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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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Guest mcmug

Bi dont smoke cos he has promised his dad that he wouldnt smoke when he was a teenage. and besides, from the way he fiddle with the cigarettes in IJUKSA episode 10 ( he was having trouble holding the cigarrette in the NG), it is obvious answer. :D

thanks...that would end my urguement with my colleague

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Guest kalinda


and your absolutely correct about the "relationship" thing about asian artists... here in the philippines, even if two actors are already dating, they'll say they're just "good" friends... next thing we know they already broke up even if they never admitted that they were "on"


then probably it's more to Asian? .. because that's what happens in Indo as well.... they denied they're on, and they broke up when they never admitted that they were on. I guess probably it's more to the explaining over and over again that they are Lazy to do. Back here, IF they declare even if it's only 1 week old relationship (and they're both in their teens...), the reporterS will ask - some :blink: question like, when will both of you get married? Is it serious?, any short term/long term plan? will you still be in the entertainment world after you get married :crazy: ...and some others bla bla bla... which is TIRING, especially if you happen to be very famous and you're in every hotspot and then you're obliged to answer the same thing over and over again... that's quite frustrating.. .. it seems whatever answer will not satisfy the media, one answer leads to another.. so probably that's why they just shut their mouth, no declaring/explaining is needed... and see whatever happens just happens.. ... :sweatingbullets:

about GHJ, I quite like her, bec I didn't have any other series to compare with before SD .. when eunhwan cried, my heart ached as well.. felt frustrated as well when SD 'let her go' to have a perfect fam. for Bori, even I thought SD could be with Bori and EH, if ever <_< .... SD is 1 stubborn guy...

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Guest docirene


then probably it's more to Asian? .. because that's what happens in Indo as well.... they denied they're on, and they broke up when they never admitted that they were on. I guess probably it's more to the explaining over and over again that they are Lazy to do. Back here, IF they declare even if it's only 1 week old relationship (and they're both in their teens...), the reporterS will ask - some :blink: question like, when will both of you get married? Is it serious?, any short term/long term plan? will you still be in the entertainment world after you get married :crazy: ...and some others bla bla bla... which is TIRING, especially if you happen to be very famous and you're in every hotspot and then you're obliged to answer the same thing over and over again... that's quite frustrating.. .. it seems whatever answer will not satisfy the media, one answer leads to another.. so probably that's why they just shut their mouth, no declaring/explaining is needed... and see whatever happens just happens.. ... :sweatingbullets:

about GHJ, I quite like her, bec I didn't have any other series to compare with before SD .. when eunhwan cried, my heart ached as well.. felt frustrated as well when SD 'let her go' to have a perfect fam. for Bori, even I thought SD could be with Bori and EH, if ever <_< .... SD is 1 stubborn guy...

yup asian stars are very different from their western counterparts. take for ex: tom cruise and katie holmes. did you see how tom was jumping from the couch in oprah? he is just so exuberant and proud to have katie and he didnt have to care whether his fans would be pleased. iim surely wasnt as excited as he was cuz i've always loved tom-nicole but that was history. sorry for me. in hollywood, no such thing as permanent loveteams. stars are paired for a movie w/o giving expectations. it's just for the movie. take my fave hollywood celeb, keanu reeves. there's the keanu-sandra; keanu-charlize; keanu-carrie ann pairing. after their movies, they dont need to hangout. it's just a job. they guest on talk shows to promote their film w/o having to pretend what they are not. it's just another day's job.

in asia, celebs are established as a love team. fans are made to clamor for their favorite pairs of lovebirds. and even if these celebs are committed to other ppl, showbiz or nonbiz, they arent allowed by their management outfit to make announcements that could dampen the spirits of expectant fans. they somehow have to project sweetness and intimacy which sometimes are just a come on for ppl to watch their films. asian celebs have to always please their fans bec. they know that brings in the moolah, right? in the west, it's different. as keanu has said in one of his movies, sweet november, "if the product is good, then let the product speak for itself without the need to resort to gimmickry, hype and fake publicity". for reel and for real, he also said he owes it his fans to offer them sthg new and better each time.l so he makes good his craft. but as far as his personal life is concerned, he said he owes nobody any explanation. he feels he owes it to himself to be as private as he wants. come to think of it, he has a point.

