jpg STREAMING HERE





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No wonder he could never simply mention marriage.. yet.. :P Glad to note that CREA got his UNICEF credentials correct, plus the award for 'Itsuka'.. it's about time. With age, he's getting even better.

June 10, 2009

Lee Byung-hun, most wanted for date

By Hyun Ji-hyang


Lee Byung-hun was selected as the most wanted boyfriend in Japan, topping a list that includes stars from several countries.

Japanese monthly magazine CREA picked the No. 1 actor to date in Hollywood and Asia. Lee was chosen as the top actor among 40 Asian superstars. Among Hollywood actors, Zac Efron from the movies "Hairspray" and "High School Musical: Graduation" was picked as the best boyfriend.

The magazine introduced Lee's background in film and television dramas, his participation in UNICEF as a special delegate, his educational background and the languages he is fluent in (Korean, English, French and Mandarin Chinese). In addition, CREA announced that Lee's Japanese single album had received the "Best Asian Artist Award" in the 23rd Golden Disk Award Ceremony.

The publication noted that most of Lee's roles on screen were strong and manly, giving Lee his "poker face" image. However, at Cannes, Lee was moved to tears when he received a standing ovation for his movie "The Good, the Bad, the Weird." CREA mentioned this incident, revealing the actor's hidden inner warmth.

"The Good, the Bad, the Weird," along with Lee's other two movies "G.I Joe: The Rise of Cobra," and "I Come with the Rain" are being released in Japan this summer. Lee will spend his summer promoting his movies.

By Hyun Ji-hyang (jenellehyun@gmail.com) via koreaherald.co.kr

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In this cap, TK asked if they went for a drink last nite, JH reply "Yes, but BH drank the most" :rolleyes:

Ohh.. ohh.. that's what they're talking about. :lol: Now I remember.. roughly translating (to read) from JH's solo Japanese interview. He mentioned that after the Red Carpet event, he went out for drinks with BH and his "cousin". :P So, TK didn't go with them.. but it's great to see that all three of them are like buddies already.

I wonder what Shingo-mama said to BH that made him laughed so hard. :rolleyes: Was "she" flirting with him? :lol:

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The Good, The Bad, The Weird Review

By Saxon Bullock

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Stars


Capture credits to GBW / LBH VIP Room712 fan-blog

In 1930s China a trio of Korean outlaws battle local bandits, the Japanese army and each other over the fate of a mysterious treasure map in this Asian homage to the spaghetti western, from the director of A Tale of Two Sisters

If there's one word that can be used to sum up the best of South Korean cinema, it's 'demented'. While not all of their films are classics - in fact, some are just as trite, formulaic and dull as standard Hollywood product - there's something truly unique about South Korea's cinematic style, whether it's the melding of genres, the twisted plots, the outlandish violence or the weirdness of the humour. Their habit of fusing American cinema traditions with their own cultural heritage often results in some truly remarkable movies, and when the correct mix is achieved - as in The Good, The Bad, The Weird - what you get is an entertaining, unpredictable and often deliriously insane ride.

Having veered from weird black comedy (The Quiet Family) to head-spinning horror (A Tale Of Two Sisters) to gangster thriller (A Bittersweet Life), South Korean director Ji-Woon Kim has refused to stand still, and The Good, The Bad, The Weird sees him taking another stylistic left-turn. Here, he gleefully hi-jacks the sub-genre of Italian-directed 'spaghetti' westerns for his own ends and goes for all-out action and spectacle, blatantly homaging both the title and the plot of legendary director Sergio Leone's most famous film.

Unlike Leone, Kim isn't using the setting of the Old West - instead, his story is based in Manchurian China during the 1930s - but in all other respects, this is a full-on western, with a familiar cast of bandits, brigands, outlaws and bounty hunters. As with The Good, The Bad And The Ugly, the film revolves specifically around three different characters coming into conflict over a hidden treasure, with 'Good' bounty hunter Woo-Sung Jung battling with 'Bad' outlaw killer Byung-Hun Lee (JSA Joint Security Area, A Bittersweet Life) over a mysterious map that's been purloined by the shambolic and unashamedly 'Weird' thief Kang-Ho Song (The Host).

