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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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May 5, 2009

병헌 'G.I.조', 美언론 선정 '올여름 기대작'

마이데일리 기사전송 2009-05-05 14:02


[마이데일리 = 강지훈 기자] 영화배우 이병헌의 할리우드 진출작인 'G.I. 조(G.I. Joe)'가 미국 언론이 선정한 올 여름 개봉하는 할리우드 블록버스터 기대작으로 뽑혔다.

'G.I. 조'는 최근 미국 연예매거진 '엔터테인먼트 위클리'가 선정한 '올 여름 가장 흥미로운 영화 22편(22 Summer Movies for Your Inner Geek)'에 이름을 올렸다.

Source: news.nate.com


22 Summer Movies for Your Inner Geek

If you wanna get your nerd on -- and avoid the romcoms and kid flicks --

here's a rundown of 22 of the season's most likely to please

By Marc Bernardin | Apr 30, 2009


2. STAR TREK - May 8




6. UP - May 29

7. DRAG ME TO HELL - May 29

8. LAND OF THE LOST - June 5

9. DEAD SNOW - June 12

10. MOON - June 12

11. YEAR ONE - June 19


13. THE HURT LOCKER - June 26


15. BRÜNO - July 10

16. BLACK DYNAMITE - July 17


18. G.I. JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA - August 7

Have you been longing to use words like Destro, Roadblock, Snake Eyes, and Baroness without referring to action figures (or using them as safewords)? Here's your chance.

19. DISTRICT 9 - August 14



22. HALLOWEEN 2 - August 28

Source: www.ew.com

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Disclaimer: partly gisted, mostly guessed.

Closer to the Storm [X]

['G.I Joe' trailer] Lee Byunghun in the close-up

이병헌 'G.I조' 예고편에서 '클로즈업'

입력 : 2009-05-05 16:51:35


▲ 'GI Joe' latest trailer showing Lee Byunghun's Storm Shadow in the close-ups

[sPN News] Lee Byunghun's Hollywood debut of 'GI Joe' grabs attention in the trailer.

Set to be shown in the North America on August 7, the latest official 'GI Joe' trailer was recently released online. In the 2 minutes 16 seconds worth of high-speed action trailer, Lee Byunghun's Storm Shadow character was significantly shown in the close-up.

Lee Byunghun's movie action footage includes jumping out of the building through the window and the sword fighting scene features a real close-up of the face Storm Shadow played by the actor.

Scheduled to open in August this year, the movie version of celebrated 'GI Joe' cartoon of the same name represents the the U.S. special forces fighting the Cobra alliance. Lee Byunghun's GI Joe Storm Shadow origin of Japanese ninja warrior was adjusted before the contract was signed. A previous member of the GI Joe corps turned Cobra, Storm Shadow is a definite force in the movie storyline.

The U.S. entertainment magazine Entertainment Weekly had selected GI Joe: Rise of Cobra as one the 22 most interesting films this summer which also includes Star Trek, X-Men: Wolverine, Terminator Salvation, Transformers as well as Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince as some of the season's blockbuster flicks that will please the crowd.

Source: spn.edaily.co.kr

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May 5, 2009

G.I. Joe with Lee Byung-hun a Most Anticipated Summer Movie


U.S. entertainment magazine Entertainment Weekly selected “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra” with Korean actor Lee Byung-hun as one of the “22 Summer Movies for Your Inner Geek.”

Lee plays Storm Shadow, a double agent who provides information for G.I. Joes from the Cobra. The film is directed by Stephen Sommers, who directed the Mummy trilogy, and has a huge cast of big Hollywood names, such as Dennis Quaid, Marlon Wayans, and Sienna Miller. The movie is due for American release on August 7th.

The magazine also named “Star Trek: The Beginning,” “Terminator Salvation,” “X-Men Origins: Wolverine,” and “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” as the most anticipated summer blockbusters for 2009.

