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Korean Scary Stories


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Guest dudeilovefood





i am reading it next to my mummy.

:) oh god, this is scary =.=

went through all of these, took me like 1 1/2 hours. T.T


i remember this one time, i was in the living room alone, with only a dim reading lamp next to me and i was listening to Byul by Kim Ah Joong on the computer, and it sounded really different then how she sang it in the movie, like it was kinda screechy and hard to hear. so i reached out to the speakers to turn it up, but then i remembered i turned off the speakers half an hour ago (because my dad kept calling my on my cellphone and when it rings the speakers make a really loud noise and it's annoying. ) i got so scared i ran upstairs to my sister.

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Guest MaritzaC

I've only read the first two pages to this out of curiosity and I'm kind of freaked out. I did, however, learn that i should stay away from Korean Hotels.

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Guest ladiexloan

that creepypasta.com this is good.

i wanna keep this topic alllive :D

It wasn’t a big deal at first, you know? It was just another story online, one you’d read in the comments of a YouTube video, designed to scaring you into posting it on eight other videos. You know the kind, where you die a horrible death or your crush will reject you if you don’t spread the word? I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but now it’s the only thing I can think about.

The comment started by saying that “she hasn’t left [the poster] alone in days” and “by reading this, she’ll come for you.” I don’t even remember the exact wording because it was late and I was tired and I’d seen a hundred other comments like it before.

I forgot all about it.

Until she started coming after me.

It started with little things. A flash in the corner of my vision, a strange shadow on the hallway floor. Then it got worse. I started to hear whispering when I was alone in the house, giggling, the sound of footsteps. I now know that she was teasing me. Sort of like how a cat will clamp its paw over a mouse’s tail and bat at it before it kills it.

Mirrors were the worst. She liked to stand just out of frame when I was brushing my hair, so when I shifted my head to get the other side, she would be there, standing next to the bookshelf, with her long, tangled hair, matted with blood, falling down her shoulders. And that grin.

Oh, God, that grin.

Her teeth were always bloody. I was never sure if it was her blood, or… I don’t even know.

Every night it seemed to get worse. I would see her on my way to class, in the rear view mirror of my car, dragging her talon-like fingernails across her own, rotting flesh as I stared in abject terror.

For a while I put it off to sleep deprivation. Finals, you know?

And then she came to me.

It was late, so late it was technically early. I couldn’t sleep because all I could hear was her giggling. I covered my face with the pillow and shut my eyes tight, when I felt something cold on my hand.

I was paralyzed with fear. It was sharp and it was cold and it was moving down my arm towards my elbow.

“Come out to play,” she said in that lilting, upsetting voice I’d heard one too many times before.

I screamed and sat up but she was gone. For the moment.

My biggest mistake was when I talked to her. I’d just stepped out of the shower and she was right there when I opened the curtains. I shrieked and stumbled back and she leaned down to me.

“Why?” I asked. “Why are you doing this?”

She told me why. It was because I knew something about her. That altercation ended with a serious head injury that landed me in the hospital.

That’s where I am now.

I can’t take this anymore. I’m just one person, it’s too much. I know what I have to do. I think I always knew.

God, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.

Her name is Nora. She should be there soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest tehpockyninja


A young teenage girl had come home late from partying with some friends and had fallen into a deep sleep. She had slept for maybe 14 hours because at the time when she woke up, the alarm read 5:00 p.m. She had fallen into bed at 3:00 a.m that morning. She was asleep in her bed when suddenly she heard her bedroom door open. She looks out from under her covers and sees her mom, walking really strangely, kind of hunched over and rubbing her hands together come into her room. She was looking down at her hands, giggling eerily as she turned and closed the door. Needless to say she found this VERY strange, but being that it was her mom she still didn't think anything of it. The girl watched her mom walk towards her still hunched, still rubbing her hands, and still giggling strangely. It was at this point that her senses finally kicked into gear. She felt this terrifying fear go through my body. It was a feeling of pure evil and hatred, and it scared her beyond belief. Naturally her instincts were to cover her head with her blanket, which she did, only to uncover it a few seconds later to see if her mom was still there. Big mistake. Right in front of her, noses almost touching, was her mom with the most evil smile she had ever seen. She screamed at the top of my lungs for her to get out, and covered her head again. All of a sudden the feeling was gone. She uncovered her head and NOBODY was there. The door was still closed and in the amount of time that had passed there was NO WAY she would have been able to run out of my room and close the door. The girl thought it was just a dream, but not until her mother told her she experienced the same thing.

