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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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Hi everyone! Hope all have a good weekend! 

I'm watching another artistic acting of our super star, Rain who is a prodigy in playing every role,  in "The Fugitive: Plan B",  a romance comedy action drama.

A worth watching drama in which Rain as Ji Woo acts wonderful in a comical role; He looks so hot and sexy especially while running or getting beaten. :P 

I love all the cast; they polish each other's roles by submitting a wonderful acting, and that's very pleasant that so many handsome actors are gathered in this drama! ;) :D

Till now I've watched 5 eps and eagerly make time for the rest.

I think Rain has the charisma and agility for playing in  breath taking, serious action films very artistically. 

Anyway he makes every role so magnificent and spectacular, from the most comic to the most serious roles. :wub:


Hidden Content



Hi minoomani, so nice to see that you're currently watching the drama.Keep watching.....This drama has flaws but it’s still enjoyable. I wanted to like this one soooooo much. What’s not convincing to me is RAIN was shot in the chest (bullet proof vest on) 3x but was able to run a marathon of a chase scene without fainting from pain. ??? And his character was kind of a clown impersonation & I don’t think it worked. And on the early first episodes, I was left a little numb because I had no idea what to make of this K-drama. Thankfully, the actual quality of the special effects was decent. The action sequences were impressive. I love action...but only when done proper. Yet despite my criticisms of this character and the limitations of his portrayal, Rain was still the most (the only?) fascinating thing about this drama. I didn’t have a problem following any of it. Rain did a magnificent job at the comedy, action and drama parts. I felt Rain acting was superb. And that, I suppose, is the magic of Rain. He has a commanding presence on stage and screen. Lee NaYoung and Daniel Henney did not impress me. Rain and Lee Jung Jin had pretty good bro-sparking. I like LJJ. MBLAQ’s song Running & Running was a pretty catchy groove.:P


Hi willenette, Just I've finished "The Fugitive: Plan B" . These days I was intensely touring the land of sexy sexy King Rain, and had very joyful time in his land.:D

As you said this drama has many flaws, especially it could be more perceived in the last half of the series.

The main problem with it is its poorly writing. Or when Daniel has swing conversations between English and Korean language. Or when some characters completely disappears from the show after 1 or 2 episodes. Also there are many attempts at comedy throughout that fall flat and not hilarious at all.

We cannot expect an intensive logical process action show, as American series like "The Unite" , from Korean action shows.





I think that's 'cause Korean mostly works on making vibes on the hearts than the minds! :P

The best advantage of this drama was its songs and musics which mostly fit the actions or emotions. :wub:

But yet I could say, by the help of King Rain's magic it could be tolerated and enjoyable. ;)


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150807 '克拉恋人Diamond Lover' EP35-36 Preview


EP35 Preview

No Rain


EP36 Preview






150807 浙江卫视ZJSTV_News_ 'Diamond Lover' evoked a wave of enthusiasm

150807 浙江卫视ZJSTV_浙江新闻联播News_中国蓝剧场《克拉恋人》掀收视热潮 'Diamond Lover' evoked a wave of enthusiasm 

cr. scorpiola@rain-cloud





15-08-07 Rain Diamond Lover Picture










150808 [Wei Ling ranking] August 7
Rain@Diamond Lover is still No.1
Credit Weibo@Vlinkage/RainCloudThailand





DRAMAFEVER MOVIE NIGHT: I'm A Cyborg But That's Okay, Starring Im Soo Jung and Rain Bi

by CoCo Kdrama on Fri, Aug 07, 2015



This week's DramaFever Movie night is a classic quirky movie starring superstar Rain Bi like you've never seen him before! I'm A Cyborg But That's Okay is a unique film dubbed "An almost romantic comedy" about finding true love in the most unlikely places. Let's take a look! 




Young Goon (Im Soo Jung) is institutionalized for what is believed to be suicidal behavior, when in actuality she harbors deep-seated delusions of being a cyborg. Meanwhile, Il Soon (Rain), a young man afflicted with schizophrenia, finds himself increasingly drawn to the vulnerable "cyborg," despite his severe case of apathy. But in the middle of an ensuing storm that throws the facility into chaos, Young Goon and Il Soon will discover just how crazy — in love — they are.








