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F4 2nd Teaser Pg 96

Guest virvir111

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Guest huangmeixi

nationalistic chinese people are sooo freakin annoying

So are nationalistic Koreans. I dropped it. No more comments on this please.

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the fashions in this version is so like very high class compare to the tw and jp version. the jp version has some really nice high fashions too but in this version, you can definitely tell that the F4 are super duper rich. I also wonder what this version's necklace will look like. The tw version was the meteor star necklace and the jp version was the saturn necklace. I hope it'll be a really nice, pretty necklace..

Ohhhhhhhh...I was looking at the photos and thinking just the opposite. Those guys don't look that rich to me. I think they are trying to go for the English country side look/feel but they aren't pulling that look off too well. The only one that looks rich is Hyun Joong Kim. His clothes look crisp and sharp (with the exception of that black/white sweater he is seen wearing). The clothes in the Japanese version look pretty rich to me. In the Taiwanese version, the clothes looked more ordinary to me. I'm thinking it's not about the clothes the characters wear but more about how they carry themselves. Do the characters have the "I'm the center of the universe" arrogance about them? Are they wearing blue jeans but walk right into Tiffany and say, "I want that pair of diamond earrings" and don't bother to ask the price? I have known people who come from wealth that like wearing ripped jeans and a faded sweater but have loads of money from their family. They never worry about prices of things and just buy what they want. Likewise, I know people who wear rich looking clothes (real designer clothes rather than knock off designer clothes) and are totally BROKE! They are always asking how much something is and then try to borrow from someone to pay for it. LOL. I'm looking forward to how the Korean cast pulls off the "I've got more money than you would every know" personalities. It should be really interesting to see.

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I'm not liking liking GooHyeSun's expressions, they're so TYPICAL.

Why do they always have to make the main girl look cutesy cutesy and tough.

I know Jandi is supposed to be a tough character but she's also just very plain and normal.

Those expressions are just so typical for a korean drama, it's getting kind of annoying and repetitive.

I really hope this isn't how she's going to act in the drama.

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Guest virvir111

I'm not liking liking GooHyeSun's expressions, they're so TYPICAL.

Why do they always have to make the main girl look cutesy cutesy and tough.

I know Jandi is supposed to be a tough character but she's also just very plain and normal.

Those expressions are just so typical for a korean drama, it's getting kind of annoying and repetitive.

I really hope this isn't how she's going to act in the drama.

cuz thats how the character is duh.... happy funny cute. i think she looks too cute for you?? iono... lol ,, obviously thats not how she's going to be in the drama.. its PHOTO SHOOT. haha

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I'm not liking liking GooHyeSun's expressions, they're so TYPICAL.

Why do they always have to make the main girl look cutesy cutesy and tough.

I know Jandi is supposed to be a tough character but she's also just very plain and normal.

Those expressions are just so typical for a korean drama, it's getting kind of annoying and repetitive.

I really hope this isn't how she's going to act in the drama.

How can you judge her expressions if it hasn't even been released yet?

Can we leave the judging to when the drama has ACTUALLY started on television? There's no point in crapping on about this stuff if you haven't even seen it yet.

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Guest virvir111

How can you judge her expressions if it hasn't even been released yet?

Can we leave the judging to when the drama has ACTUALLY started on television? There's no point in crapping on about this stuff if you haven't even seen it yet.

haha yeah.. sorta agree..they just look at the pic and go " IS THAT HOW THEY ARE GOING TO ACTING IN THE DRAMA????" omg.... its like.. seriously.. think. all i can do is sigh and shake my head and pity them..

So are nationalistic Koreans. I dropped it. No more comments on this please.

i think any1's over nationalistic minds can keep ppl from thinking straight. ;) yeah lets drop it ppls~ lol

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Guest lovecubedlee

oooh thanks for the vid!

at the end, the song was the meteor garden (tw version) theme song but..in korean! how coool..anyone know who sings it?

and ugh,

i don't even want to get into the tw vs korea conflict...there shouldnt even be one. i love both sides yay! ok done bye!

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Guest blissfully_unaware13x

aw goo hye sun is so cute. esp. in that pic with her cheeks like blown out and her finger to her mouth in the above post haha

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The photoshoot looks great. (But I don't know why they keep on putting Kim Bum next to Minho... not that I think one's better than the other, but Kim Bum has a tiny head and Minho's is rather large in comparison... xDDDD And I think they should've put GHS in plain, everyday clothes to emphasize the difference in status...) But that's probably just me being picky. xD Anyway, I'm still liking almost everything so far, which is great. <3 CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE ACTUAL POSTERS

And I was like really 'woah' at first when I found out Rui's grandfather was the president but now I sort of like it... Sort of shows how big the influence the F4 has. @____@ Plus they never really explained how he was so rich before...

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okay cuz me backing up jerry yan totally makes me a chinese celeb hater.. :rolleyes: alright.. ANYWAYS..yeah please DO take it and leave it.


im personally loving the photoshoot.. im sort of happy that jihoo's grandfather is a ex president.ora current president. .cuz that shows his supppper rich. because honestly.. i didnt know why RUI was rich in the manga.why was he?? . he was rich.. but there was no info about how he was rich unlike the other members...

If I remember correctly, I think it did mention about him owning some kind of company but Rui is not really interested in that kind of thing or does not want to be the head of the company. It's true that it doesn't really mention about Rui's rich life and why he's rich along w/ Akira. I don't really know much about him in the manga. As for Soujiro, you can understand where he's coming from.

