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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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160419 凤凰视频ifeng_娱乐大事件_Rain亮相魔都人气爆棚 新电影新专辑蓄势待发
Rain Wellcare Fit 웰케어핏 維卡菲 Event in Shanghai
credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/









160419 财经星播客的电视台_RAIN助阵维卡菲代言活动 分享完美身材秘籍 

Rain @ Wellcare Fit 웰케어핏 維卡菲 Event in Shanghai

credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/






160419 东南卫视SETV_娱乐乐翻天_Rain上海捞金人气不减 下部电影作品进军中国
Rain @ Wellcare Fit 웰케어핏 維卡菲 Event in Shanghai
credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/



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160419 i-cable_娛樂新聞_Rain 上海以中文打招呼表現親民
Rain @ Wellcare Fit 웰케어핏 維卡菲 Event in Shanghai
credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/
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160420 Rain @ Twitter

credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/


RAIN ‏@29rain  

23 minutes ago







160419 i-cable_娛樂新聞_Rain 上海以中文打招呼表現親民
Rain @ Wellcare Fit 웰케어핏 維卡菲 Event in Shanghai
credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/


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***  This finale was so sad, bittersweet and very touching. I enjoyed the drama in all of the EPs, so entertaining but I was really moved of the finale EP.  I was quite emotional on RAIN's departing scene. It definitely left an impact that what I had waited for.  I want a happy ending but ahhh.........  it's an unusual ending. I have an idea that the ending would be bittersweet, but it still really hurt. Other than that, I think this finale was wonderful. I’ll have to do a marathon re-watch once the DVD copy is available in the market - because I wasn't able to watch this continuously because of lack of time. I hope I could get my own copy soon. This drama was the best when it comes to comedy, but at the same time tear jerking in the sad scenes. I really appreciated this drama. This drama is so amazingly well made. The writer knows how to keep a gentle and firm grip on how the story should be told from beginning to the end. Good one.:P




Come Back, Ajusshi: Episode 16 (Final)




LINK here : http://www.dramabeans.com/2016/04/come-back-ajusshi-episode-16-final/

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Series Overview: Heart and Hijinks in “Come Back, Mister”





SBS drama Come Back, Mister, a drama adaptation of the Japanese novel Mr. Tsubakiyama’s Seven Days, was another drama swamped in the ratings battle by the monster that is Descendants of the Sun. But despite what the ratings say, Come Back, Mister was a drama with its own appeal. Overall, it was fun drama with hijinks and heart. Though some of the dramatic elements got slightly tedious as the comedic elements faded to the backdrop, we got a good portrayal of both romantic and platonic relationships that were so strong, characters were willing to die for them.

Come Back, Mister stars Rain as the reincarnated version of Kim In-kwon‘s character, Kim Young-soo, along with the non-ghost version with the same body, illegitimate genius son of Sun-jin Group’s CEO Lee Hae-joon. Kim Young-soo’s wife, Shin Da-hye, is played by Lee Min-jung. Though Rain did a great job as the awkward, pushover ahjussi and the wacky Crusoe-esque character Lee Hae-joon, the star of the show was Oh Yeon-seo with her portrayal of the gangster ahjussi Han Gi-tak (called Han Hong-nan while in the female body), played by Kim Soo-ro, stuck in a young, attractive woman’s body. Honey Lee plays Song Yi-yeon, an actress bogged down by scandals and Gi-tak’s first love.

In the drama, the ahjussis escape the train to heaven and are allowed chances to finish their unfinished business in the living world. The premise is wacky, but that’s the appeal.

Spoilers ahead


Though it is sad seeing our ahjussis leave at the end of the drama, during their return, all of our characters grow and learn about themselves and one another. It’s nice that the drama does not really focus on how the ahjussis die, but rather how the ahjussis are able to learn more about and heal their loved ones after returning from their premature deaths.

Young-soo learns that he didn’t really know his wife, and his wife didn’t really know him either. Though they both loved own another, Young-soo spent too much of his time at work, and Da-hye was subsequently unable to share her story or her day-to-day feelings with her husband. After returning to the world of the living, Young-soo is able to spend more time learning about her and his family while improving the employee situation at the Sun-jin Department Store so others like him would not die due to the inhumane treatment of employees.


