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Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Thread


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Guest polaris

ohayyo~ hickey is the mark that is left after you get "kissed" (more like sucked? :blush: ) on the neck. hehe~~ :rolleyes:

and omg!!! THAT pic of Rob with the white tie and Kristen in the white dress is GORGEOUS! (is that photoshopped too? or the real thing?) such an intimate and lovely pose.

and ahahahaa the pic of them in the pj's is so cute too. "you'd think I'd let you loose? after you drank all my juice?!!! hahahahahha!!!

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^ thanks for blowing up the pics!!! i totally see the bag now!

well i think the elastic bracelet and backpack are definitely good signs!

as for the hickeys at last year's comic con...i doubt they gave it to each other!

wasn't her bf there?

nope oregano wasn't there ;)

polaris,thanks to make it clear.... :D

btw, what is hickey [the term ?] sorry, kind of banging my head somewhere before...^^


^hehe a hickey is when the boy/girl suck/kiss on your neck for too long ...LOL

That PS pic is the best I've seen so far... ;)

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Guest ohayyo

ohayyo~ hickey is the mark that is left after you get "kissed" (more like sucked? :blush: ) on the neck. hehe~~ :rolleyes:

and omg!!! THAT pic of Rob with the white tie and Kristen in the white dress is GORGEOUS! (is that photoshopped too? or the real thing?) such an intimate and lovely pose.

and ahahahaa the pic of them in the pj's is so cute too. "you'd think I'd let you loose? after you drank all my juice?!!! hahahahahha!!!

thank you so much polaris !! now, i know what it means...hickey ! i love hickey ! hahaha.

yep. my friend said it was from 'wedding' session photo, the photographer tagged his name on it. i am not sure either by this OMG i really love that pic so much, it's like Rob says this : I will cherish you forever.... and Kris is sort of saying : hmmm hmmm hmmmm

hahahahhahaha.... :D

and pic in pj, . hahahahaha....i love the word JUICE involved.

^hehe a hickey is when the boy/girl suck/kiss on your neck for too long ...LOL

That PS pic is the best I've seen so far... ;)

hahahahaha.....hickey, i will get used to this word, thank you gitakawaii

bout the pic, hahahahahaha....the best? really? because there is JUICE and LOOSE :D

thank you so much to someone who has brilliant idea to make that photo. ^^

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GUYS, HAS ANYONE watched the entire interview of comic con because if you did then you would have saw this:

Q: What are you looking forward to the most in the up coming movies?

Taylor and Ashley answers then....

Kris: I can't wait to actually get pregnant (CROWD GOES CRAZY)

Host: Robert it's just you.....do you have something to look forward too?


Robert:(he says something about being around for the cesarean), I just can't wait!!!!

If you click onto part 5

Kris: ..OH YEAH! (looks are rob)

Rob: *looks at her then turns away and laughs

Best bit ever

and I also realised that in 2008 at comic con, the director mentioned that during their kiss scene Rob was too passionate and he fell off the bed! lol.

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GUYS, HAS ANYONE watched the entire interview of comic con because if you did then you would have saw this:

Q: What are you looking forward to the most in the up coming movies?

Taylor and Ashley answers then....

Kris: I can't wait to actually get pregnant (CROWD GOES CRAZY)

Host: Robert it's just you.....do you have something to look forward too?


Robert:(he says something about being around for the cesarean), I just can't wait!!!!

If you click onto part 5

Kris: ..OH YEAH! (looks are rob)

Rob: *looks at her then turns away and laughs

Best bit ever

and I also realised that in 2008 at comic con, the director mentioned that during their kiss scene Rob was too passionate and he fell off the bed! lol.

yea! they're totally flirting IMO... and If I'm not mistaken he said either "he can't wait to perform the Cesarean" or "being there for the cesarean"

did you also see the part where Taylor said he can't wait for the Mouth rape scene for eclipse, and Rpattz reaction was priceless, he was not pleased ;) and plus Taylor mention Love triangle, when really...there was never a LOVE triangle :) because Bella only wanted Edward

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Guest ANJEE<3

lol yes, in the beginning of part 5

it seemed like she mumbled to rob "just keep it in your pants" LOL

and he looked at her like shocked... AHAHAH

i read in the local paper today that she denied again that they are going out.. and that they are good friends and she did not leave her bf for rob

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Guest sundae

the whole bracelet shoe lace thingy...what if everyone on the cast had one for NEW MOON like they had those rings and stuff for twilight?

