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[THE OFFICIAL] IU 아이유 Thread


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akinahana89 said: Hold your head up high, Uaenas. A true fan will always support their celebrity, even if they don't necessarily agree with them on every aspect, but that is the risk we take in fully supporting someone. For better or worse, we are there for them - not in front, not behind, but side by side.

Remember that a fan and/or a fan club is a direct representation of their celebrity. If we, as Uaenas, bash, criticize, or negatively remark on someone else and act in a poor manner in general, it will reflect back on our celebrity. So let us always stand tall and proud of being Uaenas, always be respectful to others, but blunt and harsh if needed, even when they are directly attacking IU or Uaenas, so that an attack on a larger scale can not be made against IU because of the actions of her most devoted fans.

Let's always react with poise and dignity with steel armor. Never waiver, dear Uaenas, and stay strong! Let IU be able to rely on us, lean on us, and feel our support for her if she so needs it! :D

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Annyeong yeoreobon, this is funny...enjoy.

itemprop="name"14 times IU failed at being a nerd

by CoCo Kdrama on Thu, Nov 14, 2013 iu-303926.png                              

I hate to call her out on it, but IU is a total nerd poser. She's always trying to look like a nerd, including in her new Kdrama, Pretty Man, but try as she might, I'm just not buying it. Trust me, I know what an awkward phase looks like (I lived an awkward decade), and you can't just stick IU behind some glasses and call it good. She's far too pretty and talented for that! Here are 14 times IU completely failed at being a nerd:

 1. When she tried to play a nerdy school girl in Dream High, but she just ended up becoming a hot school girl.

tumblr_m97sbpV02J1rvv4qro1_400.gif 2. When her character was definitely not supposed to be a fashion icon, but even her Mickey Mouse hair tie from this scene sold out in Korea.

dream-high-iu.jpg 3. When she made knitting look sexy. Seriously?!


4. When she broke her nerdy face pose by flashing her beautiful smile with perfectly straight, white teeth.


5. And those squished cheeks didn't fool us at all.


6. When she was supposed to be the embarrassing and incompetent member of her family in You're the Best, Lee Soon Shin, and she kept being referred to as just an average girl...


7. ...but we didn't buy it at all.


8. When she made the most adorable shy girl hiding behind a camera ever...


9. ...but probably cracked the lens with her radiance when she stepped in front of it.


10. When she looked so cute telling us to save the earth like a true tree hugger.

6e4721e8f044c36edf34f35f521d623e.jpg 11. When her oversized glasses and pig tails couldn't stop us from noticing her perfect, porcelain skin and pouty, full lips.


12. And again with the glasses! JUST STOP IT. Not convinced.


13. Not even when they're combined with a high bun, are we fooled.


14. And when she was cast to play the nerdy and awkward, but adorable, female lead in Pretty Man...


...but it's already obvious that ADORABLE will trump NERDY pretty early on in this show:


So there you have it! Proof of all of IU's nerd FAILS. But it's not really her fault that she's just too adorable. Let's see how long she can pull the nerdiness off in Pretty Man when it comes out next week, that is, if we're not too distracted by the beauty of Jang Geun Suk.

And make sure to sign up for Pretty Man new episode alerts HERE!

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iu93jjang said: some Ailee fan said that IU went to hiding after the incident happen.. my reaction

no she not performing but she became an MC to gayo award!! do not cry at all even at that time nobody defence her and just doing her job professionally.. wow some people really try hard to defence Ailee even if its mean bring down IU.. speechless................ 

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Guest violet9004

not hating on Ailee fan or anything but the fact that they keep saying how much Ailee been through also the fact that they feel Ailee deserve more than IU just because she having a hard time really make me wonder how the different thing that IU receive at the time when the incident happen.. she hardly receive any support.. IU been through a lot and people just not realised that sometimes.. just because she did't cry or anything that does't mean that she ok with what happen to her at that time..
as a women i feel sorry to Ailee and support her but her fan or anyone who support her does't need to compared these two and lowering one to make another look great.
just my two cent about this whole thing..

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Guest violet9004


Kim Bo Tong, age 26, a true ordinary girl-next-door.

She has got many kinds of weird habits such as recycling other peoples discarded unwanted goods and creates it into a bag, reusing her brother's old windcheater and creates it into a singlet to wear!

However, she has a very unique sense & style of fashion!

Supposedly, these weird little habits sort of always humilate Dokgo Mate resulting to lectures from him everytime they meet up with each other!

Her only solution is backing off 10 steps away and calls him to apologise!

She's personally willing to endure all of his physical insults and yet does'nt feel aggrieve just because of her deep love for him!

However....one day, there comes this lady, Hong Yoo Ra that she highly dislikes, always appearing by Dokgo Mate's side everytime she sees him.

Not only that, Dokgo Mate begins to date Hong Yoo Ra, all other women and even a top star in Korea!

Even so, she still has her eyes only for him!

Unknowingly, the Kim Bo Tong growing up together with Dokgo Mate since young has now become the industry's second best home-shopping company person-in-charge!