Source: KBS World

Previously related entries

Closer to the Storm [X]

Rise of Cobra Trailer Released [X]

[GI JOE] Global Trailer, Japan Site [X]

Merging Family [X]

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Our thanks to the highlight by fhyip at lovelbh.com

the IRIS in AKITA on TBS feature in 3 parts, uploaded by skyangel1027




Wow! :w00t: The fans waiting at AKITA airport when Byunghun-ssi first arrived on March 9 were definitely way.. way.. more than 500 initially reported. There were a lot of fans inside and outside the airport. Just like Sung-ja shared earlier, Byunghun-ssi really walked slowly to see the fans, waving and shaking hands with them too. He was clearly surprised at the amount of fans at the airport that he even took time to wave to everyone outside before boarding the car. The fans were simply amazing, some of them with young babies came to cheer & welcome BH and IRIS to Akita.





It is so wonderful and heartwarming to see the fans waiting patiently for BH at every location he's at.. the hotel, at the pier (such cold, windy weather too) .. at the ski resort.. the fans never fail to turn up to cheer BH & IRIS on. It's amazing the continuous support they've given, it is unquestionable how BH is truly touched by it.



The scene of BH and KTH having a meal in a restaurant.. if I'm not mistaken, Byunghun-ssi was coaching KTH on how to act / react while eating with her mouth full.. sure looks like it. ^^ But similar to his scene with TOP, Byunghun-ssi is never shy in sharing acting tips with the younger actors.


The IRIS departure was no less havoc than the arrival, Byunghun-ssi himself did not anticipate the strong flowing emotions from fans who came to send him off.


Hopefully we'd be able to read the English translation related to the filming

especially the Q&As with BH featured in the TBS clip. ^^

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Looking around, I haven't found any official poster for ICWTR yet .. is there one yet..

But copied this from chibineko's place, credits as stated on image.

In about a month, today already the 7th.. ICWTR will be released on June 6th.. seems.. everything moves so fast suddenly.


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May 7, 2009

Lee Byunghun, Daniel Henney, Won Bin - APA selected 'Top 10 Hot Asian Actors'

이병헌·원빈·다니엘 헤니, 美 APA 선정 '핫 아시안 배우'

SPN 원문 기사전송 2009-05-07 12:23


▲ 배우 이병헌, 원빈, 다니엘 헤니(사진 맨 왼쪽부터)

[이데일리 SPN 양승준기자] 배우 이병헌과 원빈 그리고 다니엘 헤니가 미국 유명 대학 대중문화연구소의 주목을 받았다.

미국 명문사학 UCLA 내 아시아 연구소는 최근 웹진 APA(Asia Pacific Arts)를 통해 "다니엘 헤니의 할리우드 블록버스터 데뷔를 기념해 미국 관객들을 유혹할 수 있는 아시안 배우들을 선정해봤다"며 '할리우드는 아직 깨닫지 못한 핫 아시안 배우들'(Hot Asian Actors Hollywood Doesn't Yet Realize It Needs) 11명을 꼽았다.

APA는 전세계에서 조명받고 있는 아시아인 혹은 아시아계 미국인과 이들이 만든 작품을 분석하고 조명하는 사이트다.

APA가 선정한 '핫 아시안 배우들'에는 한국 스타로는 이병헌과 원빈, 다니엘 헤니를 비롯 데니스 오, 오지호 등 총 5명이 포함돼 있었다.

나머지 6명은 '발리우드' 스타인 아르준 람팔, 리틱 로산과 일본 인기 배우 하야미 모코미치 금성무, 오카다 준이치와 '중류 스타' 장첸 등이 이름을 올렸다.


▲ 배우 이병헌과 원빈 그리고 다니엘 헤니가 미국 명문사학 UCLA 내 아시아 연구소의 '핫 아시안 배우'로 주목을 받았다.

APA는 이병헌에 대해 "그는 눈이(모든 것을)말하는 배우"라 극찬하며 '공동경비구역 JSA', '달콤한 인생', '좋은 놈 나쁜 놈 이상한 놈' 등 그의 히트작들을 열거했다.

또 다니엘 헤니에 대해서는 "기네스 펠트로와의 한 의류 광고로 이슈에 오르기도 한 한국의 슈퍼스타"라며 "지난 2007년 '마이 파더'로 신인상을 차지한 그의 열연으로 차기작에 대한 기대를 모으기도 했다"고 기술했다.

