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[Drama 2009] Queen Seon Deok 선덕여왕

Guest White Star

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I believe that one of the reasons that the princess (Cheonmyeong – CM) keeps Deokman (DM) close to her, is not only because of liking DM personality but she suspects that DM Is related to her in terms of family (it’s a strategic and protective move). Reason I say this is because in episode 7 when she found out that DM has the same birthmark as her and her father, plus the fact that she was looking for Munno, CM became curious making her wonder at the possibility of them being related and DM's connection to Munno. By having DM under Kim Yushin she is protecting and ensuring that DM becomes strong enough for the battle ahead as well as establishing a very strong ally against Mishil. She is fulfilling her big sister and princess role. Can you imagine when DM gets a firm grip into the hwrang later on and its revealed that she is also a princess in the future. DM will by then have the necessary military knowledge and experience in addition with advice from her counsellors the political will as well. CM does not necessarily wants to be queen, but the fact that there is a high possibility that DM could be family and hold a position power against Mishil suits her more. I think CM is using time as a weapon by strategically ensuring that her people are in place for the long haul. They may not be strong now but will be in the future, DM and Kim Yushin are factors to that. I find it ironic that all three were born on the same day, in a case like this DM, CM and KY are bounded by fate and the prophecy (so I wonder could Kim Yushin have become king, since he is somewhat a sacred /true bone?).

Other – I doubt if this show will bring in the third princess as her role holds not much importance in the storyline, therefore creative license will be used introducing Paecke king BuyeoJang into the picture at this point. As for when will Munno arrive, I personally think he is setting up a secret rebel group against Mishil's court therefore I doubt we will see him for the next 8 episodes or more, we have to keep in mind that this show is 50 episodes we are just at episode 10, if there were much less we would have seen him by now. The story has to flow. Though I would like to see him, it is I think a bit early. However, we have to note that when Munno arrives so will Chilsuk which is definitely make the plot more interesting only he on Mishil’s side knows DM’s identity and her being alive.

Right now from what I am seeing there is going to be growing pains for Kim Yushin’s group, we will get to see them mature from now on as the worst to become one of the best in the future. So it is expected that we get to see these things, we see them fumble and making mistakes which only guides them as to their next action later on, their growth. The war introduce them to realities of life in understanding what true death is about, something that is somewhat looked at lightly but has taken a new meaning to them. The term death “chugo” was not really understood until now by the group. IT'S WAKE UP TIME FOR THE GROUP.

I am enjoying this show and looking forward to more episodes and the preview on Sunday night (think that’s when they show previews). :)

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Guest alicechen

Just finished watching episode 9&10!

I'm loving the battle scenes! Really epic but too short!! haha

I'm sure there will be more in the future!!

I also loved the secret meetings that the two sisters shared! Bittersweet!!

Deok Man and Cheon Myung both have their own little secrets!!

chasen8888, I agree with your thinking, Cheon Myung is definitely

playing against time with Mishil while her own people are being trained

to become the stronger 'force' in the latter half of the series. Smart move.

Plus, the hwarangs would respect her more knowing that she has grown with them in battles.

I see the little Deok Man whenever the big Deok Man smiles....Wow!

Park Yejin's make-up is too light...makes her look pale, vulnerable and older.

Maybe they should darken her eyebrows a bit.

I didnt pay attention to Seolwon until he went out to battle. I must say

other than Munno...Seulwon comes off very manly. I'm still not feeling the big Kim Yooshin. Sigh.

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Guest Deedlith

Can't believe we didn't get a preview after the episode aired.

A big twist must be awaiting us next week... I've been looking for any sort of preview available but NONE anywhere.

My guess:

Yoo Shin discovers that Deok Man is a girl.

Since he goes alone on the deserted battlefield after learning that Deok Man has died. He takes her. It's night. She's injured or weakened - something like that - heals her and shelters her from the rain or whatever and then TADAM, " Oh Good lord, Deok Man has two "soft bumps" on his chest". Follows a whole episode in which Yoo Shin doesn't know if he should say something and decides to tell Deok Man's secret to the Princess. Who then discovers that Deok Man is her sister and understands why Deok Man has been abandoned and her link with Munno. BUT she doesn't say anything to her parents 'cuz:

1) She still has to check if her hypothesis is true.

