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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Rubie, from your capture, the 1st 2 words means marriage. :P

I think they take turn to ask question. :huh:

BH took awhile to think of his question. :unsure: Maybe BH asked Josh when he is going to get married. :lol:

I heard Josh said not for a while. :P BH asked why is that?

Josh said, "Haven't met the right girl." :P Just my wild guess. :lol::lol:

Ohh.. I didn't know that the caption meant "marriage" instead :huh: .. that's all the more no-no question to pose in an interview. Indeed BH took quite awhile to ask the question that Josh couldn't wait to hear it. Maybe.. just my assumption.. that.. BH might be referring to his Rise of Cobra co-star, Sienna Miller who's been widely rumored to be dating Josh Hartnett. But still.. it's obviously something that celebs would avoid mentioned on air.. BH of all people, should know that. :mellow: Why not ask about JH's next movie, for instance? But who knows.. BH was caught off guard by the interview mode.. perhaps.. saying something he's thinking out loud.

And seriously.. Josh Hartnett is only 30, he's the youngest among the three men.. and of course, TK is already married. It's clearly a question for Byunghun-ssi more than anyone else. Aigoo, our Hunnie.. his mind must be floating so far away. :P

Ching, can you share the gist of the other captions?

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Ohh.. I didn't know that the caption meant "marriage" instead :huh: .. that's all the more no-no question to pose in an interview. Indeed BH took quite awhile to ask the question that Josh couldn't wait to hear it. Maybe.. just my assumption.. that.. BH might be referring to his Rise of Cobra co-star, Sienna Miller who's been widely rumored to be dating Josh Hartnett. But still.. it's obviously something that celebs would avoid mentioned on air.. BH of all people, should know that. :mellow: Why not ask about JH's next movie, for instance? But who knows.. BH was caught off guard by the interview mode.. perhaps.. saying something he's thinking out loud.

And seriously.. Josh Hartnett is only 30, he's the youngest among the three men.. and of course, TK is already married. It's clearly a question for Byunghun-ssi more than anyone else. Aigoo, our Hunnie.. his mind must be floating so far away. :P

Ching, can you share the gist of the other captions?

Rubie, sorry. I really don't know what they were asking each other, except the caption "marriage" because it is the chinese word. :lol:

I will try to ask my Japanese friend. Hope she will be able to translate for me provided she is free. :P

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Rubie, sorry. I really don't know what they were asking each other, except the caption "marriage" because it is the chinese word. :lol:

I will try to ask my Japanese friend. Hope she will be able to translate for me provided she is free. :P

Whoops.. my total ignorance :sweatingbullets: .. I thought you could somehow identify the characters in the captions.

It's alright Ching.. no rush for anything, most everyone are busy lately. Whatever sharing there is, will be most appreciated.. not to worry about it, if there's none.

The Japanese fans and friends must be so excited to watch the movie starting from tomorrow. :blush:

Thanks ylin for the VIP VOD.. great sharing, well done!

Here's the same Himalaya VIP Premiere VOD on Youtube ^^

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Guest ylin



From guessing, BH appeared unprepared or (caught off guard) with a personal? question he had to ask Josh Harnett.. a bit strange all that he came up with was a girlfriend??? question instead which JH answered 'nope' straightaway. Isn't that a Q&A 101 no-no? At least JH asked TK about the latter's fave Hollywood actor, as cliched as it may sound.

Anyhoo.. it's nothing to note too much, silly rubie ramble.. just a wild guess on the interview clips. Feel free to correct anything, like I said.. merely second-guessing from watching the clip with no inkling whatsoever on the questions and answers being asked..

Looks like fun, yeah.. looks like a good interaction & cool fun between the actors.

I believe the boys are supposed to ask each other a question and hence BH asked Josh if he has any plans to be married?

And Josh's reply was "Nope, no, not for a while" and BH asked why is that?

Josh replied that he hvn't met any girl but BH said "Me Too":P

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Guest ellabel

^^ Look who's talking? :lol: That question about marriage should be directed to BH himself and not to Josh. :lol:

I also dont think he cant find any girl. If he comes here, he will have many candidates and volunteers.

