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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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*** It says that RAIN only slept three hours straight for (4) days before the drama ends. :P



16-04-15 Rain COSMOPOLITAN KOREA Magazine photoshoot Picture

Credit mealtopbingsoo / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/



4일동안 3시간밖에 못자고 드라마 촬영 끝내자마자 바로 일시키는 악덕업주







16-04-16 Rain Cosmopolitan Korea magazine Picture

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

source http://www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/detailViewKor.laf?ejkGb=KOR&mallGb=KOR&barcode=3904000140957&orderClick=LAG&Kc=









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*** So, the brand of the watch that RAIN gave to his co-stars & crew for the drama is “Moment” – This is a casual unisex brand watch. Actually, there are many kinds of “Moment Watches” –RAIN bought the “Superman Moment” Watch. He bought 170 Moment Watches to give out to staff and cast at the Comeback Mister after party This brand was originated from the Mainland China. :P




16-04-15 raincompany_ Tweet

credit raincompany_ twitter / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/


#후원 #나눔 #기부시계 #비기부시계 #momentwatches #돌아와요아저씨 #비







*** RAIN wearing the "Superman Moment" watch - :P


RAIN Moment Watch

credit shinjinheee Instagram / Alisa4Rain - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/
















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16-04-14 sunjae.jo ins_Rain @ Come Back Mister Wrap up party

Credit sunjae.jo / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/









16-04-14 ko8025 ins_Rain @ Come Back Mister Wrap up party

credit ko8025 / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/








*** This is Shanghai.....:P




16-0417 Rain @ Twitter

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/




Just posted a photo https://www.instagram.com/p/BES8f0iJSpN/ 

맘에드는 정리정돈... ㅎㅎ https://www.instagram.com/p/BES9OTLpSqT/ 







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*** RAIN will have a Wellcarefit Event TODAY, April 18 in Shanghai. I wonder what time will this be. :P



16-04-17 Rain in Shanghai 

Credit @乖乖阿琳琳 weibo / ratoka -http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

Credit @郑爱晶晶 weibo









[Fancam]16-04-17 Rain in Shanghai

Credit raincloudhk weibo / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/




credit @路人甲俊俊邵 weibo



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Unlucky K-Dramas: It’s All About the Timing


Unlucky K-Dramas: It’s All About the Timing


International fans of K-dramas have an advantage and a disadvantage over fans in Korea. While international fans have to wait for a drama to be available after it aired in Korea, they have the luxury to watch many dramas at the same time. However, fans in Korea must choose, if faced with the choice of two good dramas airing at the same time-slot, which drama they will watch over the other. The drama they didn’t choose, no matter how good it is, is left bad ratings and little media coverage. Oh, those unfortunate dramas.
please coem back mister

Please Come Back, Mister,” which starred Rain, Lee Min Jung, and Oh Yeon Seo, is a recent example of a good drama that just had the worst of luck. It went directly against “Descendants of the Sun,” airing on Wednesday and Thursday at the same time and premiering and ending exactly on the same days.

While “Please Come Back, Mister” was Rain’s first drama in two years and Lee Min Jung’s return to the small screen after giving birth, it just couldn’t compete with the combined interest in “Descendants of the Sun,” which was Song Joong Ki’s first drama after his military service, famed writer Kim Eun Sook’s latest drama, and Song Hye Kyo’s first in three years.

“Descendants of the Sun” (hereafter “Descendants”) premiered with 14.3 percent and “Please Come Back, Mister” (hereafter “Mister”) started at 6.6. The gap only grew wider as the weeks went on, with “Descendants” ending at 38.8 percent and “Mister” at 2.6 percent.


(skipped unrelated.....)


What dramas did you really like and thought was good, but had poor ratings in Korea?


Source (1) / soompi news




Rain Prepares Meaningful Gifts for “Please Come Back, Mister” Staff


Rain Prepares Meaningful Gifts for “Please Come Back, Mister” Staff


Rain has prepared a special gift for the hardworking staff of his recently ended drama “Please Come Back, Mister.”

The actors and staff of “Please Come Back, Mister” gathered on April 14 at a restaurant for a wrap-up party of their drama. During the event, Rain handed out donation watches to everyone to thank them for their hard work.

30 percent of the profit of these watches go towards helping children in need. The staff were very touched by Rain’s unexpected and meaningful present.

please come back mister rain2

Rain Company stated, “Rain said during the wrap-up party, ‘I want to truly thank all the staff, director, writer, and fellow actors for their hard work during the past three months. This was a meaningful project for me’.”

Meanwhile, Rain will be holding his world tour concert in China on April 23.


Source (1) / soompi news


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*** I feel bad for CBA. Sigh.....the EP before the final had a higher rating than its finale. It really is such a shame that a quality drama such as "Come Back Ajusshi" gets so little recognition.  Poor Rain.  I care about the ratings - because for me, ratings bring along recognition, and recognition is directly associated with CF contracts. Advertisements are a rich source of income for many Korean celebrities. South Korea is certainly not alone in the extremes that it will go to for ratings. The rating contributes to the sponsor. That's the entertainment industry for you. The drama lost in terms of ratings and popularity/buzz from its competitors. ;)




Drama viewership ratings for the week of Apr. 11–Apr. 17, 2016



There were some scheduling changes this week that affected most (most being two out of three) of the Wednesday-Thursday airing shows, leaving Descended From the Sun to net its best numbers yet—fitting, of course, for the show’s grand finale.