However, it seems dissatisfying that Young-soo acquires the body of the CEO’s illegitimate son. This position allows him to do whatever he wishes, and it allows his problems to be solved quite easily. The story could be exceedingly different — and a little closer to reality — if Young-soo did not have the luxury of being a rich and handsome man.

At the same time, the endearing characters make the ease in which the problems are solved something that the viewer could approve of because we just don’t want to see any of them suffer. After all, Young-soo is impossibly nice, his wife is kind and hard-working, and Young-soo’s father and child are also impossibly lovable. With a family that has so little but deserves so much, it’s easy to overlook how they got justice, and it is satisfying that they get it at all.

Gi-tak, on the other hand, helps his family live on after his death. He keeps his ex-gangster younger “brothers” out of trouble, and helps Yi-yeon get back on her feet after suffering from scandals created by her jealous ex-husband.


Gi-tak’s acquisition of a female body make for some extremely complicated and comedic gender dynamics. First of all, the female body he inhabits has female instincts, which leads to a comedic kissing scene between the ahjussis. Then, there is the Gi-tak and Yi-yeon attraction because they’ve been in love since they were young, which is then complicated by the fact that they are both women and Yi-yeon doesn’t know that the female is Gi-tak.

The most confusing relationship from a viewer’s perspective is the relationship between female Gi-tak and his former lackey Seung-jae (5urprise‘s Lee Tae-hwan) because Seung-jae is clearly enamored with Gi-tak in his female form and Gi-tak is completely oblivious to this. There is something strangely appealing in their relationship in that it can easily be romantic. Even knowing that Oh Yeon-seo is technically an ahjussi, the aesthetic of a young man and woman paired together, along with their reciprocated care and willingness to sacrifice, makes them work in the traditional pair-bonding way. The drama’s simple portrayal of gender dynamics for comedic purposes makes one consider the fluidity and importance of gender, as well as the fine line between platonic and romantic love. When does a relationship veer into the romantic, and when does it stay platonic? If Gi-tak were actually a young female, would the relationship between him and Seung-jae be completely different?


Though the ending was nice in that the ahjussis were able to love and protect their loved ones, what’s left of the human world was not quite so satisfying. Erasing Han Gi-tak’s existence from the world was frustrating. He played such a large part in so many people’s lives, and it seemed unfair that they should lose him. Though it does seem as though Yi-yeon remembers him, the elimination of his image from all of his pictures is pretty solid proof that he no longer exists.

Also, what we see portrayed in the human world after the ahjussis leave presents a number of questions: is Yi-yeon really going to go back to the ex-husband that made her life hell? Because they sure look chummy in that ending scene. When the real Lee Hae-joon comes back, will all that Young-soo did in his place come to naught? And what happens between Lee Hae-joon and Da-hye? And Da-hye and her ex-boyfriend? Though the drama is more about the dead than the living, if we were to see the lives of the living, a more definite ending clarifying the relationships formed between the living and how they come to cope with their losses would have been preferred.


Also, it seems completely unnecessary that the characters are shown to be all connected. It feels contrived, and feels as though the connections were added in as an afterthought. The characters don’t need to be connected prior to the events of the drama because the bonds formed by relationships forged during the drama are enough.

The ending scenes bring up so many unanswered questions and dissatisfaction that it seems as though the ending might be better if the people that are alive were not addressed in the end, and if their lives are left to the imagination. Instead, we should have had a scene showing the ahjussis partying happily in heaven after leaving the living world with no regrets. And the party wouldn’t be complete without their angel Maya (Ra Mi-ran), of course.

Overall, Come Back, Mister was a fun drama with some great comedic and thought-provoking elements that caused both laughter and tears. The return of the ahjussis reminds us that we don’t have the opportunity to come back to life; we never know when this fragile life of ours might disappear from our fingertips. Therefore, we should consider getting it right the first time and treating the people we love properly.

What did you think about Come Back, Mister as a whole? Was it disappointing or did it exceed expectations?

(Images via SBS)


source : seoulbeats






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Fanfic Epilogue for Please Come Back Mister: We Are Destiny




Because every K-drama ending leaves us wanting more and daydreaming about the characters, I could not help myself and wrote this, an epilogue for Rain's drama Please Come Back, Mister


If you haven't watched the K-drama, you can do it here. The recaps are on DramaFever, too.


Please Come Back , Mister: Epilogue
"We Are Destiny"

It’s not the last time Lee Hae-joon sees that woman.