Hi ylin sis! :wub:

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I believe the boys are supposed to ask each other a question and hence BH asked Josh if he has any plans to be married?

And Josh's reply was "Nope, no, not for a while" and BH asked why is that?

Josh replied that he hvn't met any girl but BH said he dun think so :P

Yeah.. TK was the first to ask BH about something (anyone knows what his questions were & BH's replies to it?) and then BH would ask JH, followed by Josh asking Takuya. But when BH took quite awhile to ask Josh the question.. I wonder why :huh: .. they're not really that close, right.. just a short time filming ICWTR on and off in HK 2 years ago. It's quite a personal question that I wouldn't have thought being asked by BH (considering his own strict interview code).. but then.. maybe.. he knows something more between SM and JH while he was filming GI Joe. BH could have met Josh in LA, that's why he asked & answered the way he did. :rolleyes:

But.. from the clips.. the 3 men seems to be talking about each other most of the time :P .. especially about their bodies. :lol:


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I believe the boys are supposed to ask each other a question and hence BH asked Josh if he has any plans to be married?

And Josh's reply was "Nope, no, not for a while" and BH asked why is that?

Josh replied that he hvn't met any girl but BH said "Me Too":P

Uihh.. he said that? :unsure: I watched the clip numerous times but didn't catch those.. when? :huh:

Btw.. sorry ylin.. I had to edit the quote in your post.. to remove the image tags. Had to. *no snowballs for the PNG panda*

Himalaya VIP clip [X]

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Guest ylin

Yeah.. TK was the first to ask BH about something (anyone knows what his questions were & BH's replies to it?) and then BH would ask JH, followed by Josh asking Takuya. But when BH took quite awhile to ask Josh the question.. I wonder why :huh: .. they're not really that close, right.. just a short time filming ICWTR on and off in HK 2 years ago. It's quite a personal question that I wouldn't have thought being asked by BH (considering his own strict interview code).. but then.. maybe.. he knows something more between SM and JH while he was filming GI Joe. BH could have met Josh in LA, that's why he asked & answered the way he did. :rolleyes:

But.. from the clips.. the 3 men seems to be talking about each other most of the time :P .. especially about their bodies. :lol:

TK asked BH how he memorise his scripts? BH's reply was he does not memorise them by heart a he will analyse the character and the background which will automatically help he to remember his lines .....

They said BH was very serious in thinking for a good question to ask Josh and that's why he took such a long time to ask the question ....

Josh asked TK who is the his most fav American actor and TK answered Sean Penn. Josh then asked wat abt your fav American co-star .....

In the end, the interviewer asked the boys what is the "cross" that they are carrying on their backs now? (meaning what burden do they hv now)

BH's reply was as age grows, the feeling of being a responsible man is growing

TK's reply was as a member of SMAP, they must hv team sprite.

Josh's reply was he stupid question earlier could be the "shadow" of his acting career.

p.s. rubie, i did not hear that too but someone who understand japanese translated, let me go hear again.

edit to say: according to my friend, it's on the sub-titles but I thot i heard BH said "I dun think so" :D


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TK asked BH how he memorise his scripts? BH's reply was he does not memorise them by heart a he will analyse the character and the background which will automatically help he to remember his lines .....

Yup.. that's always been his method of acting.. which we've read about as far back with BD (maybe even earllier than that).. he's always been consistent on this. Never memorizing the scripts but always understanding the role/plot to truly convey the character as real as possible.

BH's reply was as age grows, the feeling of being a responsible man is growing

Now.. this is how BH would always respond in interviews.. with thoughtful and precise replies.

p.s. rubie, i did not hear that too but someone who understand japanese translated, let me go hear again.

edit to say: according to my friend, it's on the sub-titles but I thot i heard BH said "I dun think so" :D

That's right.. I heard that too.. "I don't think so".. could be a case of 'Lost in Translation' with the Japanese subs.. maybe.

Nonetheless, thanks so much ylin, this is really heartwarming sharing.. hope we can read more about the gist from the interview.. much gratitude to the sweet person helping with the translation. :blush:

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Guest ylin

That's right.. I heard that too.. "I don't think so".. could be a case of 'Lost in Translation' with the Japanese subs.. maybe.

