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DramaFever Weekly Top 10 for March 21, 2016


(skipped unrelated.....)


Rain, Rain's abs, and the beautiful Oh Yeon Seo, who plays a macho man temporarily living in a woman's body, have pushed Please Come Back, Mister to #4. The drama successfully fuses hilarious comedy with a very emotional story. Join the recapping club HERE to discuss.


Here are last week's Weekly Top 10 shows in order of popularity:


4. Please Come Back, Mister


source : dramafever

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"List of Names" Rain's marriage rumor? Lives 20 mins away from Kim Tae-hee



Rain's house is world class.

The tvN show "List of Names" revealed Rain's self-designed interior of his house.

Rain's house was revealed on the MNet TV show "Rain Effect". He is a neighbor to Kim Seung-woo, Kim Nam-joo and Song Hye-kyo.

However, he sold his house in 2014 and moved to S Villa in Samsung-dong where Han Chae-yeong, Choi Ji-woo and Jo Yeong-nam lives. It's apparently 20 minutes away from Kim Tae-hee's house and this caused rumors about them getting married to rise up.


Source : news.nate.com/view/20...

Translation : Hancinema


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*** "Stop Child Abuse Now" ??? :phew:




[raincompany Notice]16-03-22 Rain Picture

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/


“아동학대 이제 그만”… ‘착한신고 112’ 릴레이 인증샷 










[SBS]16-03-22 Come Back Mister Making Film_[메이킹] HOT 아재 출몰 현장 '놀라워요 아저씨' COOL 

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/


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***Awww.........this is making the headlines once again. And this made my day. Hahaha – they look super cute. Sarangy is a diva – LOL. I want to cuddle him although I’m not fond of having pets.  :P




Kim Tae Hee takes RAIN's dog out for a walk?




LINK here : http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.my/2016/03/kim-tae-hee-takes-rains-dog-out-for-walk.html



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Please Come Back, Mister Drama Club episodes 7 & 8: One Step Closer to the Truth




Greetings, and welcome to week 4. Our boys are learning more about the truth behind their deaths, and the more they learn, the more difficult things become for them. Young Soo is shown the harsh reality of what will happen if he breaks the rules, but will this be enough to keep him from dooming them both? Or will his need to prove himself to his wife drive him past the point of no return? Join DeShonda, Marakeshsparrow, and Firnlambe as we discuss everything from the laughs to the intense frustration we experienced in episodes 7 & 8 of Please Come Back, Mister.


Firnlambe: I am so tired of Young Soo’s crap. I’m not even joking ladies . . . I don’t understand how he can’t grasp that he needs to stop what he’s been doing. He even got a glimpse of what would happen if he continued down the path he has created for himself.

Marakeshsparrow: OMG. If you didn’t say it, I was going to. Young Soo was driving me CRAZY this week. I mean I love Rain (god bless him) and I really really enjoy the moments he has with his comrade in arms (they are seriously hilarious together), but every interaction he has with his wife and family makes super frustrated. I mean, I guess he’s just being himself. Young Soo was pretty goofy and all over the place when he was alive and in his own body, but I really want him to get a grip! He’s already come dangerously close to giving the game away and Maya gave him a warning on what would happen, yet STILL he’s pushing the limit. #annoyed


DeShonda: I couldn’t agree more with you ladies. I was also getting very frustrated with Young Soo. But I was happy that Maya let him see what could happen if he continues not to follow the rules. It was very sad to see him being erased and replaced from his family, but if you don’t follow rules, unfortunately there are consequences. Maybe, now that he has gotten a glimpse of what could happen, he will adhere to Miss Maya’s rules.

Firnlambe: I think I’ve become annoyed with where we are in the story in general. I just can’t understand our leading men and their inability to process the situation they are in. Though Gi Tak is by faaaaaar the least annoying. I adore all that he is doing for Yi Yeon and the fact that he even went so far as to stage an ambush was classic! I absolutely loved their dramatic walk out, but the man seriously has issues remembering he is a “she” particularly when he is around the boys. //sigh// I just hope we get to the heart of this soon.