한편, 이병헌은 오는 8월 개봉을 앞둔 영화 'G.I 조'에서 조선 무사인 스톰 쉐도우 역을 맡았고, 다니엘 헤니는 최근 개봉한 '엑스맨 탄생:울버린'에서 에이전트 제로 역을 각각 맡아 할리우드에 진출했다.

<ⓒ함께 즐기는 엔터테인먼트 포털 이데일리 SPN - 무단전재&재배포 금지>

Credits: 양승준 kranky@news.nate.com


April 3, 2009 ISSUE / Date Posted: 5/1/2009

APA Top Ten

Hot Asian Actors Hollywood Doesn't Yet Realize It Needs

By APA Staff

On the occasion of Daniel Henney's debut on the Hollywood summer blockbuster scene, APA counts down the top ten Asian actors who were born to seduce American audiences.

So... we're the first to admit this is a highly nonacademic, inevitably biased, and minorly inappropriate study. But let us academize it and tell you why it's important to talk about.

For many decades, Asian Americans have been a minority group in the United States, dealing with irritating and offensive stereotypes, being lumped as the "model minority" or "the other," etc., etc. Asian American women have had the strange burden of being exotified, over-sexualized, and rendered submissive, while Asian American men have been stereotyped as nerdy, studious, asexual, and unable to throw a football (let alone get a girl). This has made people such as Frank Chin and David Henry Hwang -- and angry asian man -- very angry.

As Asian Americans living in Los Angeles, California (with a decent-sized Asian/Asian American population), we hear many of the activists obsess over Asian American male demasculinization -- and for good reason. But you get tired of some of the reactions. You get tired of people who watch Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift and think that seeing an Asian American man with a multitude of hot white/black/Latina lovers onscreen is some sort of empowering statement for Asian male sexuality. These images serve a purpose for a certain context, but they often come across as insecure, desperate attempts to overcompensate for an Asian/Asian American male hotness that supposedly isn't really there in the first place.

The reason this drives us crazy is because it is there. Hot Asian men abound in so many different forms that it's too hard to count or categorize. And in every case their hotness comes before the politics of their race. This is abundantly clear on the other side of the planet (4/7th of the Earth's population and growing), where Asian men have long been considered hot, and no one has identity issues over it.

It can be argued that mainstream America needs to be more open-minded about its standards of beauty, so they can fully appreciate the Asian faces we've got. Sure, Daniel Dae Kim, Kal Penn, and John Cho are attractive in certain ways, but let's not pretend they're the best examples of hot Asian men we have (just 'cause they're the only ones in Hollywood we can think of). When analyzing diversity in the media and thinking about Hollywood as a business, it's important to understand that Asian male actors will make you money in Hollywood if they are hot enough by mainstream standards. Let's not put all our pressure on our existing Asian American actors to compete with the Pitts and McConaugheys, when we can easily find others who can.

We're talking about blasting through glass ceilings here, not lowering them. Take Denzel Washington. Unarguably talented, Oscar-winning actor. But let's not pretend his hotness wasn't a deciding factor (see Mississippi Masala) when he was first breaking into an industry with an embarrassing dearth of African American actors.

Nobody had to explain that Denzel is hot "for an African American." Everyone just got it. There are hot Asian equivalents around, though we might have to look across the Pacific to find some of them. With the entertainment industry going global, this is a realistic possibility. Some of the Asian actors we're thinking of are locals, some are Asian Americans who have found work in Asian cinema and television. All are equipped for international domination.

This isn't a list of Asian actors who have offbeat charm, who are adorable in romantic comedies, or who are impressive character actors (although most on our list are talented beyond their hotness). Cute isn't going to cut it; pretty boy isn't going to sell enough tickets; and let's face it, great personality is going to get you supporting roles on TV shows, leads in oh-it's-so-great-to-see-Asian-Americans-in-starring-roles! festival films, and supporting parts in Judd Apatow movies. (All are very respectable, appreciated, and near and dear to our hearts -- but it's just not what we're talking about right now.)

This is about men who are striking enough to cater to international, cosmopolitan, mainstream tastes. This is about one day being on in the front pages of People magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People, not as a token Asian, but because you have first or second billing in the next summer blockbuster. No, scratch that... it's about being on the cover.

