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The Little Things That Make You Happy

Guest lavitadolce

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Guest Vidalia

1. Japanese Game Shows - lol this is the one sure thing to make my happy

2. My cat

3. Good music

4. Food

5. And of course my family and friends

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Guest Ramie.v

1. Waking up and with my lunch box already set for me.

2. Seeing my crush in the halls. =]

3. Pretz.

4. My iPod shuffle. LOL

5. The smell of barbecue in the air.

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Guest Babiebim

1. the snooze button

2. when my mom makes homemade orange juice.

3. piggy banks

4. m&m's

5. when my dogs jump at me coz they missed me :)

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Guest flyaway.

5. Sleeping in.

4. A sunny (yet breezy) day.

3. Laughter.

2. Music.

1. Dong Bang Shin Ki (cus they can always put a smile on my face).

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Guest kotoko6

1. Awesome music

2. Yummy food

3. My stuffed animals XD

4. Animals

5. Books (but they gotta be interesting books cause I get bored easily ><)

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Guest Deremith

1.Hugging my mummy

2.Seeing my daddy smile

3.the sky (no matter what the weather, sunrise, sunset etc.)

4.my future

5.nature (waterfalls, trees etc. seen in the discovery channel XD)

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Guest starstung

1. The sun rising and sun setting

2. Nature (flowers, leaves, trees, streets, signs, anything I see when I take a walk around my neighborhood.)

3. The sound of laughter

4. Big Bang, especially YoungBae!

5. Warm days where I am not sick

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1. a GIGANTIC BIG BEAR HUG followed by a peck

2. when he starts a convo with me on msn ...which aint happening atm

>.< seems like we're drifting apart *sigh*

3. when I get an A on a test


5. getting a compliment from somebody that really means it

6. & one more just because

towels straight from the dryer. they smell so good & r soft!

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Guest MangoStar

1. When a complete stranger says, "hello" or smiles.

2. When I get an email from my friends

3. When my mother really likes something I did or made

4. When my friends give me endless amounts of hugs

5. Warm sunshine on my cheek when the icy wind of MS blows

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Guest treehunny

1. small surprises, even those that cost nothing (i.e. a drawing just for me)

2. catching up with people

3. getting mail!

4. hearing my favorite songs get played... anywhere

5. coming home

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