It’s interesting to note that while both Goodbye Mr. Black and Come Back, Ajusshi aired double headers on Thursday, their second episodes—which aired after Descended’s startling 38.8% finish—netted them the same kind of numbers they would’ve gotten even with the juggernaut competitor. Ajusshi also finished its run at a meager 2.6%, which is an unfortunate figure under any circumstance.


(skipped unrelated.....)


Thursday, Apr. 14      
Descended From the Sun 16 KBS 38.8%
Goodbye Mr. Black 9 MBC 3.5%
Goodbye Mr. Black 10 MBC 3.8%
Come Back, Ajusshi 15 SBS 4.6%
Come Back, Ajusshi 16 SBS 2.6%


LINK here : http://www.dramabeans.com/2016/04/drama-viewership-ratings-for-the-week-of-apr-11-apr-17-2016/


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Please Come Back, Mister Recaps: Episode 16 FINALE (Time to come back, misters)





And the ending is here, Please Come Back, Mister is over, and I'm here to recap the final episode with you. If you haven't wat

We were left with Da-hye asking if Gi-tak is her brother and Suk-chul eavesdropping. Da-hye explains the little fragmented memory she has, and how she feels every time she hears that name. Once she saw that picture of them two she felt the puzzle was complete, except Hong-nan is the sister.

Our Hong-nan confesses she’s been living under her name. The explanation is that Gi-tak gave her that name (he really did) because he missed her that much. Han Hong-nan was her name, and the one using now was raised as the real one. Hong-nan asks her not to speak of those names, of the siblings while Da-hye cries because her brother died, however did he really die like people said? Hong-nan cuts Hae-joon’s answer and tells her that Gi-tak would want her to live happily. With that, she leaves and Suk-chul wets his lips in anticipation.


Hae-joon and Da-hye walk together as he explains that the one who found her brother was Ji-hoon, that was what he wanted to tell her that night at the restaurant… but he couldn’t tell her later that her brother had also died, not just her husband. He tells her that she shouldn’t feel worried or sorry, and that she deserves to be loved. She replies she does indeed has memories of being loved, so he shouldn’t worry.

She asks him who he really is, a kind lodger is his answer, someone who wants her happy.

In his office, Jae-gook is contemplating his title when Lee-yeon comes in, wondering if he would’ve been happier if he had met someone else. She is tired and pleads to finally end their relationship and live their separate ways. She’s taking Young-chan with her.

Hae-joon is in how own office when Manager Ma comes to bring him coffee and tell him he looks so handsome today. He really worships him, it’s cute. Hae-joon warns him about how he might change in the future, and asks for a hug. Manager Ma steps in and Hae-joon gives him a tight hug that he interprets as officially being one of Hae-joon’s men.


In broad daylight, Hong-nan, Gae-jil and Seung-jae are drinking… it’s her farewell because in the States, where she is supposed to leave to, she won’t be able to. Seung-jae asks her to wait, he’ll get Suk-chul but she tells him not to seek revenge and take care of Lee-yeon.

Talking about Lee-yeon, she’s preparing for a photoshoot when she receives a text from Jae-gil telling her that Hong-nan is leaving to the States. At that photoshoot, Hong-nan goes to watch her, mumbling how Lee-yeon will be okay, she’s sure of it. She watches her with everyone with fond eyes and leaves without meeting her.

At night, Seung-jae isn’t doing what he was told and he’s tracking Suk-chul, or someone who’ll lead him to suk-chul at least. He finally finds him but he looks away and in that moment the thug is gone, just to show up next from behind. Seung-jae asks him if he really killed Gi-tak, and the thug’s nonchalance pisses him off, but another guys comes in before Seung-jae can punch Suk-chul. The newcomer is told to kill Seung-jae and they stat fighting… until a horrid sound stops Seung-jae.


He was stabbed… he is stabbed again and let slide to the floor as Suk-chul tells him how he is planning to kill Hong-nan. No, my love is hurt, someone save him please!


Da-hye receives a call then, from Suk-chul pretending to be the owner of the building of Gi-tak’s place, asking her to come over to take some of his things. Aware of their connection, she agrees to go without a clue it’s a trap. That bastard, I want to kill him myself.

Da-hye tries calling Hong-nan, but she doesn’t want to pick up, saying she doesn’t have anything to say. Then Seung-jae calls her, telling her not to come. He’s bleeding bad, sweating, breathing hard and I’m screaming! My love, no. Why? My poor heart can’t take this.

Da-hye arrives at Gi-tak’s, Suk-chul shows up and continues the charade, but he calls Hae-joon to let him hear Da-hye is there, and that she is in danger. He admits running over him, and threatens him to bring the secret account unless he wants Da-hye to pay. He rushes there, as fast as he can. He also calls Hong-nan as he drives, to tell her about the situation. She tells him not to hand the account, it’ll be worse and to leave it in her hands, she’ll take care of it.

BBALLI BBALI! (hurry up)

Hong-nan is running again! There’s a cab passing by and she runs. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT WOMAN?! GET A BICYCLE AT LEAST!

Da-hye is watching the pictures of Gi-tak, recalling Hong-nan’s words and assurance he loved her and just wanted to protect her. She cries as she sees the pictures, Suk-chul just lets her do that.

Hong-nan is still running when she hears something. SEUNG-JAE SPITTING BLOOD! Save him, call an ambulance now. Please…

She freaks out, asking if it was Suk-chul, he seems to have trouble focusing on her, but says how he told her not to come, warns her to leave. She screams for help and luckily a lady passes by and she calls for an ambulance. Keep him awake, keep him alive, please! I beg of you.


Da-hye is finally leaving, but Suk-chul is showing his true colours now, stopping her from leaving, scaring her, cornering her with the look of a mad man. She calls in her mind for Young-soo when Hae-joon shows up, running to save her. He steps between Suk-chul and her, making sure she’s all right.