Marakeshsparrow: You know we’re not going to get anywhere substantial for at least several more episodes. BUT I totally agree--Gi Tak is definitely the least annoying. I actually really enjoy most parts of his story line. And I love that there are two awkward ships sailing--not only with Yi Yeon but also with Sung Jae. I’m pretty sure he has already fallen for Gi Tak’s “little sister” and I’m LOVING IT. hahaha. Also, I have to say that staged ambush was daebak. I thought they were seriously in hot water and I did a double take and had to rewind when I realized the man Jerky Model thought was Na Suk Chul was actually Gi Tak’s lackey from the restaurant. I was cackling with pleasure when I realized they’d just hired all those men to scare the crap out of the model. That seriously killed me.


DeShonda: I adore Gi Tak and his storyline a lot more as well. I really love that he protects Yi Yeon. Oh and I enjoy watching the crush Sung Jae has on Gi Tak’s “little sister” as well. I can’t wait to see what developes from those two. And the ambush was stellar! I was also fooled until I realized it was all staged. It was very fun to watch and very well played by Gi Tak.

Marakeshsparrow: I have to say though, I was a little bummed Young Soo ran out of the fashion show without taking part, but I guess it was for good reason? At least now he found the footage that proves he didn’t try to kill himself…

Firnlambe: Yeah but then he wasn’t thinking properly and was an richard simmons about how he revealed the information to his wife . . . though I loved how he was revealing everything to the board members.

Marakeshsparrow: That’s something that continues to frustrate me as well. Aren’t the board members confused as to why this guy is so obsessed with Young Soo’s death? Every time they have a meeting that is all he talks about. Wasn’t he sent there to bring up sales?


DeShonda: I was thinking the exact same thing. He was really obsessed with finding out the real truth of Young Soo’s death to the board members. I don’t think the board cares about his death however. So now that we know the real truth, it’s time to get back to business.

Firnlambe: Right?!?! Suddenly there is man who comes out of nowhere and is obsessing over a dead man instead of making sales better. Yet NO ONE CARES!!! Gah! So frustrating.

Marakeshsparrow: So something else we haven’t touched on yet--what did you think of Jung Ji Hoon being a total snake in the grass!!?? We all predicted last week that he wasn’t to be trusted and it looks like that proved to be true. He’s the one who behind all the sabotage Young Soo’s been up against. But now I’m also wondering if he’s really as bad as they’ve made him out to be… (LOL--I’m a flip-flopper) The only reason I say that is because they revealed so quickly and easily that he’s been the one behind this. Was he just following orders? I don’t know. I feel like the jury isn’t out on him yet (at least not for me). What do you ladies think?


Firnlambe: I still don’t trust him. Particularly after seeing him with Jerkface Ex. I don’t see him being the type to simply be used like this without doing it for a reason he would really get behind . . . like moving up the management chain or “winning back his lost love” //rolls eyes//

DeShonda: I don’t think he can be trusted as well. But I was giving him the benefit of the doubt also. I was thinking to myself that he was just doing what he was told for the same reasons you mentioned Marakeshsparrow. It was revealed rather quickly that he was behind everything from the start. But something about him is still a bit shady to me.

Marakeshsparrow: I would go with the “trying to win back lost love” motive over anything else. Which is pretty annoying, but at least a little (?) more noble than just wanting to climb the ladder or just being a creep. One part of Young Soo’s story line I did enjoy was when Da Hye pretty much pushed Ji Hoon aside to learn more of the truth behind her husband’s death. I’m glad she stood up and made his start to realize that she’s not interested in him. Because the way he chases her around does get under my skin.


Firnlambe: Agreed. Another female I was proud of was Yi Yeon. When she stood up to the chairman and turned down all of that money, just to make sure her son didn’t grow up like his Jerkface of a father, I got some serious feels for her. At least she has Gi Tak’s home to live at . . . . though I’m not quite sure how it still has power. Who’s been paying those bills I wonder.