It was… odd, to say the least, how he felt like he had seen her before when it was actually the first time they crossed path, but there was a familiarity that struck him. Her eyes, perhaps. Or maybe it was the way she smiled. Definitely, there was an uncanny feeling around her, and some warmth that embraced him when they were face-to-face. When he was in front of her he really felt like she was someone important for him.

As he had thought, odd.

However, if their paths never crossed before, the future was most definitely different for them. Many things were different for him now.

Manager Ma had become Secretary Ma and was, certainly, his most loyal employee. The man seemed to worship the ground Lee Hae-joon stepped on. Every time he saw his burning loyalty and admiration, he was reminded of the letter he found when he came back to Sunjin Store, from a man telling him he had gifted him with loyal employees who also respected him. Throughout the pass of time, Hae-joon had confirmed such words and he had to admit although different, it was just so pleasant. The feeling of acceptance and love was new to him, normally he only felt hated or feared, but now he felt unconditionally needed.

If someone had indeed pretended to be him for two months, the same two months he spent stranded in an island, then he couldn’t be angry at that man. Although his plans had been shattered, it had been for the best. He had been given a second chance in life, and he was appreciating things he never did before.

“President Lee,” Secretary Ma said after coming into his office. Despite finding odd the glass walls, he hadn’t had them changed. He had grown fond of the concept of transparency, and for that same reason, he didn’t want to change office even after staying as president of the store. “Miss Kang is here,” the man informed.

Nodding, Hae-joon motioned for the man to make the woman come in. Buttoning his jacket again as he stood up to greet her, he was surprised to find the woman from the lobby again. She was also surprised to see him, but her smile was charming after that.

“We meet again,” she said, standing graciously in front of him. “Mr. Lee.”

“It’s a pleasant surprise, Miss Kang,” he replied, offering his hand and then motioning for her to get comfortable. Secretary Ma was instructed to bring coffee for them. “If I had known we’d be making business after that day, I would’ve invited you to have dinner at least.”

She smiled in that kind and cheeky way that struck him as familiar.

“Now I understand why you seemed familiar that day,” she mentioned. “When considering a store to expand my business, I probably saw a picture of you.”

“Not likely,” he commented. “I didn’t assume this position until a month ago or so.” As she seemed to consider the situation, he did the same, wondering why that woman felt so oddly familiar. “I lived in the States for many years, making a name for myself. I heard you expanded your business there, too. Perhaps we crossed paths there.”

“Perhaps,” she hummed but she didn’t sound convinced, just like he didn’t think it was just that.

Kang Hong-nan, the woman in front of him, was the designer of her own clothing line, high fashion. Currently, she was thinking of having a store for her work, and seemed to incline for Sunjin. The business was still in negotiations, but it was basically a deal.

Those negotiations, trying to get her to sign with them, meant having them meeting in many occasions, and every time it was the same feeling. As sappy as it sounded, it indeed felt like their destinies were tangled together. Were they perhaps entangled in their past lives?

In one of their meetings, Secretary Ma told him that Song Lee-yeon was in the store, and seeing that as a good opportunity, he asked the man to bring the actress and face of Sunjin Store to make the formal introductions.

With the actress came her manager, a tall and young man that stood near but didn’t take part of the interactions. He did, however, stare at miss Hong-nan as if he could also recognise her, but when the woman caught his eyes, he looked down.

“Hong-nan-ssi,” Hae-joon began. “I’m proud to introduce you to the face of Sunjin Group, Song Lee-yeon.”

The women shook hands and smiled at each other, gazes fixed for perhaps too long, brows knitting together a bit, in that expression that alluded to a mind trying really hard to put the pieces together.

“I’m a big fan,” Hong-nan said. “I’d be honoured if you would be the model for my clothing line.”

“I’d be delighted to do that,” the actress replied. “Your work is exquisite and just my style.”

The three sat and exchanged pleasant conversation. The two women seemed to click and get on perfectly, getting familiar and bonding. As Hae-joon watched them interact, he couldn’t stop feeling like that it was how it was supposed to be.

And like that, they kept meeting. She signed with Sunjin and a special event was held for the launch of the new brand for the store. A big party were every A-list was invited, other CEOs and politicians, but without a doubt, the two more dashing and breathtaking women in the room were both Kang Hong-nan and Song Lee-yeon.

He was a lucky man for walking next to them.

