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[THE OFFICIAL] IU 아이유 Thread


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Happy, happy weekend!  Hi all.  :)
I saw this beautiful picture of IU over at iu-jjang and wanted to share it with everyone
22l200 edits of IU melting my heart

As for IU being a part-timer for a short period with YIN, I think that would be wonderful.  They get to spend time together and IU seems to love radio shows.  :)
Anyways, @katkat09, I came across this pic and thought of you when I saw it.   :))
Best Gaming Deals: A Headset with 'Stellar Surround' Sound, Games from $7

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Chingu apparently Wooyoung was describing his ideal type on WGM recently......any guesses as to who he has on his mind...kekeke!..Just teasing @Eng!itomitomitumblr_mz9aleb09Z1se3ocbo1_500.jpg

tumblr_mz9aleb09Z1se3ocbo2_500.jpg It's possibly a case of too little too late Wooyoung.

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[TRANSLATION] 140110 Curvism magazine interview with director of IU’s MVs, Hwang Soo-ah

Q: You’ve made many videos, so I’m not sure where to start (laughs), but I shall start by asking you about IU’s recent MV ‘Friday’. What’s the overall concept for the MV? 

'Friday' is an original composition by IU and a song that was put into the special album as an epilogue to her 'Modern Times' album this year. I was wondering about what we could do to make it fun and decided to go with a 'One Scene One Cut' filming technique, which was light and could bring out her unique style. Also, a year ago when she was still preparing for this album, she asked me to film it this way if her original composition was released. (Laughs) Actually, we filmed many teasers before ‘Modern Times’ was released and in one of the teasers, we wanted to use a hanok (traditional Korean house) in Seoul to film, but didn’t get to do it. So through the ‘Friday’ MV, we managed to make up for that.

Q: I think it’s really interesting that the lyrics for ‘Friday’ are about a budding relationship between a couple, yet the MV is about a love triangle.

The MV is about a budding relationship too, but we thought it would be more interesting to add another twist. We wondered what it would be like for Jang Giyong, whose relationship did not come true to meet IU again in the present and start their relationship. Then we added Jang Yijung, who was singing the duet part in the song, to have a one-sided crush on IU, and thus developed the love triangle.


Q: Prior to the interview, I watched the making of the ‘Friday’ MV. From the song to the directing, IU was actively giving her suggestions, so what was the atmosphere actually like during filming?

IU’s suggestions are always good and plentiful. (Laughs) I watched that video too and there was a part that showed her giving directing instructions to Yijung. Since we had to have an OK at one shot, I think she was worried that someone might make mistakes along the way, and wanted to play safe. She said there can’t be an NG. (Laughs) Also, to match the tone of the music, she gave a lot of her own suggestions in between and was able to express it well. Since it’s her own composition, she would want to do a better job of the MV too.

more interview >>>>


Q: What sort of directing instructions did you give Jang Yijung and Jang Giyong?

For Giyong and IU’s scene, rather than doing any special acting, I told them to make it look as real as possible, since it was a scene of them having an affectionate date in a cafe. I told them it would be good if they didn’t do the same actions during every take. They did it differently for every take. They just did the sort of actions and used the sort of emotions that new couples in real life would do. On the other hand, Yijung’s tone is slightly different. I told him to do it with the kind of feel in HISTORY’s ‘What am I to You?’ because the situation was really ‘What am I to You?’ (Laughs) Also, I told him to make it look like him and IU were brother and sister. In actual fact, they’re under the same agency and are same age peers.


Q: After the MV was released, their acting was so real that they actually got themselves the nickname of the ‘ajang couple’, it seems Giyong played an active role in that. He acted in ‘The Red Shoes’ MV as well. (Note: Uhh I think the ajang couple was actually referring to IU and Jang Geunsuk but nvm.. lol)

Giyong had been taking still shots and ‘The Red Shoes’ MV was the first time he acted in a video. I felt that his acting in ‘The Red Shoes’ was really natural and he’s someone that’s rather profound and mysterious. Also, he seems to have good chemistry with IU too. There was a kiss scene in ‘Friday’ and actually there was one in ‘The Red Shoes’ as well, but the emotions then were of cherishing the memories of one another and the atmosphere was such that it wasn’t a must to include a kiss scene, so it was edited out. That was a bit of a pity (Laughs) so this time, we let it all out and included the kiss scene.