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Docirene - Once you step on the platform of "star" .. there's no

turning back.. there's no such thing as privacy anymore...

I always say I respect their privacy but in reality.. I want to

know every single thing Bi does at home.. what kind of soap he

use.. what kind of car he drive. What kind of food he likes. What kind

of girl he prefer.

and that is invasion of privacy... rite??

^_^ ...

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Guest nglkt

sorry people as we know bi's birthday is coming........[ of course i love bi]

does anyone really know the actual age of bi cause i remember this year he should be 24 not 25 but as i reviewed the previous posts, some says it is 25 and some says 24.

can all the biers out there clarify his age for all of us!!!!

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Guest evenstar7377

Guys, something great happened today and i would like to share with u

guys. Today i received my birthday present from my buddies though my birthday has

passed for 15 days. Why was i so surprised is bcos i never expected any

present cos they have celebrated with me by having a pot luck. Even

more surprising is that they made a rain logbook for me. I was so

touched, i cried nonstop. They even put their messages in

the logbook which were lovely. And is a printed logbook with hardcover

and good quality papers(like those in cd album-shiny and smooth). There were twenty pages. Below, i would like to

share some of the pic i took from the logbook. Hope u enjoy them :D

The cover:


1st page:




They also knew that im bi-kyo dreamer :lol:



the caption: u are always in our mind :)


WOW! u r very lucky to have a rain photobook...i would jump for joy if ever i receive one like that...ur luck to have friends like that who would take time out to make one for you...i am sure u are drooling over his pics..I would for sure...

I heard Rain dated her SD partner too..but I think it did not reached to the point that they were a couple..thank God tho. i really did not like her..I did like the story of SD but all the while I was wishing he had a diffirent partner...i loved SD because of Rain and the child who played Bori..she was such a cutie..

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Guest kalinda

Docirene - Once you step on the platform of "star" .. there's no

turning back.. there's no such thing as privacy anymore...

^_^ ...

even so Bam.. celebrity is also human.. I always try to 'look at it from that aspect... they might be superstar in the world's eyes but then again, at the end of the day.. they go back home, when they can act like normal kids to their parents (for kids celeb), husbands, wives. They do laundry still, I guess. ..:unsure: ... if we watch Oprah.. she doesn't feel that she is any different from the rest of the world.... she does things like the rest of us....for honest man, Bam... I would want one too for me personally, but when you're a superstar.. there are times you cannot say truthfully about things.. as docirene pointed out... there is marketing strategy, this/that... .. the price they have to pay for being celebs ...

I personally don't buy this saying, if you don't want your privacy to be invaded, don't become a celebrity ... I mean if you hapen to loveee acting or singing and you have a great career because of your working hard, don't you think you should pursue one even at the same time you want to be treated or at least you wish to be treated with so-called respect for privacy ... anyway.. what I want to say (like docirene said).. I respect these kind of actions.. as annoying as it is, but I respect that... that there goes the same with Bi.. he can have normal dating if ever the time comes ....and stay low-profiled or hush hush about it...hehe

baideweh Bam, about BG being stubborn.. why I already got the feeling you would say that... :P

nglkt, korean year is one year ahead of our normal year. that's why that age difference 25/24 come up..Bi is 25 according to korean year, but he's 24 according to our year.. .. I hope I explained it correctly... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest `soliloquy

sorry people as we know bi's birthday is coming........[ of course i love bi]

does anyone really know the actual age of bi cause i remember this year he should be 24 not 25 but as i reviewed the previous posts, some says it is 25 and some says 24.

can all the biers out there clarify his age for all of us!!!!

hey there nglkt, to expand on what Kalinda said, the Koreans count their ages a little differently from most of us.

You see, when a pregnant woman is carrying her child, or while a baby is still inside the mother's womb, he/she is considered a year old already according to the korean way of seeing it.

