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[tr] Hey Mr. Wind-up Bird


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avatars/icons; cinque

1. Provide size.

2. Provide pictures (these need to be huge).

3. Have the decency to credit properly and use.

4. Don't expect anything sensational.

5. No guarantees in results: I have a tendency to not finish a thread.

EXAMPLES (Browse the thread or come back later when I find some)

Taking first 5.

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Guest symphonee.

first first firsttttttttttttttttttttttt

what a surprise, babe. never thought i'd see a tr thread from you. i shall be back with my request form <333

size: 100x100

tempo: 01 02 03 04

ssh: 01 02 (i'm not on my computer at the moment so I'm only able to provide you with whatever pics i have in my photobucket. i'll upload some better pics later)

feel free to use whichever pic(s) and person you're able to work best with, babe. thank you <333

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The JWS icons are the sex! <3

I would like to claim a spot :P BRB with pics.



Size: 100x100

Pics: request fulfilled

Please let me know if you can't work with any of the pics, I'll upload others. You can pick and choose which one you like. If you could avoid pink, purple and red, that'd be awesome :P but not compulsory. Thank you terribly in advance :D

(btw, I don't know if you remember, but you made me some icons of Joaquin Phoenix. They're still my favourite icons from you <3).


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4. Don't expect anything sensational.

:lol: sensational is not good enough to describe your awesome icons, yin. it should be more like... spazztaskticsationalisticallywowerz! :w00t:

spazztaskticsationalisticallywowerz / sp-ah-zzhr-ta-schk-za-zi-on-kh-ahl-lis-tik-ahl-lee-wah-ow-zers / adj: yin's icons.


size: 100x100

pics: 1 (just brian, please! LOL) | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Thank you, Yin. ^^

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Kelli, sorry babe I couldn't use the SSH pictures...we don't seem to mix very well :P And I did not know TOP has such nice eyebrows :blink: Hope you like them! I didn't think I would open a TR thread either but I was in an avatar/icon mood :sweatingbullets: I hope you open up a TR thread, ahem :phew:


Will get to the rest later this week :)!

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Guest symphonee.

omo, that was so fast! aww.. it's okay if you can't work with ssh. top is just as good <3 and yes, he does have very nicely groomed brows XD

the icons are muy sexy, babe. I especially love the last two. you're so good with cropping (and colouring, and texturing and just making icons in general XD). I love the texture of the first and second icons.

i finally have some TOP icons to use. yay! thanks for the awesome icons babe. keep this thread open forever so i can come back and request more :D.

and about me opening a tr thread... err.. i don't think that's going to happen any time soon, lol.

(sorry for the dodgy reply.. your banner is heaps distracting and I keep forgetting what i'm supposed to type)

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Guest love~eastsea~

hello Pseudonym!

nice to meet you!

i want to req fast before you decided not to do it^_^

gotta love the colouring u use for your icon=)

size: 100x100

pictures: 1 2 3 4 5

thank you=)

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Akakakaka...I see my kimutaku icons up there. <3<3<3

I've never seen you open up a TR thread...but I'm pretty new to the whole artwork world, so I might be talking about nothing. >P The icons you've made thus far are so nice. I really really like the tempo ones.

I'll be back in a couple of days to request! Can't right meow, but I'll be back! Just stopping by to show support. Hwiting!

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^ Only if I adopt your Hwanhee icons as well XD

Yin babe, the icons are gorgeous <333 I love the colours (who cares if they're all the same, they're sexy!) and your cropping is just amazing. You give each icon a different feel. I love that first one, it reminds me of some of your older icons where you had somewhat of a similar style. Very cool and sexy. Second one is so cute! *pinches HH's cheeks* Third one is hot - I miss his hair <3 The Hyun Bin ones are love, and ain't his lips kissable? Hehe, that's why he's very good for SYLM. Love how you focused on his face and then his lips. The last icon is sweet nostalgia - I wish he could keep that hair forever, hehe.

Thank you so much, babe <33333 I love all of them cuz they're made by you, and they're all so beautiful <333

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Why are you so awesome with icons? T_T The small space and cropping drives me nuts. I love how you come up with intereting ideas so that your icons are quite original and don't look just like you cropped pictures out.

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I'm terribly sorry for the wait to those who have requested. My laptop needs to be cleaned out because it caught something that's affecting every application I open. I'm supposed to backup everything (on DVDs) before Dell helps me reinstall the entire system, which is by the end of the week. It's taking me a long time to copy everything so I'm really sorry I've neglected this thread. I've looked at all the pictures in case you think I haven't been paying attention.

Spiritm, I have started on yours a while back but they were horrible looking so I've been trying to make them look better.

Windy Yu, do you want both people in the icon or just one? I know I didn't state it but I work better with one person.

If you can't wait that long, please drop by and say you don't want anything so I don't waste my time.

I apologize once again for the wait.

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Guest Windy Yu

Windy Yu, do you want both people in the icon or just one? I know I didn't state it but I work better with one person.

If you can't wait that long, please drop by and say you don't want anything so I don't waste my time.

sr for reply lately

i think changing the req is better

these pictures r not really HQ

Size: 120x120

Text: 1.1.86

Mood: cutie.happy.sweet
























hope u'll do~

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