I think BH's reply was "I don't think so" but the Japanese media just wanted to tease him to say that back in his mind he wanted to doesn't have any gf too .... :rolleyes:

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Guest cynthia05

Uihh.. he said that? :unsure: I watched the clip numerous times but didn't catch those.. when? :huh:

Btw.. sorry ylin.. I had to edit the quote in your post.. to remove the image tags. Had to. *no snowballs for the PNG panda*

Himalaya VIP clip [X]

What I heard was "Is that so?"

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[iCWTR] An interview too reel? [X]

I think BH's reply was "I don't think so" but the Japanese media just wanted to tease him to say that back in his mind he wanted to doesn't have any gf too .... :rolleyes:

That a possible reason.. putting interesting captions instead the actual meaning.. the media could be teasing him.. not saying that he doesn't need a girlfriend :P .. but urging him to have one instead? Hehe.

What I heard was "Is that so?"

Could be, too.. Cynthia.. but "I don't think so" sounded more apparent. Anyone catch what the translators said.. they seemed to be repeating what BH said. LOL! We're talking about what he said in the interview.. just showed how we missed reading his thoughts and everything, huh.

Is anyone catching the movie today.. michikyou.. Sung-ja? :rolleyes:

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Clips from IRIS courtesy cutiepie and Amaryllis


KBS Ent. Relay # 1273


Enjoy ^^

* Plse pm me instead if you wish to leave msg or having problem in video d/l

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^ WAH! :w00t: MWAH!!! To cutiepie for the Showbiz Extra clips for IRIS and Byunghun-ssi at Mother, recently. :wub:

It's truly enlightening to be able to read gists of BH in English. rbhcool.gif A wonderful sharing always! ^^

-- By the by..

an ICWTR review, sort of.. doesn't say much about Byunghun-ssi per se but hopefully his acting performance will be noted positively & always praise-worthy..

The movie certainly isn't short of bloody violence and gory details.. :sweatingbullets:


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Director Tran talks of moving from violence to Murakami's famed 'Norwegian Wood'


Special to The Japan Times

Born in Vietnam and raised in France from age 12, Tran Anh Hung made an indelible debut as a filmmaker in 1993 with "The Scent Of Green Papaya." A delicate, sensual film, where the patter of rain on garden leaves or the rustle of wind on mosquito netting was as prominent as its story of a servant girl in 1950s Saigon, "Green Papaya" put Tran on the art-cinema map in a big way, including a Camera d'Or award at Cannes.

His followup, "Cyclo" (1995), took the Gran Prix at Venice, and confirmed Tran's talent. While as richly textured as his first film, "Cyclo" saw Tran moving into darker terrain, following a rickshaw driver in Hi Chi Minh City who falls in with a gang, and his drug-addicted sister, prostituted by the brooding gangster (Tony Leung) who loves her. Tran's third film, "Vertical Ray of the Sun" (2000), was a languorous look at three sisters in present-day Hanoi, with a poetic style that harkened back to "Green Papaya."

Tran reverts to the dark side with his latest, "I Come With The Rain." It's the first film he's made that's not set in Vietnam — it's a Hong Kong-based serial killer/gangster/religious allegory flick — and also the first he's made with stars, in this case, three of cinema's most beautiful boys: South Korea's Byung Hun Lee ("JSA"), American Josh Hartnett ("Sin City") and Japan's own Takuya Kimura of SMAP fame. The film wrapped some time ago, but Japan — notably — is the only market where it's been slated for release so far.

Part of the reason for that could be that many fans of Tran's earlier films may be unable to sit through "I Come With The Rain," which just as easily could have been called "The Scent of Red Blood." In a Tokyo interview with Tran, I mention this and he laughs lightly: "True, but the theme of my film is the agony of the flesh, and how one perceives that. The age we live in is full of terrorism and war; the reality is that lots of blood is flowing. I want my film to make you experience that in new ways."