Marakeshsparrow: Yessss. I’m super proud of Yi Yeon. She is proving to be quite the fierce super woman! No wonder Gi Tak cares for her the way he (she, lol) does. I’m so glad she stood up to her Ex and also the president when he wanted to take her son away from her. As she said, she could have lived her life comfortably with the amount offered, but she doesn’t want her little boy (who is super sweet and adorable) to grow up like his father in a house without love. High Fives all around for Team Yi Yeon/Gi Tak!

DeShonda: Yi Yeon was awesome in these episodes. Just as you ladies mentioned, I too was happy that she stood up for herself and her son. I was hoping that she would give her Ex a piece of her mind. I admire her strength for doing that in order to protect her son.

Well . . . our dead adorkable men are bound to run into massive trouble soon. Is it finally Gi Tak's turn to tempt the fates and push the bounds of his second chance? Maybe Young Soo will tone it back and successfully woo his own wife. Or will the real Hae Joon finally get off of his lone island much sooner than Maya expected, only to return and find his life in shambles. Stick around for week 5 and leave your theories in the comment section below, we love to see how other Angels are handing the current situation.


source : dramafever






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*** Actually, RAIN wasn't really from rags......... He grew up in Sinchon, Seoul, with his mother, father and little sister, Hanna. (Rain is just three years older from Hanna) His Dad had a business - but, his father's mill and bakery businesses failed during the 1997 economic crisis. His parents operated a rice cake shop then as well. Bankrupt, so, Mr Kichun Jung left for Brazil, leaving Mrs Jung, who was ailing from diabetes, to support the family as a food vendor.  :)  Just months before his debut Rain lost his mother. She died December 27, 2001.  :phew:




Rags to riches: Idols' humble beginnings that improved after debut


Although these idols may be leading a good life now, they surprisingly started off a little less fortunate than most. "Started from the bottom, now we here" is basically the golden catchphrase of these idols who went from rags to riches (well, at least seemingly better off) after their debut.


(skipped unrelated.....)


6. Rain


Sadly, the globally recognized mega superstar that is Rain had more of a rough past than expected. He grew up in a rather poor household that often had unsanitary conditions. Another unfortunate tragedy was the death of his mother. She died of diabetes and it was believed if they had more money at the time they could have afforded actual medical treatment for her. Rain recalled in an interview that even his mother's last meal was prepackaged ramen. 


source : allkpop

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16-03-23 Come Back Mister_[9회 선공개] 오연서, 정지훈이 숨겨둔 '19금 직박구리'에 흥분 (부제: 뜻밖의 알파고)

credit : memo-rain



[9회 선공개] 오연서, 정지훈이 숨겨둔 '19금 직박구리'에 흥분 (부제: 뜻밖의 알파고)



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16-03-23 Come Back Mister Picture

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/






16-03-23 Come Back Mister Picture

credit sbsnow_insta / ratoka -http://rain-cloud.co.kr/






16-03-23 Come Back Mister Picture

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

source http://program.sbs.co.kr/builder/endPage.do?pgm_id=22000009040&pgm_mnu_id=42079&pgm_build_id=14401&pageIdx=1&listOrder=regDtDesc&searchCondition=title&searchKeyword=&contNo=10000405630















16-03-24 Come Back Mister Picture

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/





16-03-24 Come Back Mister Picture 

Credit sbsnow_insta / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/









naver news / scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/















16-03-27 Rain @ Come Back Mister Set 

Credit yyywhywhywhy / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/








16-03-27 leere0312 ins_Rain @ Come Back Mister Set 

Credit leere0312 / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/







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[SBS]16-03-23 Come Back Mister Making Film

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

[메이킹] 정지훈, 추위를 피하고 싶었어~♬ (with 간식먹방)


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[SBS]16-03-23 Come Back Mister Ep 10 Preview

Credit DramaSBS / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/





[SBS]16-03-24 Come Back Mister Ep 10 Preview

credit SBSNOW / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/





[SBS]16-03-24 Come Back Mister_[10회 선공개] 이민정, 정지훈 보며 남편 떠올라 '토닥토닥 키스'


credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/


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Please Come Back, Mister Recaps: Episode 10 (Maya also loves Seung-jae)




The wait is over, and we can finally see how the story progresses in the tenth episode of Please Come Back, Mister. Ready to recap it together?