Suk-chul realises he didn’t bring the account, he isn’t happy.. He doesn’t care about anything else but the money. Hae-joon decides to fight him, murmuring how he died once and won’t do that again. Suk-chul punches him ruthlessly, but Hae-joon stands up over and over again, no matter how hard he is hit or thrown over.

When suk-chul gets impatient, Hae-joon says he has even less time and admits that he’s toughed up after being bossed around for so long. He still stands, and does his best to stop Suk-chul from touching Da-hye.

Lee-yeon is watching at the picture she took of the crew and notices Hong-nan was there, like in that picture with Gi-tak long ago. And now she’s the one running. They really don’t know the concept of cab, do they? She runs and recalls the many times Hong-nan saved her, the things she told her, what she wanted for her. She just keeps running.


Hae-joon is still being beaten up, Da-hye watching frustrated and she tires to attack Suk-chul, but fails. Before he can actually hurt her, Hong-nan shows up with the picture. Da-hye goes to Hae-joon, making sure he’s all right, he tells her not to cry.

Hong-nan throws the picture away and hits Suk-chul. Kicks, punches, he throws her over, she attacks back, with her fits of iron. She yells at him for killing all those people, SHE INCLUDES SEUNG-JAE! He screams back how Gi-tak followed him in the organisation and ruined his life… all the time.


She grabs his lighter and burns the picture, ending it once and for all. He freaks out and grabs her by the lapels for what she did. They fall over the rooftop, but she holds him and he holds on to her.

Hae-joon and Da-hye run to catch her, but she is saying her goodbyes, saying how she just hopes everyone she loves will be happy and calls Da-hye her sister, and asks him to take care of her, also referring to him as brother-in-law. When Da-hye calls her oppa (older brother, meaning Gi-tak), Hong-nan lets go and slowly, slips down until she is falling with Suk.chul, Hae-joon crying as he recalls all of his memories with Gi-tak.

She falls, while everyone screams.


Her voice narrates as flashbacks show, as we hear again when she told Hae-joon one of the good things they needed to learn in this experience, was him.

He cries, calling Gi-tak… and when they look down, Hong-nan disappears. Her body isn’t there anymore.

Lee-yeon arrives, finally, without taking a cab, screaming for Hong-nan, defeated. She turns around, and Hong-nan is standing there with a sad look, teary eyes. I get goosebumps. “This time, I wanted to say a proper goodbye before I left,” she says, and even if Lee-yeon doesn’t want her to go, there’s no other way. She tells the actress not to cry as she leans in and holds her face, kissing her as a tear streams down her face. Then it’s Gi-tak kissing Lee-yeon as flashbacks of their youth play, and the last time they saw each other.


When he pulls back, she can see him, Maya standing next to them. She asks him not to go, and he says he is not going anywhere, and he will always still by her side. However, he starts fading away, and so does Hong-nan with that sad smile. Lee-yeon keeps crying as Hong-nan fades away in sparkly dust. She cries and cries… And slowly, Gi-tak disappears from every picture, literally fading away. Everything that was his, his boxing globes, his chef name tag… everything just disappears, and with him, Hong-nan.

Lee-yeon suddenly stops crying, her tear comes back in her eye and she is fine, just confused to be there.

She forgot… Gi-tak was found out, so he’s erased.

Oh boy...

Hae-joon is talking with the detective, regarding Suk-chul’s death. When he hangs up, he goes to see Da-hye who is still dreaming of that last day with Gi-tak, when he taught her how to throw a punch.

Hae-joon is watching her with Maya, who tells him no one remembers Gi-tak… no one but him, and he will always remember him. From the picture of Da-hye and Gi-tak, he disappears and there’s a boy in the car, behind where Gi-tak was standing.


She wakes up, looking at him with relieved eyes. He asks her why she looks at him like that, and she says she’s just happy he’s there.

Then he is giving Han-na many gifts for her first times, like a first bra, a perfume for her coming of age… even a tiara for when she gets married. He’s giving her the things he won’t be able for those key moments in her life.

Being the beautiful girl she is, she tells him to get married, to practice with her today. So they go out of her room, humming to the typical song, walking together hand in hand, while Da-hye and Abeoji watch them with fond eyes, but his expression is both heartbroken and happy.

He recalls how Abeoji said you can’t force becoming a family, it happens naturally, and he remembers those moments with them, realising the truth of his words.

Then at night, Hae-joon goes to Abeoji’s room, taking a look at that old picture of them when he was young. In his head, Young-soo tells him he’s still handsome, and he won’t miss him but he has to stay and see Han-na get married, have a family and then they’ll see each other. He muses how he’s proud of having been his son, and he cries, holding his hand. But he puts it back in the futon and leaves the room.


He goes to the kitchen, to the grape sheet to fill almost all the grapes, only leaving the last one, the 30th, uncovered.

The next day, he opens a letter with a card that says the world is brighter because of him.

Flashback shows that Hong-nan changed the picture in the frame, letting him take care of the original with the secret account number. Under Hong-nan’s name, a good cause has been sponsored and that card is a thank you letter for that. Hae-joon pastes the last sticker there, as he whispers his goodbye.

Then he is leaving the house, but Da-hye stops him to ask him to have a meal before. She made curry, because when she got married that was the only thing she knew how to make and did that every day for Young-soo, yet he never complained. This is the first time she makes curry since he died.

They sit across each other, but she doesn’t say anything. He tells him that if they see each other again, to pretend not to know each other. He says he’ll treat her badly, he might make her cry so she can curse him out and walk away. She smiles and says she’ll do that.