We'll let the pictures/links for our top ten do the convincing, but all we'll add is this:

1) As Asian Americans, we believe that we are in a prime position to understand American standards of beauty (for instance, skinny spiky-haired pop stars, while hot in Japan, might not be considered hot in the US), while having familiarity with a larger pool of Asian actors that your average American might not be exposed to.

2) Since the idea is to highlight men who need to come over to Hollywood, we decided to focus on a younger generation. Which left many very hot people off our list: Hiroshi Abe and Tony Leung just to name a few.

3) There were talks about making sure the list was diverse across all the Asian countries. But we scrapped that idea when certain choices didn't seem to meet the hotness requirements we were looking for. That's not to say that there aren't hot men actors working in these countries. It's just that, at this moment in time, no one who might be competitive was high profile enough for the persistent Google Image stalker (us) to find them. In other words, no national quotas. We chose to compromise on diversity, in order to not compromise on the hotness.

4) English-language skills and worldliness were originally factors we considered for the purposes of Hollywood-readiness, but sometimes people were hot enough that we completely forgot about that.

5) We're aware of some of the controversial omissions, but we stand by them. Feel free to write to asiaarts@international.ucla.edu to yell at us.

It's time for us to welcome the future. And throw Hollywood some suggestions, so they'll be able to help us spread the filmic eye-candy.

[in no particular order]


Arjun Rampal

He's worked in Bollywood for the last eight years, managed to steer attention away from Shah Rukh Khan even when sporting gray hair and glasses, and just finished shooting a new commercial with Nicole Kidman. The ad (for a carbonated water and ginger ale beverage company) is produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Shekhar Kapur. YouTube clip: A sweet musical number in an otherwise stressful thriller, 2005's Yakeen, costarring Priyanka Chopra.

Daniel Henney

No stranger to memorable commercials with leading Hollywood ladies, Daniel Henney is the Chicago-born actor who became a superstar in Korea, without even speaking Korean. A Best Actor "Rising Star" award for his film My Father hinted that he could actually act, which bodes well for his expectant American fans who are just waiting for him to come back. YouTube clip: a Bravo ice cream commerical that dares to test whether Henney's hotness can make you forget there's a cover of "Mmmbop" playing in the background.

Takeshi Kaneshiro

Takeshi Kaneshiro. The reason Hong Kong is smarter than the rest of the world because their Armani ad campaign decided to plaster Takeshi Kaneshiro billboards all around town. Most known in the West for House of Flying Daggers and the two Wong Kar-wai films Chungking Express and Fallen Angels, Kaneshiro recently showed that he can also embody the role of legendary strategist Zhuge Liang. YouTube clips: The only thing better than Takeshi Kaneshiro is four Takeshi Kaneshiros and Takeshi Kaneshiro multiplying beyond count.

Won Bin

While only 32, Won Bin has been acting in Korea for over 13 years. He garnered international recognition in 2004 with Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War, but true fans find him hottest as Han Tae-suhk in the TV drama Autumn Tale. YouTube clip: I don't know what Forval is, but I don't care.

Hayami Mokomichi

Half-Japanese and half-Filipino, Mokomichi is known for his roles on Japanese TV dramas such as Densha Otoko and Tokyo Tower. In his popular Zettai Kareshi (Absolute Boyfriend) series, he plays the Night Tenjo, "the perfect male humanoid programmed to be devoted and completely loyal to his lover." YouTube clip: The boy knows how to sell a pair of acid-washed jeans.

Hrithik Roshan

It's true that his forte is the dance, and Hollywood tends to not prioritize the art of the jaw-dropping dance number in their contemporary films. (Not yet, at least.) Luckily, Hrithik is also very good at standing still and wielding a sword (a little more useful), not to mention carrying a three-hour film while taking the audience through laughter, suspense, tears, and above all... love. Roshan already has Hollywood representation with Brillstein-Grey Entertainment, but is reportedly being choosy about his crossover role. YouTube clip: He wears a suit well too, with or without the jacket.

Dennis Oh

Born in Texas, Dennis Oh started to rise in popularity around the same time as Daniel Henney, another option for girls who appreciate broader shoulders. So far he's acted in the TV dramas: Sweet Spy, Manyeo Yuhee, and East of Eden. YouTube clip: Gotta go with the modeling shot.


