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To The People That Never Confess...


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Guest aliciaatethesandwich

I don't regret it because I think that if it was really meant to happen then it would have whether I confessed or not. But I do kinda like the idea of telling everyone I've ever liked that I liked them. It's on my bucket list. Some people would argue that there's no point in that, but...I don't care. It's nice to get things off your chest ;)

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Clearly, he knew I liked him because we barely knew each other and for Christmas, I bought him a sweater and  a Happy Feet penguin. AHHAH. My friend told me that he walked around school all day with my gift and a huge smile. If it wasn't for my immaturity to rush into a relationship with my ex, I think we probably make a good couple. But, my own fault for not saying straight to him that I like him and I could have wait for him. Ugh. I hate myself when I think about it. 

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Guest Iron_Maiden

No, I don't regret it. Things could have been a lot more worse in my life if I did. Besides...it turns out that all those guys I went for are losers. 

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Looking back, I'm glad I didn't tell her. Took a step back, and it turns out she has a rather selfish personality that I wouldn't be able to put up with. However, next time I will definitely make the move on another girl. 

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Guest iilysium

I just don't have the courage to do it, I have no problem talking to random strangers and going on dates with people I barely know or if I don't have much particular interest in them..but once I get to know them and like them a lot, I get super duper extra shy and start withdrawing and trying to avoid them. ): I don't know why I'm like that. But luckily for me in past cases, some of my ex's thought I was playing mind games and it was kinda like a chase/got more interested because of me not seeming like I cared? so they chased after me extra hard until I got comfortable around them. But I wish I could get past this shy habit of mine, I hate it...

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Guest Nomnomasaurus

I really can't say I regret it. I'm usually very fickle in regards to the girls I like to the point where there would be times I like two or three girls at the same time. The only time I ended up "confessing" was by accident (she was screen sharing with a mutual friend), and it had dire consequences so since then I have refrained from doing so. 

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Guest aliciaatethesandwich

It is what it is now and they'll find out eventually. Mission #1 on my bucket list is to tell ever guy I've ever liked that I had feelings for them at some point in time. I know it sounds a bit stupid but...what's the harm in telling my crush from head start that I liked the way he played in the sand box?

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Guest gangdur

I have only ever confessed once and thank goodness I did. I liked that dude for 3 years on and off it was getting worrisome. Also, no he did not feel the same way but I was still a happy camper for being able to move on.
Ever since then I give the guys I like under 4 months of my interest. If he fails to confess to me that he likes me then I move on. I know, a little harsh but how I feel is that if he does not have the balls to admit his feelings then what else does he not have the balls for in life? I mean.. come on.. I need a real man :P No regrets!
This method has also become effective as well because I know that there is an expiry date to it and I go about things differently. 

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Guest BoiceMelodyInspiritBeauty

I confessed 2 times and I didn't regeret it because I found out what's his real color. Now I don't do it anymore

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I've never regretted it because I've never had a crush on someone seriously. I've always fiddled with the idea of who that person was and how we'd be together. I can't commit to anything more serious so I never have to worry about actually falling for them. I prefer to be chased more anyways. 

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Guest bella_mygga_insek

I was in love with this guy for 9 years, but never confessed,,, I cannot really say that I regret it, I did not have the courage to do it. And being a girl, it was even harder for me, additionally also being a shy girl. But I do go back in my memories sometimes and think about him. But it no longer lingers as a regret in my mind. I have passed that stage. So in the presence, now, I will strive to be true to my feelings so that I dont miss out on anything.

But right now still struggling with my feelings, having a crush with a guy I know already have a girl he likes. Yet I find myself texting him again and again, not wanting it to end. Being all clingy and sentimental, all by myself. I am afraid of destroying our friendship,.. so not confessing may be a good thing sometimes.. I´d orignally promised myself to be true to my feelings, but in this case, it´s very impossible to confess and have a nice outcome of it. So yeah, life is not simple, and it was never simple for anyone.

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Guest TheJVS

I have "crushes" on guys really easily. I'm convinced that I didn't confess to all of them. It would've been a mess if I did and they had the same feelings... 

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