He finally leaves the house, meeting Maya in the way. He mentions Gi-tak, saying how he hopes to share a drink with him in the train. It’s good he remembers him, and she asks her if it was worth it, coming back. He says it was, smiling. But his smile dies when he realises he forgot to say goodbye. He also admits he maybe hoped Da-hye'd realise it was him…

In the house, she’s looking at the plate with the carrots, just like Young-soo did every time he ate her curry. She stands up and runs after him, recalling the message in the card that came with the necklace, while having flashbacks of her times with Hae-joon.

She runs and catches up to him, giving him a back hug and saying he did well… just like she always did when he came back home. Both are crying, but Hae-joon doesn’t reply, he just takes her hands off of his waist and says his goodbye, without looking back, and walking away. Tears keep streaming down his face, same for her, who also whispers her goodbye.



She smiles through the tears and Young-soo walks away with Maya, saying this is enough.

Some time later, I guess, Lee-yeon is in an interview being asked if she ever had a special relationship. She feels like she was unconditionally loved by someone, and that helped her through bad times. Now, she’s at peace.

Then she is introduced to her new manager, Seung-jae! He survived and his hair is down and he looks so handsome in that leather jacket. Jae-gil is also there and it’s beautiful. They are destiny after all.


She is walking the bridge, calling Young-chan while Seung-jae walks behind, listening. He takes off his phone and looks at his background… A PICTURE OF MAYA AND A KID! Is he the kid? Was Maya his mother? OMO! No wonder she was so smitten with him. I want to cry again.

Running, the opposite direction is Hong-nan! But no, it’s not really her. She walks past Lee-yeon and none react. Then past Seung-jae and they don’t react… but he stops later, and turns around. He feels something!


The real Lee Hae-joon is back, the female employees are all over him, thanking him, loving him and he is surprised, but cold. They are confused, and Manager Ma reminds them that after the hit-and-run, he hurt his head so they should be understanding of his changes. Telepathic Secretary is there, remembering how he told her to distribute his shares within the company employees, which makes her smile proud of him.

In his office, he finds a letter form Young-soo, telling him he used his name for those two months that were like a dream to him, too. He ruined his plans, but he won’t apologise because in exchange, he gifted him with loyal employees who respect him.


Family meeting with Jae-gook and Chairman Cha. The older son offers his help managing the company, super nonchalant, and Hae-joon says he hated him to death, still does. Chairman cringes… but then Hae-joon calls Jae-gook hyung (older brother) and chairman abeoji (father), saying how he wanted to do that even once before he died.

Chairman moves the walnuts and Telepathic Secretary blows up, telling she’s done, she doesn’t know what he’s thinking and they should talk. Please talk! She storms out and I can’t stop laughing. This is epic.


Young-chan is playing ball, and his parents are talking like civilised people. He says as he is unemployed now, he should be a father. Well, it was about time. I’m glad for the kid.

Han-na and Ji-hoon are together, he tells her how much he liked Young-soo and what a great man he was. That's why he is happy they are so alike. She should be proud of her appa. She asks him if later he could teach her how to dance, and he agrees happily. Aw.

Da-hye runs into Hae-joon in the elevator, and he really doesn’t recognise her. He is eating seaweed. It became a habit, uh? She tells him she’ll file a claim for worker’s compensation. He doesn’t understand, and she just chuckles before exiting.


He’s walking and he runs into a gorgeous woman… the original body of Hong-nan. She got her hair cut, God she’s beautiful. She asks if they have met before, but he wouldn't know, he just arrived, like her. He laughs, and she tells him not to get the wrong idea. At his chuckling, she gets annoyed and walks away. He turns to watch her and she fixes her underwear like Hong-nan used to do. They walk away but stop at the same time, turning around and smiling at each other.


Back in time, to when the picture of the Han siblings was taken. I always wondered who took the pictures of the two, and it was Abeoji! The one inside the car was Young-soo. He is being scolded, while little Hong-nan watches him with dreamy eyes and a smile as he gets dragged away. Then Gi-tak takes her hand and also walks away.


And that was the first picture of them, Young-soo and Da-hye.

The K-drama ends with a quote from Hermann Hesse’s Knulp: “It was beautiful. Happiness and sadness were all beautiful.”



I can't believe it's truly over. I cried, screamed and ran away when Sung-jae was stabbed because I couldn't stand it and I was too scared. But overall, I truly enjoyed the drama and the ending. I wish I could've seen more of Da-hye's family, how Abeoji was doing and such, but I'm really content with how things were wrapped up.

I am devastated that Gi-tak's existence was wiped out. He touched many lives, and I now it's probably more merciful not to remember him than remembering how he truly died, but still… I was really crying by then, when she said her goodbyes.

I'm glad, however, they could say their goodbyes, to their loved ones. Lee-yeon and Gi-tak, Young-soo and his wife and family. It surely is terrible losing someone with the regret of parting ways with harsh words or after a fight, which was both cases. So no wonder they feel more at peace after properly letting go. Still sad.

I wish I could've seen the two ahjussis back in the After Life station, but I'm glad the real Hae-joon and Hong-nan (she probably has another name, though) met and seemed to have a connection. I could totally write a fan fiction about that.

TALKING ABOUT FAN FICTIONS! I really want to write one (or a one shot) about Maya's being Seung-jae's mother. Like, there isn't much said about that (almost nothing and it isn't even confirmed) but my head is filled with ideas and I want to fill those blank spaces. I'll see if I can share that with you. Would anyone want to read it?