Lee Byung-hun

His eyes talk, is a comment made from one of our collaborators. Steadily working in Korea for over 15 years, his memorable films include Joint Security Area, Bittersweet Life, and The Good, the Bad, and the Weird. Good news for Hollywood fans: Lee has a role in the upcoming G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra, where he plays a character named Storm Shadow. YouTube clip: It's good to be chivalrous and romance a lady with a waltz, but it's also important to catch important beverages before they fall.

Junichi Okada

To be honest, we were hesitant about incuding an actor associated with Johnny's, but we made an exception with Junichi Okada. The powerful agency Johnny & Associates trains and represents the male idols in Japan, and while there are lots of very cute pop stars that come out of that professional family, we weren't sure that was what we were going for. However, Okada makes us remember that even Takeshi Sorimachi and Departures star Masahiro Motoki started out in a Johnny's '80s boy band. And look where they are now. YouTube clip: What a smooth way to endear yourself to women, as everyone knows food (especially chocolate) is the way to a girl's heart.

Chang Chen

When he shows up in the middle of Wong Kar-wai's Happy Together, we suddenly understand how one unassuming man in a baseball cap can give a broken soul a reason for hope. Since then he's seduced Gong Li in Eros, thrice romanced Shu Qi in Three Times, and joined Tony Leung and Takeshi Kaneshiro in Red Cliff. YouTube clip: No one makes a hot man even hotter better than Wong Kar Wai. Here is the Wong-directed DJ Shadow video, "Six Days."

[We're cheating. Number 11:]

Ji-Ho Oh

A last minute addition, we thought our list was complete until we found an actor that was too hot to overlook. Having acted in Korean TV shows since 2001, including Super Rookie and Couple or Trouble, Ji-Ho Oh can currently be seen starring in Queen of Housewives. He's won multiple MBC and KBS Drama awards, including the Popularity Award in 2006. YouTube clip: After a session at the recording studio, this music video showcases clips from his 2008 drama, Single Dad in Love.

Compiled by Rowena Aquino, Kanara Ty, and Ada Tseng.

Suggestions by other members of our staff appreciated but respectfully ignored.

Date Posted: 5/1/2009 via asiaarts.ucla.edu

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Guest Hyc

Ella sis is very busy at the moment and can't access soompi. She says HELLO to everybody, especially rubie and ylin. :lol:

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Ella sis is very busy at the moment and can't access soompi. She says HELLO to everybody, especially rubie and ylin. :lol:

Thanks Ching for the message hug.gif .. appreciate the warm note. For a moment there :huh: I thought there's some new updates / pics of Byunghun-ssi or we're going to talk / plan something for him. Since it is EverythingLBH.. :blush: .. especially when there're clips and articles that we can share our thoughts about BH ..

But it's alright.. all is calm & quiet before the STORM.. sooner or later. Hee..

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Guest ellabel

Ella sis is very busy at the moment and can't access soompi. She says HELLO to everybody, especially rubie and ylin. :lol:

Hehehe.. thanks Ching sis for sening my warm hello to everyone.... :lol:

Since I miss everyone after talking to u via email i decided to peep..... using another way..... as they say, if there's a will, there's a way. ;):lol:

Happy to note that BH has been in the news lately.... with ICWTR. GI Joe and Iris just around the corner.

Glad to see his name among those top Hot Asian men. His accomplishments will speak for him.

Hallo rubes sis, ylin and the rest of the HUNnie sistahs here. Keep on spreading HUNnie love.

Miss yah Ching sis. Thanks again for the pics u sent me. Love them! :wub:

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Thanks to the highlight by cacao at lovelbh.com

If this is one of the ICWTR official posters, not bad at all as BH is placed third in the movie's credits

Hope there'll be an individual poster for Byunghun-ssi as well. ^^

I Come With The Rain


Credits non contractual

A modern thriller starring Josh Hartnett, shot in Los Angeles, the Philippines and Hong Kong.

