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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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Guest Mariposa28

found those pics in newsen and the articles below


비 컴백쇼 '나.비.춤' 김선아 스페셜?

[뉴스엔 이현우 기자]

MBC 비 컴백쇼 '나.비.춤'(나의 비밀스런 춤선생)에 탤런트 김선아가 특별 출연했다.

김선아는 비의 5집 '레이니즘'(Rainism) 컴백쇼에 특별출연하며 비와 함께 2주간 탱고 춤을 연습하는 전 과정을 공개했다. 김선아는 경기도 일산 MBC 드림센터에서 사전녹화 된 특별 무대에 올라 비와 함께 환상적인 탱고를 보였다.

하지만 비 컴백쇼라는 타이틀이 무색하게 연출 포커스는 지나치게 김선아에게 쏠려 있었다. 방송을 시작하자마 타이틀곡 '레이니즘' 무대 뒤 김선아의 대기실 모습을 보여주더니 방송은 두 사람의 연습과 훈련 과정, 비의 김선아를 위한 깜짝쇼 등으로 채워졌다. 특히 비가 김선아의 몰래 카메라를 시도하는 과정에서 이날이 김선아의 생일이었다는 점 등은 전체 구성에서 김선아에게 시선이 집중되게 만들었다.

방송 내내 비 보다 김선아가 두드러져 보이는 것은 '비가 김선아의 춤 선생님이 된다'는 콘셉트 자체에서 오는 한계다. 타고난 춤꾼 비에 비해 김선아의 춤 실력은 아마추어 수준일 뿐이고 땀 흘리고 성장하는 것은 비가 아니라 김선아 일 수 밖에 없기 때문.

게다가 비의 컴백 무대에 김선아가 올라간다 것에 집중한 나머지 방송은 연습 시작부터 D-10일, D-8일, 10분전, 5분전으로 좁혀 가는 연출을 통해 이 번 쇼의 주인공이 비가 아니라 김선아로 착각하게 만들었다. 덕분에 김선아의 탱고무대는 긴장감이 넘치는 최대의 효과를 봤지만 상대적으로 비의 다른 무대들은 집중력이 현저히 떨어졌다.

톱 가수와 톱 탤런트의 2주간 춤 연습이라는 흥미있고 유쾌한 소재였음은 분명하지만 '비 컴백쇼'라는 타이틀을 달기에는 분명 어색함을 지울 수 없다.

credit newsen

비 컴백쇼 '나.비.춤' 톱스타의 지상파 쇼케이스 한계


[뉴스엔 이현우 기자]

쇼케이스란 가수가 앨범을 발표할 때 신곡의 첫 선을 보이는 무대를 말한다. 이는 앨범 홍보와 판촉을 목적으로 한다.

비가 MBC를 통해 컴백 쇼케이스를 열었다. 17일 방송된 MBC 비 컴백쇼 '나.비.춤'은 배우 김선아를 출연시켜 2주동안 김선아가 비에게 춤을 배우고 쇼케이스 무대에서 함께 공연을 한다는 콘셉트로 완성됐다.

배우 김선아와의 2주간 연습과정을 제외하고는 비의 컴백쇼는 여느 가요프로그램과 큰 차이가 없었다. 비의 신곡과 특유의 파워풀하고 열정적인 무대 자체의 특별함에 의미를 두면 모를까 '쇼 음악중심'을 녹화하는 경기도 일산 MBC 드림센터에서 진행된 컴백쇼 자체는 무대 디자인 등에서 큰 차이가 없었다.