Q: Before the repackage album, you worked on ‘The Red Shoes’ MV and previously, you worked on B.E.G’s ‘Abracadabra’ MV starting from the recording process. Did you participate starting from the recording this time as well?

That’s the case for IU and B.E.G. When Cho Youngchul producer does the producing, he plans for a whole team including the composer, lyricist and me. We start discussing the concept and style of music from the initial stages. Of course, it was the same for ‘The Red Shoes’ this time as well.

Q: How did you feel when you first heard ‘The Red Shoes’ during the recording?

I liked it. I was also really looking forward to it. How to transform IU’s image was a task not just for the producer but for herself too, but she isn’t a female singer to take on a sexy concept. I felt that it was a song that maintained IU’s original appeal yet balanced that with transformation to some extent. Also, it’s an album with mainly songs with jazz as the base, so I pondered for a moment if it would suit IU’s style, but she managed to pull it off in her own style.

Q: When you produce MVs, do you follow the song and ensure that it suits the overall atmosphere, or develop the concept verse by verse? How was ‘The Red Shoes’ MV produced?

Umm, how do I do it? There’s a lot of stuff so…. (Laughs) Before ‘The Red Shoes’, there were many teasers. The reason being that we intended to show image transformations through the teasers, and show a more familiar image through ‘The Red Shoes’ MV. There was a period of vacuum for IU as a singer, so we felt that showing her existing image would be more well-received. Actually, our goal this time was to break free from that ‘fantasy’ concept we’ve been doing all this while, but eventually, it became another fantasy. (Laughs) But if it has been a fairytale all this while, this time we planned for a fantasy for adults. Feels like it’s not just all pretty stories anymore. More like a cruel fairytale. Also, in ‘You and I’ and ‘Good Day’ MVs, IU is left alone by herself. So this time, even within the fantasy, we created the image of her setting foot on the world. Also, the biggest concept was that of seeming carefree. In terms of her image, there are several factors holding her back, but we really wanted IU to be carefree. So we had the gypsies (in the MV).

Q: There are many different interpretations of ‘The Red Shoes’ MV. I’ll ask some questions that everyone has been curious about. (Laughs) Firstly, could you tell us how much of Andersen’s ‘The Red Shoes’ motif did you use in the MV?

Whether to call them ‘Bbalgan gudu (red shoes)’ or ‘Bunhongshin (pink shoes)’, starting from the naming of the song, we faced many issues. (Laughs) Apparently when Andersen’s fairytale was first translated in our country, it was titled ‘Bunhongshin’. So although it was a dilemma we faced, we separated that from our initial planning. The original piece was titled ‘Bbalgan gudu’, but because ‘Bunhongshin’ sounded better, we chose that as the song title. As for the meaning behind the two pairs of shoes in the MV that many people have been curious about, the ‘red shoes’ represent IU’s fate in the show business. She wants to take them off but she can’t. In the performance scenes, she’s wearing them because of the same reason. In between, Giyong puts on ‘pink shoes’ for IU and that’s the relationship he wants to have, you can see it as a romance. In the later half of the MV, she’s wearing ‘red shoes’ again. That’s her fate as a singer, who has no choice but to wear and dance with the ‘red shoes’. The part about wearing the ‘red shoes’ again is slightly different from the motif in the original fairytale.

Q: I see. There’s a scene of Giyong editing a film at the start of the MV, there were different opinions about that, such as to show the time period, or that he is editing his memories of IU.