Music by Radiohead and Gustavo Santaolalla

Details: Crime / Investigation / Thriller - English - 2007 Color

Directed by: Tran Anh Hung (At the Height of Summer, The Scent of the Green Papaya)

Cast: Josh Hartnett (30 Days of Night, The Black Dalhia, Pearl Harbor, Black Hawk down)

Tran Nu Yen Khe (At the Height of Summer, The Scent of the Green Papaya, Cyclo)

Lee Byung Hun (Joint Security Area, A Bittersweet Life)

Shawn Yue (Infernal Affairs)

Elias Koteas (Shooter, Zodiac, Harrison's Flowers)

Takuya Kimura (Hero, Love and Honor, 2046)

Produced by: Fernando Sulichin, Jean Cazès and Jon Kilik

Delivery: 2009


Kline, an ex-cop in Los Angeles traumatized by slaying a serial killer, is hired by a powerful corporate boss to go to the Philippines and find mini cooperao, his missing son. Kline's leads take him to Hong Kong. Torn between good and evil, caught in the crossfire between a mafia drug ring and the police, he tracks down mini cooperao, who has become a mysterious vagrant.

Shot on state-of-the-art HD and featuring music by Radiohead, this modern thriller explores the fine line between carnal passion and violence and plunges us into an exotic urban world of gritty realism and sensual beauty.

Source: tf1international.com

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Happy to note that BH has been in the news lately.... with ICWTR. GI Joe and Iris just around the corner.

Glad to see his name among those top Hot Asian men. His accomplishments will speak for him.

Hallo rubes sis, ylin and the rest of the HUNnie sistahs here. Keep on spreading HUNnie love.

Back at Ella-hunnie hello.gif been missing you & everyone's input!

I sure agree that BH's acting accomplishments will truly speak for himself, he's always been a patient person and definitely the steady achiever in whatever he puts his mind to. Frankly.. seeing him listed in the Top 10 Hot Asian Actors is just an unexpected cool surprise considering that everyone else is much younger than Byunghun-ssi. Except for Arjun Rampal who's 37, the rest are in their early 30s while BH is almost 40 but true talent and credibility doesn't stop or decline with age. In fact, BH is slowly proving his ability on the international front.. one by one his efforts & dreams materializing with positive hints of more to come.

Some fans have sort of shy away when he took the offer of GI Joe: Rise of Cobra, really not much enthusiasm as BH himself realizes so clear but it is a calculated risk that he's fully aware of. Obviously no one in Hollywood are going to give a relatively unknown Asian actor (no matter how big he/she is back home) a full pledged leading role without any strings attached.. i.e. stereotyped bad guys, martial-arts kicking villains, etc. Either that or the actor has to prove his/her own mettle from scratch, why they are worth the role and chance given which was exactly what BH did. Even if the Rise of Cobra debut sinks.. we can always, always be proud of BH for realizing a personal wish & hope and going all out for it. For one, Byunghun-ssi is not someone who just sits and talks and waits. He goes out there, took the opportunities and risks alike and he gave his all. And so far, we can see how BH never compromises his talent or work ethics. Despite the much questioned debated Hollywood debut, he never stop appearing in well-made high-quality festival-material Korean movies as well as entertaining the fans with a comeback drama series. Should we limit our support / appreciation to him after what he's striving to give to the audience, only the best from him?

Frankly I'm not going to care much for GI Joe if it wasn't for Byunghun-ssi and now can't wait to see him in the movie, no matter what the outcome. And honestly, I couldn't be happier seeing the trailer and anticipating the promos because it will be screened extensively on the small screen here in Malaysia, plus the TMO feature (the making of) on tv.. and of course, the actual screening this August. Currently the trailer and promos of Wolverine and Star Trek are being shown every so often. Compared to Korean movies which obviously more interesting to us.. such trailers of these movies do not stand much of a chance, it's practically nil.

