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Annoying Things Girls Do

Guest JASH

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Guest cherrikura

I have a feeling that most of these posters are girls. = =;

What I really don't like about girls is that some of them only talk to you when they want something, I don't really get that from guys.

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Guest sr20_onelove_det

I have a feeling that most of these posters are girls. = =;

^ you're on soompi.... lol

the thing that bugs me most is when a girl tries to act super "cute" when they are out of their teens.... Math homework is frying my brain right now so I can't elaborate, but I'm sure most of you get what I'm saying.

That, coupled with a squeaky voice would kill me where i stand. lol


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Guest cherrikura

^ you're on soompi.... lol

the thing that bugs me most is when a girl tries to act super "cute" when they are out of their teens.... Math homework is frying my brain right now so I can't elaborate, but I'm sure most of you get what I'm saying.

That, coupled with a squeaky voice would kill me where i stand. lol


I'm just saying because there seems to be a lot of people in here felt that there is a need to mention that they are girls. I guess the title make it look this this is thread for guys to rant about girls.

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Guest lillipop

when they try too hard to be cute.

in the end it just looks really pathetic and poser/wannabe-ish. annoying as crap too.

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Guest honeylove

I'm curious as to why some of you don't like it when girls only/mostly hang out with guys. Like, seriously? LOL.

That's such a petty thing to be annoyed over.

Some of these are probably going to be repeats.

-- Uggs and shorts. Uhm, are you weather confused?

-- When they talk loud enough so people around them could hear. No one wants to hear about how drunk you got over the weekend.

-- I'm annoyed at how many girls said "I'm a girl but...." in this thread.

-- Girls who are loud drunks ><!

-- Aggressive girls who overreact over nothing and pick fights for nothing.

-- Girls who complain about other girls who talk shxt, but they do it themselves.

-- ^ Girls who say "I'm the realest female you'll ever meet." GTFO here.. haha

Idk, the list can go on.. but I'm too lazy to think. ^___^;

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girls that annoy me list-

1girls that don't know that they're ugly.

2girls that are desperate for attention.

3girls that wear clothes that don't fit them.

4girls that are taller than me ( ugh this is the most annoying thing they can  do, be taller than me ugh)

5girls that are hairy on their backs

6girls that wear too much perfume

7girls that don't fall in love with me when i want them to

8girls that are really honestly dumb, not just acting dumb cuz sometimes smart girls act dumb and then it's ok

9girls that complain a lot and think that it's they're god given right to whine (this is all girls actually, but the ones that think it's better to whine to me than to another girl, that's so terrible)

10girls that eat too much

11girls that eat too little

12girls that say they are fat so you can tell them they're not fat

13girls that wears too much makeups

13girls with annoying voices are really annnoying eww

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^ Some of the stuff on your list is ridiculous, and I'm only saying it because the stuff

you're listing is so superficial. You have no right to call a girl ugly, or complain about the

way they're born. If they have a "hairy back", do you think they want that? It's their parents'

genetics. It's the way they were born, they can't help it. On the other hand, if it's annoying

that girls don't fall in love with you, then IDK why you're in this thread. This thread is called

"Annoying things girls do", not "Qualities about girls I don't like/why do girls reject me all the


- CAKEFACES. How do you handle wearing THAT much make-up?

- Uggs and shorts/sweatpants. Seriously.

- Girls who pretend they're drunk when they've had one bottle. Unless your alcohol tolerance is THAT low, don't even bother. I don't think acting like a crazy drunk is an attractive quality :\

- Posing with a bottle of tequila or some other hard liquor so other people can like your photo on facebook. You're fourteen/fifteen. Drinking TOTALLY makes you cooler = ; =

- On the same note, attention richard simmons.

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1 superficial women.

2 materialistic women... who spend $700 on a brand name wallet

3 women who have their periods everyday.

4 manly women... or women with d1cks but dont know it.

5 good looking women who thinks theyre all that and calls 99% of all guys ugly.

man. my list is so damn perfect.

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I absolutely cannot stand the girls who on the weekly post up albums on FB of their wild partying, with all the booze and drunk red faced pictures included. "Oh yeah, look at me. I drink it up all the time while in my barely there shorty short shorts. And when I'm pretty tipsy, I love hugging and taking questionable pictures with shirtless drunk guys, but hey! - don't call me a sluht. Because my behavior totally doesn't reveal the type of person I am and the intentions that I have in posting these up."

And god, cakefaces. Love how someone else pointed this out, too. I love how these girls can just PILE IT ON THICKKK, even with their faces totally not matching their necks, then confidently strut out the front door. What I don't get are the girls who clearly have, well - clear skin. No need for cake whatsoever, yet you can just blatantly see the brush strokes and blobs where they didn't blend in too well. Not attractive.

Lastly of course, the "LV Neverfull/Speedy everywhere I go & I'ma boss" type of Asian girls (sadly 95% of the girls I see). Oh yeah whoopee doo, you're carrying LV. Too bad every other girl around you is carrying the exact same bag. You're not special, sweetie. And just a heads up that your bag is considered chump change compared to the better things LV has to offer. Trust me, no other Asian is gonna think, "Oh my God. She has an LV bag - a Speedy/Neverfull! She's rich! She can afford luxury!". PLEASE - typical, typical for an Asian. Every Asian (male or female) has something from LV. So don't think you're so princess like and *flip flip my hair, I'm a Wonder Girl* and can let that bag tinker from your elbow while you go about rudely bumping into people without apologizing and giving other people dirty looks. If you're happy with the bag you're carrying, that's great. But no need to be haughty and rude and forget about common courtesy.

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1) When they wear clothes that are clearly the wrong size. Yes I shop with girls and know they sometimes buy a size smaller aspirationally or are different sizes depending on their period. However if you are seriously camel toeing and/or showing every bit of cellulite on your leg you might be wearing the wrong size.

2) Girls have a habit of only talking to you if they either need something or are single. As a corollary pulling out all the stops and crying and begging to get $50 gets really annoying. Even more odd I have had friends who are REALLY rich beg me for money or items.

3) Calling or texting you every 5 minutes.

That said I love girls. Seriously I like them way more than guys.

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when they want something from you but duwanna tell you and u go wtf whats wrong and she gets angry cuz u didnt give her what she wants

yup... that was me.

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