 So we were left with Hae-joon’s confession, and Da-hye shrugs it off, telling him that he just needs someone by his side, he’s not in love. She was like that one and that’s why she got married. Ha! See? She admits she didn’t get married because she loved Young-soo.Hae-joon doesn’t get that well and proposes to figure out at the end who’s the one misunderstanding, him or her, and he warns her not to fall for him.


When they are heading home, it’s not in an awkward mood and she asks him why he’s doing that to her, besides he’s not even her type. He asks what’s his type, but she doesn’t answer and tells him he could never handle a woman like her, which once again she doesn’t reveal. Hae-joon muses how Young-soo didn’t know the real her either, and asks about him. She confesses he was really kind and all, he never pushed her to talk about painful things but because of the same they couldn’t have meaningful conversations.

As he realises that is true, he runs after her and decides to start anew, introducing himself all over again. She laughs at him for that. Later that night, he gives her shoes as a thank you for being good to Young-soo. It doesn’t look like she wants to accept them, but the next morning all of her high heels are gone. Even if Hae-joon acts innocent, it’s too clear it’s his doing so she has no other option but using the heels he gave her.


Hong-nan is using a horrid and smelly bag, so Lee-yeon says she can’t anymore and give her one, very cute and that suits her style so well. She’s touched for receiving a present, being her first time, she even tears up. Lee-yeon helps her to doll-up a bit, Hong-nan want stop keep that going, asking how to use another thing but Lee-yeon disappears.

She’s at that when Seung-jae texts her that Big Boss is in critical condition. When she arrives, my love is being beaten up so she has to interrupt. She confesses she’s Gi-tak’s younger sister even if Seung-jae tries to stop her, she also confesses that Big Boss gave Gi-tak money and if Suk-chul cooperates, she’ll give him half of it. With Hae-joon against President Ew, Suk-chul only has to choose sides, and he picks Hong-nan’s, apparently. I don’t trust him.


My poor love, all beaten-up is just waiting until Hong-nan catches a cab, but Suk-chul appears again. He figures out Seung-jae likes her, and the baby doesn’t deny it, so the thug uses that against him, threatening her so Seung-jae will bring him all the money once she finds it. His plan is just to make everyone fight while he watches, even using Song Lee-yeon to push President Ew.

At the store, Hae-joon is trying to be charming to Da-hye, helping her with a heavy box. They bicker a bit, well it’s mostly her telling him not to act like that and Hae-joon ignoring it, while Ji-hoon watches, he even listens when Hae-joon reminds Da-hye of the date they’ll have tonight.

Ji-hoon comes out and the animosity is so heavy between the two, but there’s just more work to do. As they walk through the store, Hae-joon is ordering him to create break rooms for the employees, making him take notes of it and such and there’s a picture in his notebook. Is that a picture of Da-hye. perhaps?

They stop near Da-hye and Hae-joon makes sure to point out she’s wearing the shoes he gave her. Ji-hoon fights back, telling him to notice how everyone is watching him. All the female employees that were swooning before glare at him, and it seems it’s not Ji-hoon’s doing, but Hae-joon’s.


President Cha has a proposal Hae-joon sent where he indicated to fire half of the employees and make them part time instead of full time, so that’s why everyone is glaring at him. However, he refuses to take action and promises to get in President Ew’s way. He’ll do his best.

Then Hae-joon calls Maya to ask why it happened, and apparently it was something the real Hae-joon did before, something that’s how he behaves and she couldn’t stop it.

