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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Lots of new items at BH&C, lovely Hunnie treats and trinkets to have indeed! :blush: The Korean fan sharing these pics also bought herself the cowboy hat the BH designed. So cool! :blush:

Will Byunghun-ssi be designing bead/pearl bracelets for BH&C.. like those he'd been wearing since 2007? He's been sporting at least two types of bracelets quite continuously, are they exclusively just for him? If he has similar ruby-red fashion bracelet at the BH&C Star shop, rubie wants! :lol:

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May 15, 2009

Asian biz at Cannes reflects new prowess

Films competing, selling well at this year's festival

By Patrick Frater

CANNES -- This year's Cannes festival and market are both bearing witness to the strength and diversity of the Asian film industry.

The main competition includes five Asian-made films and another couple with Asian themes or directors (Ang Lee's "Taking Woodstock," Isabelle Coixtet's "Map of the Sounds of Tokyo").

It could easily have included more if Lee Chang-dong had not been on the jury -- alongside Asian jurors Shu Qi and Sharmila Tagore -- or if the selectors had seen fit to include "City of Life and Death," from China's Lu Chuan or even one representative from the Indian subcontinent, the world's most prolific film industry.

The films are even selling well. CJ Entertainment reported a trio of new sales deals on the Park Chan-wook vampire romancer "Thirst " with Lolafilms for Spain, Paris Filmes for Brazil and Avsar for Turkey -- all before last night's official screening. Another Korean seller, Fine Cut, also added a high-profile French deal for Hong Sang-soo's Quinzaine entry "Like You Know It" with CTV International for all French-speaking territories.

While Asian economies, with their manufacturing and export bent, have not completely escaped the global financial crisis, the Far East movie industry continues to show resilience in the face of the global storm. Among other things, this is being driven by the mushrooming of the Chinese film market, creeping integration of the previously separate national film industries and changing tastes around the world, as witnessed by the movement of Japanese games and anime into the global mainstream and the paradigm-shifting success of "Slumdog Millionaire."

The oft-touted globalization of Bollywood may, finally, be taking root in different corners of the world. And Indian companies are responding by behaving less like an industry apart. Where self distribution used to be the norm for Indian groups, third-party sales companies are now being employed to expand reach. This week, Indian Film Co.-Studio 18 appointed Fortissimo to sell its "Road Movie," while UTV is seeing strong business through Madrid's Six Sales for its first-ever English-language film with no Indian angle whatsoever, the Heather Graham and Jennifer Coolidge-starrer "Ex Terminators."

"There are so many new markets for us these days," UTV Motion Pictures CEO Siddharth Kapur said. "In Poland, we used to sell one film per year, now we sell five. Last year, we scored our first-ever sales to Italy and Taiwan and expect more to follow."

Two Cannes ago, Chinese companies grabbed the headlines with announcements of high-profile projects and flashy funding schemes. Last year, it was the turn of India's movie majors Reliance and Eros to unveil Hollywood talent and global releasing deals. This year it is almost normal that firms from both developing superpowers are grabbing ink, though the deals are less frothy and perhaps more realistic.

A succession of pictures with budgets in the $10 million- $30 million range -- "Bubblegum Crisis," "Future X-Cops," "IRIS: The Movie" and "Kung-fu Cyborg" -- have this week come to market through producers in Hong Kong, China and Singapore. Each aims to tap into the mainland China market, which is delivering year-on-year boxoffice growth in the order of 25%, and creating the basis for a "greater China" market or an Asian regional market, which have a degree of protection from the global "financial tsunami."

Friday, it was the turn of Easternlight Films, the specialty Asian label of L.A.-based sales company Arclight, to unveil an $18 million Chinese picture, "The Long March," an historic action drama with John Hay in the director's chair and the promise of thousands of extras on loan from the People's Liberation Army.

The Asian picture is not all rosy. The Korean film industry is in a painful slowdown after a bout of inflation and the withdrawal of private equity money; the first half of the year is a wipeout for the Indian boxoffice as a result of a standoff between producers and multiplex owners; and Japan's indie distribution sector is wracked by a quartet of company closures.

But seasoned observers in each country say that companies are using the cover of the global recession to enforce necessary deflationary measures and restore a sense of order to Asia's still heated markets.

"Companies need to be properly sized and positioned," said Tom Yoda, who heads both distributor Gaga Communications and the Tokyo festival. "But the strength of our Japanese content is still good."

