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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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Guest dinokitty

it's a definite turn off if someone does drugs

alcohol is also a big turn off for me

i really don't like drugs, as i've seen how people act

and the consequences that come with doing/taking them

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Guest Samael

I could care less if my significant other smoked. I'd probably worry about their health in the long run though.

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Guest hear me roaar

a big turn off. especially drugs. i guess smoking is a little more tolerable but yeah. turn off

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Guest Mirae-chan

I like BA's but I hate the stench of cigarette smoke..

also when I think of anyone dating someone who does drugs, I just shake my head. all I can think of is Blair and alwayseffinghigh!Nate (in the books, not the TV series where they only emulated his class rainbow position). I guess it'd only work out if you were an airhead like Serena who didn't mind.

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Guest Waxxup

Definitely a turn-off for me.

Drugs not only ruin a person, but you can already tell they are ignorant by thinking they are cool to do so.

Plus, my parents would kill me if I dated people who do drugs. :P

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Guest muffinx3

100% turn off.

I'm always really disappointed by people who do drugs. :/

I'm really against drugs unless it's for medical purposes.

Smokers, I also really don't like people who smoke weed. I hate weed with a passion.

My dad smokes ciggarrettes. I really hate the smell, it gives me headaches.

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Guest glamfabx3

Definitely a TURN OFF.

Drugs are just... a disgrace. To the person doing it, thay person's family/friends, and to society.

It is so sad to see how drugs are used as an escape from reality.

Smoking.. I just cannot stand the smell. Also, i'd rather not increase my chances of dying due to an illness caused by second hand smoke.

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Guest candacethsu

Smoking-I personally don't mind. As long as the guy I'm dating can control it.

I don't want him smoking like a pack a day that's WAY too unhealthy.

Drugs on the other hand..total turnoff.

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Guest hellosally

it's definately a turn off.

if they likee.. smoke, let's say, i can't & won't force them to stop

but if i know they're at least trying to and as long as they don't smoke around me (:

if they continously smoke, it would become a realllllyyy big turn off though

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Guest starrie


I don't think I would date someone who did drugs but smoking isn't really that big of a deal to me because so many people smoke these days.

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Guest xstrawberry_bearx

It's a turn-off for me. However my boyfriend smokes though, but just not around me.

I'm okay with him smoking I guess, but I prefer him not too for his health. Drugs is a big NO.

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Guest monika j

I'm fine with smoking. Honestly, I think the smell of smoke is really sexy, though I'm fairly sure I'm the only one. :/

Drugs, absolutely not. I'm fine with a little bit of drinking as well.

Just no hard drugs, lol.

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Guest nxtlvl

Turn off.

But I wouldn't judge a person completele by the fact he does drugs. Just because someone does drugs it doesn't mean they're a gangster or whatnot.

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