Are you excited to see this fascinating and fun new film?



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15-08-08 Rain Diamond Lover Picture


credit 爱同款app weibo/ratoka@rain-cloud













 15-08-07 Rain Diamond Lover Picture


credit 王东演员 weibo/ratoka@rain-cloud











15-08-08 Rain Diamond Lover Picture

credit Lucas-1228 weibo/ratoka@rain-cloud








15-08-08 Diamond Lover Episode 35-36










15-08-08 Diamond Lover EP 37-38 Preview

credit 大劇獨播/ratoka@rain-cloud






15-07-09 Rain @ Muse Dress recording


credi 爷的震 weibo/ratoka@rain-cloud
















15-07-09 Rain @ Muse Dress recording


source http://ent.sina.com.cn/z/v/2015-08-08/doc-ifxftkps3652106.shtml























15-08-08 Rain @ Muse Dress (Goddess New Clothes)


credit 女神新装 weibo/ratoka@rain-cloud































15-08-08 Rain @ Muse Dress (Goddess New Clothes)


CREDIT LETV/ratoka@rain-cloud




CREDIT tudou



credit xin Xin





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***I hope we could get the whole translation of this interview with this Chinese magazine. He talks about his C-drama, he mentioned he loves watching Chinese movies & his favourite actors are Jackie Chan, Andy Lau and Tony Leung & would love to work with them. He also mentioned about his debut some years back & he thanks his fans to this. He said that the care & love of his fans is the source of his strength. He said that he doesn’t worry at all when one day people no longer remember the name of Rain. What’s important to him is he wants to be more respected by the people. Tang Yan mentioned that he first saw RAIN in the movie, “For Love or Money” – She did not expect that they will soon have a second chance to work together again in "Diamond Lover", and for the first time to play a couple. :P




15-08-07 伊周Femina_Rain interview



“男神收割机”唐嫣,每天化妆5小时!只为扑倒8块腹肌的男神RAIN?(内有神秘彩蛋) | 大牌











已然把钟汉良、李易峰、刘恺威收入囊中的“男神收割机”唐嫣,最近又收获了Rain,放电眼、小酒窝、迷人笑容,还在30 岁之后增添了时光魅力、沉稳气质……1.5 亿“壕”制作电视剧《克拉恋人》来袭!




驼色针织开衫外套、黑色丝绒长裤 均为Emporio Armani
徽章胸针、条纹胸针 均为Gucci
金属圆盘胸针 Loewe
手表 私人物品
条纹连衣裙、拼色高跟鞋 均为 Gucci




伊周 x RAIN




《伊周》在北京拍摄Rain 是一项秘密而艰难的任务。身为屹立亚洲艺坛十几年不倒的全能男神,每次亮相,围观群众都难以淡定,永远有死忠少女抱着志在必得之心想扑上去,所以选在相对 低调的影棚是必须的,尽管拍摄当天三十几度高温,也无法拒绝Rain透过人墙辐射过来的光芒—咔咔咔的谋杀快门声中,拥有倒三角形完美身材的他,变色龙一 样秒秒变换不同的眼神和Pose,每个角度好像都经过完美设计,每个动作都是教科书级的上镜示范。在此过程中,他展现出一个经验丰富的艺人所拥有的极限统 控力,当然,回答提问的时候也是。



“其实每一部戏我都会暗示自己‘爱上’女主角。这次也是,我和唐嫣保持了一种恋爱的感觉。戏外,我们也会交流,我用中文问她,吃饭了吗?我也问了很多其他 人,结果大家哈哈大笑,我还很疑惑:这句中文不是和‘你好’是一个意思吗?大家大笑,说你说的对!”看到眼前高大的Rain 眼神有点疑惑的样子,蠢萌系总裁就活生生地展示在眼前,更可以想象,在《克拉恋人》中他是怎样一副面貌了吧?



白色针织上衣Ports 1961
Q: 《克拉恋人》里你演霸道总裁,有人说想要成功得无情,你觉得呢?