김선아를 출연시켜 진행된 연습과정 역시 톱 여배우와 톱 가수의 만남이라는 콘셉트 외에는 특별함을 찾기 쉽지 않았다. '나.비.춤'은 두 사람이 땀을 흘리며 연습을 하는 장면들 보다는 농담하며 웃고 장난치는 모습만을 보여줬던 것. 게다가 김선아와의 춤 연습 과정에서도 제작진은 연습의 어떤 특징적인 요소들을 강조 위해 부제들을 달았지만 실제로 이를 보여주는데는 큰 관심이 없었다. 일례로 'D-10 섹시함에 대하여'에서는 실제 춤을 출 때 어떻게 해야 섹시함을 보여줄 수 있는지에 대한 비의 설명이 전무했다.

이에 대한 보완책으로 제작진은 예능적 재미를 살리고자 몰래카메라 등을 시도했지만 질문을 해야 카드를 읽어주는 타로카드 점의 기본적인 룰조차 무시한 다소 뻔한 몰래 카메라였다.

이번 비의 컴백쇼가 아쉬운 것은 지난 서태지 컴백쇼에 비해 물량투입을 비롯해 참신한 구성이나 아이템이 크게 부족했기 때문이다. 서태지 컴백쇼가 여행이라는 콘셉트로 이준기와의 숲속 토크, 유세윤의 깜짝 출연, 코엑스앞 게릴라 콘서트, 숲속 공연, MBC 사전녹화까지 다양한 구성요소로 완성된 것에 비해 '비 컴백쇼'는 사전 준비 부족이 여실했던 것.

기실 김선아를 위해 특별히 편곡했다고 방송을 통해 소개된 '나쁜남자 탱고버전'은 비가 자신의 콘서트에서 단골로 보여주는 무대로 이번 스페셜을 위해 새롭게 만든 노래는 아니다.

지상파 방송의 영향력과 홍보효과는 어느 매체보다 탁월하다. 하지만 지상파 방송 제작환경은 월드투어를 하는 수준으로 성장한 비 정도의 톱스타를 최상의 수준으로 빛나게 하기는 다소 무리수인 것도 사실이다. 이는 비 뿐 아니라 서태지 때도 크게 다르지 않았다.

결국 '지상파 방송이 1시간의 시간을 내줘 제작했다'는 소문난 잔치를 만들어야 하는 제작진도 1년을 준비했다는 비도 만족스러운 수준의 결론을 도출시키는 현실적인 한계가 분명히 존재한다.

비, 하퍼스 바자 표지 장식 ‘묘한 분위기로 유혹’







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Guest pipitgongyoo

thank you soo much strawberry and jinijung for the link! WOW! rain soo HAWT!! :D

hey mariposa! thanks for the news and pics! i luv his photoshoot from bazaar and esquire! :wub:

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thanks blue

thanks for all those pics and the links jinijung

here's an article from hancinema , original source cynews.cyworld

Rain in Harper's Bazaar magazine



World star Rain also known as Jeong Ji-hoon modeled for "Harper's Bazaar" on the cover!

The new hot look for this winter is the Military Look which Rain has modeled in for the world top 18th model Hye Park.

He has been busy working outside Korea in the U.S for movies for two years and now he is coming back. He was interviewed where Rain talked about everything through his debut, new albums, his love stories, and his passions very honestly.

Rain is released his new album through "Rainism" this 15th.

After the movie "Ninja Assassin", it is known that he has been wanted for a comic action and melodramatic Romance (Movie)movie However, he hasn't made any decisions yet.

Credits HanCinema


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081017 MBC Rain Comeback_Fresh Woman_122mb


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081017 mbc comeback special show case_Bad guy Tango Ver(with Kim Sun Ah).avi 110M

credit : Mazingga


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Guest Matahari_Biru


.flv file (right click+save as)







credit: bestiz ll cloud-taiwan

from RainHK

somehow the speed in my place got slower and slower for these links.... and always failed to dl through orbit.... can someone upload them in MU or MF or other host? im greatly appreciated.


Thank u, Jinijung for the mbc videos

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Thanks deka_if for the gorgeous pictures of Rain in Haper's bazar.

I also sincerely thank willenette and rain-america for the e-daily article " Character study I & II – Rain…" I really mean it.