In Tran's film, one would be hard-pressed to find even a minute where there wasn't blood on the screen. Hartnett plays a detective, traumatized in the past by his experiences with a serial killer, who goes to Hong Kong looking for an industrialist's missing son, mini cooperao (Kimura). Also looking for the missing mini cooperao is a Hong Kong mobster (Lee), who's prone to beating people to death with a hammer. His girlfriend (played by the director's stunning wife, Tran Nu Yen Khe) has gone missing, and he suspects she's with mini cooperao, who turns out to be a vagabond with Christ-like healing powers.

Tran explains that "the casting took a really long time. The thing I was most looking for in the actors was, in addition to their talent, that the humanity of the characters would come across in their appearance." Of course, shooting an English-language film with several actors whose English skills were questionable also made this a necessity.

The film features such lovely scenes as the killer taking a bite out of Hartnett's arm, or Kimutaku — in an overblown Christ allegory — getting nailed to a cross by Lee. With lines like "the suffering of mankind . . . is there anything more beautiful?" it's easy to suspect the director had a tormented Catholic upbringing, but Tran dispels the notion. But like his serial killer character, Hashford (played by Elias Koteas), Tran says, "I do think there's beauty in suffering. Hashford is a man whose job is to express agony, but he needs material to realize this form of expression, so he kills people. But that isn't his motive. His object is to get the material to create his work."

The killer in the film creates a "gallery" of limbless torsos and a leg with teeth and a tongue embedded in the foot, artwork that brings to mind the meaty works of Damien Hirst; Tran cites the agonized forms of Francis Bacon as an inspiration. I ask Tran why is it in the movies — think "Se7en," "The Cell" or "The Silence Of The Lambs" — serial killers are always portrayed as effete artists, whereas in reality — Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer — they're fairly stupid, cruel people looking to get their rocks off.

"I can only speak for myself," says Tran, "but I wasn't interested in portraying a killer from the start, I wanted to portray an artist. All artists have one thing in common, I think: They're not satisfied with natural beauty, as is, the world as it exists. So that's why they turn to various materials to express beauty as they see it. For example, an artist can kill a rabbit and use its innards to express his vision of beauty; that cruel act is a means to an end. If they didn't have that texture, they couldn't create. Why that's so, I don't know, but that's what makes an artist."

Not the best example to spring on a rabbit owner like myself, and the feeling that the film is nothing more than gore shot with the beautiful ennui of a fashion ad is as hard to shake as the feeling that Kimutaku is even less convincing as Jesus Christ than he is as a brain surgeon in the new TBS drama "Mr. Brain." The megaidol has almost no dialogue in the English-language film, and every scene he's in consists of him convulsing and writhing like a man who's eaten week-old sushi; not something likely to please his fans.

One suspects the eight-year layoff from filmmaking interrupted Tran's flow; he explains how "after 2000, I spent 4 years working on another project, but it never got past the planning stage. So then I switched to this film, and between finding a producer and financing and everything, that took a while longer. It's terribly frustrating. It's not just time that I lost, but my youth, and the energy that comes with it. For example, if you try to make the same movie in your 30s, 40s, or 60s, it will wind up an entirely different film."

Happily, Tran has a new project in the works, and it's a corker: an adaptation of Haruki Murakami's "Norwegian Wood" starring Rinko Kikuchi and Kenichi Matsuyama. It's likely that Marukami's melancholy is a better fit for Tran's style than the Asian ultraviolence tropes of "I Come With The Rain."

"Norwegian Wood" is currently in production, and shooting will commence soon in Japan. I ask Tran how he hopes to re-create 1960s Tokyo for the film, and he sighs: "We're going to have to shoot every scene at different places, all over Japan. For example, there's a scene with a pool, and we're using a pool about an hour outside the city, because there's nothing suitable in Tokyo. Tokyo's always changing, and there's almost nothing left that reminds one of the '60s."

Source: japantimes.co.jp

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[GI Joe: Rise of Cobra] Lee Byung Hun unmasked, the Eiffel Tower collapsed!

'G.I.조' 이병헌, 에펠탑 무너뜨리다?

김현록 기자 | 2009/06/07 14:12


할리우드 블록버스터 'G.I.조:전쟁의 서막'에 출연한 이병헌이 에펠탑을 직접 무너뜨리는 악당으로서의 모습을 공개해 눈길을 끈다.

