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When Girls Are On Their Period/pmsing

Guest BU_RP

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Guest honeylove

My friend's a jerk, he TRIES to freaking richard simmons me off when I'm on my period! X: I do PMS a lot, like I usually just get grumpy.. but sometimes I get all sad and whatnot. Like yesterday, I had really bad cramps and I had no one to talk to.. or I jus didn't wanna talk to anyone. I called my boyfriend hella times but he never picked up cuhs he was sleeping and I got all whatever like fck it then I don't wanna talk to anyone no more. LOL ><

& When my friend poked me last time when I had cramps, I started hella yelling x__x aiya.

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I like it when they're pissy, gives me entertainment. I tend to laugh a lot when I get yelled at. I don't care about the raw attitudes, I just try to direct it towards someone else.

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^ Homie, we get pissy because of that.

Hahahha. D:

I like to think the raw pissy attitude is a sign of love...It certainely does warm my heart after all!

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guys blame pms for everything like its some unreasonable disease. the only reason girls tend to get grumpy around their period is because their cootch is SPILLING BLOOD and it feels like there are knives being dragged across your abdomen.

So I think males should cut us a little slack during that time of the month, yeah? :mellow:

I don't change that much, I just get lazier and sometimes I have to lie down and let my stomach rest for a while.

I've never experienced freaking out/PMS-ing, I think. Unless I'm freaking out about thinking I've leaked, lol.

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Guest starperson

What are you talking about? Period means no risk of pregnancy. Hello, Lucky Trent!

That is not true. For most women, pregnancy is substantially less likely from intercourse that happens during

menses than from intercourse at other times. However, since sperm can live in the vagina

for several days, and some women ovulate early in their cycles, for some women, unprotected sex

during menses -- especially at the very end of it -- can be just as much of a pregnancy risk as

during other times of the fertility cycle. It depends on what time during your period. Dont do it.

And why would you? Gross blood >,< I guess some guys cant wait. lol

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Guest b-for-BLAIR

haha, everybody knows to leave me alone when i'm pms'ing. and they all know when i'm on it regardless of whether i told them or not ... and the boys do tend to purposely try to get on my nerves because they think it's funny. which can be when i'm not cramping, but most of the time, i am.

guys who can put up with it are great. it's hard to be patient with mood swings. i can't even handle myself at times.

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Haha luckily, I don't get cramps (*fingers crossed*) and my mood doesn't change that much, I just get super lazy at times. My guy friends are always complaining that I'm no fun; I guess they want an excuse to richard simmons me off or something. I suppose it was super convenient for my ex though.

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Guest starperson

^^^ LOL!!

I dont get cramps, just casual pain only once before it starts. I got cramps once and I threw up three times in a row, and then passed out

on a chair, ya it hurt. Usually im just nauches 24/7 and really calm and tired. Im actually really lucky baceuse its not a big deal with me at all~^^

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eh, i dont have a bf at the moment

haha, so when im pmsing,

i just warn all my friends, including my guy friends.

'if im flipping out and pinkberrying at you, sorry. im pmsing.'

then they decide to tease me, and richard simmons me off.

what awesome people :D

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Guest Sympathetic

I usually tell my bf when Im on my period.

Me : I'm on my periodd :(

Him : A bit random there

I don't think he understands, yet, that..

I WILL pms like a b`itch.

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Guest Inspector

thanks, i just threw up my dinner.

Me too. Are you seriouss? Sorry but I don't think I can have sex with my gf when shes on her period and I'm pretty sure she doesnt either.

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well, most of my guy friends would notice i'm cranky and they would ask these:

Guy friend 1: Are you on your period today?

Guy friend 2: End of the statement today?

Guy friend 3: ....Okay...i won't bug you today.

Guy friend 4: Time of the month? ME: *nod* Him: *slowly backs away...*

Guy friend 5: *does a 'dot' in mid air*

haha XD and when I DO nod and say yes, they lessen their bugging and understands me when i'm

easily angered ^^ haha XD Love them~!

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aha, I'm evil when I'm on my period -.-"

oh gee, one time I was trying to text my mom because we ran out of pads,

and like I guess I accidentally texted my ex to buy me some more and he

texted back and was like " ... okay ... ? " ahaha -- awkward .

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Guest aznshordy

he usually is clueless and just has a huge imaginary question mark over his head the whole time lol

but he knows something is up and tries to fix whatever he thought he did wrong ahahaha

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Guest Cottondooda

Waaaait, what?

Do people really PMS? I thought it was a myth. ><

When I have my period, my mood doesn't change. Does that mean I have a problem? o.o;;

And also, I don't remember my friends ever pmsing...

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Guest Babiebim

my bf doesnt have to cope with anything... i dont pms, and most people pms coz they expected it.

my guy friends who have pms-prone gfs just buy them plenty of sugar so they wouldnt be too cranky.

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Guest starelainek

suprisingly, i dont get cranky at all.

mine's the EXACT opposite. i can handle anything that day, whether its an F on a test, other girls PMSing, or if i lost a quarter in my bag and cant find it.

but i guess i simmer down cause im scared of all the blood. hahahaa.

forget about what i just said. please forget it. =|

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