But when I read the translated article, I noticed the length of the article is a bit shorter than I thought it would be. I traced the original article (2 parts), which is supposed to be an in-depth article with a long interview with Rain in Korean. I noticed the translated version has quite a bit of the article deleted and/or reorganized, the prologue as well as interview parts (? – perhaps due to the lack of time or for the convenience??), although it did carry the core meanings and sentences of the entire interview.

But there still are interesting bits and info as well as Rain's emotions and inner thoughts in the missing parts as well, I think. :sweatingbullets::D

Since I am Rain-crazy :) and I hope some of you are as well. :) I translated the E-Daily in-depth article in its entirety. Because, to me, every sentence Rain gives in this interview shows a little bit of Rain no matter how tiny that might be. Shouldn't be missed, I thought… So I hope you can enjoy reading this article in its entirety as I have. :) I know it's long but it might be worthy of your time(? I think :sweatingbullets: )...when you have time... when you are done being consumed with Rain's MBC Special... :sweatingbullets::D

Cheers. :D:D

*The prologue was written well in Korean for a daily news material. And I try to be faithful to the original article.

The interview parts are translated into more colloquial English since it is a record of the interview.

* Original Articles in E-Daily in Korean

E-Daily - Part I of Character Study - Rain

E-Daily -Part II of Character Study - Rain


Lee or - : Reporter. He sometimes makes a note, like a narration, in bracket. (Blue)

Rain: Written in " " (Black)

(italic): Additional meaning, insinuated meaning, additional info ... by me. (italic in any color)

Character Study I & II in Its Entirety…without missing parts!

(Character Study – Part I) Rain "I learned to enjoy myself"

His 5th album Rainism – "Expression of Rain's dance, songs and his life – his everything"

"Different from previous Rain, yet it's not different from previous Rain"

E-Daily Editorial Writer: Lee Ui-Cheol

Singer Rain (Jung Ji-Hoon) is back. With 5th album 'Rainism.' His 5th album is double-titled.

Both songs, 'Rainism' and 'Love Story', are based on Rain's story. While 'Rainism' expresses Rain's songs, dance, acting and his everything, 'Love Story' sings his failed love. Rain wrote both lyrics.

Rain is a Korean and a young man at age 27 (born in 1982) this year. He is a beautiful man. Both in his looks and his mind. Rain is a lot more mature than before. I am talking about his mental aspect. Rain himself confessed that he used to have an obsession over the success in the past. "Practice until you feel like dying." "Practice if you feel nervous." " I've got an effort as my sword (=weapon)." These are all his famous analects (=sayings). In fact, he lived just like that. Thus, he succeeded. It was the same in Hollywood in the United Sates. He lived fiercely not to fail in competition and not to be ignored.

Physically, Rain is closer to perfection. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see his abdominal muscle, though, the cloths couldn't hide his upper body muscles and the perfect balance between his upper and lower body.

As well known to public, Rain spent his youth in poverty. He debuted to the entertainment world as a backup dancer to a famous singer and spent some time in cold and hunger: however, you can't really see the scars of his dark days. There is no dark corner in him. He talked about his heart-breaking stories as if he were talking about another person. "I sing and dance not to be hungry again." He added, " I refused to work if I don't get fed." and smiled. It means he had been starved due to the lack of money. It's hard to chime in readily because my heart gets heavy just by listening to his stories.

I met the singer Rain, no, person Jung Ji-Hoon. To tell the truth, reporters are outsiders when it comes to music. I don't even know exactly what kind of genre of music Rain is pursuing. But I've heard from a well-acquainted junior female reporter saying, "Rain is a truly 100% perfect human being." This female reporter graduated from the best school in Korea and became a reporter. She is smart and has a ferociously critical mind. For someone like her to call Rain 'a perfect human being'…what kind of person is Rain? A strong curiosity came over me. Just at that time, Rain allowed time and space for media prior to the release of his 5th album.