He goes to talk to Da-hye after that, asking her if she also doubts him, and he explains that yes, the rumour is true but he won’t launch it, for as long as he’s there no one will get fired. She admits she knew that, she trusted him, and leaves. He watches her walk away, musing how it seems she’s already falling for him.

Hong-nan carries and drops Seung-jae very unceremoniously. He finally gets angry and yells at her for telling that to Suk-chul, worrying about her for the threat and asking about the money. She doesn’t know where it is. After reminding him she doesn’t have much time, asks him if he’ll help her. When he mentions revenge, she smacks him because Maya immediately appears to remind him revenge is not allowed. As she focuses on Maya trying to tell her with the yes to go, Seung-jae wants to see what’s caught her attention so turns his head. Hong-nan holds his face in her hands, making him look at her instead. I squealed, I confess.


As Hong-nan holds him so close, Maya does exactly what I’d do, leaning on him and saying just how handsome he is. I agree wholeheartedly!

Lee-yeon shows up then, interrupting them and making Seung-jae nod his agreement that she’s quite charming. Maya whines when they leave. I do the same every time, Maya!

Ji-hoon is asking Da-hye what’s going on with Hae-joon, trying to make her stay away from him. She tells him he’s living with them and he just can understand, he gets agitated and tries to tell him he’s not a good guy. However, Da-hye states all in all, she knows him better than Ji-hoon.


As Ji-hoon is watching her from afar, Hae-joon shows up next to him, watching her too. When she looks to be a bit hot, he ask the air conditioning to lower a few degrees. When he sees her tapping her foot at the rhythm of the music, he asks to turn it up a little bit more. All for her, in front of Ji-hoon.

She finally gets in the elevator and when Hae-joon seems to go after her, Ji-hoon gets in the way and they fight over Da-hye. Ji-hoon laughs when Hae-joon says he’s a better match and bumps shoulders with him, saying he doesn't know anything about her. Young-soo thinks how much he wants to hit Ji-hoon. I also want to punch him.

And because of that, he calls for all the employees to the rooftop to have a boxing match, it seems. He of course calls Ji-hoon. Confident in his new body, Hae-joon thinks he’ll destroy Ji-hoon but this shows his skills and even I am impressed! The crowd cheers for him and then the match starts, Ji-hoon seems to dominate it and they argue whether who’s a better man for Da-hye. Gentlemen, that’s something she has to decide, though.

Finally, Ji-hoon punches Hae-joon hard in the face, and even if he asks for Maya’s help, he just has to receive that. It’s clear he’ll lose so before that continues he stops the match saying that’s enough for Ji-hoon to release his stress so the next contestant can come. A big and strong woman and beats him ruthlessly.


Back to Hong-nan and Lee-yeon, President Ew came to pick Young-chan and hand some papers to Lee-yeon. When Seung-jae is opening the door for Young-chan, he shows him the picture he found of Gi-tak and a little boy.

The papers demand for custody because, with her alcoholism, lack of money and scandals, she’s a bad influence. But Lee-yeon doesn’t let that defeat her and remains strong, acting as if that never happened because she's playing fair, it'll be okay. They need to keep working, but the boss guy disregards her as just a minor character and makes her stand by with all the extras. Seung-jae has been glaring at her all morning and Hong-nan in her annoyance for waiting, also snaps at him. Some other teenagers are there, who don’t even know Lee-yeon. It gets worse when the guy in charge comes to say the shooting has been cancelled.

When they are leaving, Hong-nan sees the teenage girls and asks them what’s wrong. The guy in charge doesn’t want to pay them and as she is getting worked up, Lee-yeon intervenes, asking where the boss guy is.

The lady gangsters are back! Cornering the boss guy and telling him off for what he’s doing. They start making pressure, making calls to ruin his work and he gives up, declaring he’ll pay the extras.