2) Revealing anything could threaten her position and Deok Man's along with that of the King. In fact, if she reveals that they are twins, then it could backfire and Mishil would get the upper hand. After all, the King has betrayed the trust of his people in order to save his neck and avoid taking Mishil as concubine or second wife.

And no I'm not dead, just invisible most of the time :P

Haven't watched any drama entirely since spring last year. Currently thoroughly enjoying Queen Seon Deok and Brilliant Legacy. Addicted.

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Guest hjkomo

I can't watch videos on Youtube for some reason. Is anyone else having the same problem?

It's working fine for me.

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Guest MisterBarca

It's working fine for me.

Hmmm. Another bug? But I don't have any other problem in terms of watching other types of videos. For instance, I can see this:



The universe is always conspiring against me! :angry:

P.S. Can you at least summarize for me what the preview says? Please? I won't ever call you auntie again! :D

Oops. Never mind. I saw another link underneath the Youtube link! B)

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Guest hjkomo

^ You can also watch it here.


Ep. 11 - Written preview

백제와의 전투에서 선전하고 있는 김서현의 퇴각을 위해 혼자 달려간 김유신은 덕만 의 생사를 확인한다.

간신히 백제군 시체 사이에서 덕만의 생존을 확인한 김유신은 덕만을 들쳐업는다.

하지만 서라벌의 미실은 백제군 안에 포위된 김서현과 김유신 을 포기하는 것이 맞다면서 제거 책략을 쓰는데 천명이 이를...

목숨을 걸어서라도 지켜야 할 것이 있다!

Ep. 12

알천에게 항명을 한 덕만 때문에 석품은 덕만을 본보기로 참형하려한다.

이에 김유 신이 나서 차라리 용화향도가 백제군과 싸우면서 퇴각로를 열겠다고 자청한다.

석품 과 알천은 먼저 후방으로 피신하고 김유신의 용화향도는 백제군과 맞서 싸워 살아남 는다.

진평과 천명은 김유신에게 서라벌 화랑의 자격을 주고...

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Guest MisterBarca

^ You can also watch it here.


Ep. 11 - Written preview

백제와의 전투에서 선전하고 있는 김서현의 퇴각을 위해 혼자 달려간 김유신은 덕만 의 생사를 확인한다.

간신히 백제군 시체 사이에서 덕만의 생존을 확인한 김유신은 덕만을 들쳐업는다.

하지만 서라벌의 미실은 백제군 안에 포위된 김서현과 김유신 을 포기하는 것이 맞다면서 제거 책략을 쓰는데 천명이 이를...

목숨을 걸어서라도 지켜야 할 것이 있다!

Ep. 12

알천에게 항명을 한 덕만 때문에 석품은 덕만을 본보기로 참형하려한다.

이에 김유 신이 나서 차라리 용화향도가 백제군과 싸우면서 퇴각로를 열겠다고 자청한다.

석품 과 알천은 먼저 후방으로 피신하고 김유신의 용화향도는 백제군과 맞서 싸워 살아남 는다.

진평과 천명은 김유신에게 서라벌 화랑의 자격을 주고...

Thanks, but I already downloaded from the alternate site.

It appears the problem is that something's wrong with my Adobe flash player (whatever that is). Oh well.

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A big twist must be awaiting us next week... I've been looking for any sort of preview available but NONE anywhere.

My guess:

Yoo Shin discovers that Deok Man is a girl.

Since he goes alone on the deserted battlefield after learning that Deok Man has died. He takes her. It's night. She's injured or weakened - something like that - heals her and shelters her from the rain or whatever and then TADAM, " Oh Good lord, Deok Man has two "soft bumps" on his chest". Follows a whole episode in which Yoo Shin doesn't know if he should say something and decides to tell Deok Man's secret to the Princess. Who then discovers that Deok Man is her sister and understands why Deok Man has been abandoned and her link with Munno. BUT she doesn't say anything to her parents 'cuz:

1) She still has to check if her hypothesis is true.

2) Revealing anything could threaten her position and Deok Man's along with that of the King. In fact, if she reveals that they are twins, then it could backfire and Mishil would get the upper hand. After all, the King has betrayed the trust of his people in order to save his neck and avoid taking Mishil as concubine or second wife.

And no I'm not dead, just invisible most of the time :P

Haven't watched any drama entirely since spring last year. Currently thoroughly enjoying Queen Seon Deok and Brilliant Legacy. Addicted.