In 2002, Rain debuted with the title song 'Bad Man (Guy).' Right away, he became a star in Korea. The superb dancing ability, modesty and sincerity unlike a star and tenaciousness towards acting, all helped the birth of the star. Shortly, he expanded his stage to China and Japan but his challenge was beyond the boundaries of Asia. Last year, he went over to Hollywood, US. His debut film–'Speed Racer'. He wasn't the lead and the movie didn't do well, either: nonetheless, it showed his potential as an actor. Recently, he filmed another movie 'Ninja Assassin' with Warchowski Brothers. Rain played a lead role in this film, which is scheduled to be released next year.

Singer Rain's power is tremendous within the company. As soon as the story of my interviewing Rain started to circulate in the company, a junior female reporter (By nature, reporters are rather recalcitrant (=difficult)), who I haven't seen for a while, insisted on coming to my seat just to say hello. She chatted about other stuff for a while, and all of sudden she threw a question at me. "In short, what kind of person is Rain?" I said to her "Rain, he is the kind of guy who you want to have a drink with in a rainy day."

After the interview, I went home and listened to his songs. I was driven by a compulsion that I should be able to write at least a line of evaluation on his songs since I interviewed him. Consequently, there was no need for such a compulsion. The two-top (songs) of the album 'Rainism' and 'Love Story', both sounded all right although the color of each song was totally different. There is a charm in his songs that draws people in even if you are not a fan of Rain. Since this interview is not designed for his album sale, I will refrain myself from further evaluation.

Now, let's acquainted with the life of person Jung Ji-Hoon, his songs, his dance and even his scars. It might be nice to indulge into the charms of this young man with 185cm height who is tall in stature and talented, and even has a great personality. (I couldn't take a picture of Rain. His team didn't allow us to photograph due to the copyright issue. The photos used in this article are provided by J. TUNE Entertainment. I ask for readers' understanding.)

- Lee: Let's talk about the album first. There are 13 songs in this album. I don't know whether it's because it is based on autobiographical stories but this album appears to be very organic. What kind of concept was it?

- Rain: "The title of this album is 'Rainism.' It is a newly made-up word. I created this album with the concept to enjoy Rain's style, music, dance and Rain's everything. I used two songs, 'Rainism' and 'Love Story' as double titles. The 5th album is my first work which I produced making decisions on every step by myself from beginning to the end. (Editorial Note: It means the first album he produced since the split from Park Jin-Young.) It had to be different from previous Rain, yet it must not be different from previous Rain. I wrote both lyrics and melodies of 8 songs out of 13 songs. I worked with experts on each genre, dance songs with dance music experts and ballades with ballade experts."

- L: People sometimes say, Rain is a natural born dancer but Rain's songs don't leave much impression on people afterwards.

- R: "That's the part even I feel a bit lacking. The previous image of Rain as a singer is definitely a visual singer. The performance came first before singing. So I decided to put more emphasis on singing this time. But I couldn't give up visual, and, as people used to say, I was trying to catch two rabbits at once (=to kill two birds with one stone). If people listen to this 5th album, they might change their previous opinions."

- Do you mean you have better vocal capacity?

- R: "When I was finishing up my 4th album, I thought I should really increase my vocal capacity. Even for a visual singer, one has to have proper vocal capacity and accurate pronunciation to be able to succeed as a singer. I worked with 3 vocal trainers on this 5th album. These are trainers who tune up my vocal and train my voice and pitch. If the previous albums, up to the 4th album, touched people with my breath and falsetto in my songs, this time, it goes back and forth between falsetto and natural voice. In short, it gives you a taste of belting out songs."

- How is the composition of the album?

- R: "There are 5 visual songs and 6 songs that will touch your senses and emotions. There are songs that are friendly (to the ears) and there also are songs that are unfriendly (to the ears) yet have artistic qualities. (=There are songs that are familiar (to the ears) and there also are songs that are unfamiliar (to the ears), yet have artistic qualities). Besides, there are songs that are perfect for the stage and there are ballades as well. In short, it is a collective album just like a multi-shop."

