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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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This is an interview with SKH in Cannes recently, it highlights some of the very interesting aspects of making GBW through the actor's point of view. Just reading it, makes us realize the real unimaginable effort that the actors, director and production crew had gone through.. in getting the movie done especially in the very rough & tough situation shooting on location. From the BTS clips we see how JWS hurt his arm a few times doing the stunt trying to jump in through a train's window and SKH had to have the oxygen inhaler (usually for people with asthma) having to run and run in the very dusty weather. And BH, him standing in front of the blazing train only to jump off in the nick of time really gives me goosebumps because these actors did everything themselves without a stunt double.


Thanks to the wonderful highlight by kdramafanusa at the News thread


May 24, 2008

[interview] Song Kang-ho, "The answer is to not do it if it's not the best"


A paler Song Kang-ho said, "It took 23 hours and 50 minutes to come to Martinez Hotel from Pusan where I was filming "Thirst"". It is his second year coming to Cannes, last year with "Secret Sunshine"and this year with "The Good, the Bad, the Weird". He hopes that "The Good, the Bad, the Weird" can be a movie to revive the Korean movie industry from its slump. It has a screening on the 24th out of competition.

On the 23rd, Song Kang-ho consented to an interview for forty minutes on a hotel terrace, and continued to share fun stories while having dinner. He was tired, but he willingly answered questions about "The Good, the Bad, the Weird" and "Thirst" for the Korean reporters that visited Cannes. His hearty laughter spread across the café.

-This is your second year in a row at Cannes. Your current thoughts and feelings?

"Secret Sunshine" and "The Good, the Bad, the Weird" both have weird themes, and I'm glad that I was able to attend the most famous film festival.

-You seem worried.

The Korean movie industry has been in danger for about two years. The number of movies that came out this year is at 80. It is only a matter of time before it becomes 70 and 60. "The Good, the Bad, the Weird" is a 20 billion won project, but compared to Hollywood blockbusters, it's a small amount. Our nation's movies have the greatest competition compared to their budget. I hope this movie can be the work to revive the pride of Korean movies.

-It's your second time working with Director Kim Ji-woon after "The Foul King". He says that 'the weird' just had to be Song Kang-ho.

It turned out that way. I must have seemed weirder to the director than Jeong Woo-seong or Lee Byeong-Heon. I play the role of Tae-gu, who escapes to Japanese Manchuria and lives off loot from robbing trains. He has the persistence of a weed. He has no form but he's strong-willed.

-In some ways, all three are good and bad, and have a weird aspect to them.

That's true. A good person turns into a bad person, and a weird person turns into a good person. It was hard to find the balance, and that will be the key to view the movie in a fun way.

-There were a lot of dangerous scenes.

I was shooting the scene where I had to jump from a motorcycle into a jeep, and I was nervous because pebbles were hitting my body. We couldn't use a double, and even with safety pads on my chest and stomach, it hurt. Director Kim got more white hairs while filming this. A Western usually has a loose side, but this Korean Western is filled with fighting action. We three actors had to pray for easier scenes.

-How was acting with your juniors?

I've never thought of them as my juniors. They are just colleagues who are younger than I am. Don't they have more experience and become famous sooner than me? You can't say that I taught them anything. We got closer when we played soccer with bets on food. It's not easy to work together like this, and I think the director's ability is that big.

-"Thirst" is your next work. It seems you're doing the extremes.

"The Good, the Bad, the Weird" and "The Host"are movies you can see with your family, but "Thirst" is one that children cannot see. It was more fun while shooting "The Good, the Bad, the Weird" because I knew it was something my children could see.

-What kind of person is Kim Ok-bin, who is your opposing role in "Thirst"?

I can say this confidently, but if last year was Jeon Do-yeon's year, next year will be Kim Ok-bin's. She's fascinating and has great sensitivity. I know she's been hurt through the internet, but I advised her that it was growing pains.

-There's word that "The Good, the Bad, the Weird" has anti-Japanese sentiment and nationalism.

