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Song Seung Hun 송승헌


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God ! I cant imagine u could be that busy with my man ! Thanks for such business ^^

I cant help smiling at the word " conflict". So coincident that I have been recently studying about "Dealing with conflict" and u know what? it says one of the causes of conflict is...different expectations ! We obviously have different expectations about LDC character ^^

Luckily it's not the conflict to solve by ourselves, but just inner conflict of yours. Well, dont be ...distracted by that post of mine. You have a right to keep ur idealization about LDC without ache. And I keep ...mine :lol:

PS. These days have been suddenly busy and tired with studying and part-time job. Couldn't find enough time for myself and him when too many things to say ...Really missed him and ..LDC *sigh*

lol thanx for ur sweet response dear ^^ i really dont want my perception of DC be spoiled lol wanna keep it till the end hehe

posted by njs @ TSH:


PHJ talks about EOE story progress at his fansclub

Next is the conflict between DC and DW, and MH will help DC.

So, it's DC&MH vs DW&STH. <--- the heavens have re-alligned the characters to their rightful place in destiny

thanx for the updates dear ^^ just breakin my heart how DW'll turn his back on DC :tears: havent yet seen today's episode, but he must be hurting, all the love that he have for DW, all the sarcifices he's made, all his wasted life *sigh*





my all time fav DC pic :wub: :wub: :wub:


credit Baidu/TSH

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thanx for the updates dear ^^ just breakin my heart how DW'll turn his back on DC :tears: havent yet seen today's episode, but he must be hurting, all the love that he have for DW, all the sarcifices he's made, all his wasted life *sigh*

my all time fav DC pic :wub: :wub: :wub:


credit Baidu/TSH

you're welcome Woundedheart :sweatingbullets:

oooooo a nice picture here of Sunie (will make a signature with this :sweatingbullets: )

about DW, gwen ja nah...i hope in the end DW and DC will have a reconciliation where both accept each other...and more importantly DW accepts MH as DC's true brother w/o feeling that DC's love for him is dead which is not the case...DC will always care for DW...he has the heart to take on DW's prosecutorial duties even if it is against him...i do hope DW will realize what he's doing before he himself feels the overwhelming guilt in the end...

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you're welcome Woundedheart :sweatingbullets:

oooooo a nice picture here of Sunie (will make a signature with this :sweatingbullets: )

about DW, gwen ja nah...i hope in the end DW and DC will have a reconciliation where both accept each other...and more importantly DW accepts MH as DC's true brother w/o feeling that DC's love for him is dead which is not the case...DC will always care for DW...he has the heart to take on DW's prosecutorial duties even if it is against him...i do hope DW will realize what he's doing before he himself feels the overwhelming guilt in the end...

DW turn againts DC? I really cannot stand his attitute...Izzit its just an act to take down STH? But it look so real that DW hates DC right now? All the things that DC sacfices for DW? OMO, i can't really stand the way he treat his brother right now!!!

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AmberSong: Thank you sooo much for your help!! :lol: It's been tough for me to get the info since I'm somewhat out of the loop. So, I'm very very happy that you gave me the address for M.Net Media. ^^ Yeah, I just read about the contract ending at the end of Feb. after backtracking this thread a bit.

2uss: Would you mind PMing me CallaSH's contact as well? :D When I used to frequent the Honeylang board, I knew there was someone named Hyekyeong. But I'm not sure who's organizing things now. Heehee~

Thanks for all the droolicious pics/wallies/caps!! I saved all the Mindbridge ones!! Our honey looks sooo adorable in specs!! :wub:

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DW turn againts DC? I really cannot stand his attitute...Izzit its just an act to take down STH? But it look so real that DW hates DC right now? All the things that DC sacfices for DW? OMO, i can't really stand the way he treat his brother right now!!!


i totally can see why the writer(s) wants us to feel this way...and i was right...ever since early on in the drama...i had a feeling writer Na and writer Lee believes in the saying "blood is thicker than water" ...surely from at least in the preview of ep48!! i do not see the old DW anymore...all i see is STH's true son...

it's gonna be interesting to see how the writer tries to pull all these conflicts and develope the "reconciliation" process...