- Was this album planned initially?

- R: "No, it wasn't. It wasn't in the plan in the beginning. Initially, I wanted to release an album in about 2 years after I become truly successful in the US as a singer. I once had in mind to release 'Rainism' as a symbol of my success in the US. But I pushed it ahead due to the thrust of the fans. Just then, I had a bit more time in my hands since the 'Ninja Assassin' became scheduled to be released next year (instead of this year).

- I heard this album is autobiographical, who is the heroine of the 'Love Story'?

- R: " An ardent love, an unforgettable love. It's someone I met right around my debut." (Editorial Note: When I pushed him for detail, he responded, "That's it. Only this much.")

* The interview with the singer Rain continues in the 2nd part.

(Character Study – Part II) "What makes Rain being Rain is a challenge."

" I know the pain of hunger… Fans' cheer is my success and rewards."

" Politeness and modesty are also abilities (=skills)…I don't want to lose beginner's mindset."

" I could go back to the beginning and start again from scratch."

E-Daily Editorial Writer: Lee Ui-Cheol

* Continuing from <singer Rain interview Part I>

- Do you see yourself as a world star?

- Rain: "The media made that up. Of course, I try to be a world star. The only thing I can say for sure is the fact that it is possible for a Korean to be a world star. In my opinion, in Asia, there are only 2 people who can truly call themselves world stars, Jacky Chan (Sung Ryong) and Jet Li (Lee Yeon-Gul). Why can't a Korean be a world star? I don't think it's lack of talents. It doesn't necessarily have to be me. Let's assume that here lies a door to the success. If you open the door or break the door, there is the success. If I evaluate myself now, I think, at least, I cracked the door to the success. If the next person comes along and break the door, that would be a success as well. Then, I played my role. I am not yet a world star but I am on my way to be one."

- As expected, you are polite and modest as people say.

- R: "I don't want to lose beginner's(=newcomer's) mindset. In fact, that's also an ability. When I went to the US, I realized that the more successful they are the more polite, the more modest and the gentler they are. That's one thing I learned for sure while I was in the US. Those who greet you first when you run into them are successful people who are doing well. You might have met the person for the first time today but if you see them again next time, you could greet them friendly."

- How does it feel to be back in Korea after a long while?

- R: "It's great to be back since I had to compete fiercely in the US. I feel relaxed. As you know, if you go to a broadcasting station, there is the No. 1 green room (=waiting room in the backstage), which is the best and the largest green room. In the past, it used to belong to seniors like Seung-Hoon hyung (elder male in Korean). But when I came back this time, I became that senior. They gave me the No.1 green room…But honestly, right now, I don't think like 'I have to be more popular. I have to make more money.' I don't think like that at all. I will be happy if the fans could enjoy the album. If I think back how I received the scars of pain and suffering in the US, Korea is really a heaven."

- Tell me more about the scars of pain you have suffered in the US.

- R: "There are endless competitions in the US. It never ends. It's bloody. Anyone and everyone who is well-established in the world movie market evaluate my acting. They make a decision between me and my competitor. If you show a tiny slip, you are out. Having a close relationship with the producer or the director doesn't make a difference. They break off the contract right away. The competition in Korea is strong but not to that extend. When I had my first audition, I was in bare feet. No one cared. They were like…'O.K., there came a tall Asian.' Later, the pride brought out the rebellious spirit in me. I was thinking, 'All right. You want to ignore me? Go ahead. Ignore me. One day, I will make you pay attention to me.' Sometimes, I blame myself for all these tough challenges and ask 'Why am I doing this to myself?' But, if not now, I wouldn't be able to set foot into the Hollywood market. Not only for me, but it's the same for all the (Korean) entertainers who are trying to get into Hollywood."