If you see the movie tomorrow, you'll see how wrong that question is. It's purely an entertaining movie that you can enjoy for two hours.

-No disappointment that you're not in competition?

Not at all. There is a commercial side to this, so it was not intended for competition. The screening is on the last day, and the Cannes chairperson volunteered to host it. It's no different than receiving a big award. "Indiana Jones 4" is also out of competition.

-The reason for refusing constant proposals from Hollywood or foreign films.

They are not using me at my best potential. Think about it. Would Sean Penn or Robert de Niro have played the car center owner in "Secret Sunshine"? The answer is to not do it if you can't show them your best.

-Lastly, weren't you disappointed with the low success of "The Show Must Go on"?

It was disappointing. You can't ignore the effect of the seasons. While touring Seoul and Pusan, the cherry blossom festival and the K-league were disheartening factors. My heart was torn when I thought about who would come to a dark theater during the blooming, green season.

Song Kang-ho will leave Cannes the earliest on the 25th, because of Director Park Chan-wook's "Thirst", which is aiming for next year's Berlin Film Festival.

Original Korean Article: ISPLUS

English Translation Credit: HanCinema

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^ Precious sharing... ylin, roger!

We usually don't have these (first caps) available at the beginning of movies unlike the prayer events for the drama series nowadays... especially movies that BH is involved in, we seldom see this.. right?

Seems that BH is already sporting his BAD outlook compared to his co-stars. :lol:

Finally.. that first step is now finalized on the international scene with a successful premiere in Cannes. Well done GBW! thumbup.gif

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Guest ellabel

^^ The Lego BAD is sooo cute! :wub:

Thanks for sharing the nice articles on SKH and the Variety review.

Wow!!! Getting that 10 min. standing ovation must be wonderful.

The GBW cast, PD and production crew must be ecstatic and proud.

At least, all their hardwork and efforts were rewarded.

Cant wait to watch GBW.

I really hope it breaks existing B.O. records in Korea and everywhere else for a K-movie.

Thanks hunnies for all the updates.

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^ Great artwork, ylin! ♥

Time for making wallies again and for some really cool GBW banners for the movie's release in July, too. :rolleyes: Something that all of us can display at our siggy space of Hunnie love.

How about that, anyone up for this? It'll be awesome. rbhcool.gif

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Our thanks to Janice's highlight at the GBW thread


Report from Asia Brief...

Director Kim said it's a dream come true for him to cast Korea's top 3 stars in GBW! A bit of mixed-up between The Good & The Bad but GBW makes it to the international news. ^^

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Guest Janie Simply

Rubie dear, you are one pretty observant panda, such sharp eyes/ears; that's a pretty big mixed up there but again the important thing is GBW makes it to the international news, as in SEA I guess :sweatingbullets:

Here's another teaser, not sure anyone has seen it, they shown it in Cannes for GBW promo, featuring La Brute only.


credit: eastsnow99 via 宪宪我心 Baidu

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Today is the launch of Mr. Song Wan Mo's new company Artist View, right? He looks much slimmer and quite different in the new pics (or my eyes playing tricks on me), only now I know that he's actually 42. :blush: I think the article mentions quite a bit on IRIS somehow.

Anyhoo.. Congratulations to Mr. Song & Artist View. Dunno how to call him.. "my Mr. Song' anymore.. :mellow:

Would appreciate any gist on this.. if related to BH. :unsure:

<사람들> 해외전문 연예에이전시 송완모 대표

연합뉴스 | 기사입력 2008.06.01 09:31

'아티스트뷰' 설립해 이병헌,최지우 등 해외활동 관리

(서울=연합뉴스) 윤고은 기자 = "한류가 식었다고 하지만 아시아에서 한국 스타의 파워는 여전히 막강합니다. 그런 파워를 어떤 콘텐츠에 실어보내느냐가 관건이죠. 한류를 다시 활활 지피기 위해 나섰습니다."