That was something that was deliberately left open to interpretation. Expressing the time period is correct to a certain extent, but it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when it took place in the past. He is watching IU appearing on the screen, but only has a vague recollection of her. He’s sort of thinking to himself, ‘I’m sure I’ve seen this person before somewhere.’ It wasn’t our intention for the memories to be pieced together differently (Laughs).

Q: I have a final question. (Laughs) What was the purpose behind the black and white vs the colour scenes?

The past and the present, reality and imagination. On the whole, most interpretations are correct. Not everything is about complicated symbols . (Laughs) Before the song ‘The Red Shoes’ was out, it was already decided that the song would be of a jazz and swing genre. The rough concept of the MV then was ‘IU in a black and white movie’. The plan was to have IU come out into the world from a black and white movie. In the second half of the MV, IU enters a black and white world again, and that’s the world that she belongs to. The colour scene is the world that she wants to go to. That’s how we differentiated between them.


Q: I see it as the contrast between the black and white scenes and the colour scenes culminating in the final scene. 

That’s right. In the second half of the MV, when IU runs off, the ‘red shoes’ come out from her wardrobe. Eventually, the screen gradually becomes black and white.

Q. The shoes, typewriter, feathers flying, the English words that appear on the film monitor and poster at the start, with all these fine details, it seems there were various interpretations.

I guess so. Actually, the singing and dancing scenes took up more than half of the 3 minute plus song and the remaining drama scenes aren’t enough to explain the story. So we had to add in artistic devices and props. This way, more people would read into these and come up with richer interpretations. It wasn’t like we intentionally went ‘interpret this’, but sometimes there are people who think it’s there to be interpreted. (Laughs)


Q: It was amazing to have Yoo Heeyeol take part in the the filming of the MV. (Laughs)

IU always has a difficult time whenever we film MVs. She’s the kind to ask when it’ll end, while looking at the time the moment she comes in. (Laughs) There’s a timetable for the staff at the filming site. Usually, people don’t pay much attention to it, but the person who looks at it the most is IU. When we were filming the ‘You and I’ MV, IU fell asleep while waiting for her scene. She was resting her head on her hands and sleeping. (Laughs)


But this time when we were filming, that didn’t happen at all. She seemed to be having a good time too. She’s usually alone by herself, but this time, he was around during the waiting time, so she kept laughing. Yoo Heeyeol was supposed to be the king of the gypsies, so he worked hard during the long period of filming. There’s a part where IU changes into different clothes. The sound from what was being filmed would not be used, so they started making slanderous comments as well. But I didn’t expect him to dart his tongue out like that. (Laughs) Also, the Peppertones members were really fun. It was the first time that I saw this as well, but Yoo Heeyeol was wittty and the filming atmosphere was friendly. To the extent that IU couldn’t stop laughing throughout. (Laughs)

Q: Just listening to you, I think I can imagine what it was like at the filming site. (Laughs) IU’s MVs tend to use a lot of props too, what was it like preparing the props?

Careful attention has to be paid to the props for it to be IU’s MV, right? (Laughs) In particular, during the filming of the ‘You and I’ MV, since the story was about time, we really needed a lot of clocks. During the preparation process, we had a team in charge of the clock-related props. Apart from the clocks, creating the time machine in the MV was challenging too. Not only was it huge, it had to be such that one could enter it. So when we filmed the MV, we had a time machine artistic team, film set team and a clock team. After the filming of the MV, we left it temporarily at the front yard of the LOEN office and reused it a few times later on. During the filming of the Japanese ‘You and I’ PV, during the comeback stage broadcast, and finally during IU’s encore concert as a photobooth. After that, the gears all fell off, so I guess it’s reached the end of its lifespan. (Laughs)

Translated by squishy with love

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cut from the interview ....