A: 我还是挺有同感的,想要冷酷地履行领导职责来取得成功,就必须懂得舍弃和离别。不过,不信任别人这一点和我的实际情况相反,好的处理能力和人与人之间的信任会让工作更成功,不能太无情地去做评价。

Q: 生活中你也有“霸道”的一面吗?喜欢在什么方面做决定?

A: 戏里我不是一直这样霸道,生活中也是,会根据状况而定,越是重要的时刻,我越会深思熟虑后,再积极地去主导别人。

Q: 听说你从小就喜欢中国电影?

A: 哈哈。我小时候相当喜欢中国导演和中国电影,特别是香港电影,非常欣赏成龙、刘德华及梁朝伟,甚至觉得站在他们旁边亲眼见到他们是相当荣幸的,很想和他们合作。说真的,小时候受到这些中国电影和演员的影响,才会进入这一行,梦想做演员。

Q: 出道这么久,会有心累想放弃的时刻吗?

A: 不会。出道15 年来,有很多的感情、快乐和幸福,这多亏了粉丝们的存在。今后我也想成为受后辈尊敬,自己对前辈也尊敬的歌手,我会为此努力。

Q: 是否担心,有一天人们不再记得Rain 的名字……
A: 人们认不认识我这并不重要。所有的人都认识我,是很幸福的事,也是最残忍的事;人们不认识我的话,我也想凭着已经拥有的很多东西,幸福快乐地生活下去。现 在我还是被人认识和关注的,所以我想更受人们尊重,给那些生活中帮助过我的人分享些什么。他们以及粉丝对我的关心和喜爱是我力量的源泉。


伊周 x 唐嫣


荧屏上的唐嫣,有一双会说话的无辜大眼睛,声音软软糯糯。荧幕下的她喜欢Hello Kitty,32 岁还有一张少女脸!



Q: 那好像还是演《三体》里的女科学家要舒服点,快用一个很酷的理论吓吓我们。
A: 你听过华盛顿合作规律吗?它说的其实是“一个人敷衍了事,两个人互相推诿,三个人一事无成”的意思,就跟我们常说的“三个和尚没水吃”的故事很像哈。
Q: 你的性格和演过的哪个角色比较像?
A: 赵默笙还是和我有一些像的地方,比如她7 年前非常阳光,我之前也非常阳光爱笑,长大了会内敛一些。我也有二的地方,钟汉良就说过我其实很逗逼。
Q: 那你有像赵默笙一样有过倒追,甚至还被拒绝的体验吗?
A: 没有过,赵默笙的勇敢我很欣赏,但是我本人不会倒追,我还是比较保守。



刺绣细节连衣裙、戒指、珍珠耳环 均为Dior
Q: 什么样的表白对你特别有杀伤力?是“我养你”还是“我给你买”?
A: 重要的不是说什么,而是谁对你说。是你在乎的人,对你说什么你都会感动。我一直欣赏细水长流,彼此信任,相濡以沫的感情,这才是最重要的。
Q: 买买买的话,你倾向于投资什么样的单品?
A: 白球鞋、彩色墨镜、短裙。我平时大多以休闲、舒适、有廓型的衣服为主,颜色主要是黑白灰。还偏爱收藏Vintage 包包和饰品,喜欢小一点的包,一般是大地色。



Rain 条纹毛衣、几何图案围巾 均为Fendi
唐嫣 印花连衣裙、黑色领巾 均为 Miu Miu
Q: 两位公认很好看的人,说说对对方最深的印象吧!
Rain: 唐嫣是个既漂亮又会照顾别人的女生,多亏了她,让我更集中精力于表演上。偶尔我会教她生活中实用的简单韩语,大家的陌生感就渐渐减少了。
唐嫣: 第一次见到Rain,是在电影《露水红颜》的拍摄现场,当时大家都很友好地Say Hi打招呼,对他的第一印象觉得酷酷的,因为当时的戏份还蛮严肃。没想到我们很快就有了第二次合作的机会,出演《克拉恋人》,而且首次演情侣。结果发现他 其实一点都不高冷,对所有人都很暖,非常可爱。

Q: 大家叫你“男神收割机”,合作过太多好看的男明星了,看到Rain 还会心动吗?
唐嫣: 对我而言他们都是合作伙伴,我不会纠结于他们是不是男神,既然制片方选他们做我的男主角就一定是最适合那个角色的。当然,像Rain 这样高颜值,我也会很开心(笑)。

Q: 作为一个霸道总裁,Rain 心里有没有那种很鸡血很励志的话?