송완모(42) 대표의 얼굴에서는 자신감이 묻어났다. 그는 최근 국내 1호 엔터테인먼트 해외전문 에이전시 ㈜아티스트뷰를 설립했다. 그동안 개별 매니지먼트사에서 산발적으로 진행하던 스타들의 해외 활동을 전문적으로 관리하는 에이전시다. 아티스트뷰의 출범은 국내 엔터테인먼트업계가 단계별로 산업화하고 있다는 것을 보여준다.

지난달 30일 연합뉴스와 만난 송 대표는 "연기자만을 관리하지 않는다. 콘텐츠 판매와 국내 기업의 해외 마케팅까지 모두 아우를 것"이라고 밝혔다.

현재 아티스트뷰는 대표적인 한류스타 이병헌, 최지우와 계약을 맺었다. 또 이병헌의 5년 만의 브라운관 컴백작이자 강제규 감독이 지휘하는 200억원 규모 드라마 '아이리스'의 일본 판매와 현지 마케팅도 담당한다.

또 SK사이버패스 일본 법인, 미국 유명 가방 브랜드 캐시 반 질랜드의 일본 내 마케팅을 맡고 있으며, 하나투어와는 해외 관광객을 대상으로 한 국내여행상품을 개발하고 있다. 이 역시 모두 한류 스타와 연관된 스타 마케팅의 일환이다.

"아티스트뷰의 설립은 그동안 개별적으로 진행돼온 한류 마케팅을 이제는 한 곳에서 힘을 모아 더욱 공격적으로 하자는 의미입니다. 좀 더 체계적이고 합리적으로 한류 스타와 해외 마켓을 연결시키자는 뜻이지요"

일본 오사카 예술대학에서 광고학을 전공한 송 대표는 국내 광고회사 오리콤에서 9년간 근무하다 2001년 말 연예계에 발을 들여놓았다.

당시 이병헌의 매니저였던 김정수 씨와의 인연으로 매니지먼트업계에 뛰어든 그는 2002년 이병헌이 한류스타로 떠오르면서 일본 비즈니스를 맡게됐다. 배용준에 이어 일본에서 두 번째로 파워를 과시하는 이병헌의 일본 비즈니스는 그를 금세 일본 전문 에이전트로 성장시켰다. 그 덕분에 몇 년 전부터는 일본에서 여자 한류 스타 중 가장 인기 있는 최지우의 에이전트로도 명함을 돌리고 있다.

"콘텐츠가 관건이에요. 저희가 '아이리스'의 일본 판매, 마케팅, 로케이션 촬영, 캐스팅 등을 맡은 것도 좋은 콘텐츠를 계속 만들어야만 한류 스타의 파워가 유지되기 때문입니다. '겨울연가' 이후 그만한 킬러 콘텐츠가 없었는데 '아이리스'를 통해 한류 콘텐츠 부활의 신호탄을 쏘아올리고 싶습니다."

송 대표는 "아직 공표할 단계는 아니지만 다른 몇몇 한류 스타와도 계약을 앞두고 있다"며 "많은 스타와 계약해 덩치를 키우는 것이 중요한 것이 아니라 승산이 있는 스타와 계약을 하고 계약한 스타는 반드시 성공시킨다는 각오로 뛰는 것이 이 사업의 관건"이라고 말했다.


Source: http://media.daum.net/entertain/others/vie...2&cp=yonhap

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Guest Janie Simply

Rubie, I was trying to translate the article for the last half hour at Iris thread but gave up.

Anyway, here's the gist I attempted from google ;)

His agency will not only market Iris in Japan but will help take care of the shooting location and local casting for this drama.

I think he said Iris will flare the korean drama in Japan and he is excited to be involved in this project.

The article also said that he is the No# 1 agent who has brought fame to foreign artists in Japan;

Through him, LBH is the second famous Korean artist in Japan after BYJ; the other actress he has helped brought fame to is CJW.

He also shared the essence of vision for his agent in building up new artists sth like that.

Last two paragraph from google...

