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Facts About Yourself You Would Never Admit In Real Life


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Guest prislee

I tell everyone I don't want to be in a relationship and that it is a conscious decision I have made, but sometimes, just sometimes... I do feel a little lonely.

Then again dating because of loneliness is a dumb thing to do.

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Guest DaniFire

I lead a double life. One, as an athletic and tomboyish type of nerd. Two, as an online romance fiction writer. Two clashing identities but both are me.

I don't trust people easily, not even my closest friends. I appear friendly but I'm actually an introvert.

I don't like people touching my things or meddling into my business.

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Guest Dora tahlia

I cry everyday at night. (I hate crying infront of people cuz they might think I am weak) and I wake up in the morning lookin happy and smiling in front of people.

Most of the time I am always alone

No one has ever asked me out or have said to me that they like me, I have had so many crushes and so many heartbreaks

When I feel like I have let my family down I feel like I should just go and suicide

I have no one to talk to.

Korean dramas & films, soompi, kpop, Dramabeans, Jdoramas and taiwanese dramas make me happy

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i am an extremely manipulative compulsive liar...

i kill all insects that obstruct my path...

i don't grow up. i DONT!

I will always remain in a stand still time continuum. FOREVER.

i'm not as dumb as i pretend to be.

i think about everything and anything excessively...

i have awesome psychotic dreams...

im just a strange person.. there..

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Guest Superfly-J

- I'm not very attractive in my own eyes. I never take compliments well... NEVER.

- I HONESTLY dislike hearing about other people talk to me about their love life 24/7. It's your relationship— not mine

- I have a fear of someone dying before my eyes

- I overlook everything.

- I can't cry. Funnerals, weddings— I never cry. I'll tear up?

- I hate how skinny I am

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Guest miwari

I obsess about my looks more than I let on

I cry to myself in a dark corner, preferably in the dark

I don't study at all, even though it may seem like I Study heaps

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Guest XangelXtranX

-My family (include relatives) treat me like I'm 13 years old. Always look down on me etc

-Most of the people who talk to me on Facebook are online

-My best friend is 9 years older than I am and lives 3 hours difference away from me

-I fall for people easily, (I tend to fall for people who pays attention to me)

-I secretly want to be a dancer, an actress or a famous person

-I would never want my crush to be able to read my mine because I think of dirty thoughts when I like them D:


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Guest tinatran_

- i think waaay too much.

- i hate wearing pants more than anything!

- i can't decide if my body is too skinny or too fat. O_o''

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Guest .:dark.moon:.

Oh ages ago i was suicidal, or thought life was meaningless

I take things seriously at the wrong times & I think too much

I'm on the internet a lot

More obsessed with my looks than I say

Hate looking weak sometimes in front of even close relatives or friends

All i can think of as of now o.o

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Guest yesung143

- i live 3 different lives.. the one my family sees, and the one my friends see. and the one i actually live in.

WOW me too. No one actually knows who i am personally, but i made it look like its easy for them to understand me. But nobody does.

I no longer have real friends in real life.

The person im most comfortable talking to is myself. I think im crazy XD

I dont like people.

After years, i realized family are the ones who will stand by you no matter what.

I lie a a lot. D:

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Guest JeTi_YoonYul

I'm a loner..

I don't have any friends I can turn to in real life..

I play on both teams.

online friends > real life friends if I have any

I'm scared of people..

I have no life.. T_T

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Guest chrislauj

On my weekends, I drive to a parking lot and sit there for hours to make my mother think I have friends.
<-- that's me! :'(

I'm scared of people.

I'm always doing things for my parents to acknowledge but they never do because I'm still just a GIRL...

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Guest o________O

All these responses are so sad.

Little to no school friends, I RARELY hang out with my close friends (outside of school)

Doubtful about my abilities


Embarrassed about anything in relation to myself

Occasionally trying to be something I'm not (idk who I am, or what I want to be as a person)

Shy, I refer to myself as quiet though :ph34r:

When I'm alone or in an awkward situation, I pretend that I'm texting friends etc. SO SAD!

I have an interest in all this Asian stuff, music etc. everyone believes that I'm whitewashed

I think a lot more deeply about everything in general

Always wanting to be that mysterious/dark character that never really talks

I have issues ㅜ____________________ㅜ

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Guest Yunho<3

1.I'm lonely.Instead of eating lunch at school,I will be in the library doing my works.

2.I can't find anybody I can talk to.I'm afraid to show my real feelings.

3.My mind is constantly thinking of all these negative stuff about life.

4.I'm not smart at all.People expect me to be because of what I look like.

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