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Guest ohayyo

and I also realised that in 2008 at comic con, the director mentioned that during their kiss scene Rob was too passionate and he fell off the bed! lol.

hahahaha...are you for real ? ^^ that was just hillarious ! ROFL

i guess i have to go rerun the vid back then....^^

someone told me about Rob saying this to taylor : Dude you richard simmons me off.....[taylor said : sleeping bag scene]

when he was asked about his favourite scene in eclipse...well, i am not sure about this, though,i havent heard that [my speaker broke, i gotta buy another one] *tears*

the whole bracelet shoe lace thingy...what if everyone on the cast had one for NEW MOON like they had those rings and stuff for twilight?

well, there must be something special between rob's shoelace and kristen's...IDK.....something different from any other shoelaces the casts got. [iMO]

and i dont mind if the whole cast had that. ^^

hehehe..... :lol:

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Guest massive toene

and I also realised that in 2008 at comic con, the director mentioned that during their kiss scene Rob was too passionate and he fell off the bed! lol.

~hahahaha! he fell off the bed?! :lol:

by the way, i found an interview where Rob says that he has no girlfriend!


Are you saying you had a little bit of a crush on her?

Of course! No, we are just very good friends.

But there have been a lot of rumours about you two…

I know – but honestly, we are just friends.

Do you have a girlfriend?

No, no. I am young, free and single.

read more here:

Robert Pattinson about being Edward Cullen

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Guest ohayyo

~hahahaha! he fell off the bed?! :lol:

by the way, i found an interview where Rob says that he has no girlfriend!


Are you saying you had a little bit of a crush on her?

Of course! No, we are just very good friends.

But there have been a lot of rumours about you two…

I know – but honestly, we are just friends.

Do you have a girlfriend?

No, no. I am young, free and single.

read more here:

Robert Pattinson about being Edward Cullen

eventhough it's kind of old, but thank you soo much for blowing this up again ! ^^

Love you !

deviana, thanks for the info, too

newly news about kristen an robert :

Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Were Spotted Leaving Bobby Long's Concert last night in Los Angeles. Marcus Foster was there as well



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guys this is very slow of me but like l last night i was watching twilight deleted scenes and i was very very excited over the 10 second make out session between R & S (where K dreams of R). lol. that's what you call a hot bed of passion!!!

i love it!!!!!!!!!!!

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WOW RobSten too obvious now hahahaha

always together eventho there's 3rd person near them but they spent time together more now

and here's oregano with another girl


Michael Angarano is wasting no time moving on from his relationship with Kristen Stewart after he was spotted enjoying an intimate night out with a brunette beauty.

Neither star has spoken out about the status of their romance since rumours first surfaced in June (09), but actor Angarano already seems to have found comfort in the arms of another woman, who ironically bares striking similarities to the Twilight actress.

The couple was seen drinking together at the Laurel Tavern bar in Studio City before leaving in his car and heading to an apartment building in Sherman Oaks at around 1am. (MT/WN)

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Guest ohayyo

there's already new pics of them from the HOTEL together after the concert



which thing that you called TOGETHERNESS ? i mean the pic shows that they were in separate location.

yet, i am still unconvinced about this. I am so thrilled. hahaha, i hope they just confirm as soon as possible.

thanks gita for the fab pic !

Labelle : oregano with other girl ? they were just chatting....^^ OMG, people predict so much !

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who knows

read the lines at the end

"The couple was seen drinking together at the Laurel Tavern bar in Studio City before leaving in his car and heading to an apartment building in Sherman Oaks at around 1am."

why so hard oregano barely with kris anymore and she's spending lot more time with rob now,

oregano never visited her in any location anymore so yah XD go figure

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which thing that you called TOGETHERNESS ? i mean the pic shows that they were in separate location.

^ Kstew has a house in LA, why would she stay in a hotel when she could've gone home, and Rob has been staying in that hotel ever since he return from NYC... :)

come on guys it's pretty obvious by now they're together ;)..it's not rocket science

-Kstew hasn't been seen with oregano for well over 4 months...

-Kstew then became BFF with Rpattz, which was impossible last year.

-Kstew and Rpattz has been hanging out a lot, and being sneaky about it.

-Kstew and Rpattz after the MTV movie award anyone?

-After the they both return from Filming "The Runaways" (Kstew) & "Remember me" (Rpattz), they start hanging out again? when supposedly Kstew was still the GF of oregano? NOT... and at the same time, all the cast are in VA rehearsing for "Eclipse"

-Oregano is clearly moving on (at least to me)

and last but not least. LAST NIGHT RPATTZ & KSTEW was seen again at the "MARCUS FOSTER" show together :) (once again they both left right after the show ended to avoid madness, but I guess that didn't work out so well)



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