Rain: 确实,有一段话一直在我的记忆和心中—“我睡了,可以做梦。但我不睡而去努力,则可以实现梦想。” 我从小就有这种想法—躺在床上的时候,如果完成了今天该做的事,就可以安稳入睡。如果没做完,那我会失眠。












#伊周大牌# 【“男神收割机”唐嫣,每天化妆5小时!只为扑倒8块腹肌的男神RAIN?】霸道男神@RAIN-JIHOON VS硬糖女孩@唐嫣 爱是几克拉?“男神收割机”唐嫣,最近又收获了男神Rain!1.5 亿“壕”制作电视剧《克拉恋人》来袭!详情戳


credit 伊周Femina weibo


source http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MDMzODE4MA==&mid=208172801&... / memo-rain


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Up to now that I've watched some dramas of King Rain, definitely "Full House" has been the best of them. The chemistry between Rain and SHK is amazing and special!

I respect to Rain's choice, and It's not my business, but even this thought is brought to my mind that it could be wonderful if they get couple in their real marriage home!:P Though KTH is very beautiful and charming, but SHK chemistry with our king seems to be heavenly! :rolleyes:

I love this music video with euphonical voice of Rain that has an impressive reviewing of "Full House". :wub:

Cr to aruhirano@YouTube


@azuvilla2006 and @willenette. thanks for updating and sharing detailed news about our amazing king.

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Up to now that I've watched some dramas of King Rain, definitely "Full House" has been the best of them. The chemistry between Rain and SHK is amazing and special!

I respect to Rain's choice, and It's not my business, but even this thought is brought to my mind that it could be wonderful if they get couple in their real marriage home!:P Though KTH is very beautiful and charming, but SHK chemistry with our king seems to be heavenly! :rolleyes:

I love this music video with euphonical voice of Rain that has an impressive reviewing of "Full House". :wub:

Hi minoomani, hahaha - I know even from the start you posted here you seem to be rooting for this couple. Thanks for sharing this video. Quite an old clip but really appreciate you posting it back here.:P




[updated]150810 Rain @ CDL

credit 被郑小贱贱晕的门儿 / scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/






















































credit: 岩石上的猫








Credit: 郑智薰是男神

























[Fancam]150810 Rain @ CDL

Credit: 被郑小贱贱晕的门儿 / scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/






15-08-10 Diamond Lover Episode 39-40

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/








150810 '克拉恋人Diamond Lover' EP39-40

credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

爱奇艺IQIYI 1080p







Youku 720p






Tudou 720p







LETV 720p







腾讯QQ 720p








150811 '克拉恋人Diamond Lover' EP41-42 Preview

credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

EP42 Preview No Rain

爱奇艺IQIYI 1080p

No Rain




15-08-10 Diamond Lover EP 41-42 Preview
credit 大劇獨播 / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/






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15-08-11 Rain @ Twitter

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

복종... https://instagram.com/p/6PfOdrJSrf/




15-08-11 Diamond Lover EP 41-42 

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/




영상 media
LIKES : 0    VIEWS : 27    DATE : 2015.08.12
15-08-11 Diamond Lover EP 41-42%EA%B5%AC%EB%A6%84%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EC%ratoka

15-08-11 Diamond Lover EP 41-42 






















150811 '克拉恋人Diamond Lover' EP41-42

credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

爱奇艺IQIYI 1080p

Youku 720p

Tudou 720p

LETV 720p

腾讯QQ 720p




150812 '克拉恋人Diamond Lover' EP43-44 Preview

credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

EP43 Preview 




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*** A good relationship is more than something we want—it's something we need to be our happiest, healthiest, most productive selves. But at home or work fulfilling relationships don't come automatically. They take an investment in time and energy as well that can be learned.