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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Looking at the Cannes Red Carpet photos this year for Korean movies Thirst and Mother, I can't help reminiscing last year's Cannes.. the anticipation.. the waiting.. more waiting.. the nail-biting.. where is he.. is he coming or not.. and finally we saw him, all the way from Prague which isn't that far from anyways but took like forever to arrive. Ahh.. those were the days, huh. :lol:

Though we truly miss him this year after hints of hope sank.. in less than 10 days, we will have our Red Carpet moment again.. in Tokyo, huh.. huh. The much-awaited ICWTR is no longer MIA but here to rock our world. :lol: In no time it's be the 27th.. and I guess Byunghun-ssi is still in Seoul.. now that IRIS is confirmed a movie, I believe the cast are actually filming.. with the much hush-hush surrounding it. Maybe not so much for the other actors but I think BH is working extra due to an obvious reason.. the big S.. his schedule that is. :P

As IRIS will be going to Hungary/Germany/Turkey? in June (not sure when and where).. it's more practical in a way and a precaution as well, due to the current health situation. Hope the IRIS filming will go on as smoothly and successfully, I know the cast are truly committed for the drama & movie. Hope that the external situation works well for them, especially. Since the ICWTR events for BH starts earlier and ended early June (can anyone share the dates for the Japanese promo events that BH will be participating in), IRIS can finally be filmed as maximum as possible before August.. another extremely busy month for BH.

Even with a busy & eager year.. ICWTR -> GI JOE -> IRIS.. that workaholic Hunnie of ours launched a brand new website and BH&C.. and still finding time to attend friend's wedding -> baby party -> family photo -> movie premieres -> press conference. What's next, Byunghun-ssi? :wub:

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Source: innolife.tv

:w00t:to add!

I've just finished downloading the VOD, it's a small clip but connection today is in snail-mode but what a treat it is! Camera shots of Byunghun-ssi all the way, so cute! :wub: From one of the photos posted, we saw that he was asking for more water.. the cute glass per person clearly wasn't enough. :P We all know that BH gets thirsty very easily at interviews & press conferences. But not just him, the actors especially had to request for second round. ^^

It also looks like that BH and KTH really doesn't interact much outside of filming. Except one or two glimpses, they really don't talk much to each other and not much closeness in being photographed together as well. But I do believe that onscreen, for IRIS scenes.. things are different and better. At least BH is taking time to share more acting tips so that the chemistry will appear naturally. But no matter what.. IRIS is Byunghun-ssi for me, and he's my reason to watch.

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I appreciate that all hunnies sharing the links of VOD of IRIS conference. Thank you very much.

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베일벗은 '아이리스', 김태희-이병헌-탑 '카리스마 변신' 눈길

[OSEN] 2009년 05월 17일(일) 오후 05:29 가 가| 이메일| 프린트


[OSEN=최나영 기자] 이병헌, 김태희, 탑(TOP) 등이 출연하는 첩보액션 드라마 '아이리스'가 17일 스페셜 영상으로 그 베일을 벗었다.

오는 9월 방송을 목표로 촬영 중인 '아이리스'는 이병헌, 김태희, 정준호, 김승우, 김소연, 탑 등의 출연과 200억 원의 제작비, 해외 로케 등 큰 스케일로 방송 전부터 눈길을 끌고 있는 작품이다.

이번에 공개된 스페셜 영상은 지난 3월 촬영된 일본 로케이션 분량으로 이뤄진 것으로 주인공들의 카리스마 변신이 눈길을 끈다.

NSS(국가안전국) 최정예 요원 현준으로 분한 이병헌은 탄탄한 근육질의 상반신과 결의에 찬 눈빛으로 타겟을 조준하는 장면 등이 인상적이다. SBS '올인' 이후 6년 여만에 브라운관에 복귀하는 이병헌은 더욱 짙어진 남성적 카리스마를 뽐내는 동시에 여주인공 김태희와 아름다운 사랑의 모습도 표현하고 있다.

NSS 요원으로 변신한 김태희 역시 총을 들고 그전과는 다른 이미지를 표현한다. 이병헌과 다정한 모습을 한 장면에서는 아직도 사랑스러운 여성적 느낌이 물씬 드러나지만, 달리고 싸우는 첩보원만의 액션 이미지로 진지한 연기 변신에 나설 예정이다.