Her mother had just gone to bed, and was laying in the dark saying her prayers. The girl's dad had been working the night shift, and the girl, of course, was out partying with friends. Suddenly she hears footsteps in the hallway walking quickly towards her room. She looked towards her doorway when suddenly a woman walked in. She was walking quickly, but hunched over. In her hands she had papers (like envelopes, and letters, mail type things). The woman never once looked at her, instead she walked up to my fathers desk, put the papers down on top of it, and walked around to the other side of the bed. It was at this time that the mom snapped out of her shock, and began praying. When she opened her eyes again the woman was gone. The funny thing was that she was not afraid of the woman being there. What scared her the most was that the woman that walked into her room, was HER!

i don't get this one D:

can someone explain to me please?

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i don't get this one D:

can someone explain to me please?

the mum n daughter saw a 'evil' lady that looked exactly like the mother......

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ooooh... found a good one on creepypasta =DD

I don't think I'm reposting [hopefully]...

Did you ever see one of those videos where you are asked to look for, or follow a specific thing through out the video? Then, at the end, they reveal that as were watching, something large and intrusive moved around in plain sight and you never even noticed it. Its frightening how often that happens, like how I just moved from the doorway into your room as you read this.


ahhhhhh why did i keep reading when i told myself i had to go to bed...

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Guest iftimecomes

not sure if this is korean, but yeah..

There once were two sisters. The older one was pretty but mean. The younger one was ugly but nice.

The older one was named Suki and the younger one was named Sudoku.

One day, the older sister was walking home to see her boyfriend hugging Sudoku from the back. This angered her and she ran up to them and asked what the h3ll they were doing. The boyfriend said that Sudoku forced him or she'll kill him, but Sudoku said that he was walking home and he jumped out of a bush and started kissing her neck and hugging her. Sudoku was telling the truth, but being as selfish and as horrible as she is, Suki slapped her, grabbed her by the hair and dragged her into the house and beheading her with a knife while saying, " You want to kill my boyfriend? I'll kill you first, richard simmons!" The last thing that came out of Sudoku's mouth was a blood curdling scream..

Suki put her sister's body and detached head in a garbage bag and dumped it in a river, deep in a forest.

Weeks later, a lumberjack was chopping down a tree in the forest and replanting one in its place and began walking towards the river to get some water. He heard something and he turned around.

Nothing was there. He shrugged and thought it was his imagination so he kept walking. He looked down and saw the garbage bag, he kicked it gently and Sudoku's head rolled out of it.

The lumberjack screamed and saw Sukdoku's mouth moving as she kept repeating,"Sudoku.. Sudoku.. Sudoku.. Sudoku.."

He was amazed at how a lifeless head was still talking so he put the head in a musuem.

Suki saw an ad in the newspaper for a talking dead head who keeps saying Sudoku. She went to the museum to see for herself.

Indeed it was her sister.

She looked at the head and asked,"What is your name?"

Sudoku's head replied,"Sudoku.. Sudoku.."

"How old are you?" asked Suki.

"Sudoku.. Sudoku.."

"Who killed you?"

"Sudoku.. Sudoku.. SudokYOU!"

^ yeah, sorry if it was kinda long. it was something along the lines like that =D my friend told me and at the last part she jumped and said YOU! very loudly and that scared the living daylights out of me.