However, after hearing Hong Yoo Ra's remarks has let her make a decision of leaving the Dokgo Mate that has been driven into a corner and become the man who's always willing to lend a helping hand to, Choi David's woman!

cr IUSukkieholliC

look like BT will leave MT and be with CD and MT will fight to win her heart back.. that's our girl!! ;)

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iu93jjang said: not hating on Ailee fan or anything but the fact that they keep saying how much Ailee been through also the fact that they feel Ailee deserve more than IU just because she having a hard time really make me wonder how the different thing that IU receive at the time when the incident happen.. she hardly receive any support.. IU been through a lot and people just not realised that sometimes.. just because she did't cry or anything that does't mean that she ok with what happen to her at that time..
as a women i feel sorry to Ailee and support her but her fan or anyone who support her does't need to compared these two and lowering one to make another look great.
just my two cent about this whole thing..

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Guest violet9004

people sometimes forget that last year scandal victim is still straggling to recover just like T ara but luckily IU did manage to recover but i just can't stand people making fun,comparing and judgemental toward the scandal victim.. you can support someone without lowering or smashing another one this is not to Ailee fan but all Kpop fan.. i always sensitive toward T ara and IU cases cause they both build on assumption on something that don't even real..

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iu93jjang said: @9jill9
people sometimes forget that last year scandal victim is still straggling to recover just like T ara but luckily IU did manage to recover but i just can't stand people making fun,comparing and judgemental toward the scandal victim.. you can support someone without lowering or smashing another one this is not to Ailee fan but all Kpop fan.. i always sensitive toward T ara and IU cases cause they both build on assumption on something that don't even real..

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Just dropped by to say hello.
Been a fan for ...4 years? Sadly, I discovered this thread only recently and literally went through all 177 pages. Uah, crazy. Well, I enjoyed it.
I've become a fan through her first appearance on Sketchbook and her performances there were the most enjoyable for me. Didn't really like Boo and Marshmallow concept that much. Sure, it was cute and I still liked her voice, but I found it somehow a waste.
It was the first and last time, when artist attract me so much. My love for this humble, cool, strong, honest, talented, down to earth, kind, smart, mature (ok, i'll better stop^^) and at the same time adorable and somehow dorky girl hasn't weakened at all. Rather than that, it's still growing.
I've been following her closely and will definitely do so for a long time. Seeing her growth over the years was trully amazing adventure. I love the direction, in which she is going right now.
It's great to see her finally being who she want to be and doing what she want to do, not what people expect her to do. I've been waiting for that, since it was obvious this will happen sooner or later. She was giving hints all over the place. Modern Times is simply amazing and I'm already looking forward to see what she will give us in the future.
Ah, and my Modern Times has finally arrived today (finally! after a month! >.<) So.. stylish^^ Will watch dvd soon.
I'm anticipating IU's acting in Pretty Man, but not the drama itself. Honestly, plot seems kinda poor. Well, maybe I will be positively surprised. Hope so.
And I have to add, that I really like this fandom. It's .. i don't really know. Somehow .. cool? Calm and laid-back, but really supportive.
Oh, and will share Hidden Singer preview, since nobody posted it yet.

I probaby won't be really active here, since i'm extremely shy (yeah, even online :c), but i will be definitely following this thread everyday.

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@mumfu that's my favourite article now..soo funny..
@kimsoyeon 18 ahjumma laugh "attack" from IU...hahaha..glad she having fun.. thankyou for pics and GIF
@iu93jjang @9jill9 I agreed with you..
@IU Ina Fanbase annyeong :-h I'm from INA too.. I following @allaboutIU on twitter, is that you?
@akye annyeong..wow, 4 years .. ?your my sunbae, then hehehe.. glad you join with us here? (i'm a shy person IRL too, hehe), thank you for video. don't just drop by ..
@all good morning ...


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akye said: Just dropped by to say hello.
Been a fan for ...4 years? Sadly, I discovered this thread only recently and literally went through all 177 pages. Uah, crazy. Well, I enjoyed it.
I've become a fan through her first appearance on Sketchbook and her performances there were the most enjoyable for me. Didn't really like Boo and Marshmallow concept that much. Sure, it was cute and I still liked her voice, but I found it somehow a waste.
It was the first and last time, when artist attract me so much. My love for this humble, cool, honest, talented, down to earth, kind, smart, mature (ok, i'll better stop^^) and at the same time adorable and somehow dorky girl hasn't weakened at all. Rather than that, it's still growing.
I've been following her closely and will definitely do so for a long time. Seeing her growth over the years was trully amazing adventure. I love the direction, in which she is going right now.
It's great to see her finally being who she want to be and doing what she want to do, not what people expect her to do. I've been waiting for that, since it was obvious this will happen sooner or later. She was giving hints all over the place. Modern Times is simply amazing and I'm already looking forward to see what she will give us in the future.
Ah, and my Modern Times has finally arrived today (finally! after a month! >.<) So.. stylish^^ Will watch dvd soon.
I'm anticipating IU's acting in Pretty Man, but not the drama itself. Honestly, plot seems kinda poor. Well, maybe I will be positively disappointed. Hope so.
And I have to add, that I really like this fandom. It's .. i don't really know. Somehow .. cool? Calm and laid-back, but really supportive.
Oh, and will share Hidden Singer preview, since nobody posted it yet.

I probaby won't be really active here, since i'm extremely shy (yeah, even online :c), but i will be definitely following this thread everyday.

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