There's a big difference between falling in love with someone and getting married. Usually, after you get married, you fall in love with the person even more. :P

Kim Tae Hee doesn't know when or even whom she'll marry




Beautiful actress Kim Tae Hee has been dating singer-actor Rain since 2012. So why did the star of the new drama series Yong Pal say she doesn't know when or even whom she will marry?

Kim Tae Hee has apparently been asked about her marriage plans too many times. The two superstars' union is a recurring focus of attention whenever reporters get a chance with her.

At the recent press conference held for Yong Pal, the new action thriller in which she and Joo Won are starring, Kim Tae Hee was once again asked about possible wedding plans with her boyfriend Rain.

Her response surprised everyone. She said the following:

"It is not like the subject never came up between us. We are in a relationship after all. However, nothing concrete really came out of those talks. I'm not sure when or even whom I'll end up marrying."

Did we hear that right?

Yes, she said, "I'm not sure when or even whom I'll end up marrying."

She also added, "So it is somewhat stressful when plans are just created for me out of the ether. I worry that the public is also confused. Please understand that I cannot always respond to those rumors."



You know what I think?

A girl needs to be asked properly.

What's missing is that Rain needs to have a ring ready and set up a special time and place to propose.

In the meantime, Joo Won praised Kim Tae Hee as someone with an amazing combination of looks and good personality. He definitely knows how to move a girl's heart when he said this:

"I thought, 'how could someone with her looks also have such a good personality?' There's beauty in personality as well. The more I see her, the prettier I think she is and I think I will have fun working with her."

If Rain doesn't watch it, Joo Won, the super sharp and handsome doctor in Yong Pal, just might steal some serious hearts.


(skipped unrelated.....)


source : dramafever

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15-08-12 Rain Diamond Lover Picture

credit 电视剧-克拉恋人  weibo / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/























150812 '克拉恋人Diamond Lover' EP43-44

credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/


爱奇艺IQIYI 1080p

Youku 720p

LETV 720p

腾讯QQ 720p




15-08-12 Diamond Lover EP 43-44

credit : ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/





150813 '克拉恋人Diamond Lover' EP45-46 Preview

credit : scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

EP45 Preview 



EP46 Preview 






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August 13, 2015


Chinese TV series starring Rain tops 3.3 bln views online


SEOUL, Aug. 13 (Yonhap) -- A Chinese TV series starring South Korean singer and actor Rain has collected more than 3.3 billion views online in China, his management said Thursday.

"Diamond Lover," a 68-episode series that began on July 22, surpassed 3.3 billion views as of Thursday on the country's eight major online video-sharing services such as iQiyi and Tudou, Cube Entertainment said.

According to VLinkage, a company that measures the country's TV drama viewership, the show ranked first in the daily average number of replays on those sites from last Wednesday to Monday.

Rain plays a cool-tempered gentleman who is the CEO of an international diamond company in the series.




credit : Yonhap News

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Hello willenette, I am so glad that Rain did justice to the US$6M the Chinese producers paid to him in this drama.  The airing is so fast that I find it hard to cope with it, as we're now on the previews of Eps. 45 & 46 of the 60-episode series.  Though he will do some concerts in China soon,  I wish we will be informed of his next acting project and hopefully that it will be in SK . . . .  a well and wisely chosen one . . .unlike the last one (LG) he did,  which in my opinion is very, very forgettable :rolleyes:     :phew:   KIm Tae Hee's Yong Pal is a top rater, congrats to her . . . . what a lucky pair they are.   :wub:


Here's another version in relation to the article you posted above.


Rain’s ‘Diamond Lover’ hits 3.3 billion views

August 13, 2015

South Korean label Cube Entertainment said on Thursday that Chinese drama “Diamond Lover” starring singer-actor Rain hit 3.3 billion views online.