"... We are 'Iris' Japan sales, marketing, location filming, casting and content to continue to make the assignments should be a good idea of power is maintained because the Korean Wave stars' Winter Sonata' since that kind of content is not had a killer ' Iris' content through the resurrection of the Korean Wave flare up and I'd like to shoot. "

Song said, "...it is important to raise a lot of big stars and make the deal, rather than a star and win a contract signed on to star and determined to be successful execution. It is the essence of the business running, "he said.

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Anyway, here's the gist I attempted from google ;)

His agency will not only market Iris in Japan but will help take care of the shooting location and local casting for this drama. I think he said Iris will flare the korean drama in Japan and he is excited to be involved in this project.

Through him, LBH is the second famous Korean artist in japan after BYJ. The article also said that he is the No# 1 agent who has brought fame to foreign artists in Japan; He also shared the essence of his vision for his agent in building up new artists sth like that.

Thanks so much Janice for the gist, really appreciate it. At least you have a better grasp on the guessing game. Looking at what the fish babled.. I don't even know where to begin, head or tail. :wacko:

Yup.. Mr. Song is an excellent agent who had really pushed BH's name in Japan, their collaboration and partnership have been proven again and again with successful fan events in the country. Each time they planned anything for LBH, everything will come out a roaring success without any glitch whatsoever. Even the biggest fan meet ever with 42,000 fans at the Tokyo Dome in 2006.. it's definitely something that opens the door for more Korean stars to have concerts and large-scale fan meets in Japan. It's a win-win deal between LBH & Mr. Song, hopefully it'll continue to soar in a bigger scope for both of them.

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Guest Sung-ja e Seiko

Hi all,

Here you are, more reports and nice pics from Cinema Cafe' :)

I translated for you! :sweatingbullets: Hope you enjoy it :rolleyes:



【Cannes report vol.15】 Got excited by the stars' glitter of handsome man aura!

Though the degree of the good-looking man was low in Cannes this year (only my personal view though,), it finally came with a big bam. LBH, JWS and SGH all together at once in Cannes!

Song Kang Ho is the person with a remarkable personality (he looked much slender than he was in the film), Lee Byung Hun and Jun Woo Sung are shining with the handsome man aura before my eyes. Really there were not those star-like stars in Cannes of this year (though there was, my hero, Clint Eastwood) so that I was so excited when I saw them.

What those three actors brought in Cannes was the masterpiece oriental western movie "The Good, The Bad, The Weird" that is said the future of Korean movie depends on. The film was specially invited and those three hero actors and the director Kim Jee Woon (" A Bittersweet life ") had an official press conference on May 24.

As you can see from the title of this movie, it is the homage to " The Gunman " directed by Sergio Leone (the original title: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly) and Clint Eastwood was acting as the hero. Anyway it was so amusing! It is the super real kick movie on the back ground of the Manchurian era under Japanese rule, where the bandit SGH, the cold-blooded killer LBH and the bounty hunter JWS played the three-way exciting battle with over a map of the treasure.

The climax of the chase scene that involves the Japanese armed forces is so cool that made me shiver with excitement.

In the press conference, I asked the director Kim Jee Woon who loves the spaghetti western very much, " Have you invited Mr. Clint Eastwood to the screening? " He said, " I would be so happy if he came to see, or even not for this occasion, I wish he would see the film personally somewhere, after all, it is the movie I dedicated to him and Sergio Leone."

The comments of three casts and the scene of the red carpet are coming later!

(text/photo:Ayako Ishizu)

Cannes Film Festival special feature

【Cannes report vol.16】The standing ovation moved LBH to tears

Not only the good-looking man degree but also the level of the all movies in Cannes this year was not good enough, to be frank. But big applause arose from the press who had been exhausted by dull movies to the "The Good, The Bad, The Weird" that was played nearly at the end of the festival, because the film was really enjoyable and exciting, so to speak a professional movie.

