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[THE OFFICIAL] IU 아이유 Thread


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She seems to be really stressed out right now. T T My baby... 
I think she cares her fans so much and worries if her fans don't like it. As Uaenas, we need to support her no matter what. I know I will like her new drama because she is such a good actress. And she will look good in any hair style. IU fighting!!

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Guest Tran Thuy

I actually wanted to tell my fans on Uaena first… to find out from the news articles, you guys must have been in a not very good mood! Firstly, I apologise that you had to find out from the news articles ㅜㅜ Originally, I wanted to drop by around Sunday night to thank everyone and to tell you guys, but from the drama’s perspective, it seemed improper to do so. I was waiting today. They said the news articles would be up at 8:30am, so I woke up at exactly 8:30am.. I thought my fans would have an uproar.. and indeed, since morning there were many posts on it. As active as the day I made my comeback!! Hahaha!!.. I understand all your concerns and I know you’re concerned for me. But you ask me why I hopped into the drama like a green frog, knowing you guys are worried for me! Well.. I’m not sure. I just wanted to do it ㅠ0ㅠ About a week after my album was released, I suddenly received the offer, anyway I still have leftover stamina, the promotions this round were quite short, and there are just 4 rounds of concert, so it would be quite a pity for this year to just end like that.. so umm in the last two months for this year, let’s work blazing hard!! and that’s how it was decided.. Ah I had something to say before that.. Some of you are worried and for some reason, feel betrayed deep inside, but this round of promotions was intended to last only 4 weeks. Not because of the drama or the concert, but other reasons.. But something cropped up with regards to that, so now there’s actually some time until the concert..? What should we do? At that moment! Pretty Man entered my life like that… After Soon Shin, I really wanted to act some more. After debuting for 5 years as singer IU, I came in first place last week (teehee♥)… but actress IU has only acted in two dramas so far, she’s just one among the many rookie actresses. I was glad to receive the offer. I want to work like a cow. Anyway, the album promotions did not get shortened because of the drama, I swear on my glassy vocal chords! Secondly, my stamina! Whether it was during Good Day or You and I, I managed to hang in there~ I’m exercising recently and eating well too, so my stamina is no joke~ Don’t worry!
Thirdly, concert! Ah.. actually if you’re worried about this, I’ll feel kind of sad.. You still don’t believe in me!! Although I haven’t always been doing well, I’ve always been working hard. I said if I don’t have the confidence to work hard, I won’t even start on it. If you’re actually worried that I’ll neglect my concert preparations.. then okay! I’ll have to work harderㅠ0ㅠ
There are circumstances that whether my company or me can’t explain, but there’s no need for all of you to be concerned with that. I won’t ask you to support me unconditionally. Just like the side of me that you like. You don’t need to understand everything. The parts that you don’t like, just say, “I don’t like it!!” I’ll just work hard responsibly on what I’ve been tasked with. If you see me working hard and feel like cheering me on, then cheer me on then. It’s okay, you really~~ don’t need to go all out to understand and work hard for me. I’m always sorry that I can’t please all of you. 
Finally, have a good lunch!!!♥


Cr. Squishy_blob: IU jjang

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9jill9 said: So, which of the 4 InStyle do my fellow Uaenas like?
I like them all but I really like the 1st and the last one.  IU definitely looks so feminine, classy with just a bare hint of sexiness.  Ah, IU/LJE, you are growing up to be a fine young woman.

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imo the best about the drama is everyone except it to flop. LOL
compete with the most hyped superstar tv-cb & the king of trend Kim Soo-hyun & writer of "queen" series , it is supposed to flop domestically. Plus they got a leading actor who always had bad ratings, IU won't feel rating pressures like when she was filming YTBLSS. 

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kimsoyeon18 said: GoodAftie :) :)

:-h :-h
IU's The Red Shoes Performance Version GIFs

thank u @kimsoyeon18.  iu looks really good here.  is it bad that i think i prefer this version  

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Wow.  His character sounds like a gigolo!  


Don't let this post..posted in JGS thread :))

But, it means IU will be the last girl who kissed by JGS??the 11th girl?? Hold my breath-->died

I really curious about IU's hair style too..maybe in next music show, IU will show it (or she will wear wig??)

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