So the moment he was born, he is already a year old.

Technically, Ji hoon was born 1982, so to do the maths, he is actually 24.

But as I've explained earlier, koreans add an additional year to their actual numeric age, our Ji hoon is actually 25- in the eyes of the koreans.

Hope that explanation helps! =]

jinlees, thank you for all the pictures and info, we appreciate all your hard work!<3

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Guest Rayndrop

Guys, something great happened today and i would like to share with u

guys. Today i received my birthday present from my buddies though my birthday has

passed for 15 days. Why was i so surprised is bcos i never expected any

present cos they have celebrated with me by having a pot luck. Even

more surprising is that they made a rain logbook for me. I was so

touched, i cried nonstop. They even put their messages in

the logbook which were lovely. And is a printed logbook with hardcover

and good quality papers(like those in cd album-shiny and smooth). There were twenty pages. Below, i would like to share some of the pic i took from the logbook. Hope u enjoy them :D

That's a lovely gift from your friends, Luv. Looks like they put in a lot of effort for this. :)

Hello! I'm quite new with this forum. Anyway, I got to know about Rain quite late which is only recently. I was never into K-Drama until recently when I watched My Name Is Kim Sam Soon. Anyway got hooked on it and started watching other drama such as Full House....let me just say it got me really hooked on rain..gosh what a talented artist...got to know that he will be coming to Malaysia...does anyone know when is he coming to Malaysia....need to plan my schedule...and thanks everyone for making me love rain more after reading your forums........

Welcome ladypetruci!

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Guest ripgal

Hey Bam...or anyone else...

do you have any pisc of bi and GHJ together?

i knew they dated..but i had no idea that she followed him all the way to L.A.

here's one pic..


btw..lumervyn!! Gosh.. ur Rain Logbook's really nice! with so many HOT Bi pics..ur frens are soooo good!! i wish my friends would do that for me! but too bad none of them are Bi fans..

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Guest nglkt

oh no pls. dont. this must be photoshopped. Rain looks so much better than Jay.

btw, here's an article i found at han cinema. hope our Bi wont have to go through what Bae is going through. such a pity! no wonder some ppl arent happy inspite of all the fame and fortune, cuz money couldnt buy happiness ( i posted it here last week). and i remember that 3 yrs ago, Bae was the one Korean actor, at the prime and peak of his career, who accg to some articles, singlehandedly brought abt the Korean wave in Asia. Now, it is rain reigning supreme. i could only wish the best of everything for our dear Bi.


Bae Yong-joon Laments the Price of Fame (2006/05/24)

One of the Korean Wave's best-known faces, actor Bae Yong-joon, has confided that he received psychological treatment for insomnia. In an interview in the June edition of men's magazine GQ Korea, the actor disclosed he had difficult times lately and sought psychiatric help for his sleepless nights.

"I've been really tired, so I'd try to get some sleep, but after an hour or two I'd always wake up. When I woke up, I thought it must be about 6 a.m., but when I looked at the clock I realized that it was only 1 or 2 a.m"., Bae said. "It was truly dark and desolate. It was so difficult that I went to see a doctor, who said I was too tense, and that frayed my nerves and actually made it worse. I got a prescription for some pills, and after about 10 days I beat the problem".

The man known as Yonsama to his many Japanese fans also talks of his discomfort over a rumor that he got a Japanese woman pregnant. "There was a rumor that a woman living out in the country claimed she was carrying my child", the actor said. "A lot of Japanese fans would like to see me quickly settle down and have a family".

The interviewer says it looks as if Bae is unable to enjoy any semblance of a normal life. "There can be nothing like that for me", the star replies. "The house, the office, the gym: my sphere of activity is pretty limited. There's a coffee shop at a hotel that our company manages, but even there I have to go in through the back door". He admits to despairing sometimes when he thinks that this is how he has to live the rest of his life.

"There are some who can live their lives freely even in such an environment, but my personality just can't deal with it", he adds. "I can't escape the lines that I've drawn for myself, or the lines that others have drawn for me. I am always finding myself back inside. Honestly, that is something that really bothers me".