Lol....you really made me laugh so much with your wild imagaination.....lol....

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Guest danick

Just watched the episodes 9 and 10 and I am a bit disappointed with the pacing or I feel that there's something missing. I cant pinpoint what it is. OR mabe I am just asking for too much.

I am still trying to figure out if the actress playing Deok Man is not that efficient or if I am just confused on the ages and the level of maturity that the character is supposed to be playing. I'm not here to bash anyone but I just felt something is lacking. I sure do hope that I will see an improvement in the coming episodes.

I also do agree that right now, it is more interesting to watch the rivalry between the hwarangs more than Mi Shil-heir to the throne-court intrigues thingy.

I was also wondering why they did not execute the guy with the snake or if not execute then make him go back. I mean he is detrimental to the whole group. I hope the pacing will be much faster next time around because I am so darn annoyed by the blue team. I know they have to show the process of their maturity but can the PD make it a little faster.

I wish the casting director could have been more selective. The younger ones are sure better looking than their adult versions. I also want to know their secret for looking so young despite the ages that they are supposed to be playing. Mi Shil is not aging. Even the minister who is close to the King who was already old looking when he first started to appear in the series and he still looks the same.

And why is it that there are quite a bit on the supposedly comic moments but I don't find any of it funny. Something is really missing. I do not know what but hopefully I will find the next couple of episodes more to my liking. Don't get me wrong, despite of all my whining, I am still addicted to it.

Can someone here, send a message to Park Ye Jin's makeup artist to put more color on her. I sometimes wonder if my TV's color is screwed up. She looks so pale as a ghost. I will not be surprised if later on we find out that she's sick with cancer or something. (It's a k-drama, anything is possible.) :P

Anyway, thanks for all the updates, reviews, links, pics and comments.

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Sigh... when City Hall ends, Queen Seon Deok will be the only drama I'll be religiously following....

So excited to see the next two episodes, I hope Deokman will have another run-in with Mishil and annoy her again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The alcheon (?) hwarang guy was pretty cool in the battle against the archers on the hill. When he blew the horn, I thought, wow... that guy sure has a "leader" air around him...

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Guest MisterBarca

I was also wondering why they did not execute the guy with the snake or if not execute then make him go back. I mean he is detrimental to the whole group. I hope the pacing will be much faster next time around because I am so darn annoyed by the blue team.

I suppose the idea is that Deok-man is a kind-hearted spirit who cherishes the lives of all of her subjects--whether he be a noble or a mere foot soldier. (There's some historical basis for this, as Deok-man's Buddhist religiosity is legendary.)

But being so lenient in war is actually being both naive and cruel, because condoning such a behavior endangers the whole army and thus the country. Deok-man's plea for forgiveness in that context shows that she's stupid and weak, rather than magnanimous.

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This part is easy to understand, DM's intention in the Hwarang camp is to look for her father, not to fight in a batter. And all she did is to try to save her friend. What amazed me is her reason (the script writter's reason) to save her friend: "kwan, please wait, what you said is correct. But the war with Baekje is not over yet. How can we let your sword soiled with blood of person not coming Baekje? We are in a war, our life can be history any moment. Let's punish him if he can go back alive.". That's a pretty smart way to beg for forgiveness in my opinion B)

The part I don't understand is why Seol Won took Kim Yushin with him, then sent him as messenger to deliver the retreat order. Why doesn't him simply let him stay with Kim SeoHyeon and send a weak person as messenger instead who'd probably killed by Baekje on the road. So there is less chance Kim's group will survive? That's Easy, but unfortunately the script writer need to demonstrate the intelligence of Deokman.

Overall the drama is still very good. The war scene is best thus far on a TV drama. I guess that's probably why the director want to show the war scene to you one more time at the end instead of the preview of next episode. Look forward to ep11 and 12.

I suppose the idea is that Deok-man is a kind-hearted spirit who cherishes the lives of all of her subjects--whether he be a noble or a mere foot soldier. (There's some historical basis for this, as Deok-man's Buddhist religiosity is legendary.)

But being so lenient in war is actually being both naive and cruel, because condoning such a behavior endangers the whole army and thus the country. Deok-man's plea for forgiveness in that context shows that she's stupid and weak, rather than magnanimous.

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Guest riehae

I'm torn between the two historical dramas.

I want to watch both live.

But I always end up watching the download one.

Can't wait for the next episode.

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