There's also a group of local bandits, gangsters, and the Japanese army to contend with, all of whom are seeking the map and the hidden fortune it leads to. The end result is a series of often violent, action-packed episodes which lead up to a familiar and iconic gun-toting showdown between the three lead characters - but while the structure and visuals owe a massive debt to Leone, the more surprising influence is that of Steven Spielberg. In fact, for anyone still regarding Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull as a bitter disappointment, what Kim has pulled off here is a fantastic homage to Spielberg in his energetic and youthful prime - he captures a mix of full-tilt, imaginatively staged action that hasn't been seen onscreen since Raiders Of The Lost Ark. Admittedly, the violence is cranked up several notches - particularly in one brutal torture sequence - but the sheer energy and abandon with which it's executed is pure Spielberg, and tremendous fun to watch.

Filmed on location in China and across a series of gigantic, sprawling sets, this is an energetic caper movie that's simply crammed full of jaw-dropping moments and daring stunt work. Barely pausing for breath between the frenetic action and the oddball comedy, the film builds and builds the spectacle, finally peaking with a stunning 15-minute chase sequence that somehow manages to simultaneously evoke Lawrence Of Arabia, Mad Max 2 and the epic Pelennor Fields battle from The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King.


Essentially, this is the kind of action-packed popcorn crowd-pleaser that Hollywood has forgotten how to make, combined with a level of craft and visual energy that's breathtaking. There's also the simple joy of watching an actor as strong as Kang-Ho Song getting the chance to really cut loose, seemingly channelling aspects of John Belushi's nutty pilot from Spielberg's 1941 into his ballistic performance, while the charismatic Lee Byung-Hun also hijacks the attention every time he's onscreen. They don't quite have a strong enough equal in the 'Good' member of the cast, however - where Leone's leading trio were all superb, Jung Woo-Sung is good but not especially memorable and leaves the film feeling somewhat out-of-balance.

Added to this, there's the unavoidable fact that The Good, The Bad, The Weird isn't really out to do anything other than deliver a fun couple of hours. It's a colourful, over-stuffed homage that exchanges the operatic seriousness of Leone for something more energetic but also more frivolous. Add a sketchy plot that's really just a collection of brilliantly executed chase sequences, and however good the end result is, it doesn't quite reach the truly satisfying heights attained by South Korean films like Oldboy or Memories Of Murder.

Nevertheless, Ji-Woon Kim has still produced a gleefully entertaining movie, throwing together a whole selection of bizarre influences and carrying off some of the most satisfying action sequences to be seen in years. The Good, The Bad, The Weird may not be perfect, but it is a widescreen spectacle that deserves to be seen on the biggest screen available, and which leaves most of Hollywood's current action blockbuster output looking downright feeble in comparison.


Wild, crazy and packed with memorable moments, this South Korean homage to the western may not be thought-provoking or particularly deep, but it's also one of the most genuinely fun and inventive movies to hit the screen in quite some time.

Source: channel4.com

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:excl: Can someone help? :sweatingbullets:

There's been a request for a WMV format for the SMAPxSMAP clip (the youtube sharing by reiko712). I've got it in FLV format but somehow could not convert it into wmv using the current software.. could be my pc in error mode.

Can someone help please? Ching, ylin.. someone? :blush: Blurpanda much obliged! Can't resist keeping a copy of the fun clip, can we? :lol:

Here's the FLV version (which actually could be viewed on Windows Media Classic after installing the codec)

File Name: bh20090608sxs.flv

Size: 38MB | http://www.sendspace.com/file/5c2ynk

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No wonder he could never simply mention marriage.. yet.. :P Glad to note that CREA got his UNICEF credentials correct, plus the award for 'Itsuka'.. it's about time. With age, he's getting even better.

June 10, 2009

Lee Byung-hun, most wanted for date

By Hyun Ji-hyang


Lee Byung-hun was selected as the most wanted boyfriend in Japan, topping a list that includes stars from several countries.

Japanese monthly magazine CREA picked the No. 1 actor to date in Hollywood and Asia. Lee was chosen as the top actor among 40 Asian superstars. Among Hollywood actors, Zac Efron from the movies "Hairspray" and "High School Musical: Graduation" was picked as the best boyfriend.

The magazine introduced Lee's background in film and television dramas, his participation in UNICEF as a special delegate, his educational background and the languages he is fluent in (Korean, English, French and Mandarin Chinese). In addition, CREA announced that Lee's Japanese single album had received the "Best Asian Artist Award" in the 23rd Golden Disk Award Ceremony.