My favourite scene was when Telephonic Secretary blew up, I just couldn't stop laughing and clapping like a seal. What was yours? I mean, there were so many but that caused my stronger reaction and lifted the burden in my heart.

I loved the K-drama, it was beautiful and very moving, with the right doses of humour and great cast and acting. It pulled my heartstrings and made me feel so much, so it definitely gets in my top ten dramas.

Thank you for reading and sharing this journey with me. See you all soon, I hope, recapping another K-drama.
Bel, xx


source : dramafever





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Please Come Back, Mister Recaps: Episode 15 (Not dead yet)





It's time to recap episode 15 of Please Come Back, Mister. Are you ready? The cliffhanger for the previous one was massive. If you haven't watched it, here's the recap of it.

The previous episode left us screaming. Okay, it left me screaming because Hae-joon was run over! Episode 15 starts with Hae-joon walking to meet Da-hye, Suk-chul speeding up and hitting him, then running away. Hae-joon rolls on the road, people approach him and he stands up again, but falls, blood dripping from his forehead. Why is no one calling 911?

Da-hye waits at the restaurant. Hong-nan cuts her fingers overcome with an ominous feeling. Hae-joon once again stands up again, gets the flowers and wobbly makes his way. Some people ask him if he needs an ambulance. Really? I mean, really? Don’t you see he actually needs one? They just let him walk away as he mumbles this time he’ll be there.

Da-hye is still waiting, recalling the message written in the carriage, the ahjumma part. Then Hae-joon’s voice telling her he’ll keep his promise this time.

He actually makes it to the restaurant, panting, sweating and still bleeding, but he wipes that and tries to put his best face as he makes his way in, apologising for being later and giving her the flowers. He looks terrible, his lips are pale and his expression is so tired, but he still stays there, complimenting her, cutting the meat for her, treating her like he wanted and should’ve done. He keeps saying things that make her think back of Young-soo. Is he doing that on purpose or is it because he is like sixty percent dead already?


Hong-nan watches them fondly, recalling that time the three were there, even if they didn’t directly interact. Her eyes well up.

He finally thanks her for everything she’s done for him, every meal, and for being his family. He is happy this time he kept his promise. But even if she looks so pretty, he looks like he’s dying. He is probably dying (again!) and eventually, he just collapses.

Everybody runs to see what happened to him, and before he loses all consciousness, he says he was hit by a car and an ambulance finally takes him tot he hospital. There, he is rushed to run some exams while Hong-nan tries to comfort Da-hye.

Outside, Hong-nan makes some calls to try to find out what happened and who did it. She takes a look inside, how Da-hye is holding Hae-joon’s hand tightly and she starts complaining to the sky, saying if this is the way he’ll die. Maya shows up, saying that Hae-joon indeed will leave sooner because he doesn’t have more than two days.

Hong-nan doesn’t want to accept it, there must be a way, but Maya doesn’t have a choice whether he lives or not. Hong-nan wants her to bring him back, at least for Da-hye, they need to say goodbye. She’ll do anything…


There is a way, if she trades her time for his.

We don’t know her answer for sure, the scene changes to Hae-joon and Da-hye again, she taking his hand and begging him to wake up, saying she’ll be mad at him, telling him he can’t do this to her. Hong-nan and Maya are watching the scene and the former just nods her head before the latter walks up to Hae-joon, her hand on his forehead… transferring Gi-tak’s remaining time to him.


Later, Da-hye is asleep, holding Hae-joon’s hand. She tries to let go this time, but he grabs it back, holding it tight and asking her to go home. He finally opens his eyes and nods his head yes when she asks him if he’s okay. He really wants to go home, eat the homemade food of hers, see Han-na and such. She nods her head and agrees.

When the doctor comes asking for Hae-joon, the nurse tells him he was discharged although he had a stroke.

At home, Lee-yeon is going over a magazine, nagging about Jae-gook’s attitude during the meal. Then she finds in that old magazine an interview with her and her picture. Hong-nan doesn't say anything, just mumbles some agreement and watches her fondly, but there are no goodbyes.

Jae-gook meets with Suk-chul, giving to him the money in exchange of the recording but Suk-chul doesn’t just take his trap, President Ew has brought thugs to beat Suk-chul up, but he’s a mad hound and he’s done more. He confesses the hit-and-run to Hae-joon and how everything will be his fault. It was a trap for him.


Jae-gook get’s even angrier and his thugs beat Suk-chul up, but the bastards manages to escape.

At home, Da-hye is looking after Hae-joon, so is Han-na and Abeoji. I don’t know how long after, he finally wakes up when Da-hye has come to check his cut. He is all better now and before she leaves, he tells someone was looking after him in his dreams and gives her a new sticker, thanking her. She doesn’t accept it, though. He checks his watch now and alarmed, calls Maya.

Our awesome lady tells him his time hasn’t been reduced but extended, and once he comes back he’ll understand what happened. She wishes him good luck saying his goodbyes.


We finally get to know how his meeting with Telepathic Secretary went. Her father helped him before, and now she wants to do the same. I’d say it went well, then.

Lee-yeon has come to see Da-hye and they are having coffee while they talk about Hong-nan, and eventually Gi-tak. Lee-yeon finally mentions his name that triggers a reaction in Da-hye, she also confesses how much she like him and that he died, but his friends are protecting her now. She looks at Sung-jae, saying that they are like destiny. Da-hye looks troubled, but she doesn’t even know why she’s tearing up.

Manager Ma runs to Hae-joon then to show him something that is outrageous. Ji-hoon comes to see Jae-gook, telling him about the audio file on the internet and about the rumour, right before secretary comes to tell him about an emergency. Ji-hoon leaves before Jae-gook throw his tantrum.