According to Chinese ratings agency VLinkage, the drama, which premiered on July 22, ranked the top of the nation’s eight major online video-sharing sites during the period of Aug. 5 to 10.

In the soap, Rain is taking on the role of Xiao Liang, chief of the world’s largest diamond company and also known for his cold demeanor and perfectionist personality.

The soundtrack of the drama composed and sung by Rain also topped the Korean music chart on Chinese largest music site QQ Music.

ZJTV’s drama “Diamond Lover,” costarring Chinese actress Tiffany Tang, airs every day at 7:34 p.m.








August 11 vlinkage Index
Source Weibo



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Hello willenette, I am so glad that Rain did justice to the US$6M the Chinese producers paid to him in this drama.  The airing is so fast that I find it hard to cope with it, as we're now on the previews of Eps. 45 & 46 of the 60-episode series.  Though he will do some concerts in China soon,  I wish we will be informed of his next acting project and hopefully that it will be in SK . . . .  a well and wisely chosen one . . .unlike the last one (LG) he did,  which in my opinion is very, very forgettable :rolleyes:     :phew:   KIm Tae Hee's Yong Pal is a top rater, congrats to her . . . . what a lucky pair they are.   :wub:


Here's another version in relation to the article you posted above.


Rain’s ‘Diamond Lover’ hits 3.3 billion views

August 13, 2015

South Korean label Cube Entertainment said on Thursday that Chinese drama “Diamond Lover” starring singer-actor Rain hit 3.3 billion views online.


According to Chinese ratings agency VLinkage, the drama, which premiered on July 22, ranked the top of the nation’s eight major online video-sharing sites during the period of Aug. 5 to 10.

In the soap, Rain is taking on the role of Xiao Liang, chief of the world’s largest diamond company and also known for his cold demeanor and perfectionist personality.

The soundtrack of the drama composed and sung by Rain also topped the Korean music chart on Chinese largest music site QQ Music.

ZJTV’s drama “Diamond Lover,” costarring Chinese actress Tiffany Tang, airs every day at 7:34 p.m.








August 11 vlinkage Index
Source Weibo




Hi azuvilla, thanks for sharing more updates here. I'm happy, too, dear - I feel happy for RAIN. Ye, more or less his contract is amounting to that huge amount of money : 6 billion won = 30 million Chinese Yuan. I completely agree with you - time flies really so fast that it seems the drama just aired yesterday - hahaha.  The original plan was only 40EPs but we're expecting it to 68 EPs.....This China concert, are you referring to the Aug 20 concert? Like you, I hope his next project will be in his own land. Well, MLG - just charged it to experience - hahaha. 





15-08-13 Rain @ CDL

CREDIT  inhye721instagram / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/






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Hello everyone! 

I've watched two movies, "I'm a cyborg, but that's ok" and "For Love or Money". Our king Rain as always has done great in those movies, but if I would be honest I think producers can bring more talent out from our Rain. I think we can expect more talent from him!

For example in "For Love or Money" which is a romantic drama genre , the scenes don't have that effective intense love atmosphere causing heart-captivating in the viewers. I think even Rain's love expressions were not enough to fall in him(again like in "Full House":P) ! 

I'm sure King Rain has much more more talent to act than in such films! He should leave an amazing face of any character he playsin the mind of viewers after watching his job(again and again like in "Full House":P) !

Anyway for sure, he will always be recognized as a memorable *SUPERSTAR* forever! :wub:



willenette said:


Kim Tae Hee doesn't know when or even whom she'll marry

Beautiful actress Kim Tae Hee has been dating singer-actor Rain since 2012. So why did the star of the new drama series Yong Pal say she doesn't know when or even whom she will marry?

Kim Tae Hee has apparently been asked about her marriage plans too many times. The two superstars' union is a recurring focus of attention whenever reporters get a chance with her.

At the recent press conference held for Yong Pal, the new action thriller in which she and Joo Won are starring, Kim Tae Hee was once again asked about possible wedding plans with her boyfriend Rain.

Her response surprised everyone. She said the following:

"It is not like the subject never came up between us. We are in a relationship after all. However, nothing concrete really came out of those talks. I'm not sure when or even whom I'll end up marrying."