Da-hye walks into a place, apparently she was called to help, but only Hae-joon is there, asking her to sit. She tries to tell him to stop, this is not the way to get a date, but Hae-joon says it’s not a date, it’s Lounge Desert Tasting. And he needs to treat her to evaluate the quality so he’s giving her foot care.

As he’s at that, he asks her why she’s working for Sunjin when there are more places. She hates it, she wants to quit, but this is the place her husband laid down his life for. Even if it hurts, she feels it’s the only way to stay close as it’s the place that holds the most memories for them. After Ji-hoon telling him he knew nothing about Da-hye, he realises it’s actually true, even as Young-soo he didn’t know anything so he wants to know now. He promises to protect her, she’ll protect the store because she wants to stay there.


At the house of the Chas, President Ew is waiting for a call with Young-chan next to him, in the same position. It’s so sad he’s that man’s son. He was waiting for Lee-yeon’s call after receiving those papers, but she just called to talk to Young-chan to tell him that work is going too well and she can’t go pick him up just yet, so he needs to play with his father and grandfather instead. Then she hangs up. Ha! Take that you bastard.

Hong-nan and Hae-joon are training to defeat President Ew, and even if he’s super strong and I’m left drooling watching him, Hong-nan still beats him with her punches.

As Hae-joon is working late, he asks Da-hye to make and bring some food for him, she says it’s just for the stickers so he can leave soon, but still, she seems to be working really hard. She doesn’t only bring food, but before she hands the other package, Hong-nan wakes up as she’s also working late. Da-hye looks a bit awkward and leaves with that other package.

When she’s in the elevator, all cheeks blushed, Hae-joon comes to stop her, having noticed that and wanting to see what it is. She brought him another shirt to change. Awww. She is so blushed, and he points that out so she tries to tell is nothing. He teases her with menopause symptoms and then saying it has to be jealousy. She is acting cute. He goes with her to see her catch a cab.


As they wait, he offers candy and teases her a bit that she smells like strawberries. He then is totally charming, calling his car for her. I’m sure she’s feeling butterflies in her stomach, it can’t be just me. When she gets home she smells her hands again, trying to find the strawberries scent, and then realises the mess that the house is after making food for him. She says it’s just for the stickers, but I’m not so sure.

Hong-nan and Hae-joon are eating together, and she asks him if it’s okay staying working instead of spending time with her, but Hae-joon wants to protect her, and that’s why he has to work hard. As she starts talking about how she feels for Lee-yeon, the guilt because she’s like this now, Hae-joon asks about what happened ten years ago.

She came to see him, asking him to run away. Gi-tak was tired of living as a thug and told her as long as he had her, everything was possible. However, her manager found them the next day and took her back to President Ew. What happened, though, was that Gi-tak called the manager. Even today, she can’t tell her what he did. Lee-yeon thinks she betrayed Gi-tak, but it was him all along. He feels his cowardice made Lee-yeon be in the place she’s now.

Hae-joon tries to comfort her when Seung-jae walks in, not liking what he’s seeing but hiding it. He looks terrible! So tired and it’s because Maya has been clinging on to him all the time. I understand he’s handsome and you want to stay around, but you’re draining him! Hae-joon and Hong-nan have to do their best to pull her off of his back. Save my love!


The next day, the employees are coming and the higher-ups greet them like they greet the President- Hae-joon is coming with flowers and Da-hye thinks they are for her, but but it’s another employee’s birthday so they were for her. He’s acting as if he doesn’t know her or she’s no one important.

Then we jump to Lee-yeon, on a rooftop. WHAT IS THIS?! She jumps. WHAT THE— Oh, she was acting. You scared me! It’s funny later on, she jokes to become an actress specialist in deaths. So cute, that fantastic trio is wonderful.

Hae-joon keeps acting like he doesn’t know Da-hye, and then Han-nan tells her he went to her school to see her, he even brought ten concert tickets for an EXO concert! (I WANT!). He’s so cool and she feels he’s someone her appa sent to them. That seems to make her feel conflicted.