Q: After the MV was released, their acting was so real that they actually got themselves the nickname of the ‘ajang couple’, it seems Giyong played an active role in that. He acted in ‘The Red Shoes’ MV as well. (Note: Uhh I think the ajang couple was actually referring to IU and Jang Geunsuk but nvm.. lol)

Giyong had been taking still shots and ‘The Red Shoes’ MV was the first time he acted in a video. I felt that his acting in ‘The Red Shoes’ was really natural and he’s someone that’s rather profound and mysterious. Also, he seems to have good chemistry with IU too. There was a kiss scene in ‘Friday’ and actually there was one in ‘The Red Shoes’ as well, but the emotions then were of cherishing the memories of one another and the atmosphere was such that it wasn’t a must to include a kiss scene, so it was edited out. That was a bit of a pity (Laughs) so this time, we let it all out and included the kiss scene.

my reaction:



Huhuhu...IU, why you so mean... :(( :((  You kiss him twice... :(( :((

@Eng ...can we cry together?

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[TRANSLATION] 140111 IU’s support message for Shannon and Yeonjun on Hidden Singer King of the Kings

Shannon Yeonjun~~~ How have you guys been? It’s almost time for the King of the Kings!! I’ve been busy finishing the filming for my drama recently, so although I want to go down to show my support, I’m sorry I can’t ㅜㅜ But I believe even without me, you’ll be able to do well too. It’s cold so be careful not to catch a cold! Take care of your throat, be confident and show your ability to the fullest!! IU team hwaiting!!


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Thank you so much for all IU goodies. Love it. I was working all day and couldn't access internet. She is so nice texting her message to shannon and another girl.

IU is also very nice with her fans. There was a fan who posted the screencap of her conversation with IU through kakaotalk. They seem really close. Not sure if there is any idol who is being down to earth like her. Hopefully I will be able to talk to her one day...keke even in my dream.

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@mumfu I have a feeling that Wooyoung probably like her since dream high. He did put his effort to get closer to her but as you all know there us still some distance between them. Poor Wooyoung. He is cute though. I think he's a bit awkward himself.

@KatKat09 I found that person is creepy too. ><

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@airbening I tried to think that she probably meant editing out the script and the real kiss scene wasn't richard simmons yet. However it's still hurt. T T That Kiyoung guy is really supposed to be shot!!! T_______T Group hugs!!

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Guest Tran Thuy

i listen again IU album Last Fantasy today, and realize how i love IU voice and her song in this album so much.

IU's voice is truly amzing. I wish she will sing those song live as much as she can at different shows (You know she often sings title songs only). Many song need spotlight too cuz all songs are all greatttttt

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class="entry-title"TIME TO KALEIDOSCOPEIU part 1

Let See What Happened Today in HistoryU

Singer IU, transforms into goddess for riding game ‘Alicia’ [2011.01.14]

The game ‘Alicia’ that’s gotten the nation hooked on horses has revealed images of their new model IU.

Ahead of the Ntreev Open, the photoshoot for IU as new spokesmodel for ‘The Story of a Horse and Me, Alicia' was released on the 14th.

As a model for ‘Alicia’, IU participated in a variety of concepts in order to best depict the new Alicia mascot. As the new face of the brand, the concepts of goddess and horseback rider will be used in all advertisements for ‘Alicia.’

IU herself visited Ntreev to take part in the game tests and even took horseback riding lessons. Soon, Ntreev plans on releasing a CF, music video, and OST with IU as ‘Alicia.’

IU will be an exclusive model for ‘Alicia,’ a game meant to familiarize people with ‘horses’ and ‘racing,’ and thus, set a new genre of gaming called ‘action riding.’ Gamers will get to travel through nature on horseback by jumping, gliding, and sliding and will get to experience the joys and triumphs of such a journey. Not only that, gamers will get to raise and care for their horse on a ranch, and will feel the satisfaction of getting to know horses better.

Translation: janeberryblue @ WeHeartIU.com
Source: Sports Chosun
Original Article: news.nate.com/view/20110114n07632
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class="entry-title"TIME TO KALEIDOSCOPEIU part 2

Let See What Happened Today in HistoryU

[110114] IU Performing Good Day Live @MuBank

cr: uploader

Oh..time flies so fast..that video have posted 3 years ago..and she win..

proud to be UAENA *tears*

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