As Lee-yeon walks around, everyone looks at her and eventually she’s asked if she is doing okay, but she doesn’t understand. Then Seung-jae receives an text and he’s directed to the audio that everyone has heard, saying it’s Jae-gook ordering Gi-tak’s death.


About to break down, Lee-yeon excuses herself but when she turns around, Hong-nan is there, looking pale as the audio repeats.

Hae-joon is facing Jae-gook who denies being involved, and our guy promises that if he was indeed involved, he’ll make Jae-gook pay for everything.

Lee-yeon and Hong-man look at each other, the actress tries to tell her and herself this can’t be, he is evil but he wouldn’t do this… yet she still excuses herself. Seung-jae is also having a break down, angry and revengeful, but Hong-nan tells him not to do anything stupid. Da-hye comes to Hong-nan, asking her if she’s okay.

Hong-nan then goes to see Hae-joon, but she isn’t doing well, because knowing someone actually killed him is hard to swallow, and the fact he hurt the people he loves. She wants to spend her remaining time with her sister more than seeking revenge. She asks him to stand by Da-hye’s side because until Suk-chul dies, she will have to still pretend to be Hong-nan.

Da-hye is dreaming of Gi-tak again when Hae-joon comes and asks her if something happened. She says how it’s strange how she’s feeling anxious and has a bad feeling. She requests of him that when the time comes, to please say goodbye. When he promises that, she leaves to her room.

Jae-gook is standing in his studio, office,

I don’t know, when Lee-yeon comes, asking him if he really did order Gi-tak’s murder. Contrary to what he told Hae-joon, he says it’s true, he really did it even if she begs him to tell her he didn’t. Eventually, he tells her it was her, because of what she did. Both look like they’ve lost their minds, completely insane.


Hong-nan is making calls, murmuring she barely has time. I’m sure she’s calling Lee-yeon, who keeps crying on the floor instead of picking up.

The next day, Jae-gook’s secretary tells him not to dress up so much when going to the prosecutor’s office, but he says he’s done nothing so why shouldn’t he?

Hong-nan comes to see Hae-joon, who explains that Jae-gook denies being involved so he’s doing his investigation. No CCTV, the black box of his car was missing, the truck was never found. So they need her to remember what happened to know exactly who killed Gi-tak.

She relives the accident, Seung-jae calling him to tell the police was there so he sped up to catch the paparazzi to prove Lee-yeon's innocence, but then the accident happened. However, that didn’t kill him, it was the truck that came later.

Hae-joon asks her if she remembers something strange, and she does, before Gi-tak met Young-soo at the afterlife station, he had a cigarette in his hands, but he had quit long ago.

She remembers now, once he was dead Suk-chul coming, playing with his lighter, checking if he was indeed dead. Someone else, tells Suk-chul he already sent the pictures, to whom? Jae-gook who was having a mental break down and in that state he orders Suk-chul to kill those bastards, staring at the picture. But by then, Gi-tak was already dead so it was Suk-chul who used Jae-gook to cover the murder. There he lights up the cigarette he found out later, the bastard left it lit in Gi-tak’s hand.


Suk-chul has killed all those people for money, he has nothing left to lose now. He wants the secret account. She has to continue being Gi-tak’s sister until the bastard dies, and then promises him that both Lee-yeon and Da-hye will be all right. He notices then their watches don’t match anymore and understands Maya’s words. Hong-nan confesses what happened and he hugs her tight, while she tells him just to be nice to her sister. He cries, she tears up as she pats his back.

Lee-yeon is back at home, drinking and remembering that time Hae-joon came to Hong-nan and Lee-yeon told them how pathetic they were. As she recalls that, she says they are the worst type of pathetic. She muses how it would’ve been nice if Gi-tak was also there, if he had seen how pretty and nice Hong-nan grew up to be.

She spots the old magazine and goes to the picture of her again, noticing this time in the background, there’s Gi-tak. Finally, her dream came true: she has a picture of them both. Hong-nan comes then and hears her telling Gi-tak how she is sorry for what happened, for being so selfish. She apologises over and over again, saying how she loves him so much. Hong-nan continues eavesdropping, eyes tearing up.

She comes in then, telling her no to be sorry because Jae-gook wasn’t the one who ordered to kill Gi-tak, she has nothing to be sorry about. She asks him that after this, she has to take care of Young-chan. She tells her she has little time left and she’s done everything she came here for, and then walks way. Lee-yeon still can’t look up to her and is left crying. She attempts to go after Hong-nan, but doesn’t at the end.


The next day, Jae-gook walks in during a meeting schedule to, basically, fire him. He makes a fuss about it, asking who is behind. Hae-joon comes in, saying it was him who is now the one who has the most shares int he company. After his scandal, the price came down so much so he got even more shares.

Explaining all what Jae-gook's done wrong, Hae-joon explains his motion and once it is accepted, every shareholder votes whether they approve of it or not. Chairman Cha is the first to raise his hand. It’s unanimous, Jae-gook is dismissed. For the time being, Hae-joon is the one who’ll be acting as the president.

Then, Hae-joon meets with Hong-nan, telling her Da-hye wants to see her. She comes in, with the picture she found of her and Gi-tak. She asks what’s going on, and HAe-joon says he’s found her brother, but she can’t tell her about it because that’s what her brother wanted, however he did that to protect her and because he loves her.


Da-hye asks if her brother is Gi-tak…

Around, Suk-chul is playing with his lighter, grinning as he eavesdrop their conversation.