Hmm.. as much I rather not admit, I do have a one-track mind.. the good the bad and the weird worst of it.. which most of the time concerns BH and always Byunghun-ssi.. no surprise, huh.. :blush: As a fan, I'm sure there are some lingering thoughts on some issues.. yet we can't really talk everything about him as in e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g, right. Today.. it's a total surprise to learn how actors Song Yun Ah (On Air, etc) and Sul Kyung Gyu (Public Enemy Returns, etc) are going to be married this May 28th. It's simply so out of the blue, with no hints whatsoever that they were dating and planning marriage. Though not really a big fan of both, I truly wish them the happiness and bliss they deserve.. it's really one of the happier Korean entertainment news of 2009. And with that surprising happy update.. can't help as always, obviously.. always wishing that our BH would finally find his partner in life because that's the only piece missing.. the puzzle of love.. to complete him, the person he is. Personally, I have no expectation of the lucky ladylove, as long as she makes him happy. All that matters.

bricks.gif Obviously.. rubie lets her one-track mind ramble away..

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Guest ylin

source: http://www.9th-avenue.com/jp/public/read.j...ublic/index.jsp


発表会にはイ・ビョンオン、キム・テヒ、ジョン・ジュンホ、キム・スンウ、キム・ソヨン、Big BangのTOPの出演者全員の参加が確定しました。

製作発表会の前にナインスアベニュー外にThanks Zoneを作り、その中を出演者が通る予定でファンとのちょっとした触れ合いができるように準備しています。






Briefly if I read the translation correctly :D

On 12 May afternoon at 2pm, there will be a press conference on the production of the drama IRIS.

The cast, Lee Byung Hun, Kim Tae Hee, Jung Jun Ho, Kim Seung Woo, Kim So Yean and TOP from Big Bang will be present.

They will be meeting the fans at the Thank-you zone before the press con. We will also pick 5 lucky shoppers on 9th & 10th May to join the press con.

We are sorry that only the mass medias is allowed into the press conf.

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The 12th? :o When and where is the 12th? Oops.. ohh.. it's next Tuesday. :sweatingbullets::P

Wahhhhh! An IRIS press conference.. that will be something everyone will look forward to.

Btw, ylin.. is this related to 9th Avenue, too? Another whoops.. the notice is from 9th Avenue. :lol: Thanks for the news *mwah*.. you can't imagine how insanely erratic this blurpanda these days. ops.gif *that's way too much rubie info*

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Disclaimer: partly gisted, mostly guessed. Please feel free to jump & correct any mistakes! ^^

May 9, 2009

'결혼' 설경구-송윤아, 알고보니 한양대 커플

마이데일리 기사전송 2009-05-09 11:00


[마이데일리 = 강지훈 기자] 오는 28일 전격 결혼을 발표한 영화배우 설경구(41)-송윤아(36)가 한양대 동문이라는 사실이 또 한 번 관심을 모으고 있다.

두 사람은 모두 한양대 출신으로 설경구는 1986년 연극영화과에 송윤아는 1994년 문화인류학과에 각각 입학한 선후배 사이다. 공식 자료는 없으나 연예계에서 한양대 동문끼리 결혼한 것은 거의 처음이라는 게 관계자들의 중론이라 색다른 화제를 낳고 있다.

한양대 출신 연예인으로는 이들 외에 최불암 이영애 이병헌 정선경 권해효 홍석천 변소정 박미선 유오성 조혜련 강동원 이청아 장근석 김효진 등이 있다.

[오는 28일 결혼을 발표한 송윤아(왼쪽)와 설경구. 사진 = 마이데일리 DB]

Source: news.nate.com

'Marriage' of Seol Kyung Gu - Song Yun Ah, Hanyang University alumni couple

[My Daily = Kang Ji Hun, reporter] The latest celebrity couple to be married on May 28, actors Seol Kyung Gu (41) and Song Yun Ah (36), is gaining interest as they were both Hanyang University graduates.

SKG who majored in theater and movies entered the university in 1986 while SYA a student in cultural anthropolgy back in 1994. There have been various personalities in the entertainment industry with Hanyang University background but this is probably the first time similar alumni celebrities marrying.

In addition to famous artistes graduating from Hanyang University are Lee Young Ae, Lee Byung Hun, Jeong Seung Yeong, Kwon Hae Hyo, Hong Seok Chun, Byeong So Jeong, Park Mi Seon, Yu Oh Seong, Jo Hye Ryeon, Lee Chung Ah, Jang Geun Seok, Kim Hyo Jin. (of course, from a previous article -- Choi Ji Woo is also a Hanyang University graduate, the same goes to BH's sister, Lee Eun Hee-ssi).

