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Guest banana milk =)

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I have a question! :D

I have a single eyelid, or perhaps a 'inner lid' but I'm not sure. (I'm pretty sure it's not a 'ssok ssangapul' because I don't have a crease ^^)

When I put on an eyeliner, usually single eyelid people can just close their eyes and stretch out their lid so that they can draw in the line directly, but for me I have to kind of lift the skin on my eyelid so that I can draw in my eyeliner close to the eye/eyelashes. Does that make sense? lol.

It's really hard to do :x I wonder if that means I have 'inner lid' because when I open my eyes to see my eyeliner, it just kind of hides in somewhere, lol!

same here! i`m also wondering about your questions..

like the lash line is when i lift the skin and then see it ..

it`s like inside O_O;

& it`s hard for me to put on eyeliner because it`s gone right away ..

it`s kinda hard for me to explain D:

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Guest ♥Love♥

I was wondering what kind of eyeliner is good for single eyelid people? One of my eye is inner lid and the other one isn't really inner. Lol. Like it's kinda 10% double? But if you see it from outside it's single but it's Less single than my other eye. so it has a fold inside so my eyeliner kinda goes away when it folds etc. Idk how to describe it lol! Cause my mom has one double one single. Howver, I am both single right now but when I wake up at 7AM, my left eye turns double and turns single after I wash my face. So it isn't really 100% single.

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I have a question! :D

I have a single eyelid, or perhaps a 'inner lid' but I'm not sure. (I'm pretty sure it's not a 'ssok ssangapul' because I don't have a crease ^^)

When I put on an eyeliner, usually single eyelid people can just close their eyes and stretch out their lid so that they can draw in the line directly, but for me I have to kind of lift the skin on my eyelid so that I can draw in my eyeliner close to the eye/eyelashes. Does that make sense? lol.

It's really hard to do :x I wonder if that means I have 'inner lid' because when I open my eyes to see my eyeliner, it just kind of hides in somewhere, lol!

I'm like that too. But I don't have an inner lid. I'm just, monolidded. I believe this happens when you have a thick monolid.

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Guest Banana Peel


Lol, oh great :rolleyes: because being monolid isn't hard enough. *sigh*

I don't have a problem with how my eyes look particularly, but it's just so hard

to put on eyeliner for me with having 'thick monolid' as you call it :D

anyways, glad that it's not only me, haha.

@xxvictastic, lol, same here! My eyeliner smudges so quicklyy!

So I'm too afraid to put anything on. -__-; I even tried water proof eyeliner.

I guess only liquid eyliner would work, but I'm not sure if I can use that when

I have this 'thick monolid' problem, lol.

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Guest taceldi

i received my zipper hairmaker magazine today and there was this nice tutorial inside

the left one is for monolids and the one on the right side is for those with a inner lid (?...i don`t know how it is called :P)


I have inner lids too! This would be sooo helpful, can anyone translate this?

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Lol, oh great :rolleyes: because being monolid isn't hard enough. *sigh*

I don't have a problem with how my eyes look particularly, but it's just so hard

to put on eyeliner for me with having 'thick monolid' as you call it :D

anyways, glad that it's not only me, haha.

Oh, tell me about it... it drives me nuts when my eyeliner smudges. Not only that, but it takes so much longer for me to put on eyeliner than everyone else because i have to "lift" my thick monolid to draw the line. Argh!

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Guest Aimeee1430264938

Thanks! This is such a pretty look :)

Omg.. thanks for this. I never what what kind of eyes I had since I knew they weren't double, but they weren't single either. I'm gonna so search how to do makeup with "inner lids" now. :)

you`re welcome^^

i have inner lids too and i had a hard time searching for the right way to apply my makeup, since most of the tutorials targets either double eyelids or monolids. ^^"

i was really happy when i saw these tutorials in the magazine~

I have inner lids too! This would be sooo helpful, can anyone translate this?

the text next to the pictures are basically only tell you what you already can see in the pics ^^

just try to follow them~ it`s quite easy^^

two more tutorials :)


dsc03690o.jpg w3264.png

she uses a greyish palette from lunasol

inner lid


JILL STUART illuminance eyes in 03 brocade gold

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Guest Blushiing

I’m a 20 yr with no knowledge in cosmetic, it’s an ongoing transition. First attempt on leopard eyes, saw a tutorial on You Tube (forgot url). Its sloppy, feel free to laugh.

Ehh, sorry for the bad quality (cam phone).


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hello, fellow single eyelid-ers :)

i used to hate the fact that my eyes were creaseless, but i've gradually learned to love them and wouldn't trade them for anything anymore!

here's what i usually do to them when i go out:


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the text next to the pictures are basically only tell you what you already can see in the pics ^^

just try to follow them~ it`s quite easy^^

yeaa i gave it a try following the pictures and it looked grreat! I really like that look, thanks for sharing!

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Guest christelle-g

I have 1 single eyelid (right) and 1 double eyelid (left).

I've tried many times to put make-up on both eyes but I can't do the same for boths eyes, it just look like I've put eyeliner on one eye only.

So I just put eyeline on the bottom of the eyes because easier but ugly I think. U_U


When I smile, my single eyelid looks so much smaller than the other eye. >w<


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I have 1 single eyelid (right) and 1 double eyelid (left).

I've tried many times to put make-up on both eyes but I can't do the same for boths eyes, it just look like I've put eyeliner on one eye only.

So I just put eyeline on the bottom of the eyes because easier but ugly I think. U_U


When I smile, my single eyelid looks so much smaller than the other eye. >w<


Aw that sucks D:

I remember seeing someone on youtube who had the same problem as you.

I know she used fake lashes to fix it though. Because when she put on the fake lashes, the single lid eye would get a crease and then both eyes looked like they had creases.

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i think i have especially hard eyes to do makeup on...i dont wear makeup, but i've played around with it before just cause i was curious. it's harddd because when you put the eyeliner on, my saggy eyelids just cover right over it. you can't see anything, there's no difference, lol. it'll only be visible and actually make a difference in how i look if i fill in eyeliner up to like, 1/2 a centimeter above my actual eye...which is just way much D:

if i want to start using makeup in the future, does anybody know how to help with this?? D:

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