2uss: Would you mind PMing me CallaSH's contact as well? :D When I used to frequent the Honeylang board, I knew there was someone named Hyekyeong. But I'm not sure who's organizing things now. Heehee~

Thanks for all the droolicious pics/wallies/caps!! I saved all the Mindbridge ones!! Our honey looks sooo adorable in specs!! :wub:

eheheh you're welcome dreamweaver :sweatingbullets:

i sent you a pm

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Ok I am going to put my two cents in here ....even though I am the newbie......I also want to slap DW because he isn't thinking just reacting....I am shouting at him in my head to just look around and put the facts together. Also JH is helping to pull DW into the web so she can keep her place...not smart...In the original novel the lesson was actually that blood isnt always thicker than water. That is why the Asian butler or whatever he was told the main character that he DIDN'T have to be the same as his mother and his father. That he had a choice eventhough Aron his brother was killed because Aron felt he had no choice. Redemption through your actions. I think that DC will get in big trouble protecting Grace and the brothers will have to pull together to save him. I also think the new girl will marry DW and it will be part of his recovery. I hope Grace and DC will get together and for that matter MH will get his son back with or without the mother......(she really need to get her nose out of the wealth) Anyway this is my opinion for what is was worth...I just hope nonet of the leads die.

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you're welcome Woundedheart :sweatingbullets:

oooooo a nice picture here of Sunie (will make a signature with this :sweatingbullets: )

been thinkin the same thing but each time i try & see this particular pic, im getting breathless, how can i rationalize everytime i try to post a simple letter in here ?? *faint*

have to go sleep, ill try to respond to some interesting posts tomorrow :blush:

meanwhile :


credit Baidu

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Ok I am going to put my two cents in here ....even though I am the newbie......I also want to slap DW because he isn't thinking just reacting....I am shouting at him in my head to just look around and put the facts together. Also JH is helping to pull DW into the web so she can keep her place...not smart...In the original novel the lesson was actually that blood isnt always thicker than water. That is why the Asian butler or whatever he was told the main character that he DIDN'T have to be the same as his mother and his father. That he had a choice eventhough Aron his brother was killed because Aron felt he had no choice. Redemption through your actions. I think that DC will get in big trouble protecting Grace and the brothers will have to pull together to save him. I also think the new girl will marry DW and it will be part of his recovery. I hope Grace and DC will get together and for that matter MH will get his son back with or without the mother......(she really need to get her nose out of the wealth) Anyway this is my opinion for what is was worth...I just hope nonet of the leads die.

WOOOOOOO tendoclan you read Steinbeck's EOE novel...

yes yes yes!! Steinbeck's went further to go beyond the saying "blood is thicker than water " he reached deep inside humanism and explained that thru "redemption" we can overcome the stigma of that saying...it's interesting that Steinbeck chose the "asian butler" for that wisdom...because asians are heavily influenced by that saying that "blood is thicker than water" they hold it at a very high meaning compare to other race...

cool...i thought i was the only one that read John Steinbeck's EOE novel :) glad to know that someone here have read it :D

been thinkin the same thing but each time i try & see this particular pic, im getting breathless, how can i rationalize everytime i try to post a simple letter in here ?? *faint*

it's ok to faint once in awhile :lol:

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*from HL:

daum article - EOE viewerships


[뉴스엔 이재환 기자]

MBC '에덴의 동쪽'과 KBS 2TV '꽃보다 남자'가 20%대 높은 시청률을 기록하며 인기 경쟁을 펼치고 있다.

한 시청률 조사회사에서는 '꽃보다 남자'가 30%대를 돌파했지만 또 다른 회사는 '에덴의 동쪽'과 1.5%포인트 차이를 보이며 박빙승부를 펼치고 있다.

이 때문에 일부에서는 '꽃보다 남자'의 시청자층이 일부에 국한된 것 아니냐는 분석도 나오고 있다. 또 서울 수도권의 경우 '에덴의 동쪽'이 높은 시청률을 보이고 있지만 지방에서는 '꽃보다 남자'가 강세를 보이고 있다.

시청률 조사회사 AGB닐슨미디어리서치에 따르면 2월10일 방송된 '꽃보다 남자' 12회는 전국기준 27.6%로 자체 최고 시청률을 기록했다. 이는 9일 11회 26.2%에 비해 높은 수치다.

'에덴의 동쪽' 48회는 전국기준 26.1%로 두 드라마간 격차는 1.5%포인트에 불과하다. 또 서울과 수도권 지역 시청률은 '에덴의 동쪽'이 '꽃보다 남자'를 크게 앞선다. '에덴의 동쪽' 서울 시청률은 29%, 수도권은 27.6%를 기록했다. 반면 '꽃보다 남자'는 서울 25.9%, 수도권 27%를 각각 보였다.

이재환 star@newsen.com

EOE viewers remain solid

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HAPPY LOVE DAY COMING SOON!!! :blush: :sweatingbullets:

*from jessie @ TSH:


message from Honeylang:

가족 여러분 안녕하세요~

오늘이 정월 대 보름날인데 우리 가족 여러분 모두 소원은 빌었는지요?

또, 오곡밥은 맛있게 드셨는지요.?

이제 며칠이 지나면 2월 14일 발렌타인 데이입니다.