Did we hear that right?

Yes, she said, "I'm not sure when or even whom I'll end up marrying."

She also added, "So it is somewhat stressful when plans are just created for me out of the ether. I worry that the public is also confused. Please understand that I cannot always respond to those rumors."



You know what I think?

A girl needs to be asked properly.

What's missing is that Rain needs to have a ring ready and set up a special time and place to propose.

In the meantime, Joo Won praised Kim Tae Hee as someone with an amazing combination of looks and good personality. He definitely knows how to move a girl's heart when he said this:

"I thought, 'how could someone with her looks also have such a good personality?' There's beauty in personality as well. The more I see her, the prettier I think she is and I think I will have fun working with her."

If Rain doesn't watch it, Joo Won, the super sharp and handsome doctor in Yong Pal, just might steal some serious hearts.


(skipped unrelated.....)


Hi willenette

  I think there are some elements causing a man gets ready to propose marriage to a woman. B)

First of all, a man should be in a marriage mind-set, so just being compatible with someone is not enough to push him over the edge; as we see "beautiful Kim Tae Hee" is smart enough  not to do that. :P

Secondly, a man could feel it is the right time to settle down.. Maybe Rain cannot feel it is the right time yet! Because he has many dreams and ideas which he insist to fulfill them. :crazy:

Third, of course, even if a man is ready to walk down the aisle, he still needs to find the right person; it should be mentioned KTH is a wonderful partner for every great man  to be married, in my opinion; and for the very reason a person like Rain, who is the dream of many women to have a relationship with, has continued his relationship with her for about 4 years! ;)

And finally a true love is the catalyst of all those elements make speeding up a man to commit. That means, thinking and feeling that his partner and the relationship are uniquely special, enabling him to ignore imperfections, which, in turn, makes him feel valued and special.:wub:

I think If KTH really thinks the two of them click but he's stalling because he's temporarily focused on something else, like finishing another progect, gives him a firm deadline (e.g., till he reaches his goal).

And I should say non of these matters are not my business; the one thing that I can do is wishing them the best fate! :P:lol:


willenette said:

Hi minoomani, hahaha - I know even from the start you posted here you seem to be rooting for this couple. Thanks for sharing this video. Quite an old clip but really appreciate you posting it back here.:P

haha, no dear it's not that way! After watching these few films that I've watched, I found SHK so lovely and memorable.

As I saw in some videos even Rain himself repeat this idea that he loves to play in another film like "Full House"; though he doesn't directly mention SHK name, but it could be concluded that he had very memorable and pleasant time while playing with SHK together. ;)

Comparing to his other jobs( those that I've already watched), I didn't see that warm and impressive expression in Rain as playing in "Full House"!B)


willenette, and azuvilla thanks to both of you for all the interesting news which you share to us. and congrats for amazing success of our king. Love you! ;):D

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Hello everyone! 

I've watched two movies, "I'm a cyborg, but that's ok" and "For Love or Money". Our king Rain as always has done great in those movies, but if I would be honest I think producers can bring more talent from our Rain. I think we can expecte more than him!

For example in "For Love or Money" which is a romantic drama genre , the scenes don't have that effective intense love atmosphere causing heart-captivating in the viewers. I think even Rain's love expressions were not enough to fall in him(again like in "Full House":P) ! 

I'm sure King Rain has much more more talent to act than in such films! He should leave an amazing face of any character he playsin the mind of viewers after watching his job(again and again like in "Full House":P) !

Anyway for sure, he will always be recognized as a memorable *SUPERSTAR* forever! :wub:



willenette said:


Kim Tae Hee doesn't know when or even whom she'll marry

Beautiful actress Kim Tae Hee has been dating singer-actor Rain since 2012. So why did the star of the new drama series Yong Pal say she doesn't know when or even whom she will marry?

Kim Tae Hee has apparently been asked about her marriage plans too many times. The two superstars' union is a recurring focus of attention whenever reporters get a chance with her.