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Guest jaejoongiefied


There is a demon of great evil, that will be able to walk upon the Earth if someone is told of its existence and does not repeat the name to another. To the best of my ability, his name roughly approximates “Jkqxxllyuo”.

This was told to me by a rather unkempt man on the street; if you have not noticed it already, I just told it to you.

O__O;;; .

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Guest jaejoongiefied

I've had sleeping paralysis a lot before .

It's really hard to move & breathe .

I can't open my eyes or move no matter how hard I try .

But, I can hear things that's happening around me .

Like, if my mom was on the computer, I was able to hear the computer & typing sound .

I heard that if you sleep on your side, it won't happen .

So, after that, I started not sleeping on my back anymore, and I pray every night .

Never happened to me again (: .

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Guest soominie

It was a cold, dark night, with thunderstorms heard loud and clear in every house of a rainy town. In one of these houses lived a little boy, with a mom and a dad. His parents were always busy, at work. He was deathly afraid of thunder and every time he heard it, without his parents to go to he would hide under his bed. Thinking that the boy had to rid of his habit, his parents got him a puppy. Now that the boy had his puppy, when he heard thunder, he would run into his room and put his hand under his bed. Once he felt the puppy's warm, wet licks, he knew he could get through the storm. Everything was going to be okay. Time passed as the boy continued to go through the storms without getting scared, thanks to his puppy. But it was one night when the boy stuck his hand under his bed and there was no response. Scared, he ran down to his living room to find a message written in the dog's blood: Ghosts can lick fingers too.

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That's a very old urban legend that's been told quite a few times. ladiexloan - awesome story!!

Sighhh really shouldn't have come back to this thread.. now I can't go to bed o.o

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  • 2 weeks later...

In France, a young ambient musician by the name of Charles undertook an interesting new project. He was going to record the sound of himself sleeping, and release it under the name “La Nuit” (The Night). Charles lived alone in a rural area, which would remove things like car alarms, traffic, and such from being recorded. He planned his project for many months, acquiring the sensitive equipment to capture all outside noises as well as his own during sleep.

Finally, on the 27th of September, he decided to execute his plan. He set up all his equipment, and fell at sleep at midnight.

The next day Charles reviewed the recording. For the first hour, the recording played his own tossings and turnings as well as some distant dog barks and a few car alarms (So much for his plan to distance himself from cars). These continued throughout the 2nd hour as well, until Charles heard something that horrified him.

For at exactly 3 hours and 24 minutes in, the recording played the sound of his bedroom door opening.

SCARY!!! i don't know what i would do if this happened to me....

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Guest OoShiraoO

I know a lot of other stories too but i don't remember exactly...

But to the people who are superstitious about bedroom mirrors; Mirrors have a lot of horror stories behind it. "Like Bloody Mary"

But in my case...

Every night before I go to sleep, I turn my mirror the other way around.

Before, I use to leave my mirror facing me every night when I went to bed. Every night that my bedroom mirror had faced me, I had twisted dreams and nightmares of many unfortunate events.

One day my dad was looking at a old Chinese book of Feng Shui "arranging things in your house."

In one of the passage, it talked about Mirror's facing the bed is a symbol of bad omen.

The following day my dad had us position our bedroom mirrors at different angle's.

Since my mirror wasn't attached to the wall, I flipped my mirror around. Surprisingly I dreamed of nothing that night.

The following week, my sister had left my mirror facing my bed and i was too tired to go flip it around.

That night I had a nightmare and woke up 3 in the morning scared. By 7a.m. i got up and turned the mirror over.

That night I slept soundly again...

---So what do you guys think?----

I also remember about a superstition from my Cambodian friends about never leaving a chair facing you when you sleep. Their reason was for because there might be someone sitting in the chair watching you sleep. O.O'

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Guest BabiiLovee.x


Itss 12 oclock as well! I shouldnt have clicked on thiss!!

Aahaha, the first one was WOW, I mean, The last sentence..

All my hairs were standing up!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!


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