매년 허니랑에서는 승헌님에게 예쁘고 맛있는 초콜릿을 허니랑의 사랑을 가득 담아 선물해드리고 있습니다.

초콜릿과 여러분의 정성이 담기 메세지도 함께 전달 하려 합니다.

승헌님께서 작년에 '에덴의 동쪽'으로 수많은 사람들에게 정말 큰 사랑을 받으시고,

연말에는 영광스런 연기대상의 수상으로 우리를 너무 행복하게 만들어 주셨습니다.

지금 이 순간에도 힘든 촬영 일정을 소화해 내시며 혼신의 힘을 다해 연기하고 계시는 승헌님에게

여러분의 사랑이 담기 메세지를 보신다면, 힘이 들고 지친마음을 따뜻하게 녹아 내릴 것입니다.

조금은 늦었지만, 여러분의 메세지를 아래 코멘트로 남겨 주시면 예쁘게 꾸며서 전달 하겠습니다.

메세지는 이번 주 목요일 밤 12시(2월12일) 까지 받겠습니다.

** 메세지 작성하실 때

닉네임으로 인사 남기시고, 내용 작성 하실 때 한 깐 띄우고 내용을 남겨 주세요.

승헌님께서 누구인지? 잘~ 알아 보실 수 있게 써주세요.^^

SSH will be receiving messages and gifts from fans a few days before and up to Valentine's day. Every year SSHnim loves to celebrate with chocolates hint hint ;) send chocolates :lol::sweatingbullets:

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DUN DUN DUN!! DC needs to teach DW some respect lessons <_<

*from TSHteam @ TSH:


DC smiling @ Gukja :blush: and the classic scene riding on the motorcycle together B)

*from jessie @ TSH:



this is cute and funny, you can see Sunie making faces :lol: because he knows the screen play (camera shot) will be on lawyer Kim and DW/STH's assistant at this very scene in the episode...he still continues to have fun during shootings :rolleyes:


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^ thanks for that cute gif and caps, 2uss!! :D

omo... so, honeylang's accepting gifts and messages for v-day on behalf of our honey?! eeep... i guess i'll just miss that then. hope i'll be lucky when i get there. ^^ mmm... chocolates... does he have a fave kind? *lol*

does anyone know what seung heon oppa has lined up after East of Eden? :lol:

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^ thanks for that cute gif and caps, 2uss!! :D

you're welcome dreamweaver!! :sweatingbullets:

omo... so, honeylang's accepting gifts and messages for v-day on behalf of our honey?! eeep... i guess i'll just miss that then. hope i'll be lucky when i get there. ^^ mmm... chocolates... does he have a fave kind? *lol*

Sunie did CFs for Lotte China Chocolates in 2007, but i'm not sure if its his favorite chocolate though :P

*from njs @ TSH:



does anyone know what seung heon oppa has lined up after East of Eden? :lol:

CFs..CFs..and more CFs :w00t:B) although i hope he gets enough rests in between at least, especially after EOE :tears:

and speaking of CFs...here is a video of the CF photoshoot for Mind Bridge 2009

*from jessie @ TSH:

Mind Bridge 2009 CF video

Mind Bridge official Website


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thanks for the pics comaixanh :D

*from TY_KSW @ soompi:

Kwon sang Woo shooting for MBC "Golden Fishery" - Song Seung Hun surprise visit.

Newsen 2009-02-12 15:30:44


"Golden Fishery" hosted by Kang Ho Dong shooting with guest star Kwon Sang Woo. Kwon Sang Woo's best friend Song Seung Hun paid a sudden visit.

On February 11 in Kyonggi-Do Ilsan the weekly variety show "Goden Fishery" was taping with guest star Kwon Sang Woo. A surprise for the actor is his best friend Song Seung Hun has paid a sudden vist to the station while the programe was in halfway time. The filming team made a short break for the buddies meeting.

In the interview hosted by Kang Ho Dong actor Kwon Sang Woo expressed his excited feeling and happiness with the new baby son born on February 6. He replied that there is nothing called "obstacle" at this time with the newly daddy and mommy. Kwon also talked about his characters in current projects "Sadder Than Sad Story", and the new coming MBC drama "Cinderella Man".

Golden Fishery guesting star Kwon Sang Woo will broadcast on MBC date February 18

Source: http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=200902121516011001

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oh wow, 2uss. (btw, what's your name? i'm lisa. ^^) thanks for the info and the mindbridge clips/pics. i've been out of the loop and didn't know he had shot a CF for those chocolates. heehee~

yes, i'll hope he'll be getting some rest as well. EoE was such a long project.

that's really sweet of him to drop by to see KSW at the golden fishery shooting. i've always enjoyed their work together. :D

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