At the recent press conference held for Yong Pal, the new action thriller in which she and Joo Won are starring, Kim Tae Hee was once again asked about possible wedding plans with her boyfriend Rain.

Her response surprised everyone. She said the following:

"It is not like the subject never came up between us. We are in a relationship after all. However, nothing concrete really came out of those talks. I'm not sure when or even whom I'll end up marrying."

Did we hear that right?

Yes, she said, "I'm not sure when or even whom I'll end up marrying."

She also added, "So it is somewhat stressful when plans are just created for me out of the ether. I worry that the public is also confused. Please understand that I cannot always respond to those rumors."



You know what I think?

A girl needs to be asked properly.

What's missing is that Rain needs to have a ring ready and set up a special time and place to propose.

In the meantime, Joo Won praised Kim Tae Hee as someone with an amazing combination of looks and good personality. He definitely knows how to move a girl's heart when he said this:

"I thought, 'how could someone with her looks also have such a good personality?' There's beauty in personality as well. The more I see her, the prettier I think she is and I think I will have fun working with her."

If Rain doesn't watch it, Joo Won, the super sharp and handsome doctor in Yong Pal, just might steal some serious hearts.


(skipped unrelated.....)


Hi willenette

  I think there are some elements causing a man gets ready to propose marriage to a woman. B)

First of all, a man should be in a marriage mind-set, so just being compatible with someone is not enough to push him over the edge; as we see "beautiful Kim Tae Hee" is smart enough  not to do that. :P

Secondly, a man could feel it is the right time to settle down.. Maybe Rain cannot feel it is the right time yet! Because he has many dreams and ideas which he insist to fulfill them. :crazy:

Third, of course, even if a man is ready to walk down the aisle, he still needs to find the right person; it should be mentioned KTH is a wonderful partner for every great man  to be married, in my opinion; and for the very reason a person like Rain, who is the dream of many women to have a relationship with, has continued his relationship with her for about 4 years! ;)

And finally a true love is the catalyst of all those elements make speeding up a man to commit. That means, thinking and feeling that his partner and the relationship are uniquely special, enabling him to ignore imperfections, which, in turn, makes him feel valued and special.:wub:

I think If KTH really thinks the two of them click but he's stalling because he's temporarily focused on something else, like finishing another progect, gives him a firm deadline (e.g., till he reaches his goal).

And I should say non of these matters are not my business; the one thing that I can do is wishing them the best fate! :P:lol:


willenette said:

Hi minoomani, hahaha - I know even from the start you posted here you seem to be rooting for this couple. Thanks for sharing this video. Quite an old clip but really appreciate you posting it back here.:P

haha, no dear it's not that way! After watching these few films that I've watched, I found SHK so lovely and memorable.

As I saw in some videos even Rain himself repeat this idea that he loves to play in another film like "Full House"; though he doesn't directly mention SHK name, but it could be concluded that he had very memorable and pleasant time while playing with SHK together. ;)

Comparing to his other jobs( those that I've already watched), I didn't see that warm and impressive expression in Rain as playing in "Full House"!B)


willenette, and azuvilla thanks to both of you for all the interesting news which you share to us. and congrats for amazing success of our king. Love you! ;):D

Hi minoomani NICE that you were able to watch the movie, "Cyborg" - IDK why I didn't find this entertaining. But I think that RAIN pulled-off his role very well especially Im Soo Jung. Hahaha - now, for those who still haven't watched this movie - if you are looking for something fun and a little bizarre, check this out. For me, this is so alien to any genre. But, the soundtrack is good especially that "Yodel" song of RAIN. CUTE. You know, when I was watching this it's tempting to switch off but I didn't because of my love for RAIN - hahaha. But it still falls just short. Sorry, but I find it a little boring.

:P Wow, you're lucky that you were able to watch "For Love or Money" - I still haven't watched this C-movie. I want to buy a DVD copy of this movie but can't find one anymore. Hahaha - you're really a "FullHouse" shipper. I do agree with you that SHK is lovely. And ye, RAIN considered this drama a memorable one. The rest that you posted above - I completely agree with you. Like you, this is their personal matter, which I really don't want to comment if possible - :P

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