The epilogue shows the real Hae-joon and the pilot being all lovey-dovey, doing really well and not even bothering with every ship that goes by… until one passes closes and they are finally saved!



I'm so relieved Hae-joon didn't die, I was so scared… but he was going to. Thank you, Hong-nan! The feeling this is ending and they have to leave is so imminent it chokes me. I've grown to hate Suk-Chgulmore than Jae-gook, I find the latter just pathetic. I really hope the thug gets what he deserves.

I found so emotive when Hae-joon hugged Hong-nan for giving him her time, like I had goosebumps. Their bonding friendship is just precious, don't you agree? I think that was also my favourite scene. What was yours?

The ending is out so I'll go post the recap now. See you all there!
Bel, xx


source : dramafever





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You From Another Star, Heirs, and Decendents of the Sun Take Top Three Rank in Most Popular K-dramas in China


With the conclusion of Descendants of the Sun it’s a perfect time to check in with the popularity of K-dramas in China and see where this newest ratings breaker resides. Polling website Vlinkage just released the Top 30 Most Popular K-dramas in China list as of April 2016 and it’s rare for me to feel like this is one accurately reflective ranking. It doesn’t just include recent dramas but even oldies like Autumn in My Heart and Full House are on the list.


(skipped unrelated.....)


Vlinkage Top 30 Popular Ranked K-dramas in China:

1. You From Another Star
2. Heirs
3. Descendants of the Sun
4. City Hunter
5. Pinocchio
6. You’re Beautiful
7. Secret Garden
8. I Hear Your Voice
9. The Master’s Sun
10. Rooftop Prince
11. It’s Okay, It’s Love
12. Queen In Hyun’s Man
13. Missing You
14. My Girl
15. The Moon Embraces the Sun
16. Autumn in My Heart
17. Full House
18. Goong
19. Boys Before Flowers
20. A Gentleman’s Dignity


source : http://koalasplayground.com/2016/04/16/you-from-another-star-heirs-and-decendents-of-the-sun-take-top-three-rank-in-most-popular-k-dramas-in-china/

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160418 Rain & Black Queen @ Wellcarefit Event in shanghai

jihyun_bq중국 행사장에서 만난 #비 선배님/ scorpiola -










blackqueen_ent중국 행사장에서 비 선배님을 만났어요^^ 화장품 메인 모델이시라 자리에 참석해주셨구요~ 블랙퀸은 축하공연하고 왔습니다^^





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[Fancam]16-04-18 Rain @ hotel in Shanghai

credit @白菜爱rainrain / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/







 [Fancam]16-04-18 Rain @ Wellcarefit event in Shanghai

Credit @raincloudhk weibo / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/








credit 小性情33



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*** I could see that RAIN is wearing a LV brand for the photoshoot of this magazine including the sneakers. His sunglasses is an Oriental Mood brand, which originated from Japan.  His pair of shoes is Gucci. In this spread, RAIN talks about his last drama, "Come Back Mister" - He talks about his Mom. He talks about what's important in his life. He said that he's now grateful for everything. :P




16-04-19 Rain @ Cosmopolitan Korea magazine Picture
CREDIT Naver news / ratoka -





더욱 강인한 남성으로 돌아온 비









거울 앞의 정지훈은 어딘지 달라 보인다. “더 나은 세상으로 바뀌길 원한다면 나 자신부터 먼저 바뀌어야 해.” 마이클 잭슨의 노래 가사처럼 이제는 어디에도 휘둘리지 않고 여유를 제대로 즐길 줄 알게 된 이 남자.


화려한 프린트의 셔츠와 쇼츠. 

그는 어떤 스타일에도 당당하다. 셔츠 가격미정, 쇼츠 가격미정, 스니커즈 80만원대 모두 루이 비통.



오리엔탈 무드의 가운과 선글라스가 제법 잘 어울린다. 

가운 6백97만5천원, 셔츠 1백28만원, 팬츠 81만원, 선글라스 47만원, 슈즈 1백35만원 모두 구찌.



거울로 둘러싸인 공간에서 소파에 편안하게 기대앉았다. 

셔츠 59만8천원, 팬츠 79만8천원, 벨트 가격미정 모두 김서룡 옴므. 팔찌 가격미정 보테가 베네타. 샌들 1백38만원 베르사체.




오늘 <돌아와요 아저씨> 마지막 방송 날이네요. 지금까지 계속 촬영하고 온 거죠?

네. 나흘 내내 2~3시간밖에 못 잤어요.


인터뷰 전 <돌아와요 아저씨>를 보고 왔는데, 슬프면서 웃긴 블랙코미디더라고요. 죽은 사람이 다시 돌아온다는 설정에 놀라운 전개가 계속되는 드라마라 새로운 도전이었겠어요.

사 람 냄새가 나는 따뜻한 드라마가 하고 싶어 이 작품을 선택했어요. 달달한 로맨스나 멋진 백마 탄 왕자가 되는 것도 좋지만 지금의 현실을 보여주는 작품을 꼭 해보고 싶었거든요. 환생해서 갑의 횡포에 맞서 비리를 캐낸다는 설정도 흥미로웠고요. 지난 3개월 동안 너무 즐겁게 촬영했어요.


김인권 씨가 맡았던 40대 말단 과장에 빙의된 ‘이해준’을 연기했잖아요. 완전히 새로운 캐릭터라 어떻게 표현할지 고민이 많았겠어요.