The publication noted that most of Lee's roles on screen were strong and manly, giving Lee his "poker face" image. However, at Cannes, Lee was moved to tears when he received a standing ovation for his movie "The Good, the Bad, the Weird." CREA mentioned this incident, revealing the actor's hidden inner warmth.

"The Good, the Bad, the Weird," along with Lee's other two movies "G.I Joe: The Rise of Cobra," and "I Come with the Rain" are being released in Japan this summer. Lee will spend his summer promoting his movies.

By Hyun Ji-hyang (jenellehyun@gmail.com) via koreaherald.co.kr

Hi rubie, thanks for this article. No one would hesitate to go out on a date with him. How would you? He’s a brilliant man! :D:lol:

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I wrote to Mark Russell of Korea Pop Wars, thanking him for the latest HIP KOREA update. :blush:

This is his reply rbhcool.gif


We really appreciate what you've written and shared especially about actor Lee Byung Hun, having met him.. reading from a non-Korean professional perspective, it's actually an honour for us that you've repeatedly noted him & his movies with such high regards.

MR: LBH is a pretty interesting guy. I cannot claim to be his best friend or anything, but I have worked with him a couple of times and I am friends with some people close to him, and from what I have seen, he is very professional and pretty cool.

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Why did BH LOL? Well, it's bcoz

Shingo-mama praised BH for having a magnificient physique and ask if he can show it to everyone.

BH's reply was he will show "her" privately his whole body and Shingo-mama said in that case she will take careof the hotel room booking .... thats where BH laughed out so loud.

Shingo-mama also draw on Josh's palm the word "Hit" = "Good Boxoffice" and told Josh that they are his palm lines.

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Why did BH LOL? Well, it's bcoz

Shingo-mama praised BH for having a magnificient physique and ask if he can show it to everyone.

BH's reply was he will show "her" privately his whole body and Shingo-mama said in that case she will take careof the hotel room booking .... thats where BH laughed out so loud.

Shingo-mama also draw on Josh's palm the word "Hit" = "Good Boxoffice" and told Josh that they are his palm lines.

Aigoo.. such notty Hunnie, notty talk :P .. boys will be boys, huh. :lol:

Shingo-mama is really "hitting" on BH since the first moment.. :P.. knowing that he has lots and lots of female fans in Japan. I remember him "posing" as BH in the EHAS poster during the SmapxSmap Bistro segment when CJW was their guest. :lol: But it's so cute to see BH so sporting in the comedy sketch :wub:.. which could be so unexpected for some people.. thinking that he's too serious like his roles.

And speaking of Box Office.. some Korean updates today mentioned that ICWTR is one of the Top 5 movies opening last weekend.. right? I've not found the official list yet so I'm not too sure. :unsure: Nonetheless .. Hwaiting ICWTR! Gambatte!

That is cool tidbit.. about what Shingo wrote on Josh's palm. ^^ Great sharing, ylin!

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And speaking of Box Office.. some Korean updates today mentioned that ICWTR is one of the Top 5 movies opening last weekend.. right? I've not found the official list yet so I'm not too sure. :unsure: Nonetheless .. Hwaiting ICWTR! Gambatte!

Yup, ICWTR is on No.5, I was about to post that :)

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Yup, ICWTR is on No.5, I was about to post that :)

That is not too bad for the movie considering the very dark, deep & grim storyline. Hopefully more will watch ICWTR.. not just the fans & movie enthusiasts but the general public as well. Though it's a pity that the movie won't be shown at major film fests as initially thought but to see it finally released.. after being held back for quite awhile.. is already good news. Don't know if there'll be more promos by the trio elsewhere after Japan. So far.. only Russia is set to air the movie on July 17th .. wonder what about Korea? Will JH and TK be visiting BH when and if that happens, it'll be real cool to see them again.. bringing the house down. :P (On a related note.. will GBW get a feature in the SMAPxSMAP too? ^^ )

But looks like the biggest promos for BH will be for The Rise of Cobra next. With the movie opening simultaneously everywhere.. we can only imagine the very hectic schedule BH will have to follow. :sweatingbullets: Hopefully the Korean premiere for the movie will be positively received.. the media could be a bit more picky.. when there's a Korean star acting in the Hollywood feature.

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