이 외에도 냉혈 킬러로 변신한 탑의 모습이 흥미롭다. KBS 2TV '아이엠 샘' 이후 두 번째로 정극에 도전하는 탑은 가수로서의 이미지를 벗고 더욱 남성성을 뽐내며 카리스마 강한 눈빛으로 보는 이의 시선을 사로잡는다.

'아이리스'는 국가안전국을 배경으로 남한과 북한 첩보원들의 액션과 배신, 사랑 등을 그리는 블록버스터 첩보 액션물을 지향한다. 이병헌, 김태희, 탑 외에도 김승우, 정준호, 김소연 등이 출연한다.

Source: nyc@osen.co.kr via kr.news.yahoo.com

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아이리스’ 스페셜영상 이병헌·김태희 열연-탑 카리스마 ‘눈길’

이병헌, 김태희 주연 드라마 '아이리스'가 스페셜 프로모션 영상을 공개했다.


올 하반기 방송 예정인 첩보드라마 '아이리스'는 숨막히는 첩보 액션과 200억여원에 달하는 제작비, 해외 로케이션, 대규모 세트 등의 화려한 볼거리와 주인공들을 둘러싼 로맨스까지 더해져 영화와 드라마 시장 모두를 공략한다는 각오다.

최근 공개된 '아이리스' 스페셜 프로모션 동영상에는 긴박감 넘치는 액션 장면과 함께 남녀 주인공들간의 로맨스 관계도가 담겨있어 눈길을 끈다. 대작드라마를 표방한 만큼 짧지만 강렬한 영상의 높은 완성도가 눈에 띈다.

또 첩보요원 이병헌, 김태희와 북한공작원 김소연 사이의 삼각관계가 예상되는 가운데 킬러로 변신한 빅뱅 탑(T.O.P)의 카리스마 넘치는 눈빛이 기대감을 높였다.

'아이리스'는 최근 막을 올린 제62회 칸 국제영화제에서 해외 영화관계자들의 높은 관심 속에 해외 판권 세일즈를 시작했다. 현재 해외 영화계에서 긍정적인 반응을 얻고 있다는 관계자의 전언이다.

한편 '아이리스'는 화려한 캐스팅으로 일찌감치 화제를 모았다. 한류스타 이병헌은 거대한 음모와 운명의 소용돌이에 빠진 국가안전국(NSS) 요원 김현준역을 맡았고 김태희는 테러현장을 누비는 국가안전국(NSS) 소속 요원 최승희를, 김소연은 북한 호위부 요원이자 작전부 공작원 김선화 역을 열연했다.

또 엘리트 요원 진사우로 분한 정준호, 북한 호위부 호위팀장 박철영을 열연한 김승우, 냉혹한 킬러로 분한 탑 등이 완벽한 조화를 이루며 작품에 대한 기대감을 고조시키고 있다.

박세연 psyon@newsen.com / 기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

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May 18, 2009

Blockbuster Drama Unveils Video Promo


The upcoming blockbuster drama “IRIS” has released its first trailer. Due to air later in the year, “IRIS” features a star-studded cast – Lee Byung-hun, Kim Tae-hee, Jung Jun-ho, Kim Seung-woo, Kim So-yeon, and T.O.P. of Big Bang. The spy thriller is the most anticipated drama of this year, garnering attention with enormous production cost and extensive overseas filming.


The recently released video promo opens with National Security Service special agent Hyun-joon, played by Lee Byung-hun, taking aim at a target. The trailer is composed of only the scenes shot in Japan last March. The spectacular action scenes, tight storyline, and breathtaking scenery are added to the fateful romance involving Lee and Kim Tae-hee’s characters to make the show more electrifying and engaging.

Due to be broadcast in September, the drama deals with the love and betrayal of South and North Korean spies.

Source: KBS World

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May 19, 2009

Active Korean Film Market Export in Cannes

한국영화 수출 파란불, 칸 마켓서 거래 활발

IRIS in Cannes


Source: asiae.co.kr

ps: Cynthia, did you manage to see the IRIS treat at the Film Market exhibit/booth?


If I'm not mistaken.. hope someone can provide a full gist on this.. BH, KTH, JJH and KSY have been filming some of IRIS scenes at the Seven Luck Casino situated in Gangnam, Seoul. Not just 9th Avenue but 7 Luck is also benefitting tremendously through their affiliation with LBH.

Also, there's mention of Hakuryu (the Japanese-Korean actor who acted in GBW, client of BH Ent/Artist View). Is he making an appearance in IRIS as well?