- Then, did you overcome all the difficulties now?

- R: "How can you overcome all those difficulties? But I am a lot more comfortable and softer now. I used to be hard and unyielding. I armed myself with a strong will – 'I have to do well. I have to succeed from beginning to the end.' In the past, I tried not to be swayed even a bit when the wind blew. Because I thought that it meant I lost. But now, I step aside when the wind blows and let it pass. I learned when to keel down."

- You sound very mature. Sounds like a person who has reached awakening.

- R: "Occasionally, I think about these. If I were to lose all these success and achievement I have accomplished so far, what would happen to me? I used to be afraid that it might happen. But not now, not any more. I can start from the scratch. Because I didn't have anything when I started. I am good at dancing and singing so I could teach juniors, do a musical or even a delivery running on foot. Once I reached to that mindset, I was able to enjoy it a lot more. I became even better at singing and dancing."

- Sincerity and efforts are your trademarks, but why do you try so hard?

- R: "Maybe because I suffered too much with pain of hunger. I never want to experience such pain again. Even now, I refused to perform if I don't get fed. I don't even want to share a food with someone else. Even if they are my close friends, if they say 'Let me take a bite out it,' I hate it. The reason I am so small-minded about food is because of the experience of hunger (laughter)."

- What is the motive for such efforts? The driving force for thrashing yourself endlessly.

- R: "My mother who passed away. Also my father and my sister…my family. The reason I am so ferocious is because I have the mentality of 'being hungry' (being hungry for things - success etc.). I think I can do anything for my family. In life, you get back what you put into it. So I pledge myself to work harder."

- What is the goal or dream in your life?

- R: "My goal as a human being is to be a good father. My goal as a singer Rain is to sing and dance. My whole life is singing and dancing so I just need to keep doing what I am doing. If there is another goal, that would be acting. Acting is a goal I will pursue throughout my entire life. The more I try (acting), the harder and the more challenging it gets."

Rain informed me that he spends his breaks watching movies and chatting. The subjects of his chatting are girlfriends, social issues and the rumors related him etc., he said. According to Rain, the counterpart to his chatting includes Cha Tae-Hyun, Yoon Kae-Sang, Park Jin-Young etc. He wants to have a girlfriend but he doesn't have one yet. His ideal woman is someone who is kind and genuine, and who can communicate well (Editorial Note: It's not easy to meet this kind of woman). He prefers a woman who can take care of him and help him to spread his roots. Perhaps, Rain's ideal woman might be a reflection of his mother.

- I heard there are additional movie offers from Hollywood…

- R: "I've got each offer of an action comedy and a melo(drama). The action comedy is for a Two-Top (two leads in a movie – he is offered one of the two leads) and the melo is for a supporting role. Because I am under the Warner Brothers exclusively, I've got a consultation from them and they told me that it's not the time yet. Ninja Assassin will be released next year and if it does well, we might have to make a sequel. If I do an action comedy, my image becomes much lighter and in the melo, I am not the lead anyway. So they suggested me to wait for a while and I agreed. Right now, basically I don't have any plans to appear in the movie."

- Do you think a lot alone? What do you do when you have time?

-R: "Frankly, I can't read many books. Whenever I have time, I practice dance and singing…It's my own principle and attitude originated from my life. When I get stressed, feel lonely and down, I look around and realize that I shouldn't be complaining about these. There are a lot of dark stories in the new papers. When I read those, I reflect on myself whether I have forgotten how tough and how hungry I was before."

- When do you feel happiest?

- R: "When I succeeded, when I achieve something. I know the taste of success. A taste of success does not mean making whole a lot of money. I mean I know the happiness that comes from an achievement. When I receive popularity and good evaluation from fans, I am ecstatic and very happy. That's my rewards and feeling of an achievement."