Source : www.chosun.com... ( English Chinese Korean Japanese )

the nose and hair and eye brows are rain the others is the ugliest person in the world jay

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Guest `soliloquy

^ nglkt, do be a little sensitive when saying *insert artiste name here* as ugly and such.

You'll never know, a comment like that may incur the wrath of that said artiste's fans here.

Just a gentle reminder, wouldn't want you to be hounded or anything =]

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Guest luvashley

Thanks everyone for your compliments. Im so happy that u guys enjoyed looking at it.

Actually all my buddies werent bi fans as well. Whenever i talked bout him, they gave me a "couldnt care

less" face, but i enjoyed telling them. Never knew that they are really good at hiding their

face :P . I remembered i found alot of rain's photos in one of my housemate's pendrive, and i thought i was

so influential, has turned her into an instant bi's fan. The fact is that she used that photos to make the

logbook. They told me that actually they did sneak into my room to get bi's photo when i was bathing, but

somehow the photos i have not nice, so they take the effort to find a better one. :D

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Guest moor

Next Tuesday, it's already ep 15..... sth happened.... I fell in lovee... when seeing his cuteee...... facial expression when uttering these words "Don't go! If u go, what will I eat?". From the day on, I watch FH from eps 1 till the end!! And....now I am here... as a Bi-ers!! :rolleyes:

Pau & LS, just like he said, "I'm a man, too" :D

qiufang- you can visualised that scene rite. That moment captures your heart. hehehe just like one of my fren ...she said she was shot down on the scene where Bi asked SHK to apply medication on his face. :)

he looks so adorable in this clip!! i like him when he's wearing spectacles.. is he really short sighted or just wearing it as accessory?? anyone knows?

Ummm- if i'm not wrong i remember seeing him in a clip poking his fingers thru the glasses. Which is clear frame no lens. Hehehehehe very naughty Bi so i presumed he is not short sighted just wearing it for trend.

Guys, something great happened today and i would like to share with u

guys. Today i received my birthday present from my buddies though my birthday has

passed for 15 days. Why was i so surprised is bcos i never expected any

present cos they have celebrated with me by having a pot luck. Even

more surprising is that they made a rain logbook for me. I was so

touched, i cried nonstop. They even put their messages in

the logbook which were lovely. And is a printed logbook with hardcover

and good quality papers(like those in cd album-shiny and smooth). There were twenty pages. Below, i would like to share some of the pic i took from the logbook. Hope u enjoy them :D

Happy Belated birthday to you - luvmeryn.

You're really fortunate to have frens that take time to do you such a lovely logbook. I will cry non-stop too.

My fren just got back from HK....she told me Bi's pantech MV was played - Timesquare shopping mall where they have this big big big flat screen TV. Everyone on the street can see.

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Guest kiko

:P BAM, hope you continue with your story ......................... :sweatingbullets:

How you get hook with LYJ just luv reading it. :P

:D WELCOME LADY PETRUCI, nice to know Bi got a new fan and also

from Malaysia.............. :)

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Guest qiufang

qiufang- you can visualised that scene rite. That moment captures your heart. hehehe just like one of my fren ...she said she was shot down on the scene where Bi asked SHK to apply medication on his face. :)

Yup, I remember those scenes very well..... dunno know how many times I've watched FH again and again!!

I love Bi's cutee..... plus childlike expressions!!! But then I also enjoy his sexiness..... though I used to hate sexy guys. Now, I'm prepared myself to have another surprise from this guy who's getting matured and having more sexual appeal :P

Luvashley, your friend is so nice to give u that wonderful logbook :D I wish I had a chingu like yours.. but same as Jo my close friends here aren't Bi fans.

Jo, thanks for posting Bi's pic in his best friend's wed. U r fast!

Bi, I wanna to see your cute eyes... pls show it to us don't use those sunglasses all the time.....it's now a wedding party. Did Bi sing in CTH's wed? I think " I Do" is a nice song for a wed party.

Have a nice evening, Biers!!!

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