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Guest cynthia05

May 19, 2009

Active Korean Film Market Export in Cannes

한국영화 수출 파란불, 칸 마켓서 거래 활발

IRIS in Cannes


Source: asiae.co.kr

ps: Cynthia, did you manage to see the IRIS treat at the Film Market exhibit/booth?


If I'm not mistaken.. hope someone can provide a full gist on this.. BH, KTH, JJH and KSY have been filming some of IRIS scenes at the Seven Luck Casino situated in Gangnam, Seoul. Not just 9th Avenue but 7 Luck is also benefitting tremendously through their affiliation with LBH.

Also, there's mention of Hakuryu (the Japanese-Korean actor who acted in GBW, client of BH Ent/Artist View). Is he making an appearance in IRIS as well?

Did not quite make to Cannes becos of the current spate of flu though......heard that on top of the filming at Seven Luck, they will also be filming at 9th Avenue in June.

Anybody heard of an IRIS musical concert that will be coming up in Tokyo and Osaka......including an all star-cast of the drama and the likes of Hallyu singers like Shin Seung Hun and Jo Sung Mo

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Anybody heard of an IRIS musical concert that will be coming up in Tokyo and Osaka......including an all star-cast of the drama and the likes of Hallyu singers like Shin Seung Hun and Jo Sung Mo

Thanks Cynthia for this info in case this is true. A musical concert - so, we could get to hear & listen LBH sing once again. About Iris, looking forward to see this drama. Finally, a series with a fresher storyline. :D:lol:

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Did not quite make to Cannes becos of the current spate of flu though......heard that on top of the filming at Seven Luck, they will also be filming at 9th Avenue in June.

Anybody heard of an IRIS musical concert that will be coming up in Tokyo and Osaka......including an all star-cast of the drama and the likes of Hallyu singers like Shin Seung Hun and Jo Sung Mo

Yeah.. the current situation is rather alarming, could be one reason the IRIS filming is taking a step back where overseas filming are concerned. They have a huge production crew and lots of equipment to consider as well.. better be safe than to be unnecessarily affected. Looks like more scenes are being done in Korea instead.. at least they're not sitting idle but to continue working. If the 9th Avenue filming for IRIS will be done in June, wonder when they would actually go to Hungary, etc.

Anyway.. it's my first time hearing the IRIS musical concert. Totally had no inkling whatsoever but not entirely a surprise, though drama-related concerts are usually staged after the drama had been aired. More busy days for BH.. how is he re-scheduling everything if this concert pulls through. I dare not comment too much.. it's already too tiring just imagining how his schedule would be like. :blink:

On the other hand, it'll be cool to see BH with his buddies SSH and JSM in the concert. :blush: Thanks Cynthia for the cool update, we'll wait & see.. ok. ^^ Will you be going to Tokyo next week for ICWTR instead?

Copied this IRIS - BTS clip.. short & sweet from PlanetBH's highlight [X]

Looks like a fun BTS and seemingly warm chemistry between Byunghun-ssi & KTH in the romantic igloo set up plus the snow-fight scenes. From the acting, emotions seem to be well captured and must, must say that BH looks so good in that black jacket & jeans and gray scarf. :wub:

However.. the guys or crew were playing a trick on BH (or most likely.. one of the close-up shots between him & his co-star).. throwing a high-speed snowball at BH. :o OMG. If my eyes were not mistaken.. though stunned & smiling, there's a dangerous glimpse shown by BH when that happened.. whoever did that to him must really, really watch out. :sweatingbullets: *runs!* :P

WATCH ON youtube2.jpg

Original daum tv LINK to download


ps: watching the clip again and again.. *once is never enough, obviously* .. I think BH was still in character.. heee.. can't differentiate if he was being serious..

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I'm not sure if I've downloaded this clip but it's the first time seeing it. Thanks to the highlight at lovelbh.com, KBS2 clip on IRIS uploaded & shared by dpflekd *hi! hope you'll join us here talking about BH-ssi*

It's a really cool clip as it showed glimpses of the actors (BH, KTH) practising the action scenes at the action/stunt school which I'm not mistaken run by martial arts director Jung Do Hong (BSL, GBW, lots more). There's also snippets of the IRIS actors in their script reading.

The excerpt from the press interview showed BH sharing his open-air onsen experience.. from the way he was explaining it. :D I can't help noticing that BH on arrival, he was really watching the fans lining outside the 9th Avenue mall.. as if he's looking for familiar faces.



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