- I heard that Seyitek, one of the KOSDAQ companies, you acquired became J. TUNE Entertainment…

- R: "It's my agency and I have shares of the company but I am not involved with the management of the company. I deal with entertainment network and quality and I leave the management of the J. TUNE and the details to the management experts."

- What is most outrageous rumor you have heard about yourself?

- R: "I've heard that I committed a suicide in China. In fact, my father heard that first, got shocked and called me. For me, it was ridiculous but if you think about how it would have shaken my family and how they must have felt… Maybe, those who making up these rumors think it's nothing but those on the receiving end could die because of it. The entertainers are considered public figures and their private lives get exposed because it. But, in fact, they are not public figures. Government officials and politicians who receive salaries from tax are real public figures. Entertainers are weak beings."

-End- :)

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Guest MissMonika

Please DO NOT Hotlink!

OMG!! I think I just died and went to heaven

sr : benamoo // rainhk

Linh // J-Tune Cafe









ENJOY!!!! :hyper:

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Thanks, Bri and MissMonika for the photos of out gorgeous man!

I mean, seriously, there's something about Rain that is so sexy, so different (X factor) from other entertainers. His stage performance...Wow, there's nobody who can possibly come close to that.

He looked & sounded great in all performances during the special. Rainism was great and I especially enjoyed 'It's raining' and his fabulous bare abdomen, I must say ;):phew: .

The King is Back !!! :w00t:

Thank also J.lee for the link.

Here is another link to Rain's Oct. 18th performance in 'MBC Music Core' - after the Oct. 17 MBC Special.

This is one of the best quality clip of MBC Music Core Performance among what's been out so far on YouTube...that I've seen. :sweatingbullets:

Oct.18 - Rain on Music Core (High Quality)

*PS: Has anyone seen 1 big '.avi' file of entire Rain's Special for download?

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Guest prissasagaritakehito

081017 MBC_Rain Comeback_Only You_ 92mb

source:AriesJK clubbox



Hello jinijung but you video is wrong compressed, you can't watch complete.

And it looked so good.



081017 MBC_Rain Comeback_Rainism_132mb


please join files

.001 http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?njznztmzrwj

.002 http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ekedma4r3yn

this video also you can't watch it fully complete

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Thanks bri and prissa. When I tried yesterday I couldn't go to that page (b/c traffic ?? - who knows?) for whatever the reason. :tears: But this time bri's link worked right away with 1 click. :w00t:

Thanks guys. ;)

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Guest Mariposa28

thanks a lot for the pics, links and updates, what a beautiful weekend i have, :D:D

love all his performances :wub::wub::wub: , im still watching and rewatching them all, the king is back as said blu

sharing some pics from baidu, caps














korean pop star Rain introduces fashion brand SIX TO FIVE


SIX TO FIVE F/W 2009: Rain wore this red

velvet jacket & jeans ensemble at his comeback show.

The term J Tune Creative coined

for this look is "intelligent vintage style".

Rain (real name Jung Ji-hoon) used to be called a "quadruple threat". He's a singer, actor, dancer AND model. Now, you can add entrepreneur to that list. After finishing his 5-year contract under JYP Entertainment and leaving mentor Park Jin Young(JYP) , Rain set up his own entertainment company, J Tune Entertainment Okay, we all know that story.

Now, J Tune Entertainment is also branching out and has a subsidiary company called J Tune Creative The 26 year old "World Star", is delving into one of his personal passions - the fashion industry.

Rain simultaneously makes his 5th album (Rainism) comeback (via the special MBC program Me.Rain.Dance) and showcases the 2009 Fall/Winter collection for his fashion brand "Six to Five". Actually Rain himself modeled the clothes. He wore this "Six to Five" (식스 투 파이브) ensemble during his tango performance with Kim Su-nah. Recognize it?

credit k-popped.com/newesn

did you see the Rainsim wallpapers? woww they're incredible, im saving a lot lol

here"s my favorite: :wub::wub::wub:



another esquire pic


credit baidu

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