최근 MTV 무비어워드를 통해 공개된 '지 아이 조'의 예고편에서 이병헌은 처음으로 얼굴을 드러낸 채 등장, 화려한 액션을 선보였다. 흰색 수트 차림의 이병헌은 수리검을 던져 경비들을 제압하고 에펠탑을 향해 신종 병기를 발사한 뒤, 유리창을 부수고 건물 밖으로 뛰어내려 탈출에 성공한다.

앞서 공개된 첫 예고편에서 얼굴을 가린 채 등장했던 이병헌은 이번 예고편을 통해 상당한 비중을 지닌 악역으로 할리우드 영화에 진출했음을 알렸다. 특히 신종 병기를 사용해 에펠탑을 무너뜨리는 모습은 미국 관객에게도 깊은 인상을 남기기 충분했다는 평가다.

이병헌은 'G.I.조'에서 극중 코브라 군단 소속이면서 G.I.조에 정보를 제공하는 이중첩자 스톰 쉐도우로 등장한다. '미이라' '반헬싱'으로 알려진 스티븐 소머즈 감독에 연출한 'G.I.조'는 오는 8월 7일 미국 전역에서 개봉하며, 국내 개봉은 미정이다.

Source: star.mt.co.kr

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Gist from a fan-blog, looks like ICWTR is really a lot more violent + so much cruelty than initially thought.. :ph34r:

I Come With The Rain (Fanmade MV feat. Byunghun Lee)


English gist: Duel of IRIS & Mother VIP [X] thanks to cutiepie for the cool clips ^^


20090616 Showbiz Extra: IRIS vs Queen Seon Deok



20090619 Showbiz Extra Mother VIP premiere


ps: regarding BH's upcoming birthday (sent through cc-ed PM previously).. come to think of it.. I'm bringing forward next year's gift idea to this July instead.. back to the original thought. Why wait for later when we have now.. right? :blush: By hook or by crook.. :P .. hope the panda-plan will go through.

Also hoping to do a BH compilation for the blog yet a friend or two is needed to make the mini-project much easier, when two hearts are better than one. :lol: Someone who can share ideas and proof-read is greatly welcomed.

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Guest Sung-ja e Seiko

[iCWTR] An interview too reel? [X]

That a possible reason.. putting interesting captions instead the actual meaning.. the media could be teasing him.. not saying that he doesn't need a girlfriend :P .. but urging him to have one instead? Hehe.

Could be, too.. Cynthia.. but "I don't think so" sounded more apparent. Anyone catch what the translators said.. they seemed to be repeating what BH said. LOL! We're talking about what he said in the interview.. just showed how we missed reading his thoughts and everything, huh.

Is anyone catching the movie today.. michikyou.. Sung-ja? :rolleyes:


I went to see ICWR on the release day Jun 6 Saturday.

The theater where I saw had 160 seats and it was full for the first show.

BH was absolutely beautiful in the movie but the story might expects your deep thoughts or imagination to understand.

It has a lot of violent and ugly scenes.

Less words but it has a certain artistic picture world which I thought even the violent scene been very stylish. It reminds me a little bit of “Bitter Sweet Life “.

When BH speaks in English, his tone of voice changes. Some of his lines do not sound like him at all, a bit strange.

I think his voice tone gets higher when he speaks in English.

BH’s English is good but maybe he should try to speak in lower tone.

After I saw the movie I saw the TV interview with my friends and it became a big discussion, why BH asked such a question to JH? :o

Maybe what occupies his brain is Marriage Marriage Marriage right now. :huh: Maybe he already has a plan! :wacko: Or he is feeling a lot of pressure that he has to marry soon etc. :blink:

Many fans relieved when they saw the Japanese translation, “Me Too.“ :sweatingbullets:

But I think the translation was wrong.

To me, he sounded “I don’t think so. “ too. Therefore JH looked at BH as if he surprised with his eyes open a bit wider.

On rainy Friday, I went to a Department store in Shibuya and to my surprise; they gave us ICWR umbrella plastic bag instead of usual transparent one. :lol:


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