Ohhhhhhhh...I was looking at the photos and thinking just the opposite. Those guys don't look that rich to me. I think they are trying to go for the English country side look/feel but they aren't pulling that look off too well. The only one that looks rich is Hyun Joong Kim. His clothes look crisp and sharp (with the exception of that black/white sweater he is seen wearing). The clothes in the Japanese version look pretty rich to me. In the Taiwanese version, the clothes looked more ordinary to me. I'm thinking it's not about the clothes the characters wear but more about how they carry themselves. Do the characters have the "I'm the center of the universe" arrogance about them? Are they wearing blue jeans but walk right into Tiffany and say, "I want that pair of diamond earrings" and don't bother to ask the price? I have known people who come from wealth that like wearing ripped jeans and a faded sweater but have loads of money from their family. They never worry about prices of things and just buy what they want. Likewise, I know people who wear rich looking clothes (real designer clothes rather than knock off designer clothes) and are totally BROKE! They are always asking how much something is and then try to borrow from someone to pay for it. LOL. I'm looking forward to how the Korean cast pulls off the "I've got more money than you would every know" personalities. It should be really interesting to see.

that was what I was looking for.. English country side look/feel.

Go Hye Sun definitely has the cute round eyes to match w/ the manga character as Tsukushi Makino.

geekazoinks, the Korean version is following the manga version but the storyline will be a little different compare to the TW and JP version. Read first post for more info on the storyline.

For some reason, I'm not feeling too confident about Kim Hyun Joo's role as Tsubaki. Don't get me wrong.. I love the actress but her personality is the soft kind type. I can't picture of as a kick richard simmons, tough sister to Goo Joon Pyo. Unless, she proves me wrong but I'll still look forward to her character.. I guess it'll be a different role for her.

oh yeah, so what's the title for this version? Are they going to keep it as Boys Over Flower or Jandi, I Love?

the guys in this version are so tall.. LMH & KJ are 6'0, KHJ is 5'9 and KB is 5'8.

I was reading a few pages back, THEY'RE DROPPING THE EVIL MOM OF GOO JOON PYO? say what?

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thanks for the youtube link and the screencaps.

They are all looking great and also very much alike their characters. I'm looking foward for korean HYD.

I wonder who will sing some of the songs of the soundtrack. Group 8's drama normally has very good OST.

Hyun Joong, Koo Hye Sung and Kim Joon all know how to sing... will they sing any of the songs of the OST?

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Guest virvir111

For some reason, I'm not feeling too confident about Kim Hyun Joo's role as Tsubaki. Don't get me wrong.. I love the actress but her personality is the soft kind type. I can't picture of as a kick richard simmons, tough sister to Goo Joon Pyo. Unless, she proves me wrong but I'll still look forward to her character.. I guess it'll be a different role for her.

oh yeah, so what's the title for this version? Are they going to keep it as Boys Over Flower or Jandi, I Love?

the guys in this version are so tall.. LMH & KJ are 6'0, KHJ is 5'9 and KB is 5'8.

I was reading a few pages back, THEY'RE DROPPING THE EVIL MOM OF GOO JOON PYO? say what?

kim hyun joo has played reallly funny tomboyish roles most of her career..lol.. except for the msot recent ones.. but in that one she was still really "ARG " too..

title is BOYS OVER FLOWER when translated to english.. in korean pronounciation its


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Guest curlyhairedteen

Thank you so much for the screencaps.

They look like the characters!!!!!

Although I didn't like jung pyo's curls Im starting to like it :lol:

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Guest subdwfreaky

oh well, i should always come and leave my thanks cuz i'm always anticipating updates....esp picsss.... :lol:

Yoon Ji Hoo's grandfather is Korea's President? O_O....that's mad rich/influential...haha

Kim Joon isn't interviewed? T_T...well, what else can i say when he's really not as popular?

about Jan Di's expressions....well, i'm not a big fan of cutesy either.....but if it's typical kdrama-ish...then i guess it's about adapting a manga into a Korean drama.......it's good for Korean version to be different than Taiwan or Japan ones....cuz it gives this one its own identity(as much as i hate typical Kdrama cliches...). just my opinion.

and about them looking not like rich guys....well, they look pretty rich enough for me :lol: ....trust me, if you read at the manga, the F4 dudes in there don't even look that rich, but you know they are....haha

Gu Hye Sun looks so cute in her interview....lovely.

Lee Min Ho's interview....0_0.....is he really turning into the real Domyouji Tsukasa or is that just me getting confused?

they cut too much of Kim Joon scenes though even without interview.....oh well....sad.

one thing i don't really like is the group photoshoot of F4 n Jandi.......iono what....but i hope those aren't gonna be how the poses in the poster turn out. they could do way better than that with their distinctive looks n charms.

anyway, thanks for the updates, as always.

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^^You can't really judge how someone is going to go by a single photoshoot. Yeah GHS's poses were a little cutesy & not really anything brand spanking new & out of the ordinary but we can't condemn her yet until we see the actual series.

NOW... the problem I have w/ (Rui) Ji Hoo's grandfather being the President of Korea is that (Tsukasa) Joon Pyo's family is meant to be the most powerful & influential of the country... so what does the (Doumyouji) Goon family do then??

Anyways, the photoshoot clip was fun to watch, it only tickles my fancy even more XDD Lee Min Ho is really tall indeed! <3

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Guest virvir111

^^You can't really judge how someone is going to go by a single photoshoot. Yeah GHS's poses were a little cutesy & not really anything brand spanking new & out of the ordinary but we can't condemn her yet until we see the actual series.

NOW... the problem I have w/ (Rui) Ji Hoo's grandfather being the President of Korea is that (Tsukasa) Joon Pyo's family is meant to be the most powerful & influential of the country... so what does the (Doumyouji) Goon family do then??

Anyways, the photoshoot clip was fun to watch, it only tickles my fancy even more XDD Lee Min Ho is really tall indeed! <3

obviously something bigger.. lol

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