Related info wikipedia/Hanyang_University

- rubie rambles, not sure if BH is close to either SKG or SYA to attend the wedding but he's probably too busy filming IRIS at the time.. perhaps even rushing to finish much before a busy June in Japan starts again, as ICWTR worldwide promo begins..

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^ An awesome sharing, ylin! Well done! thumbup.gif The Japan site for ICWTR is finally getting into full gear for the upcoming premiere. Really appreciate the link!

And wowow.. the teaser trailer is a bit different from the preview before with more TK-BH scenes added in.. and whoa.. there's some serious sexy love scenes, too. :w00t: But looks like the leading lady was having a secret love affair that angers Su Dongpo played by BH. No wonder he was totally pissed off. :sweatingbullets:

Hope we can have some more screencaps of Byunghun-ssi from the teaser clip.. anyone and everyone can chip in, we'd welcome all. :blush: The more, the merrier, the better!

Aren't we in for the best storm & awesome treat from Byunghun-ssi.. with an entertaining popcorn flick through GI Joe to a serious dark thriller in ICWTR plus an action romance of IRIS.. back to back.. one after another.. all the way in 2009! :wub:

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Guest riehae

I hope his hollywood movie would also be shown in my country.

Since it's American, I'm really looking forward to that.

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I hope his hollywood movie would also be shown in my country.

Since it's American, I'm really looking forward to that.

I agree that it's actually easier with a lot better chances to watch his Hollywood movie compared to the Korean ones.

Sure hope to enjoy GI Joe.. for what it's worth.. the one and only, our Sexy Storm Shadow. :lol:

The notice from 9th Avenue for IRIS, from ylin's previous update. Really hope we'll get some confirmation on the filming progress & current status, it's been quiet for far too long and BH will be too busy starting June should the schedules overlapped. :ph34r: Really hope not! :sweatingbullets:


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Thanks to the cool highlight by ylin-hunnie ^^ Merci beaucoup!


[iCWTR Japan] teaser up & running [X]







^ This actor looks very familiar.. is he Korean or Japanese actor, anyone knows?




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Hope we can confirm the real dates here :huh:.. seems that the premiere will be on the 27th of May while the release for public screenings on June 6th. Looks like Byunghun-ssi will be in Japan much sooner..

movie1.gifJapanese teaser for Anh Hung Tran's "I Come With The Rain"

Posted by kevin at 2:15am on Saturday, May 9, 2009 EDT


Japanese distributor Gaga Communications is gearing up for the world premiere of Anh Hung Tran's I Come with the Rain in Tokyo on May 27th and they have finally released a teaser trailer on the film's offcial website. You may recall this one making a very brief splash on the web last year when TFI International's downright amazing 5-minute promo reel was leaked via the Korean site Daum TV. At the time, the film was rumored to be competing at Cannes. Well, the Cannes thing never happened and the initial buzz sort of died down until Gaga picked up the Japanese distribution rights. Now they get the premiere and we get to jealously gawk at their promotional materials.


"Kline (Josh Hartnett), an ex-cop in Los Angeles traumatized by slaying a serial killer, is hired by a powerful corporate boss to go to the Philippines and find mini cooperao (Takuya Kimura), his missing son. Kline's leads take him to Hong Kong. Torn between good and evil, caught in the crossfire between a mafia drug ring and the police, he tracks down mini cooperao, who has become a mysterious vagrant. Shot on state-of-the-art HD and featuring music by Radiohead, this modern thriller explores the fine line between carnal passion and violence and plunges us into an exotic urban world of gritty realism and sensual beauty."

In Japan the film is being hyped as a showcase for three of the world's "most beautiful men" - Hartnett from the US, Kimura (of the J-pop group SMAP), and Byung-hun Lee from Korea. According to MovieWalker, Anh Hung Tran and all three stars will walk the red carpet at Toho Cinemas Roppongi Hills for the premiere which will attract foreign press from all over the world. Hosting a Hollywood-esque event like this is obviously a point of pride for the local media covering it.

Following the premiere, "I Come with the Rain" will be released publicly on June 6th.

Source: nipponcinema.com

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