Hae-joon was pleased to be Hong-nan’s date and being the one making introductions for her. She was charismatic and witty, making people laugh and enjoy her company. It was only when she asked him to step outside for a bit that she relaxed, sitting and taking off her shoes in front of him.

“You’ll have to excuse me, but these are killing me,” she told him, smiling sheepishly. “Fashion is a very painful business.”

He laughed, asking with his expression if he could sit next to her, to which she nodded. “I’m just glad you feel comfortable enough around me.”

“It’s odd, isn’t it?” she mused, wrapping her arms around herself while Hae-joon took off his jacket to wrap it around her. She smiled grateful at him. “I feel indeed really comfortable around you.”

He chuckled, it was always so easy when she was around. Something about her made the smile come automatically to his lips.

“I still can’t get rid of the feeling we’ve met before,” he commented, his hands on the knee of the leg he crossed over the other. “But it’s impossible I wouldn’t remember you if we did.”

“I’ve thought about it,” she said then. “I think this is fate, or it feels like it. Like we were supposed to work together. Like I was supposed to get here. Meeting you and the people around you… it just clicks. You know what I mean?”

He nodded, because he felt the same way. He finally felt like he was where he was supposed to, he had earned his father’s approval and was showing everyone what a capable man he was. Moreover, he also felt that she fit in the place where he was supposed to be.

“Perhaps it is destiny that we met and we’re working together,” he agreed, looking ahead into the quiet night. Inside, the chatter was loud and happy, the music was barely a whisper to them, but it was soothing.

“It’s comfortable, isn’t it?” she asked, turning to look at him. He met her eyes, finding her smile just so beautiful.

“Indeed it is,” he replied, smiling himself. “I hope it continues like that.”

“Maybe someone pulled some strings for us to meet,” she guessed, chuckling lightly. “And this is only the beginning of a bright future.”

Whether it means just in business or more, it doesn’t really matter. It feels like their destinies are tangled in more than just one way, and as their friendship develops, the business proves a great decision, they keep growing closer. Hae-joon finds a friend in her and a woman that becomes indispensable in his life. Hong-nan feels the same, but she also finds Lee-yeon who becomes the friend she never had and always wanted.

“We are like destiny,” said the actress one day, smile happy and at ease. And nothing could be more true than that.

Maya, from the office where she monitored both Kim Young-soo and Han Gi-tak, watches the two original bodies interact with a smile on her face, seeing how those lives entwine together again. Maybe she pulled some strings to make that happen. A little nudge here and there, totally harmless. Those bodies that the two ahjussis borrowed for their time back on Earth, were always meant to be together, and she finally sees it’s a closed chapter.

She walks away from the office, the screens’ lights going off as she closes the door behind her, wishing them one last good luck to the living ones. She prays harder for the tall and gorgeous boy that always protected Gi-tak when he came back, and when he was alive. Choi Sung-jae. That sweet boy. She hopes he is always happy. Something was always different about him, but that is something she doesn’t know, something she isn’t supposed to remember. Her own past when she was alive, when she was just like them. The life she had there.

Only special souls get to work at the station. Kind and selfless souls that proved their worth. A soul that can give her life for her kid to save him when he goes into the street to retrieve his ball. A soul like Maya who despite not knowing why, will always look and love the boy who is back on Earth. Her son.

“Fighting,” she whispers to them all, hoping as well she won’t have to use that office again and every soul will go willingly to their destinations. “Time to go to my usual job,” she mumbles, her smile wide as she heads back to the station.

STATEMENTThis is a work of fiction, part of the freedom of speech. No infringement of copyrights was intended. All credits belong to the creators of the story.


source : dramafever





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160419 陕西网络广播电视台SNRTV_第一新闻午间播报_Rain上海捞金人气旺 自称吃货正筹备新专辑

Rain @ Wellcare Fit 웰케어핏 維卡菲 Event in Shanghai

credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/






160419 芒果TV_芒果捞星闻_Rain亮相上海人气爆棚 新电影将在中国拍摄新专辑蓄势待发

Rain @ Wellcare Fit 웰케어핏 維卡菲 Event in Shanghai

credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/






160419 J2_娛樂新聞報道_Rain上海出席代言活動 預告內地拍攝新作 

Rain @ Wellcare Fit 웰케어핏 維卡菲 Event in Shanghai

biblueberry11 / scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/





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