사 람들에게 좋은 메시지를 줄 수 있는 역할이라 다른 작품보다 캐릭터 분석을 많이 했어요. 김인권 선배를 똑같이 따라 해야 해 선배의 웃음소리부터 걸음걸이, 눈빛, 손짓까지 흉내냈죠. 선배가 출연했던 영화 <약장수> <해운대>를 보고 그 속에서 했던 연기를 조금씩 섞었어요. 선배가 나오는 영화를 계속 봤죠. 김수로 선배가 환생한 역을 맡았던 연서 씨도 계속 그 선배가 나오는 영화를 봤대요.

그래서 오연서 씨랑 같이 붙는 장면을 보면 분명히 겉모습은 남자와 여자인데 말하거나 행동하는 건 딱 둘 다 남자더라고요. 개인적으로 이 작품에서 둘의 케미가 가장 좋았다고 생각해요.

호 흡이 좋았어요. 연서 씨는 자기 장점을 잘 아는 친구인 거 같아요. 어떤 호흡으로 어떻게 연기해야 되는지 잘 알고 있어요. 웃긴 장면을 잘 뽑아내려고 둘이 표정이나 행동을 많이 맞춰보곤 했죠. 이번엔 망가져도 즐기면서 연기하고 싶었는데 캐릭터가 코믹하지만 무거운 느낌이라 어렵더라고요. 


평범한 회사원의 희로애락을 연기한 거잖아요. 20대부터 스타로 살아온 사람인데 평범한 사람들의 감정이 쉽게 와 닿던가요?

제 삶 속에 이미 희로애락이 다 담겨 있어요. 제가 1997년 잡지로 데뷔했는데, 메인 모델 뒤에 서는 여러 남자 중 하나였죠. 데뷔할 때는 3·6·9계획이 있었어요. 3년 뒤엔 이렇게 될 거고 6년 뒤엔 저렇게 될 거라는 계획 말이죠. 그때는 행운이 많이 따랐는지 10년은 지나야 이룰 것을 6년 만에 다 이뤘어요. 20년 가까이 해보고 싶었던 건 다 해본 거 같아요. 그런데 한편으론 그 시간이 정말 순식간에 지나간 거죠. 촬영하면서 연서 씨가 과거 제가 멋있었던 장면을 얘기하는데 아무것도 기억이 안 나더라고요. 어떻게 이렇게 시간이 빨리 흘렀는지 놀라워요. 그래서 요즘 제 인생의 희로애락을 어떻게 하면 제대로 느낄 수 있을지 많이 고민해요. 삶의 리듬을 놓치지 않고 하루하루 행복하게 살아가는 게 지금 저의 가장 중요한 목표죠.


지금까지 너무 꽉 차 있는 포화된 삶을 살아서 그런 거 아닐까요삶을 길게 보고 큰 목표를 세웠던 예전과 달리 이젠 자신에게 집중하게 된 거죠.

제가 열아홉 살 때 엄마가 돌아가셨어요. 이제 엄마와 살았던 시간 속 기억이 독립해서 살았던 시간보다 적어요. 6~7세까지 기억이 거의 없으니까요. 그걸 깨달으니 하루하루가 너무 소중하더라고요. 이제라도 저를 놓지 않고 살아야죠.


삶에서 뭐가 중요한지 깨달은 건가요?


지 금은 모든 것에 감사해요. 예전에는 제가 열심히 활동하는 걸 사람들에게 알려야겠다는 생각을 많이 했어요. 열심히 살고 있다는 걸 인정받고 싶었거든요. 제 목표를 이루는 게 너무 중요해 사고 날까 봐 여행도 안 가고 친구랑 술을 먹다가도 밤 10시면 집에 들어와 잠깐 쉬고 운동했으니까요. 그러면서 정지훈이라는 사람을 잃어버린 거 같아요. 제가 자신을 사랑하지 않으면 인생 자체가 의미가 없어진다는 걸 알게 됐죠.



HD Pics




















































160418 成都市广播电视台CDTV-5_娱情全接触_明星大轰炸——王者归来: Rain (Rain Special)

credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/











160419 Youku_优酷全娱_Rain为戏变成行走的表情包 新专辑紧张筹备中 Rain interview and Wellcarefit Event in Shanghai

credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/





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Weekly Top 10 K-dramas


Who wins this week? Last week Descendants of the Sun surged to become the top K-drama in our Top 10 list. Will it now overtake Running Man to become the leader of the entire pack?


(skipped unrelated.....)


In other news: 

Rain's Please Come Back, Mister reached its touching finale with more revelations and on a high note at #4. 


4. Please Come Back, Mister


source : dramafever

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Yoona and Kim Soo Hyun Top the Vlinkage 2016 Most Popular Korean Male and Female Star List in China


After releasing the list of current most popular K-dramas in China, polling site Vlinkage is back with the Top 30 list of most popular Korean male and female stars, respectively. Some are long time regulars on any Korean star popularity list while others are a surprise to me but adds diversity to this list.


(skipped unrelated.....)



Top 30 Most Popular in China male Korean stars:

1. Kim Soo Hyun
2. Song Joong Ki
3. Lee Min Ho
4. Lee Jong Seok
5. Park Hae Jin
6. Rain
7. Kim Woo Bin
8. Park Shi Hoo
9. Jang Geun Seok
10. Ji Chang Wook


source : http://koalasplayground.com/2016/04/18/yoona-and-kim-soo-hyun-top-the-vlinkage-2016-most-popular-korean-male-and-female-star-list-in-china/


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***RAIN is thanking everyone for all the support for his drama. :P




16-04-19 RAIN-JIHOON Weibo 

credit  RAIN-JIHOON Weibo / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/


그동안 드라마 '돌아와요 아저씨'  많은 성원에 감사드립니다[微笑]
성도에서도 함께해요~!






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