Hae-joon arrives home and she goes to greet him, but when she’s about to leave he stops her and leans on her, sighing how tired he is. Over his shoulder, he sees how Young-soo did the same so she ends up wanting to rub his back. Hae-joon whispers then how he’s missed her and pulls back, just to get closer to her, aiming for a kiss. Oh my God, oh my God, is he going to really kiss her? It seems so! But she pulls away before it happens. AISH! He stays there, with a sad expression and she goes to her room, with a racing heart and feeling bad when she sees the picture of Young-soo.


The next day, Hae-joon and Han-na are being all cute for breakfast. Abeoji joins them and mentions the dog doesn’t have food, but he does it saying Young-soo’s name and Hae-joon’s respond to that, not realising what he did until Da-hye and Han-na freeze. Abeoji didn’t realise that either and apologises, Hae-joon just tell him it’s okay, he’ll feel happy if he just called treated him like a son.

In a meeting. Telepathic secretary is back at speaking for the chairman, scolding both President Ew and Hae-joon for what they’ve done. President Ew brings up the downsizing again, wanting Hae-joon to do it but he refuses and then fights back with his proposal to increase profits, proving how improving the work conditions will increase the profits.

Then he starts speaking about the imagine of Sunjin and what’s wrong with it. They need a new imagine, and when President Ew asks how they are going to do that, Hae-joon proposes Song Lee-yeon, showing that after cornering the boss guy to help the teenagers, she’s become an icon and everyone wants to buy what she wore. She’s a girl crush and they can use that, the mouth to mouth girl crush to improve the image. Strategically speaking, yes, using Lee-yeon is the best way to improve the image.

President Ew loses his cool and snaps, but Chairman Cha approves the idea and all the higher ups have to clap. Ha, ha ha! What about now, President Ew?


Telepathic Secretary asks Chairman Cha is it’s okay, and he says it’s the only way to make President Cha stop doing all those crazy things.

Seeing-jae then finally shows the picture to Hong-nan, of a little boy not a girl and she admits it is her, but she’s gone through a lot of surgeries. She’s using her charms to make him distracted and take the picture from him. Uff, that was close.

She then shows the picture to Hae-joon. Gi-tak really had a little brother who his mother sent away to protect him from the mobs. Hae-joon asks her why she isn’t trying to find him and she says she’s sure he’s doing well so there’s no need.

Then, Ji-hoon approaches and she asks Hae-joon if she should take care of him, but he refuses to let her use that glamour crap. He’s talking on the phone about Gi-tak having a little sibling (they use the word songsaeng, without specifying gender). When he opens his notebook, we can finally see the picture and no, it wasn’t of Da-hye but of the little boy next to Gi-tak. HOLY SH— He’s the younger brother! I can’t believe Traitor Ji-hoon is Gi-tak’s little brother!


The epilogue shows the real Hae-joon is going over the pilot’s suitcase, finding the Time Magazine with his picture. He demands to know who sent him after him, but that’s just a coverup for a porn magazine. He looks so defeated.



This episode scared me with Lee-yeon! I really thought she was going to jump. I mean, I was scared since the preview. That was a mean thing to do! Anyhow, that aside, I can't believe Ji-hoon is Gi-tak's little brother, that those two are related. I can't, I just can't. It makes me too conflicted and I don't even know what to think. He's under President Ew's control, he seems ambitious and I don't know what he actually thinks of Gi-tak and such. Oh, what an ill and twisted fate the one of those two ahjussis. I really have to admit I never saw that coming. I even hoped Seung-jae could be Gi-tak's little brother, but Ji-hoon? *sobs* Did anyone guessed it would be like that?

My favourite part was Maya hanging from Seung-jae. I mean, I'd want to do the same, just to be close to him and how she didn't want to let go. How many of us did she represent? I'm so bias for him, I won't even try to hide it. What was your favourite part?

Can you believe we are already at episode 10? I swear it feels this started yesterday!

Anyhow, until next week. Have/had a good Easter, everyone!
Bel, xx


source : dramafever





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