In the official interview LBH was asked, " Who is a good guy and who is a bad guy in real life?" then he made the press laughed saying, " I think everyone of us has such good and bad aspect. But I think the director is the one who is the worst. "

I also raised a hand to ask a question to the casts, " Please let me know which western movie you were influenced." Then Korean press was heated with a rush when SKH said something looking at me. I was puzzled myself but I understood the reason why when I heard the English interpretation.

He said, " Thank you for asking me a question, otherwise, I thought I should have leave here without saying a word. "

By the way, I have heard that SKH was a western movie lover especially spaghetti western since he was a kid.

LBH answered that he still remembered "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid " and "Shane" particularly. But he did not see " The Good, the Bad, The Ugly " before the shooting avoiding to be influenced. And JSW said, " I love the Clint Eastwood movies. " In fact, JWS shows the amazing gun handling on a horse like Clint Eastwood in the film.

At the Gala Screening at the Grand Theater Lumiere in the evening (the official screening), they were deeply impressed by the nearly 10 minutes standing ovation from the audiences after the show.

To tell you the truth, I got a ticket too and I was there watching it from the rear. I saw LBH was so moved that his eyes were filled with tears.

Though the tall JWS has more calm to wag his hand when he noticed me and his friend editor Mr. O.

And yet, no Japanese distributor has been decided….

Please buy the movie, any company? Please buy the movie, will you?

(text/photo:Ayako Ishizu)

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^ Excellent Cannes sharing, Sung-ja!

These are great & wonderful articles to read.. thanks for sharing with us. thumbup.gif

Too bad that Mr. Eastwood probably had left the festival by the time GBW was finally shown or else it would make Dir. KJW so happy to see his western idol at the screeening and the significance it could have been.

I think in one of the interview clips.. the French interviewer was so suprised that BH did not watch the original western at all. Although the case was actually that BH didn't watch the movie again (as in before GBW was starting the filming) as he didn't want to be influenced too much by the original actor playing the Bad.

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Guest ellabel

ylin sis, your new BH wallie is very nice.

Congrats to Mr. Song and Artist View.

Hope he and his Company will have more successful projects for LBH and CJW in Japan.

Janice, thanks a lot for the eng. trans of the article.

Also, thanks to Sung-ja for sharing the Cannes-GBW related articles.


Edit: Hello summerscent!! Long time no hear. :-)

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Guest Janie Simply

Sung ja, thank you so much for the translation; Seems like Ayako Isuzu is a popular reporter, SKH responded to his/her question at press conference & JWS nocticed him/her at the screening B)

May Ayako's wish come true for Japan to buy the distribution right of GBW; maybe Mr. Song Wan Bo's new company can consider it :sweatingbullets:


Rubie, I really like the pic that you posted esp the last image, look at all de cameramen in front of them and the people behind them, it looked so "fake-liked" (as like in the movie or cf shooting when papparazzi swarmed around super-stars) but yet this is for real :sweatingbullets:

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May 28, 2008

[Talk of the town] Awards elude Korean film stars at this year's Cannes Film Festival

So long to the 61th Cannes Film Festival, which ended last Sunday. Koreans didn't have much reason for celebration this year.

Na Hong-jin, the director of "The Chaser" and one of the 11 candidates for the Camera d'Or (The Golden Camera Award), lost out to Steve McQueen, the director of "Hunger."

Korean fans had hoped that another prize would follow last year's award to Jeon Do-yeon for Best Actress in "Secret Sunshine" (2007).

Previous Korean award winners from Cannes also include Im Kwon-taek's "Strokes of Fire" (2002), which won the Best Director Award, and "Old Boy" (2004), which won the Grand Prix.

However, there are still reasons for hope for the Korean film industry.

Director Kim Jee-woon's "The Good, the Bad and the Weird," which screened at the festival's main venue last weekend, received positive responses from viewers.

The film was set in Manchuria during the Japanese colonial period and is about three Korean outlaws there in the 1930s.

It is based on Sergio Leone's 1966 film, "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly."

The action film stars Lee Byung-hun, Song Kang-ho and Jung Woo-sung.

The updated version of the film will be released in Korea in early July.

Source: http://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=2890358

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